Saturday, June 6, 2015

More Celebrations, Endings, and Beginnings!!

Our final week of school for students at YISS was another week of celebrations, endings, and beginnings!  It was a very full week of many emotions!  I woke up last Sunday morning with my delightful "no voice" and some coughing and sneezing.  Tried to stay low on Sunday so that I would have my voice for the final week, but Monday morning came and it was worse.  I felt fine, but was frustrated because I would not be able to use my voice.  I was supposed to teach two of the lessons during the VBS for our elementary kids plus be a mad scientist in the intro skit for each of the VBS sessions.  Well, God provided the husband of our Elementary Chaplain to take my place! Ivan Franck did a great job and I was thrilled to still be a part of VBS without using my voice.  It came back on Thursday just in time for our Elementary Awards Assemblies in the morning and Kindergarten graduation in the evening!

Where should I begin?  It has been such a busy week and weekend, I think I just better start at the beginning of the week and give you a few highlights.

Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday afternoons from 12:30 - 2:50 our Elementary Chaplain organized another excellent VBS (We call it Values-Based School.)  This involves all of the teachers and the students love it!  We begin with an opening with all 450 + students in the auditorium with skits and songs and an introduction of the theme.  Then the children are divided into two groups for the main lessons.  Then there are recreation arts and crafts and a "Think Tank" with the homeroom teachers spending time with their own students.  It is a great time!  I have heard of several 4th and 5th grade students asking their teachers about becoming a believer in Jesus!

Ivan Franck subbing for GGG as Archibald, the crazy scientist, 
along with Mrs. Roll, Assistant Elementary Principal, and Mrs.
              Birmingham, Principal.  They had so much fun!
And the kids loved this skit each day that introduced the theme
                                           in a fun way!

Another scene with the three scientists. Archibald has his hands stuck to his hair! :-)

Another scene from the introductory skit!                 

A group of teachers also did a skit that centered even more on the theme of the day. In this one Mr. Bennett is stuck in "SIN" and various people give him ways to get rid of sin.  Here Ms. Minor attempts to use science to remove sin.

Ms. Everett says he can get rid of sin by becoming very intellectual
                            and reading all kinds of books!

Finally, Ms. Sarmiento gets him to check out the remedy in the Bible and he is able to get out of "Sin."  The kids had a very clear illustration of sin and the way to have sin removed from our lives.

While being involved in the VBS the first three days, teachers and administrators were preparing comments and final grades for the report cards, which were distributed electronically on Friday. There were many end-of-year class parties throughout the week!  At an international school, there is always a number of students who will not be returning because their parents have been given another assignment and have to leave Korea.  So there were many farewells throughout this week.  Those are always difficult, but with our electronic world, communication with those who leave is much easier than in the past.

Thursday was a very full day: two elementary awards' assemblies in the morning with Kindergarten Graduation in the evening!

Students in Grades 1 through 4 in their Awards' Assembly.  Students who earned the Citizenship Award and Guardian Award were recognized.  Those who earned the Principal's Honor Roll for the year were also recognized.

Each quarter of the year teachers select a Guardian
  student from her/his classroom.  All students are
  encouraged to model our Guardian Honor Code
  and it is exciting to see so many of them get ex-
cited about this.  Those selected as a Guardian for
the quarter get together with Mrs. Franck to work
on a special art project.  Above she is showing the
two finished products for this year.  These are made
 from tiny strips cut from magazines and glued on 
 to a grid the students prepare. I loved the reaction
      when the two pieces of art were unveiled! 

In the fifth grade Awards' Assembly, the students stood and faced their parents to sing a special song directed by Dr. Harding, the Grade 4 and 5 Music teacher.

Kinder graduation is always a highlight at YISS!~  Ever since I came to YISS, the kindergarten teachers do an amazing job of putting everything together to make it a great ending as well as a new beginning for the precious little ones.  Thursday evening was no exception.  Here are a few pictures. I have posted a couple vid clips on facebook of the cherubs singing. They do such a beautiful job!  So cute!!

Here are the Kinder cherubs on stage preparing to sing their first song I'm Gonna Walk.  You can see it posted on my facebook page.  They sing it so well!

Here is one of the girls receiving her Star Award from Mrs. Birmingham, Elementary Principal, and The Guardian is giving her a high five!

After their closing song, the kinder students sat on the front of the
    stage with their different hats worn during the closing song.

I just liked this picture with some of the little ones' expressions! :-)

Throughout the week, I had a couple visits from some of the students I have been building relationships with. One of my new young high school men I have been building a relationship with is Daniel.  His brother graduated in 2014 and it has been really cool to see Daniel blossom without being in his brother's shadow.  He always makes a point to come and see me and we have some excellent conversations.

Here I am with Daniel outside my office.  He was wearing a mask today because of the scare with the MERS disease in South Korea.  I tried to get him to take it off for the picture, but he would only lower it below his nose. :-)   Thanks for praying for Daniel.

Many of you have been praying for my wonderful friend Matthew.  I was sad that he was not permitted to attend graduation, but I understand the situation.  I wasn't able to give him my card and gift and his cell phone number and facebook account had been deactivated.  A colleague and friend at YISS, Terry Pallesen, came into my office on Wednesday and asked if there was anything he could pray about for me.  I told him I would love to make contact with Matthew.  Terry had always been concerned about him and right before he left my office, Terry prayed for Matthew and prayed that I would be able to make contact with him.  No more than 10 minutes after Terry left my office, I received a phone call on my cell phone from none other than - Matthew!  I was so excited but then realized my voice was still not real audible.  Matthew came into the High School office on Friday to receive his diploma and the HS Secretary gave me his diploma since the no HS administrator was available at the time.  Mrs. Bang called out Matthew's name like they would at graduation and I then presented it to me with a bow and then a hug! We have decided to get together Monday evening for dinner.  Keep praying for Matthew as he goes to California Baptist University in in August and has been accepted into the R.O.T.C. program at California Baptist.

Here I am with my wonderful friend, Matthew, right after I presented him with his YISS diploma.  I love it when he smiles like this!  I am excited about our dinner on Monday.  Keep praying for Matthew as he prepares to head to California!

Two fifth grade boys came by my office on Thursday and wanted to get a picture with me.  They have been special young men I have gotten to know over the last several years.  As you think of them, please pray for Rogan and Christian.

Rogan on the left and Christian on the right!

I had a surprise visit from another boy who had been at YISS for 3+ years in the elementary school. He said he is in San Francisco now, but they had returned to Korea for a few weeks and he particularly wanted to stop by YISS and give me a note and gift.  His name is also Matthew.  I am sorry I did not get a picture because of the busy day, but I am posting the San Francisco post card he brought me with the following note:

Another Matthew!  This Matthew is still in elementary school in the USA.  It was quite a surprise to have him come to my office to give me a little gift and spend some time talking with me.  As you can see, Matthew and I like the Doosan Bears, a Korean Major League Baseball team. :-)

Friday was another busy day full of emotions!  My day began with me supervising students in one of our waiting rooms in the morning.  After the students left the room, I noticed a large folded piece of paper on the floor.  It had the name "JOAN" in caps printed on the outside.  I picked it up and unfolded it and read the following note.  It was a note of apology and it is a classic!  I shared it later at our Elementary Teachers' Farewell Luncheon and they loved it!

This apology note cracks me up!!  I love it!!  Made my Friday morning! :-)

Our Elementary Staff had its annual Farewell Luncheon on Friday at Noon (an early release day for students).  It is always tough to say "Hasta La Vista" to those staff who are moving to another area of ministry.  This year we had seven of our 44 elementary staff who are leaving and moving on to other areas.  It was such a blessing to hear a colleague speak on behalf of each of the departing staff.  They have left an excellent legacy at YISS.   Here are a few pictures from that farewell luncheon.

Some of the 44 elementary staff enjoying a yummy Indian lunch while Mrs. Birmingham welcomes everyone and thanks them for a great year!

     More of the elementary staff enjoying food and 
             fellowship at the Farewell Luncheon.

Mr. Resende was selected to share a tribute about Mr. Bennett who will be moving to Michigan with his family after being in China and Korea for 11 years!

Ms. Corbett gave a very thoughtful tribute and farewell
to one of our SLC teachers, Mrs. Horne, who will be 
leaving to head back to Florida with her husband (High
School Chaplain) and three children after 11 years in
Korea at YISS and ICS of Seoul!              

Ms. Greaves sharing about Ms. Everett, who will be heading to California after 11 years of service at YISS and ICS of Seoul!

Above is Dr. Harding, who will be heading to Irvine, CA with his
wife Lynelle.  Both have been at YISS for 5 years.  It was his 65th 
birthday on Friday so we had a cake for him!  I gave the tribute for
him.  To the right in the picture is Ms. Weir, who gave a moving 
tributeMrs. Birmingham (at Ms. Weir's
side). The Birminghams will be heading to texas after 5 years at YISS.

Friday evening I was invited by one of the parents of YISS to a "Thank You" dinner for all we have done for his daughter in Grade 4.  The father has done this every year since I have been at YISS.  He is a single Dad and is very well known in the financial areas in South Korea and in New York City. He has two children at YISS and in the midst of his very busy schedule, he always makes time for his two children.  He comes to the school and has lunch with them.  He is always at their special concerts, sporting events, etc.  He treated Mr. and Mrs. Birmingham, and three of the fourth grade teachers (one of them had a prior commitment and could not attend) to a lovely evening at the Congdu, a very nice restaurant near the residence of the American Ambassador to South Korea. What a great evening of delicious Korean Fusion food and some great conversations.  Mr. Park is so impressed with YISS and could not thank us enough for the care and nurture we give his children and the excellent education they are receiving.  It was a special evening!

Starting with me and going clockwise, here are the people who were able to join Mr. Park and his daughter, who was in 4th grade this year: GGG, Ellie, Mr. Park, Bev Birmingham, Barry Birmingham, Ms. Sarmiento, Ms. Dean, Mrs. Lynch, and her husband.

Part of our main course was this very delicious fish with rice.  In the bowl you can't really see, but you add some green tea to the bowl and then add the rice and ice cubes to really enjoy the fish!

This was a shared platter of some very delicious pork with kimchi,
 a great salad, potatoes, and a wonderful steak with mushrooms and
                                           a very tasty sauce.

Another of about six appetizers was this crab.  The crab meat was removed from the shell and mixed with a very delicious sauce and then you popped it right into your mouth!  Oh so good!

Dessert!  Some very unique rice balls with a blueberry ice cream!

Saturday my dear friends and former SYME students, Jungmin and JiSang, helped me move a lot of the hanging clothes to my new apartment.  JiSang brought his parents' car and we had such a great time loading it and transporting everything to my new apartment.  After the moving of hanging garments and some other items, I treated them to brunch at one of the new restaurants in my new apartment area.  It is called "Bimbom" and the food is quite yummy!  Enjoy some pictures!

This is my current bedroom with some boxes packed and assorted
               items still needing to be packed all over the bed!

Jungmin and JiSang, my two wonderful friends who helped take all of hte hanging clothes (suits, shirts, trousers, etc.) to the new apartment in JiSang's parents' car.  They had not seen each other for about six years back in SYME.

One of the views from my new living room! Namsan Tower in the background!

The main interior of the new apartment.  It is MUCH larger and there are two bathrooms and three nice size bedrooms.  I really like it!

Here I am with Jungmin and JiSang at Bimbom a new restaurant
  very close to my new apartment.  Jungmin was going to meet a 
friend so he only had pumpkin soup.  JiSang and I had the Brunch
                   Tasting Menu which was sooooo yummy!!

A closer view of the Brunch Tasting Menu selections!
It included Eggs Benedict, Brioche French Toast with
blueberries and banana, and a yummy egg, bacon,   
cheese, and lettuce crepe!                

This coming week will be a work week at YISS as well as an unpacking week at my new apartment. I will also be getting packed and ready to head back to the States for a little summer break.  I am looking forward to some rest, relaxation, and refreshment.  I will have a cell phone available and my cell phone number this time is: 717.261.6326.  It will be activated on June 13 once I land in the USA. Feel free to contact me at this number.  

Thanks so much for all of your love, emails, notes, packages, care, prayers, and support during this past year.  It is hard to believe that another year has gone by.  I trust you will enjoy a wonderful summer.

Love, Gregg