Thursday, July 5, 2018

Back in the USA for Two Weeks!!

It doesn't seem possible that I have been back in the USA for two weeks!  It has been good although I miss my many friends in South Korea. Thank you for continuing to pray for affordable housing and a job/ministry position.  Your prayers and encouragement mean so much.

The post this week is mainly pictures of some of the events that have happened in the last two weeks.  Enjoy!

*  Two weeks ago I was transported to the Incheon Airport by my dear "son" and friend, JiSang! He is so caring and he took me to the airport and stayed until I had to go through Security.  He was joined by another of my wonderful friends, Jungmin!  We enjoyed a special time together and then said our "Hasta la Vistas."  I am looking forward to possible visits from both. While waiting to board my flight, I received phone calls from Gunmo and JinSeok.

JiSang & GGG at the Incheon Airport!

Two dear friends, JiSang and Jungmin, came to the Incheon Airport to see me off and say "Hasta la Vista!

*  This is Tommy!  Many of you have been praying for him.  He met me a few days before I left Incheon Airport.  We had a fantastic time together and he wanted to use his new SNOW App for a picture. :-)  Please pray for this dear young man that he will continue in his walk with Jesus Christ.

Tommy and GGG at AK Plaza.  A weefie by Tommy!

Then Tommy wanted to use his SNOW App to create the above masterpiece! :-)  I love it! :-)

*  Another of my "sons", Matthew, who is currently serving in the ROK Marine Corps, called and wanted to meet with me prior to my departure.  What a great time we had together!  Please continue to pray for this dear young man as he finishes his time with the ROK Marine Corps and then prepares to return to the USA to finish his education at California Baptist University and then enter the US Army.

Matthew & GGG at Outback Steakhouse several days before I left for the USA.  What a great time!

Matthew preparing to eat his yummy pasta!

Matthew wanted to recreate a photo we had taken in 2016 right before he left to serve in the ROK Marine Corps.  Here we are in 2018 after our lunch.  We went to a soccer field and recreated our salute to one another!

This picture was at ICS-Pyeongtaek when Matthew came to see me prior to his departure for the ROK Marine Corps!

*  I am currently residing at the home of my one sister, Julee, and her hubby, Leigh.  They continue to be so helpful in so many ways.  They celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary on June 22 so I took them out for a celebration Love Luncheon at Red Lobster (their choice).  What a great time we had together!  They continue to be soooo much in love with each other!

Here I am at Red Lobster with two very special people, Leigh and Julee Huss.  Julee is the younger of my two older sisters/

Here are the lovebirds checking out the menu on their 50th!  I love the look in my sister's eyes as she looks her man of 50 years! :-)

Below are the three delicious choices we selected for the celebration of their 50th Wedding Anniversary!  Soooo good!


*  I also met my Buddy (Craig) and his father, Kurt, for a Men's Night out on Friday, June 29!  We went to Mrs. Gibble's Restaurant in Greencastle!  What an awesome time of fun, food, and fellowship!!  So much laughter!  I love my Buddy so much!

Here I am with Buddy and Kurt at Mrs. Gibble's Restaurant preparing to enjoy our tasty feast!  What a fantastic time I enjoyed with these two!

*  Sunday, July 1 after church, I met my longtime friend, Harry Barrett, at Perkins' Restaurant to enjoy a great time of catching up.  We always have such stimulating conversations as well as a lot of joy and laughter.  Earlier in the week, I had met with Harry's parents, Buck and Doris, in their home.  It was so good to catch up with them as well.  They have been such tremendous encouragers and supporters.  I would ask you to continue to pray for Doris as she deals with a rare type of cancer.

At Perkins with my awesome friend,  Harry Barrett, preparing to enjoy our dinners and some excellent fellowship!

Thank you very much for your faithful love, care, encouragement, prayers, and gifts of support.  I hope that I will be able to see many of you during the next months!  You are very special to me!  My posts may not be as frequent, but I will try to keep you posted.  Enjoy a great week!

Love, Gregg

Sunday, June 17, 2018

A Week of Finishing at ICS-P and Many "Hasta la Vistas" and Many Wet Eyes!

This final full week prior to my departure to the USA on June 20th went by too quickly!  So much happened and I met so many of my dear friends to say "Until Later", but I still have some more Hasta la Vistas coming up before finishing my so much anticipated packing (NOT!)!  I have lots of pictures and will try to keep my words brief or I will not get everything accomplished! :-)

I was at the ICS-P office every day, but not for the full day as I had to meet colleagues and friends as well as close out bank accounts and change some of my Korean Won into US dollars and deposit in the Navy Federal Credit Union on the Army Base.

Monday:  When I arrived at school on Monday morning, I went to my office and saw a wrapped gift with a note on my desk,  I really had no idea who placed it there.  I opened the gift and found a beautiful Korean box.  They usually use these for items of jewelry or small keepsakes.  It is very beautiful!  I then opened the envelope and found the beautiful note that had been written to me by our dear lady who is the Head Cook, Mrs. Okamoto. I believe she had one of her two children (a daughter who graduated from ICS-P last year and a son who will be a senior at ICS-P this next year) translate her Japanese into English for me.  Her English is getting better, but she wanted me to understand completely.  The note and jewelry box will be treasures of mine!

GGG with Mrs. Okamoto in the ICS-P kitchen!

Mrs. Okamoto's very special note to me!

                         Outside of the Korean jewelry box!

Inside of the beautiful Korean jewelry box!                

Tuesday: On Tuesday morning, I did some more work in my office so that it would be ready for Mr. Mooney to bring his books, folders, and other items into my office to prepare the office for Mr. Mooney.  I believe I have almost everything of mine cleared out with the exception of a few items I will need on Monday to complete a couple items for the NICS Home Office.

Then in the afternoon, my dear friend from SYME days, JiSang, came with one of his friends to help me complete the transfer of my car to JiSang.  I would have been so lost if I had tried to do it myself, but they took care of everything for me.  JiSang has been such a huge help to me during these last weeks especially.  Since I had to finish my payment on the auto insurance to make the transfer complete, I no longer could drive the vehicle.  We didn't need to take my vehicle to the vehicle registration office so it was still parked in the parking lot at my apartment.  JiSang would come on Wednesday to pick it up and drive it back to his home.  I am now using public transportation to get places.  I was so happy I was able to give my vehicle to JiSang!  He has done soooo much for me!

Following the transactions at the motor vehicle registration office, JiSang took me to meet John and Pam Richards + Janet Colgain at my favorite Budae Jjigae (Army Stew) restaurant in Seojeong-Ri!  The Richards, Ms. Colagin, and I really like Budae Jjigae and I wanted to go one more time.  This little restaurant was where I enjoyed my first Korean meal back in 2008 when Mike Nicholes took a small group of us to this same restaurant to enjoy this tasty stew!  I liked it then and went often to have some.  The owner and cook always has a nice smile and loves when I come.  We enjoyed a great time of fellowship and laughter as we enjoyed our tasty Budae Jjigae!

Janet Colgain,  Pam Richards, GGG, and John Richards preparing to feast on some yummy Budae Jjigae!!

Budae Jjigae - ready to eat!!!!

       My first bowl mixed with rice!

This lady has operated this Budae Jjigae shop for at least 10
years - probably more like 15-20!                   

Wednesday: Today Mrs. Haselman, our CFO, took me on the Camp Humphreys' Army Base to deposit my final pay and severance pay at the Navy Federal Credit Union.  It is always a delight to go on base and to the Navy Federal Credit Union.  The transfer of funds to my 1st Ed Credit Union in Chambersburg.  Following that trip, we returned to ICS-P to pick up the Cleaning Ladies and Facilities Men to go to my apartment to check out items that the school would purchase from me and those that would stay in the apartment for the next person or persons from ICS-P who would live in the apartment.  They packed up so much so quickly.  The apartment is getting very empty!

You can't see Mr. Song because he's driving.  I am in the front seat next to him. Then Mr. Kim. Mrs. Okamoto, Mrs. Baek, Mrs. Tia, and Mrs. Hwang.  Mrs. Haselman is in the middle behind Mrs. Baek so you can't see her.

Mr. Song, a delightful man who knows everything about ICS-P.  He has been there for MANY years!  Here he is driving us to my apartment to do some packing and sorting.

When we finished, we returned to ICS-P and almost immediately, Mr. Song and Mr. Kim had me get in the school van and we headed out to enjoy some tasty Boshintang!  Both Mr. Song and Mr. Kim enjoy Boshintang, and they know I enjoy it as well.  They enjoyed treating me to this nice lunch and great fellowship.

Mr. Song with his apron on and ready
to enjoy some Boshintang!  Look at all
that garlic and those onions!! So good!

My bowl of Boshintang before mixing and putting in the rice!

Patiently waiting.  Mr. Song took this picture without my knowledge!

This was also one Mr. Song took without my knowledge!  Such a "bad" boy! :-) I was taking a big bite of Boshintang!

By the time I got back to school, JiSang had texted me on my phone and told me that he had picked up my car, which is no longer "my car." :-)  He is enjoying it and I am praying that it will not cause him any trouble for a long time.  He is already working on a van to take Ray and HaYoung Febus to the airport on June 20th with me.  Ray teaches Science at ICS-P and he and his wife have given me a couple of their suitcases to fill up since they are going on the same flight as I am and don't need all of the suitcases they are allowed.  JiSang will pick us up on Wednesday, June 20 and drive us with our luggage to the Incheon Airport to head to BWI with a stop in Atlanta!

Thursday: Thursday morning the Internet was down at ICS-P so I decided to work from my apartment and take care of some things via the Internet and then continue sorting and beginning the piles for packing.  Then in the early afternoon, I headed by bus and subway to Itaewon to meet a graduate of YISS and a great friend, Eugene Mok for an afternoon lunner (Lunch/Dinner).  Eugene is back for the summer from the Chinese University of Hong Kong and we always like to get together and catch up and share prayer requests.  We both decided to enjoy a meal (my last time) at one of my favorites - the Original Pancake House!  What a great time we enjoyed!  Lots of conversation, fellowship, sharing of prayer requests, laughter, and joy!  Eugene is seeking the Lord's direction concerning whether to stay at his current university or transfer to another one.  I know he would value your prayers as he struggles with making this decision.  Continue to pray for him as he studies and gets involved in discipleship relationships.  I am going to miss this fine young man who wants to serve the Lord!

GGG and Eugene at the Original House of Pancakes ready to enjoy our lunners!  Sooo good!

 Eugene has this amazing smile! Ready 
to eat his Chocolate Chip Pancakes with
                Whipped Cream!

A close-up of his pancakes!

I enjoyed my usual: scrambled eggs with 
cheese, sausage links, and pancakes!    

Friday: Again, I went into the office at ICS-P to work on some items and take care of a few odds and ends.  I left around 12:30 PM to head again to Seoul by bus and subway for a very delightful evening with several parents and their children (who are growing so fast) who I had become close to during my time at Yongsan International School of Seoul.  Mrs. Binnie Son and one of her sons had actually delivered me by van to ICS-P back in June of 2016.  She and her husband had invited several families with whom I had built excellent relationships while I was at YISS.  It was such a great evening of food, fun, great conversations, laughter, and joy!  It was so great to see how the children had grown! After a fantastic evening of fellowship and food, it came time to say "Hasta la Vista" to these dear friends.  I was prepared to head back to Pyeongtaek via the subway and bus, but it was not to be. Binnie's husband said that he would drive me to my apartment in Pyeongtaek.  Their oldest of three, Noah, went along in the car.  I believe played a couple games on his iPad and then fell asleep, but Mr. Son and I enjoyed some excellent conversation. Such a special night!

This is what greeted me as I entered the apartment of the Sons!

Here I am with four delightful families I developed great relationships while at YISS!

Here I am with a group of students who are very special to me during my time at YISS and after YISS.  Some of the boys were in my Discipleship Group.  They are all growing too fast!!

             Some of the appetizers!!

Some of the delicious food that the families had prepared!

This was a most delicious Mango Cake
with layers of whipped cream inside!  

                         GGG and Oliver!

GGG and Noah!                                   

GGG and one of my discipleship young men, Ian!!

                                Here I am with Allison!

Allison's brother, Timothy, and GGG!!                     

Saturday: On Saturday, I had arranged to meet one of my very dear friends and former SYME student, Jin-seok and his wife, Eunsun and their precious son, Eunwoo!  Jin-seok said that he would drive down from Incheon and we would meet on the 7th floor of AK Plaza.  That is the floor with many restaurants.  Jin-seok has learned to be on time or early with me since he knows I love to be on time! :-)  They selected to treat me for my "Hasta la Vista" meal at one of my favorites - "Mad for Garlic."  Eunwoo took a little time to get adjusted to me, but that time gets shorter each time we meet.  This little man has captured my heart!  I love him so much!  After we enjoyed a delicious feast, they took me to a Photo Shop where we got some photos taken so that we would remember one another and this special time together!  Please pray for this dear family!  Jin-seok and Eunsun are wonderful and loving parents and I love to see them interacting with Eunwoo!  Jin-seok

Eunsun, Jin-seok, Eunwoo, and GGG preparing to eat some delicious food

The happy family!!

Our feast!!

Eunwoo enjoying his new "Boo" stuffed animal from Grandpa!

Enjoying playing with his stuffed doggie, Boo!           

Eunwoo loves playing with Grandpa's hands and fingers!

A picture of the little man who has captured my heart!!

Sunday:  I enjoyed a very special English speaking service at Dae Kwang on Sunday!  At the close of the service, I was asked to come to the front and Pastor Jacob and Pastor Larry shared that this would be my last Sunday at Dae Kwang.  They presented me with a gift and then prayed for me.  I have enjoyed a delightful time of serving and worshipping at Dae Kwang, and I am going to miss the wonderful folks there.

Following the English Service, I had promised one of the Korean high school young men I met when I first came to Dae Kwang that I would attend the Korean service with him and then go to lunch!  We enjoyed a wonderful Korean service (I had my hearing device so that I could hear the English translation) with Enoch (Jong Soo) and then at the close of the service, I was surprised by someone tapping me on the shoulder.  I kept turning around and finally, he stood still.  There was my dear friend, Tommy!  He had not been at church for over three weeks and never responded to my text messages or phone calls.  He had lost his phone and finally got a new one with a new number.  We had a wonderful reunion and I hope he will be able to come to the USA to visit me with his family.  Please continue to pray for Tommy and his wife and their precious little daughter.

Tommy and GGG after the Korean service this morning!

Then, Enoch and I went to "Mom's Touch" restaurant and enjoyed a great time of fellowship, serious discussion, plus some wonderful laughter and great joy!  I am going to miss this young man so much!  He always has a smile.  He loves being able to talk with me and we have such great times together.  Please pray for Enoch as he has two more years of high school.  He is really sad that I am leaving and he hopes to come for a visit to see me in the USA.  We enjoyed some great chicken at "Mom's Touch" and time flew by.  Please pray for Enoch as he really wants to serve the Lord but has a number of great questions and it appears he does not have anyone to confide in with many of his questions.  He had prepared a really special note of thanks for me, which he gave to me after our lunch.  Didn't read until I got home - causing more wet eyes! We had a great time and I am going to miss him greatly!

Enoch and GGG preparing to eat some yummy chicken at "Mom's Touch" on Sunday afternoon!

Another photo of the two of us!

Delicious Chicken and Cheese Fries!

Finally, on Sunday evening, David and Annie Kim, invited me to join their family with some of the former SYME young men I had the privilege of teaching.  All of them have become excellent friends.  So, Gunmo Kim and Chang Yong came to my apartment to pick me up and take me to David and Annie's Apartment.  We were met by David and Annie and their three children along with Youngbin Lee.  Soon after we had arrived, JiSang joined us.  What a fantastic time we all had enjoying some very yummy food, including my favorite chicken, Saku Saku!  We talked and talked and laughed and laughed and just enjoyed remembering the many awesome times we had together at SYME.  I was asked to retell my first Jjimjilbang experience!  So much laughter erupted as I shared this hilarious first for me! :-)  After eating some very tasty food, enjoying memories, laughing, filling our hearts with joy, David asked each of the young men to pray for me.  Even though most of them decided to pray in Korean, my eyes were wet as I knew the hearts of these dear young men! I love them so much!  What a great Sunday evening!

Here is the entire group on this Sunday evening "Hasta la Vista" minus Annie

Another photo of the entire group minus David!  It was so much fun enjoying all three of the Kims' children!

David took this weefie of all of those who were there at the very beginning.  You will notice in the previous photos that JiSang is included.  He came just a little after we had taken this first picture.

Three delightfully "bad" boys on the sofa: Youngbin, Gunmo, and Chang Yong!

David and Annie had prepared a delightful evening meal for us.
It brought back many memories of late night meals in the dorms
                           at SYME with these young men!

My plate of delicious taste treats!                         

Annie captured this photo as each of the young men prayed a prayer of thanksgiving and blessing over me!  It was a very touching event for me!

That's it for now!  I still have 3 or 4 more "Hasta la Vista" times on Monday and Tuesday.  Packing to accomplish!  Closing out accounts at the bank and things in my office at school.  I would value your prayers.  Thank you so much for being so faithful over the years with your love, encouragement, care, emails, mail, prayers, and gifts of support!  Your prayers will also be appreciated as I travel on June 20th.  Enjoy a great week!

Love, Gregg