Thursday, July 5, 2018

Back in the USA for Two Weeks!!

It doesn't seem possible that I have been back in the USA for two weeks!  It has been good although I miss my many friends in South Korea. Thank you for continuing to pray for affordable housing and a job/ministry position.  Your prayers and encouragement mean so much.

The post this week is mainly pictures of some of the events that have happened in the last two weeks.  Enjoy!

*  Two weeks ago I was transported to the Incheon Airport by my dear "son" and friend, JiSang! He is so caring and he took me to the airport and stayed until I had to go through Security.  He was joined by another of my wonderful friends, Jungmin!  We enjoyed a special time together and then said our "Hasta la Vistas."  I am looking forward to possible visits from both. While waiting to board my flight, I received phone calls from Gunmo and JinSeok.

JiSang & GGG at the Incheon Airport!

Two dear friends, JiSang and Jungmin, came to the Incheon Airport to see me off and say "Hasta la Vista!

*  This is Tommy!  Many of you have been praying for him.  He met me a few days before I left Incheon Airport.  We had a fantastic time together and he wanted to use his new SNOW App for a picture. :-)  Please pray for this dear young man that he will continue in his walk with Jesus Christ.

Tommy and GGG at AK Plaza.  A weefie by Tommy!

Then Tommy wanted to use his SNOW App to create the above masterpiece! :-)  I love it! :-)

*  Another of my "sons", Matthew, who is currently serving in the ROK Marine Corps, called and wanted to meet with me prior to my departure.  What a great time we had together!  Please continue to pray for this dear young man as he finishes his time with the ROK Marine Corps and then prepares to return to the USA to finish his education at California Baptist University and then enter the US Army.

Matthew & GGG at Outback Steakhouse several days before I left for the USA.  What a great time!

Matthew preparing to eat his yummy pasta!

Matthew wanted to recreate a photo we had taken in 2016 right before he left to serve in the ROK Marine Corps.  Here we are in 2018 after our lunch.  We went to a soccer field and recreated our salute to one another!

This picture was at ICS-Pyeongtaek when Matthew came to see me prior to his departure for the ROK Marine Corps!

*  I am currently residing at the home of my one sister, Julee, and her hubby, Leigh.  They continue to be so helpful in so many ways.  They celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary on June 22 so I took them out for a celebration Love Luncheon at Red Lobster (their choice).  What a great time we had together!  They continue to be soooo much in love with each other!

Here I am at Red Lobster with two very special people, Leigh and Julee Huss.  Julee is the younger of my two older sisters/

Here are the lovebirds checking out the menu on their 50th!  I love the look in my sister's eyes as she looks her man of 50 years! :-)

Below are the three delicious choices we selected for the celebration of their 50th Wedding Anniversary!  Soooo good!


*  I also met my Buddy (Craig) and his father, Kurt, for a Men's Night out on Friday, June 29!  We went to Mrs. Gibble's Restaurant in Greencastle!  What an awesome time of fun, food, and fellowship!!  So much laughter!  I love my Buddy so much!

Here I am with Buddy and Kurt at Mrs. Gibble's Restaurant preparing to enjoy our tasty feast!  What a fantastic time I enjoyed with these two!

*  Sunday, July 1 after church, I met my longtime friend, Harry Barrett, at Perkins' Restaurant to enjoy a great time of catching up.  We always have such stimulating conversations as well as a lot of joy and laughter.  Earlier in the week, I had met with Harry's parents, Buck and Doris, in their home.  It was so good to catch up with them as well.  They have been such tremendous encouragers and supporters.  I would ask you to continue to pray for Doris as she deals with a rare type of cancer.

At Perkins with my awesome friend,  Harry Barrett, preparing to enjoy our dinners and some excellent fellowship!

Thank you very much for your faithful love, care, encouragement, prayers, and gifts of support.  I hope that I will be able to see many of you during the next months!  You are very special to me!  My posts may not be as frequent, but I will try to keep you posted.  Enjoy a great week!

Love, Gregg