Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Back in the USA! First Blog Post in Some Time!

Hello, my wonderful family and friends!

I have not written for some time on my blogger post.  I will try to keep it short, but please forgive me if I get a little long with what has been happening.  I will try not to repeat what I have already shared in the previous emails I have sent since I returned to the States back in July.  Thanks so much for your encouragement, prayers, and support demonstrated in so many ways.

My Home!

Back in the middle of December, I was able to have settlement for a delightful home in Chambersburg, PA!  I have shared about this and how the Lord used many friends to make this possible.  I have been enjoying my new place a lot!  It is just the right size for me and I continue to thank the Lord for the many who helped me move, as well as those who donated furniture and other items.  I am blessed to have a wonderful friend, Kurt Lininger, who loves gardening and making the outside of my home a beautiful place.  Thanks, Kurt!  Here are a few pictures of my new place that I am enjoying.  In case you did not get the location in previous emails, here is my Postal mailing address: 1020 Orchard Drive, Chambersburg, PA 17201.  I still enjoy snail mail and enjoy visits.  If you are in the area, please give me a call or shoot me an email to let me know when you would be in the area.  If you need my cell phone number, please shoot me an email.

This is the front of my new home on Orchard Drive.  It is an end unit and the garage to the right belongs to my next door neighbor.

Entrance to my home via the front door.  Kurt is still working on this little patch of beauty.  It looks so much different already!

This is the side of my particular unit!  My wonderful gardener,
    Kurt, is also working on this area!  Thanks so much, Kurt!

A close-up of the back of my home!

The entire back of the home!  Just need to get some chairs for on the little patio!

Substitute Teaching

I was delighted to be able to get my Background Criminal Check clearance as well as my Child Abuse Check clearance back in February and was able to begin substitute teaching at Shalom Christian Academy in Chambersburg, PA!  I have enjoyed some wonderful experiences teaching each of the two sections of Grade 5 students, Physical Education, and a week of teaching High School Social Studies and History.  I love the school and really have enjoyed getting to know the students.  I have made some connections with students and have begun building relationships with a number of them.  Your prayers are appreciated. (Below are four pictures of the fifth-grade students listening to and reading to first-grade cherubs - something they do each day!)


Still Looking for Part-Time Work beginning in the Summer

Once the school year ends for the summer break, I would still like to have some part-time employment to help with finances.  I would value your prayers and any leads you may have.  I am making some applications currently and we will see how the Lord works.  I would also like to do some traveling this summer to visit some of my family/friends/supporters.

I have also enjoyed doing a lot of volunteer work at Camp Joy El, the camp where I was full-time for about 11 years.  The camp still has a big place in my heart and I continue to enjoy building relationships with a number of those who are participating in the activities of the camp.  It has been exciting to see that several of the former campers and counselors I had the privilege of leading when I was involved full-time are now on the Board of Directors of the camp and their children are now involved in the counseling ministry!  So exciting!

Brownsville Church of God

Since coming back to the Chambersburg area back in July, I have been searching for a good church family where I could be involved in ministry.  I have enjoyed the warm fellowship and excellent Biblical teaching at the Brownsville Church of God and became a member in January.  The church is very multi-ethnic, which I absolutely LOVE!  I have been involved in the first quarter of this year in teaching the High School Bible study class on Wednesday evenings.  I would value your prayers for the following high school students I have been able to begin building some excellent relationships with: Emmanuel, Xavier, Diangelo, Raphael, and Kyara.  They come with many questions and I have seen great growth in them.  Pray especially for Emmanuel as he begins his freshman year at Eastern University near Philadelphia this Fall.  He is a bit nervous, but desires to do well.  He is hoping to play soccer for Eastern and would value your prayers that he would stay strong for the Lord.

If you think about it, I would value your prayers on Saturday, May 11.  I have been asked to lead the study at the monthly Men's Prayer and Bible Study Breakfast that Saturday.  I am preparing to share from 1 Peter, especially chapter 4.  Thanks for your prayers.  This breakfast is usually attended by 25 - 30 men.  I love that some of the fathers bring their sons to the breakfast!

Pastor Vic Johnson and the elders introducing the new members in January!

The wife of my accountability couple welcoming me to Brownsville Church of God!

Jubilate Music Group

As many of you know, I joined the Antrim Community Christmas Choir back in September.  I was invited to join this community choir that meets at the Antrim Brethren in Christ Church and really enjoyed singing with this group at Christmas!  After the Christmas concerts, the director, Mr. Rob Gowing, invited about 24 from the choir to join a smaller group, which is called "Jubilate".  Jubilate means "shout for joy" and comes from Psalm 100.  We have been rehearsing since the end of January for several concerts around Easter.  We had our first one on April 7th at the Antrim Brethren in Christ Church.  What a joyous and thrilling evening.  The church sanctuary was packed and it was so powerful to sing about what God did through His Son, Jesus Christ, to redeem us! Our next performance will be on Good Friday at the Antrim BIC church.  Consider yourself invited to this 7:00 PM performance.  I think you would enjoy a very thrilling evening of reflection and worship as we remember the Lord's suffering, death, and resurrection!

My new friend, Nathan Garber, is also in Jubilate and we continue to build a strong and growing relationship.  It is such a joy to pick up Nathan each week for rehearsal and take him to his home.  Thank you for continuing to uphold this young man in prayer.  I am so excited to see what God is going to do in and through him!

Here I am with Nathan at the Antrim Christmas
Community Choir Concert.  (We had red ties at
Christmas; for Easter, we are wearing yellow ties.)

Nathan and his older brother, Micah, who, along with their Dad helped me move into my new home back in December!

My wonderful friends, Curtis and Joy Martin, greeted me   
following the Jubilate concert on Sunday evening!  Curtis was  
in the Living Miracles and I had the pleasure of performing their
marriage a number of years ago!                    

What a great surprise I enjoyed following the Jubilate concert!  This young man, Steve Ebersole, came up to me following the concert and asked if I remembered him.  I certainly did.  He was one of our first Handiventure campers at Camp Joy El when I was Director.  What a joy it was to reconnect with him!  So excited to see him.  When he was a camper, he scared me so much the first time I witnessed him diving off of the Joy El diving board at the pool!  Amazing young man!!

Some Young Men to Include in Your Prayers

In addition to the young men I have already mentioned above, the following young men are ones who I have had the joy of getting to know and with whom I am building relationships.  I would value your prayers as I continue to communicate with them.

Above I am with two former students of Yongsan International 
 School of Seoul.  The gentleman on my right is Ethan Kang
Ethan invited me to attend the ceremony where he received his
         Eagle Scout recognition in Falls Church, Virginia!

While I was in the Washington, DC area, I also met up with a recent alum from YISS.  His name is Robert Park and he invited me to visit him at George Washington University where he is a freshman!  We had a great conversation and I look forward to future visits.

Here I am with my excellent friend, Alwarith Alharty.  We   
became friend when he was a students at YISS.  His Dad is    
the Ambassador from Oman to the Republic of Korea.  Alwarith
continues to want to meet with me and ask many questions about 
my faith in Jesus Christ.  He graduates in May from the  University
of Nebraska.  He invited me to join him for a weekend in New   
York City.  He had never been there and we had a great time touring
and talking.  Thanks for praying for this young man!  

This is my excellent friend, Luke Myers.  He is standing with another great friend, Scott Stouffer.  Both came to help me move things into my new home.  Scott was a former camper at Joy El and a member of the Living Miracles.

Above are dear friends, Wayne and Wendy Myers.  In the center
  is another of their sons, Josh.  I was in their home to celebrate 
Josh's birthday.  I have been enjoying building relationships with
  both Luke and Josh!  I performed the marriage of Wayne and
Wendy and Wayne was also a former Joy El camper & counselor,
                  as well as a member of the Living Miracles.

Above is Brayden Stouffer.  He is reaching into the bag for more snacks.  He and his Dad came to help me move things into my new home.  I am enjoying getting to know Brayden and love hearing him play in the Greencastle High School Marching Band.  He is also now involved at Camp Joy El, just like his Dad!

Above is a photo of my sister, Julee and me   
with Matthew Rosenberger at the production of
Seussical in which Matthew was one of the stars!
Matthew, of course, is in the center immediately
following the production several weeks ago.   

Matthew also plays the trombone.  Here he is in a performance this week of all of the Jazz Bands at the middle schools and high school in the Chambersburg Area School District.  He did a great job!  I am looking forward to continuing to build a relationship with this talented young man.  His mother was also a counselor at Joy El and in the Living Miracles.

Thank you for praying for these young men as God brings them to your mind.


Thanks for reading this far.  I want to bring you up-to-date on a couple medical situations.  As many of you know, I came home from South Korea to get some medical issues (nothing major) checked out.  After a complete physical exam, nothing showed up.  As many of you know, I did want to get my hearing checked out.  I did, and now I am wearing hearing aids.  Most people don't even know I have them in.  They are helping me so far!  Through the generosity of two wonderful people, I was able to afford them.

If you could pray for me beginning this weekend and then especially on Monday, April 15th, I would appreciate it.  Over the weekend, I begin the preparation for a colonoscopy exam at the Chambersburg Endoscopy Center on Monday, April 15 at 1:30 PM.  As far as I know, there should not be any problems, but I have not had one of these delightful exams in some time so the doctor thought I should have it.  Your prayers would be appreciated.

OK, that's about it for now.  Oh, I did become 70 years young on March 24th and I am so grateful for so many who remembered the old man on this birthday!  I had a number of celebrations and am grateful for another year to serve the Lord.  Thank you for your continued prayers, encouragement, notes, cards, phone calls, and visits. Please enjoy a wonderful time of celebrating the suffering, death, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ!  Happy Easter!

Love, Gregg