Saturday, August 25, 2012

Rainy Days = Cooler Weather and Students

Well, this past week we enjoyed lots of rain - and it looks like more to come - which brought some cooler weather and actually allowed me to have more interaction with students, both YISS students and SYME Korean students!

I did not take any pictures of my new office and my desk!  My desk has not been a pretty sight these past couple weeks as I prepared for the After School Activities (ASA)!  I am so grateful for the two wonderful IT staff at YISS!  Carol Pitts and Craig Mooi have been so patient and helpful and encouraging to me as I initiated the Elementary ASA web site on Monday morning at 8:00!  Online registration went very smoothly and three of our classes filled by Noon.  With the exception of a couple parents, all went well.  Those parents were late in signing up their boys for a very popular ASA - Soccer for Grades 4 and 5!  After chatting with them, they are calmer.  I am grateful for the many who were praying.  It was a very busy time all week as I had many spreadsheets to prepare (and many more this coming week) for the Business Office, the teachers, the Bus Monitors, the Facilities personnel, etc., etc. so that the ASA goes smoothly.  There is a lot that goes into the ASA program, as I am being stretched, God is using many people to assist me and sharpen my tech skills.

In addition to the ASA program, I am responsible for the Elementary School bus dismissal.  YISS uses 22 buses to transport children and we have a bus monitor (a classroom teacher) assigned to each bus to make sure each child is on the bus in her/his seat unless a parent has contacted the office to inform us that the child is being picked up.  There is a time frame of 18 minutes to make sure everyone is where they are supposed to be before the buses pull out at 3:18 every day.  Our first week went extremely well - even in the rain; we only had two children we had to locate and get in the right place.

I wanted to get a picture out my office window during bus dismissal when we had some very heavy rain last week, but had to settle for this one.  You can see some of the activity, but it just is not the same as during the heavy rain.  It is such a beautiful thing to see teachers with an umbrella walking students to their buses - keeping the children dry and making it a fun time!

Although I was busy last week, most of the preparation for the ASA online registration had been completed on Monday, which gave me opportunities, finally, to visit some classrooms and get to know the students better.  I love going into our classrooms to see our wonderful teachers at work with their cherubs.  I am going to share a few pictures of some of the children in their classes as well as some in the gym in the morning waiting to go to class.  I hope it gives you a little flavor of YISS.

Ms. Bandy, Grade 5C teacher, with some of her delightful students getting ready to go to homeroom!

Ms. Stair, Grade 2C, with her cherubs in Bible class on the brand new rug, which the PTO purchased for each classroom.  The teachers and students love their new colorful rugs!

Ms. Greaves, Grade 4C, having a delightful discussion concerning their Bible lesson on their new carpet!

Here is Ms. Creecy, Elementary Librarian, with a class during their Library time.  This year the Elementary Library is being used as both the Elementary and Secondary Library since the Secondary Library is being expanded and the construction is not complete.  

During this week of rainy days I was also able to enjoy a new addition to the first floor reception area.  The company that is responsible for our delicious lunches at YISS has opened a small Deli and Coffee Shop for students, parents, teachers, and staff.  It is a huge hit!  The Deli is open from 2 - 5 PM and parents are loving it so much.  They can sit or stand and drink some beverage while waiting for their children, or they will sit with their children and enjoy a snack while helping them with school work.  I am enjoying getting an afternoon cup of tasty coffee!  They even have Decaf coffee; very rare in Korea.

This is a picture during one of the few "less busy" times at the J & J Deli!  In addition to the standing tables, there are tables on the sides with chairs where you can sit and enjoy!
Ever since the beginning of this school year, I have had more frequent discussions with a student, Matthew, who I have mentioned to you ever since my first year at YISS.  He seems to be happier and not as depressed as last year.  This past week we have enjoyed several times together during the school day.  Please continue to pray for this young man - now in 10th grade - as he seeks to make the Lord his own.  I didn't have my camera with me when we have met, but I will get a picture in the future.

I had a surprise visit on one of the rainy days from a graduate of YISS in 2011!  Joshua returns to Wheaton College this week for his sophomore year.  I was so excited to be able to catch up with him. He is enjoying a great time at Wheaton and is excited to be heading back.

Here I am with Joshua during his visit to YISS last week!  He is such a wonderful young man and I appreciate your prayers for him as he will be taking the dreaded Organic Chemistry this year at Wheaton!

During this rainy week I also had the opportunity to be in touch with Gunmo and JinSeok, two former SYME students.  Gunmo and I will be meeting in person soon, and I can't wait!  This weekend he is spending time with his father who does not know the Lord.  I know Gunmo would appreciate your prayers.  I finally was able to have him send me a picture of his second niece who arrived a few weeks ago!  I was talking with JinSeok on Thursday - which was his 28th birthday!  He had already returned to Handong Global University to begin his semester so I could not celebrate in person.  I know he values your prayers as well.
Here is a picture of Gunmo's newest niece!  She has no name yet, which is typical for Korean families.  They take time to decide.  Gunmo was so proud of this picture because he was able to get her to smile!  She is so cute!

On Saturday I was finally able to meet another former SYME student, Yo-seop (Adam is his English name) for lunch!  I had not seen him since May 2010 although we have chatted on the phone several times.  He returns to his university on Monday and I would value your prayers for him as he completes these next two years.  he desires to go into business.  Please pray for his spiritual growth as well.  I noticed a great improvement since 2010, but he still wants to improve.
Yo-seop and GGG enjoying a delicious lunch at TGIFridays! It was so good to catch up with him and enjoy a delicious lunch.  

Well, I am going to close for this week!  There is talk that a typhoon is headed for South Korea on  Monday or Tuesday.  I would value your prayers.  You can also pray as I prepare the necessary lists for the ASA program during this coming week.  Thanks so much for all of your love, encouragement, prayers, and support.  Enjoy a wonderful week!

Love, Gregg

A few "Knock, Knock" jokes:

Knock, Knock!
Who's there?
Aardvark who?
Aardvark a million miles for you!

Knock, Knock!
Who's there?
Eiffel who?
Eiffel down the steps!

Knock, Knock!
Who's there?
Shirley who?
Shirley you know my name by now!

Knock, Knock!
Who's there?
Juicy who?
Juicy what I just saw?

Knock, Knock!
Who's there?
Candace who?
Candace be the last knock-knock joke?

Saturday, August 18, 2012


Hello, once again, family and friends!

Recently, I've been reading a book by a Korean author, Kyung-sook Shin, called Please Look After Mom.  It has caused me to do a lot of reflection on the many wonderful memories from my beginning with my amazing parents.  I've been reminded once again how significant parents are in the lives of their children - especially at those special "beginnings" throughout a child's life.  Monday was the first day of school at YISS for 2012-13 and marked several "beginnings!"

As students and parents arrived at YISS on Monday one of the first things they had to notice was the continued "beginnings" of our expansion project.  The construction crew had the driveway ready for buses to drop off students.  They passed under the one area of expansion which is the "beginnings" of our larger Library (2nd floor) and larger cafeteria and meeting room (3rd floor).  They had created this huge banner of an overhead picture of YISS.  On the front was another even larger banner picture of the school, but I would have had to go across the street and go in another building to get a good picture.  Everyone was so excited to see how these "beginnings" have progressed!
Monday also marked the beginning of another Kindergarten group of cherubs!  Here we are in the YISS cafeteria at the Boo Hoo Breakfast.  Mr. Lazor, Elementary Principal is welcoming the parents and children.  

Here is a picture of the yummy breakfast the children and parents enjoyed at their beginning of their first school year!

Here is GGG and Mr. Lazor giving instructions to parents and children for the Boo Hoo Breakfast photos.  One of the parents took a picture of those of us taking pictures of the cherubs! 

Cherubs and their teacher and teacher assistant in the KA section!

And the delightful angels and their teacher and teacher assistant in the KB section!

Later on the first day we had a new "beginning" opening assembly for all of the elementary classes!

Here is almost all of the elementary school on the gymnasium seats for our Opening Assembly!  It was a different beginning for the kids.  Usually we hold it in the YISS auditorium but it is part of the expansion project and is not completed yet.  We were able to get all 430 students and elementary staff in the gym!  It was a great beginning!

Later in the week all of the kindergarten children had their first scavenger hunt throughout the YISS buildings!  It was so exciting to see them with their teachers and assistants following clues throughout the school to locate various places and to find "Chester" - one of their stuffed animal friends in the classroom!
This group of kindergarten children invaded my office during their Scavenger Hunt!  I had several animals in my office and kept bringing them to my desk to ask if one of them was "Chester."  They gave resounding "NOs" each time BUT they did fall in love with my monkey who asks questions and then starts laughing and rolling around on the desk!  Each of them wanted to play with him.  I was eventually rescued by their teacher! :-)

My big "beginning" for this year is the After School Activities (ASA) program!  I have been spending many hours on this and asking lots of questions to IT people at YISS as well as other colleagues who know more about tech stuff than I do.  It has actually been fun, and I am not as stressed as I thought I would be.  Thursday emails and letters giving details about the ASA for elementary students were sent home to parents.  I have received several encouraging comments from parents.  The real test will be Monday morning at 8:00 AM when I activate the online registration and parents begin registering.  Please pray that all will go smoothly.  Once registration closes, then more "fun" begins as I need to prepare many lists for instructors, the business office (to generate bills), etc.  There are many details to handle and get to many people in a very short time frame.  This has been an exciting and challenging and stretching new "beginning" for the old man! 

One of our first grade teachers needed to resign on Friday and is returning to her home country to receive necessary medical attention.  Our permanent elementary substitute, Mrs. Palmer, will be teaching this first grade until a new teacher is hired.  Interviewing is underway!  We would value your prayers as we seek to find the right person for this first grade.  If you know of someone who would like a delightful challenge at a great school, please let me know.  Thanks for praying!


It continues to be a highlight for me to meet with many of the former SYME students I taught during my first two years in South Korea!  I usually include pictures, etc. about some of them each week.  I recently received an invitation to the wedding of Min Seok (Jeff) and his young lady friend.  Min Seok is still not a believer, but he continues to call me or visit me to find out more about following Jesus.  I am planning to attend his special day on September 8!  Please pray for Min Seok as he keeps telling me, "I am very nervous, Mr. Gregg!"  I am excited that I can continue this relationship with this wonderful young man!

On Saturday, I had to say an "until later" to JiSang.  He left Incheon Airport on Saturday to return to Liberty University.  Thank you for continuing to pray for this dear young man!  He thinks he has his housing situation all taken care of; all he has to do is find out where to get the key when he gets to LU. Friday night JiSang came to Itaewon to have dinner with Jin Seok, Gunmo and me.  I could tell that JiSang had a lot on his mind and he looked very tired.  Here is a picture I took when he wasn't expecting it.  I think you can tell he is exhausted and in his "pensive" mode!

I know JiSang would really value our prayers.  I think part of his expression is that he hates packing almost as much as I do and he then stresses about getting everything done and seeing everybody he would like to see before leaving.  He told me Friday night after we were talking about our distaste for packing and other similarities, "Daddy, I think I really am your son!" :-)

Once we all got talking at dinner (yes, I eat out a lot because that is one great way to meet my Korean friends and they love it as much as I do), JiSang was laughing and I think it helped for him to be with us before he left. 
Above is the quartet of men (three young and one old) at Wang Thai for a very yummy Thai meal.  We selected four main dishes and shared in typical Korean style!  What an amazing time of fun, food and fellowship we enjoyed!  I think everyone else in the restaurant was a bit jealous of our happy time together!  (Clockwise: JiSang, Jin Seok, Gunmo, and GGG)  Jin Seok begins his graduate school courses again next week and would appreciate your prayer for his interpretation and translation classes.  JinSeok has become an uncle and has a cute nephew!   Gunmo has a second niece!  She is so cute, too! I will try to get pictures to share another time.

Some of you will think I am sick if I do not show at least one picture of our tasty Thai meal - so here you go:
In addition we had two fried rice dishes (one shrimp and one crab)!  The above is a Chicken in Yellow Curry (very tasty) and one of my favorites - Chicken with Cashes and onions!

Please enjoy a great week!  Your encouragement, love, prayers, and support mean so much to me!  I especially will value your prayers this week for a new first grade teacher and for the launch of the ASA program on line registration on Monday!

Love, Gregg

PS: I thought I would finish the crazy English poem I began last week:

If a vegetarian eats vegetables,
What in the world does a humanitarian eat?!
Why do people recite at a play
Yet play at a recital?
Park on the driveways and
Drive on the parkways?

You have to marvel at the unique lunacy
Of a language where a house can burn up as 
It burns down.
And in which you will in a form
By filling it out.
And a bell is only heard once it goes!

English was invented by people, not computers
And it reflects the creativity of the human race
(Which of course isn't a race at all).

That is why
When the stars are out, they are visible
But when the lights are out, they are invisible.
And why it is that when I wind up my watch,
It starts,
But when I wind up this poem,
It ends.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Hot and Humid, But Learning and Sharing!

My first blog!  I am not good at titles so I asked two special young ladies in Greencastle, PA, Rebekah and Abigail, made some recommendations.  I selected Going Global with GGG.  Thanks so much girls!  I hope all of you enjoy my blog format.  If I have set it up correctly, you can comment on any of the blog posts or send an email as many of you have done in the past.  I will send you an email each week when the blog is posted and all you have to do is go to the link I provide.  Then you can bookmark it and go there at your leisure and read, pray, and/or comment.

I have learned during this hot and humid several weeks back in Seoul that one is never too old to learn and one must be willing to get rid of pride and wanting everything to be perfect!  I am so often a slow learner.  God continues to teach me that each of us needs each other.  I need to allow others to share with me in areas that I am weak!  We need each other - especially if we are going to make a difference to the watching eyes of students and parents and colleagues.

As I have taken on this new After School Activities project, I have been stretched!  I have met colleagues who are much younger than I, who have been so instrumental in challenging me to continue learning - especially in areas where I am weak or have some fear.  Although this week has been very hot, humid, and exhausting, I have loved the many learning experiences as I have organized the After School Activities (ASA) of the elementary school at YISS!  Thank you to so many of you who have encouraged me and challenged me along my journey.

Above is a picture of the 2012-13 YISS Staff!  Each one has different gifts/talents and I am learning that I need each one of these wonderful people!

One particular staff person who has been so patient with me, and has taught me so much about many technology tools and has helped me get over some of the fear of using technology, is pictured below.  Mr. Mooi has been a HUGE help to me in the area of web sites and blogs!  He and his coworker in the IT Department at YISS are so helpful with all of our staff and students!


Continuing with highlighting some of the staff who do so much for me (and all of us) and continue to teach me, I would like to share two of the amazing Korean staff who make life at YISS and in Korea such a great experience.  One is one of our receptionists at the main desk.  Mrs. Oh knows the name of almost every student!  She is one who coordinates special things for the staff.  One of those is "Starbucks Friday" at YISS.  Each Friday staff can order their favorite Starbucks drink and Mrs. Oh orders them and organizes the delivery each Friday morning.  I love going to get my favorite Grande and spend time chatting with this wonderful lady.

Here is Mrs. Oh on Friday greeting each person who ordered a Starbucks with her ever-present smile!  You can pray for her and her husband as they prepare for the arrival of their first baby in the spring!

Above is Mr. Kim (he, his brother and their father all work at YISS in the area of Facilities!  This Mr. Kim and I have become buddies!  I call him the "Roller Coaster Driver" because of his amazing skill of driving the very narrow back streets of Seoul (quite hilly and full of curves) with such speed and skill!  I love to ride in the bus or van when he is driving!  So much fun AND very safe!  Above Mr. Kim's right shoulder is Mrs. Hong (known as "T Y") who is simply a beautiful and amazing woman in the YISS Business Office!  T Y probably knows more about the history of YISS than anyone!  The Business Office does so much for the staff!  I very rarely enter a bank because all of the banking I need to do is taken care of by the Business office!

On Friday we had new student orientation!  New students and their parents came for orientation sessions and a time to meet their child's teacher!  I always love these times and am so excited about the new families coming to YISS this year.  We are at about 400 once again in the elementary school!  Friday evening I was able to meet many of the new students and their parents.  I am especially excited that the pastor of New Harvest Ministry (where I fellowship) and his wife are bringing their two children to YISS this year.  They are so excited!  

Please be praying for our teachers as they prepare for the cherubs on Monday morning!  It is going to be a rather interesting experience since the main entrance to the building is not completed and there are still many pieces of large earth moving equipment and cranes all over the property.  It will be quite interesting to see how the arrival of all of our buses, as well as the many children who are delivered by cars, works out.  Your prayers will be greatly appreciated.  We will also have our Boo Hoo Breakfast for Kindergarten students and their parents - always a fun time!  

In the middle of all the busyness of orientation and preparation at YISS this past week, I was able to have some evening refreshment with some former SYME students + a new Korean friend I met last May at McDonald's.  These  are always special times for me!  I know most of you think I eat all the time, but these are the bests ways to meet Korean friends and keep relationships going and growing.

Above I am with two beautiful young ladies who were at SYME my very first term.  Kyoung Mi (Vicky) and Sa Ra (Cindy) came to Itaewon to meet me and catch up.  Here we are enjoying a refreshing Blueberry Ade at Chansbros, a favorite coffee shop of mine.  It is owned and operated by one of our fifth grade parents.  What a wonderful time we had here and then later at Wang Thai, a very nice Thai restaurant!  Both ladies are presently studying; Sa Ra is studying to become a Bible translator; Kyoung  Mi is preparing to take a government exam to work in the education department in Korea.   They would value your prayers.

Last May I met Jared (Ji San) at McDonald's in Itaewon when I took a 5th grade student out to lunch for our Discipleship time.  Jared and I have stayed in touch and he called me when I returned to Korea because he wanted to talk.  Jared is a young Christian man who is very eager to become an actor and/or film director.  He really enjoys acting and is presently studying at a local acting academy.  We talked a lot about his family and his goals.  He invited me to come meet his parents and his sister on September 6.  His sister has been studying violin in Austria but is home in Korea for the summer and her former violin teacher asked her to perform a violin recital in Seoul on September 6.  I am planning to attend and am eager to meet the entire family.  Jared asked specifically if I would pray for him and his future.

Here I am with Ji San (Jared) at a Greek restaurant!  Thanks for praying for him when he comes to your mind.

You knew I had to add a food picture!  So here it is!  These are the very yummy chicken and pork Greek dinners Jared and I shared!

OK, that is it for this week!  Oh yes, please pray for Ji Sang!  He returns to Liberty University on August 18 and is still not sure where he will be living.  

Thanks always for your encouragement, prayers, love, and support!  

Love,  Gregg 

Just a couple fun things about Crazy English!!

English is a crazy language!
There is no egg in eggplant;
No ham in hamburger; 
And neither pine nor apple in pineapple.
English muffins were not invented in England.
French Fires were not invented in France.

We sometimes take English for granted,
But if we examine its paradoxes we find that
Quicksand takes you down slowly;
Boxing rings are square
And a Guinea Pig is neither from Guinea nor is it a pig.

If writers write, how come fingers don't fing.
If the plural of tooth is teeth,
Shouldn't the plural of phone booth be phone beeth?
If the teacher taught,
Why didn't the preacher, praught?