Saturday, August 25, 2012

Rainy Days = Cooler Weather and Students

Well, this past week we enjoyed lots of rain - and it looks like more to come - which brought some cooler weather and actually allowed me to have more interaction with students, both YISS students and SYME Korean students!

I did not take any pictures of my new office and my desk!  My desk has not been a pretty sight these past couple weeks as I prepared for the After School Activities (ASA)!  I am so grateful for the two wonderful IT staff at YISS!  Carol Pitts and Craig Mooi have been so patient and helpful and encouraging to me as I initiated the Elementary ASA web site on Monday morning at 8:00!  Online registration went very smoothly and three of our classes filled by Noon.  With the exception of a couple parents, all went well.  Those parents were late in signing up their boys for a very popular ASA - Soccer for Grades 4 and 5!  After chatting with them, they are calmer.  I am grateful for the many who were praying.  It was a very busy time all week as I had many spreadsheets to prepare (and many more this coming week) for the Business Office, the teachers, the Bus Monitors, the Facilities personnel, etc., etc. so that the ASA goes smoothly.  There is a lot that goes into the ASA program, as I am being stretched, God is using many people to assist me and sharpen my tech skills.

In addition to the ASA program, I am responsible for the Elementary School bus dismissal.  YISS uses 22 buses to transport children and we have a bus monitor (a classroom teacher) assigned to each bus to make sure each child is on the bus in her/his seat unless a parent has contacted the office to inform us that the child is being picked up.  There is a time frame of 18 minutes to make sure everyone is where they are supposed to be before the buses pull out at 3:18 every day.  Our first week went extremely well - even in the rain; we only had two children we had to locate and get in the right place.

I wanted to get a picture out my office window during bus dismissal when we had some very heavy rain last week, but had to settle for this one.  You can see some of the activity, but it just is not the same as during the heavy rain.  It is such a beautiful thing to see teachers with an umbrella walking students to their buses - keeping the children dry and making it a fun time!

Although I was busy last week, most of the preparation for the ASA online registration had been completed on Monday, which gave me opportunities, finally, to visit some classrooms and get to know the students better.  I love going into our classrooms to see our wonderful teachers at work with their cherubs.  I am going to share a few pictures of some of the children in their classes as well as some in the gym in the morning waiting to go to class.  I hope it gives you a little flavor of YISS.

Ms. Bandy, Grade 5C teacher, with some of her delightful students getting ready to go to homeroom!

Ms. Stair, Grade 2C, with her cherubs in Bible class on the brand new rug, which the PTO purchased for each classroom.  The teachers and students love their new colorful rugs!

Ms. Greaves, Grade 4C, having a delightful discussion concerning their Bible lesson on their new carpet!

Here is Ms. Creecy, Elementary Librarian, with a class during their Library time.  This year the Elementary Library is being used as both the Elementary and Secondary Library since the Secondary Library is being expanded and the construction is not complete.  

During this week of rainy days I was also able to enjoy a new addition to the first floor reception area.  The company that is responsible for our delicious lunches at YISS has opened a small Deli and Coffee Shop for students, parents, teachers, and staff.  It is a huge hit!  The Deli is open from 2 - 5 PM and parents are loving it so much.  They can sit or stand and drink some beverage while waiting for their children, or they will sit with their children and enjoy a snack while helping them with school work.  I am enjoying getting an afternoon cup of tasty coffee!  They even have Decaf coffee; very rare in Korea.

This is a picture during one of the few "less busy" times at the J & J Deli!  In addition to the standing tables, there are tables on the sides with chairs where you can sit and enjoy!
Ever since the beginning of this school year, I have had more frequent discussions with a student, Matthew, who I have mentioned to you ever since my first year at YISS.  He seems to be happier and not as depressed as last year.  This past week we have enjoyed several times together during the school day.  Please continue to pray for this young man - now in 10th grade - as he seeks to make the Lord his own.  I didn't have my camera with me when we have met, but I will get a picture in the future.

I had a surprise visit on one of the rainy days from a graduate of YISS in 2011!  Joshua returns to Wheaton College this week for his sophomore year.  I was so excited to be able to catch up with him. He is enjoying a great time at Wheaton and is excited to be heading back.

Here I am with Joshua during his visit to YISS last week!  He is such a wonderful young man and I appreciate your prayers for him as he will be taking the dreaded Organic Chemistry this year at Wheaton!

During this rainy week I also had the opportunity to be in touch with Gunmo and JinSeok, two former SYME students.  Gunmo and I will be meeting in person soon, and I can't wait!  This weekend he is spending time with his father who does not know the Lord.  I know Gunmo would appreciate your prayers.  I finally was able to have him send me a picture of his second niece who arrived a few weeks ago!  I was talking with JinSeok on Thursday - which was his 28th birthday!  He had already returned to Handong Global University to begin his semester so I could not celebrate in person.  I know he values your prayers as well.
Here is a picture of Gunmo's newest niece!  She has no name yet, which is typical for Korean families.  They take time to decide.  Gunmo was so proud of this picture because he was able to get her to smile!  She is so cute!

On Saturday I was finally able to meet another former SYME student, Yo-seop (Adam is his English name) for lunch!  I had not seen him since May 2010 although we have chatted on the phone several times.  He returns to his university on Monday and I would value your prayers for him as he completes these next two years.  he desires to go into business.  Please pray for his spiritual growth as well.  I noticed a great improvement since 2010, but he still wants to improve.
Yo-seop and GGG enjoying a delicious lunch at TGIFridays! It was so good to catch up with him and enjoy a delicious lunch.  

Well, I am going to close for this week!  There is talk that a typhoon is headed for South Korea on  Monday or Tuesday.  I would value your prayers.  You can also pray as I prepare the necessary lists for the ASA program during this coming week.  Thanks so much for all of your love, encouragement, prayers, and support.  Enjoy a wonderful week!

Love, Gregg

A few "Knock, Knock" jokes:

Knock, Knock!
Who's there?
Aardvark who?
Aardvark a million miles for you!

Knock, Knock!
Who's there?
Eiffel who?
Eiffel down the steps!

Knock, Knock!
Who's there?
Shirley who?
Shirley you know my name by now!

Knock, Knock!
Who's there?
Juicy who?
Juicy what I just saw?

Knock, Knock!
Who's there?
Candace who?
Candace be the last knock-knock joke?

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