Friday, August 30, 2013

Say Goodbye to Summer!!

Our last full week of August was a very busy one, and yes, it was another hot one.  Since I have been at YISS, the Wednesday of the last week in August the elementary cherubs and teachers celebrate "Say Goodbye to Summer" by having students dress in their favorite appropriate summer outfit as we get ready for autumn!  We had another hot week, but the mornings have been a bit cooler.  The kids and teachers had a delightful time on Wednesday with their various outfits.  I will post a few of the pictures below:

Three delightful young ladies; a second grader and 
two first graders!  They are usually the first to arrive
in the morning!

 This is Lilly!  She is quite the actress!  She is 7 going on 35!  She cracks me up with her many poses!

Three fourth grad girls in their summer outfits!

Mr. Resende, Phys. Ed. teacher, with one of our 4th grade boys.  The sun glasses and hat are actually the student's but he wanted Mr. Resende to wear them for the picture. :-)

The tallest boy is my buddy, Ian.  He always has his
great smile for me.  I saw him leading these first grade
boys down the stairs in the morning.  Ian has come a
long way and it was so wonderful seeing him helping
these little ones when he didn't have to!

One of our second graders reading in her "Going to the Beach" outfit!

This is Hanho all decked out with his beach
attire.  I love the hat on him!

Each day at 3:00 this Ian from 3rd grade comes to the Elementary Office to wait for his middle school brother to pick him up.  Here he is with his summer outfit and Pluto cap in the office. I am in the office with my walkie talkie making sure all of the elementary students are on the right bus, or not on the bus if a parent is picking them up.  I love getting to know Ian this year!

This past week was also the beginning of our "Lunch with the Principals" for all new students to YISS.  We began this week with our first group of first graders.  They loved spending time having fun with the elementary principals and eating pizza!  They are such a fun group.  We will be hosting many more of these for the next few weeks + we will begin our "Donuts with Dad" mornings for fathers and their sons in the elementary school.  The response has been overwhelming and we are looking forward to these special times during the first semester to have the Dads stop by at the beginning of the day for a time with their sons and the principals.  In second semester we will be hosting "Muffins with Moms" for the mothers and their daughters.

The Elementary Open House was on Thursday evening and we ha a huge attendance of parents to visit their child's classroom and teacher.  They also had opportunity to take a scavenger hunt in the new Elementary Library. (I am so sorry, but I was not able to get any pictures because most of my time was spent in great conversations with parents as well as directing parents to our new first and second grade wing.)  It was a great evening and parents are excited about the school year.

Friday was a busy day in Chapels and the OASIS Assembly.  Our character trait in the OASIS group this week centered on the orderliness.  We had a fun game show ("Is this Your Life?") where I was MC and Mr. Lazor was the contestant.  He was a puppet I gave the name of Wade Hoffsniker!  The kids enjoyed a great time learning about being orderliness and how that is one of the traits we like to see in a YISS Guardian student.  Mrs. Franck, our chaplain, had a wonderful activity where kids from each grade and each house team had to clean the playground and place the equipment in the best orderly arrangement.  There are four house teams and I happen to be on the Blue Team.  The Blue Team received points today for having the most orderly arrangement at the finish of the playground cleanup!

Part of our OASIS Assembly was held outside on 
Friday in the small playground.  Here is Grade 5A
and part of 2A cheering on their house team in the
orderliness clean up activity!

Here are two house teams after collecting playground equipment organizing what they collected in an orderly fashion.

And the winning house team (the BLUE TEAM) seated
around their well organized collection of playground 
equipment!  Students from left to right represent Grade 
1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.  The young lady from grade 5 on the 
far right is one that I call the Smiling or Laughing Lady!
She is always smiling when she arrives in the morning!

YISS has off school on Monday and our YISS staff is going to a beach area for a Staff Retreat Saturday through Monday Noon!  It should be a great time as we eat, play, relax, and enjoy many conversations with each other.  Thanks for praying for us.

Then on Tuesday After School Activities will officially begin.  Over 25 different activities have over 300 students involved.  Please pray that all goes smoothly as we begin another quarter of After School Activities.

Once again, thank you for all of your love, prayers, encouraging emails and notes, and support. As I mentioned in the email informing you this blog was ready, there is an Agreement of Sale on my home in Bensalem!  I would ask you to pray that all will go smoothly and that the settlement will be able to happen in the near future.  Pray that all of the inspections, etc. will go well. Thanks so much.

Love, Gregg

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Only One Day of Rain as After School Activities Begins!!

August 20 and 21 were the days for online registration for Quarter One After School Activities. Two of the activities had already begun because of special circumstances - Scratch Computer Programming and Girls' and Boys' Soccer!  Scratch Computer is a huge hit!  Last year a few fifth graders were asked to join the Middle School to participate in this computer programming activity developed by M.I.T.  This year we were able to offer it to our 4th and 5th graders.  The response was overwhelming.  The instructor set the limit of the class at 14 and within 12 hours of opening it for registrations, we had 34 register!  I had to close it and start a waiting list.  We moved the class to the NEW Elementary Computer Lab and we were able to select 24 students!  There is a possibility that we can open another class on Fridays for those on the Waiting List.  Please pray that this can happen.  Tuesday was the first class for Scratch Computer and I have heard nothing but great comments from parents and kids who were involved!  I wish I had my phone or camera when the students were leaving the Lab on Tuesday; they were sooo excited!

Our P. E. teacher, Mr. Resende, started an Advanced Soccer Club for 4th and 5th graders this year.  There are 29 in this club and if we had the use of the soccer field, we would have been able to select more girls and boys!  Mr. Resende and the kids are excited!

Most of my week was spent with emails, phone calls, organization of all of the lists necessary once registration closed, etc., etc.  Much of my time was spent helping parents with less computer skills than I have or with those who don't read what is sent to them. :-)  On Friday my desk was still stacked in piles for all of the 22 elementary classrooms.  I finished on Saturday afternoon and am praying that everything is in order for distribution to students on Monday.

On Thursday we had our Elementary Newcomers' Coffee!  I always enjoy these as we greet new families to YISS for a time of coffee and refreshments as well as information.  We had a nice group in attendance and all seemed very happy with their child's experience at YISS in the first couple weeks.

Some of the new parents at the Newcomers' Coffee
sponsored by the YISS PTO on Thursday morning!

Some of the fruit, bagels, and pastries at the Newcomers' Coffee!

Mrs. Birmingham, one of the Elementary Assistant 
Principals introducing herself to the new parents at
 the Coffee. Mr. Lazor and I also introduced ourselves.

Saturday I was also invited to the What the Book? bookstore in Itaewon for a Story Time and Book Signing by a new author, You Byun.  The staff at What the Book? love having me visit the store and always let me know about these special events.  I was delighted to meet You Byun and hear a reading of her first children's book, Dream Friends!  It is always fun to meet new authors - especially those who are authors and illustrators!

Author and Illustrator, You Byun, reading her
first children's book to a group of children at
What the Book? on Saturday.

 Ms. Byun is demonstrating how she prepares her illustrations for the publisher in the two pictures above. 

Two pictures with children drawing illustrations and some listening as Ms. Byun reads. In the bottom right photo there are five children who attend YISS.  On the far left are the two Carlson children and then on the right are the three Hickey children.  The boy in the yellow shirt is a friend of the Hickeys.

Saturday was also the birthday of my wonderful friend and former SYME student, Jin Seok (Simon).  He is studying to be a translator at Handong Global University.  I miss our regular visits when we lived closer to each other.  I didn't actually see him on his birthday, but I just wanted to ask you to pray for him as he plans his next steps and seeks to follow the Lord.  I know he would value your prayers.

Photo from last year with Jin Seok and I enjoying a
nice time at breakfast in Itaewon!

Here is a picture of Jin Seok showing his
beautiful and calming smile! Happy Birthday!

I would also like you to continue to pray for my excellent friend, Gunmo.  He is so busy at his work and has many decisions to make concerning his next steps as well.  He is finishing his undergraduate university and very eager to go to graduate school.  Gunmo is sure that the job he is doing now is not what God has for him, but does not know exactly what is next.  I know he would value your prayers.  Pray especially for him as he has a special trip (to Beijing, China) planned with his father from August 28 - September 1!  He is so excited about this and eager to spend time talking with his Dad.  Pray that they would have a great time together and that his father would come to know Jesus.

Above is a picture of the Singles' Group from Gunmo's church on their recent M.T. (we would call it a retreat in America).  Can you find Mr. Kim, Gunmo? :-)

This morning at Choir and church I had to say "Hasta la Vista" to one of my new tenor friends in NHM Choir.  His name is Sang-jin and he is such a delightful young Christian man.  Tuesday he needs to return to the Pennsylvania to continue his studies for his Ph. D. in Industrial Engineering at Penn State University in State College.  I am going to miss his most amazing smile.  We have had some wonderful conversations during his stay in Seoul since May.  I know he would appreciate your prayers as he studies at Penn State.  He has about 3 years remaining for his Ph. D.  

Here I am with Sang-jin this morning after the 10 AM worship service at NHM.  I love his smile!

It is still very hot and humid in Seoul, but we are having less rain!  The soccer field might be ready by October 15.  Thank you so much for all of your encouragement, your love, your prayers, and your support.  Please enjoy a great week!

Love, Gregg

Saturday, August 17, 2013

The Unrelenting Heat and Humidity Does Not Stop our First Full Week!!

Yes, the heat continues!  Sometimes it reminds me of the visits I had to The Philippines.  Within minutes of stepping outside my apartment or school, my shirt looks like I just washed it and placed it on my body - without drying it!  What did we do without air conditioning? :-)  Even with the heat and humidity, we had a great beginning to the new school year!

The week began with a half day on Monday and our annual Boo Hoo Breakfast for kindergarten cherubs and their parents!  This is always a great time and I love watching the interaction between Dads, Moms, and their kinder angels!

Ms. McGinnis, on the left, getting information from
parents in her KB Class.  Seated on her mother's lap
is Haven, who has been waiting for this day for a 
long time.  Haven LOVES to talk and she cracks me
up.  She is 5 years old - going on 30! :-)

Ms. Wheat (standing on the right) talking with some of her KC parents!

And our KA teacher, Ms. Regnier enjoying some 
special moments with several of her parents!

J & J Catering always has a yummy breakfast prepared for our Boo Hoo Breakfast!

This is Mr. Rho and two of his children.  The one
with the red shirt is Jeremiah, who will be in kinder.
Mr. Rho is a famous singer in Korea and his wife
is a famous actress!  (I also like Mr. Rho's hat!) :-)

Some more of our Kinder families enjoying fellowship and breakfast.  You might be able to see one little girl "boo hooing" on her mother's shoulder! :-)

More of the families enjoying breakfast!

The Kindergarten B class in the Courtyard for pictures after breakfast!

Kindergarten C class in the Courtyard!

And Kindergarten A class in the Courtyard!

The week was full of many activities including tryouts for our Advanced Elementary Soccer Club! On Wednesday afternoon Mr. Resende, one of our Elementary P.E. teachers conducted tryouts for this new after school activity.  Over 35 boys in grades 4 and 5 came out in the heat to show their skills.  On Monday girls from Grades 4 and 5 will come out to try out for the Girls' Advanced Soccer Club.  I also received good news that the instructor for Scratch Computer Programming (a class set up through M.I.T.) was able to offer this class after school for 4th and 5th grade students. He set a limit of 14 students and within 6 hours of posting this opportunity, I had over 20 parents contact me to enroll their child.  I contacted the instructor and told him that he would be using our new Elementary Computer Lab that has 24 student stations.  He said that we should go to 24 as the limit.  I still had to close it since we had 35 students desiring to be in the class!  Such fun! Your prayers are appreciated as online registration for our regular after school activities will begin on Tuesday, August 20th.

It is always exciting to see the new students arrive and transition to YISS.  But there is also a down side to YISS, and most international schools.  Students come and then have to leave too soon - all the time! :-(  Tuesday was such a day.  The Montalvo family had become very close friends in their too brief time at YISS.  They had recently learned that the father had to return to Mexico for his work.  On Tuesday, Mother brought the two children to YISS at lunch to say "hasta la vista" to friends.  Please pray for the Montalvos as they leave some very close friends and return and transition to Mexico.  I will miss them so much!

Above are my dear friends, the Montalvos, in the YISS cafeteria on Tuesday.  Please pray especially for Sofia and Paulo as they return to Mexico.  They are going to be missed soooo much!

In the middle of a very hectic week, we did get a day off to refresh!  I say hectic week because of so many new things happening at YISS.  YISS uses 23 buses to transport students to and from school.  The first week the bus situation is always a very hectic situation.  Some parents have forgotten to register for the bus but they tell their students to go hoe on the bus any way.  Many new students are crying because they are on the wrong bus at first and are not sure what bus they are to ride.  I am thankful we were able to get every child home safely during this first hectic week.  By Friday things were much better and ran more smoothly during bus dismissal.

Oh, the day off!  Yes, the staff and students at YISS had off on Thursday, August 15th.  I was going to ask if you knew why, but I will just tell you.  August 15 is National Liberation Day in Korea.  What is National Liberation Day, you ask?  A website,, writes the following:

“Korea gained its independence from Japanese colonial rule on August 15, 1945, and the Republic of Korea was established three years later. Every August 15, South Korea commemorates the nation’s liberation from Japanese occupation and the formation of the Republic of Korea. Known as National Liberation Day, this public holiday is celebrated with festivities, ceremonies, and parades nationwide. The Taegeukgi, South Korea’s national flag, is hoisted to honor the heroes who fought for the nation’s freedom.”

On Friday morning, my phone alarm rang at its usual 4:50 AM time.  I had a restless night in the heat - even with the air conditioner on - and did NOT want to get out of bed.  I turned off the alarm and noticed there was a Kakao text message from my friends in Choir, Rebecca and Joseph Lee.  They had sent the following:

Just what I needed!  Keep praying for me as I seek to meet the Lord in the early morning splendor to be renewed and to continue to work on embracing change and being in the palm of His hand! One of the things that I have to be careful with in apartment living is the desire I have to sing my self to sleep and sing myself awake! :-)  I have had to learn to sing with my soul and not my voice!  Thanks for continuing to pray for me to make time to meet Him daily in the morning!

Students and staff enjoyed this day of refreshment and came back to school on Friday ready for another busy day.  Friday was extremely busy with my involvement in three Chapels and one OASIS assembly for elementary students.  Then the PTO had its annual Back to School Picnic for all of the YISS families.  It is always a great time of food and fellowship with many of our families - even in the heat.  Many came out and enjoyed a great evening of fun and conversation together!

At this year's Picnic we could not use the Soccer Field
since it is still being renovated.  So we had close quarters
in the YISS Courtyard!  Some of the folks gathering
for the picnic.

One of the favorite eating places at the Picnic - Outback Steakhouse.  They were making Ribs, veggies and Cole Slaw + their yummy Strawberry Ade drinks!!

One of the Outback servers grilling ribs!!

Another Outback server preparing one of the plates with ribs, veggies and Cole Slaw!

This was my plate prior to devouring the perfectly 
prepared ribs!!  Oh, they were sooooo tasty!!

Saturday I enjoyed a special lunch with my wonderful "son" and dear friend, JiSang!  He continues to be very busy with his studies to complete his degree at Liberty University.  JiSang is quite a thinker!  This is a good thing and sometimes can be a bad thing! :-)  Sometimes he thinks too much. He so wants to follow the Lord and it often becomes very complicated as he thinks through many things.  I know he would value your prayers very much!

Here I am at Suji's with JiSang!  We had a wonderful
time together sharing our many thoughts and talking
about accountability and just having fun!  Thank you
for praying for JiSang as he seeks to follow the Lord!

JiSang has the greatest facial expressions!
My sister, Julee, thinks he should be an actor
because of the many wonderful facial 
expressions he can show.  Here he is just
after his Suji's burger was delivered! It was
huge, but he cleaned up everything on his plate!

Thanks, once again, for being so faithful with your notes, encouragement, prayers, love and support.  I really appreciate you!  I hope you enjoy a great week!

Love, Gregg

Saturday, August 10, 2013

And we Begin a New Year: 2013-14!!

It is still raining in Seoul!  But the rain did not stop our final week of Teacher Orientation and the New Student/Parent Orientation.  The New Student Orientation sessions on Friday marked the beginning of another year at YISS!  Hard to believe that all students will return begin classes on Monday, August 12th!  Thank you for praying for us as we make final preparations for another excellent year!

This past Monday our Elementary School staff met for orientation as well as our first lunch together as a staff!  It was so good to get everyone together and enjoy a yummy Chinese lunch together!  Next week I will try to get a good photo of all of the elementary staff.  Just to keep everyone up to date, we added a third section to kindergarten and a new section to Grade 2, 3 and 4.  90% of the new staff are staff for new positions.  This year we will have about 415 in the Elementary School.  I will try to have an official count next week.  Thank you for praying for this group of dedicated and creative and caring women and men!

To the left is the very efficient and wonderful Elementary Secretary, Mrs. Yoo, explaining the process for securing lunch at the Elementary Staff Luncheon on Monday!

The three pictures above show some of our amazing Elementary Staff enjoying their Chinese lunch and the great fellowship on Monday!

Some of the tasty Chinese food we enjoyed!

Some more of the delicious food!

And one more picture of the abundant Chinese food!!

A highlight this week for me was on Thursday morning in the YISS auditorium with all of the YISS staff.  Our Elementary Chaplain had placed signs throughout the auditorium and on the stage.  Each sign gave the name and location and prayer concerns for each of the NICS/OASIS schools located throughout the world!  We could go in groups or as individuals to as many of the locations as possible and spend time praying for these schools!  Mrs. Franck would play some music indicating when we should move to another location.  What a wonderful time of prayer of remembering our brothers and sisters ministering at the various schools of NICS/OASIS!!


New students and parents to YISS were invited to attend the appropriate orientation sessions (including tours, etc.) for each of the schools.  Middle School began the afternoon, then High School and finally at 4:30 the Elementary School.  The auditorium was filled to capacity with new students and parents for the Elementary School.  40 seats were left vacant when the YISS Elementary Staff made its way to the stage and then to their classrooms to greet parents.  I love this time of year!  I love meeting the new families!  It was an exciting evening as we introduced our new families to their new family at YISS!

I took this picture from the area just vacated by the
Elementary Teachers.  You can see part of the crowd!

Another shot of the group of new students and their parents at the Orientation!

I will have a better picture next week, but here are 
the wonderful YISS Elementary teachers as they are
being introduced by Mr. Lazor to the new parents
 and students!

As I took some families around the school, I captured a few shots of some of our brand new classrooms.  It was so delightful to see how teachers had prepared their new rooms so quickly!

This is what greets students as they enter
Ms. Bulkeley's 1B classroom!

The inside of Ms. Bulkeley's 1B classroom!

This is Ms. Stair's 2C classroom.  You wouldn't have 
recognized any of these classrooms 2 weeks ago.  They
were just piled with boxes and furniture in the center of
the classroom!  

This is one of my favorite new classrooms!  It is Ms. Ku's 1A classroom and the kids are going to love the view from this delightful classroom!

One thing that you can praying for is the situation with our new music classrooms located on the B1 level (bottom floor) of the new wing.  I am going to show you two of these rooms from several weeks ago.  Last May and June before the music teachers left for vacation, they had taken all of the instruments, furniture, cabinets, etc. to these new rooms and that is what you will see in the pictures.  When these music teachers returned, they found mold that had collected on the walls and many instruments.  They began cleaning themselves and then suddenly on Thursday evening (the day before new student orientation) the Facilities Department at YISS informed them that they would need to move all instruments and supplies they needed for the first two or three weeks of school to the 3rd floor in the new wing.  Needless to say, they were very disappointed and frustrated.  BUT I was thrilled to see how everyone at YISS jumped in and moved (in the tremendous heat and humidity) heavy furniture and instruments to the very top floor on Friday morning!  In a few weeks all of this will need to be returned to the music rooms on the B1 level. I know these teachers would value your prayers.

Above are two of the music rooms (the orchestra room and band room) with some of the instruments and cabinets and other material that had to be moved to the top floor because of the mold situation.  Please pray that the Facilities' Team will be able to rectify the problem so it will not continue.

I would continue to value your prayers as I make the final changes to the Elementary After School Activities website so that I can send out the information to our elementary families.  The kids get very excited about these activities and I am hoping that we have sufficient activities to accommodate the many new students we have added to the Elementary School.

Friday evening I had a late dinner (after a long day of orientations) with my friend and former SYME student, Yeongmin.  He called and asked if he could meet me for dinner.  I said yes and we had a delightful time of sharing while enjoying a very tasty dinner at Holee Chow!  I am sorry but I forgot to get the usual pics of food. :-(  Keep praying for my wonderful friend, Yeongmin.

Saturday morning I was finally able to meet up with another of my wonderful friends, Gunmo!  We had not been able to meet since I returned on July 16th so we had a lot to talk about.  We had a very yummy brunch at Tartine's.  Please pray for Gunmo as he plans a retreat with his Young Adult Singles' Group from his church.  He is also planning to take a very important exam for his graduation.  That will be in October and he really wants to get a high enough score this time.  I know he would value your prayers as he seeks to follow the Lord!

Here I am with my awesome friend and brother, Gunmo!  It was so great to finally see him again!  Thanks for praying for this wonderful young man with a heart for God!

Thank you for your many prayers, your love, your encouragement, and your support.  Please continue to pray for the sale of my home!  Over 30 showings, but still no offers.  You are very special to me!

Love, Gregg