Saturday, August 24, 2013

Only One Day of Rain as After School Activities Begins!!

August 20 and 21 were the days for online registration for Quarter One After School Activities. Two of the activities had already begun because of special circumstances - Scratch Computer Programming and Girls' and Boys' Soccer!  Scratch Computer is a huge hit!  Last year a few fifth graders were asked to join the Middle School to participate in this computer programming activity developed by M.I.T.  This year we were able to offer it to our 4th and 5th graders.  The response was overwhelming.  The instructor set the limit of the class at 14 and within 12 hours of opening it for registrations, we had 34 register!  I had to close it and start a waiting list.  We moved the class to the NEW Elementary Computer Lab and we were able to select 24 students!  There is a possibility that we can open another class on Fridays for those on the Waiting List.  Please pray that this can happen.  Tuesday was the first class for Scratch Computer and I have heard nothing but great comments from parents and kids who were involved!  I wish I had my phone or camera when the students were leaving the Lab on Tuesday; they were sooo excited!

Our P. E. teacher, Mr. Resende, started an Advanced Soccer Club for 4th and 5th graders this year.  There are 29 in this club and if we had the use of the soccer field, we would have been able to select more girls and boys!  Mr. Resende and the kids are excited!

Most of my week was spent with emails, phone calls, organization of all of the lists necessary once registration closed, etc., etc.  Much of my time was spent helping parents with less computer skills than I have or with those who don't read what is sent to them. :-)  On Friday my desk was still stacked in piles for all of the 22 elementary classrooms.  I finished on Saturday afternoon and am praying that everything is in order for distribution to students on Monday.

On Thursday we had our Elementary Newcomers' Coffee!  I always enjoy these as we greet new families to YISS for a time of coffee and refreshments as well as information.  We had a nice group in attendance and all seemed very happy with their child's experience at YISS in the first couple weeks.

Some of the new parents at the Newcomers' Coffee
sponsored by the YISS PTO on Thursday morning!

Some of the fruit, bagels, and pastries at the Newcomers' Coffee!

Mrs. Birmingham, one of the Elementary Assistant 
Principals introducing herself to the new parents at
 the Coffee. Mr. Lazor and I also introduced ourselves.

Saturday I was also invited to the What the Book? bookstore in Itaewon for a Story Time and Book Signing by a new author, You Byun.  The staff at What the Book? love having me visit the store and always let me know about these special events.  I was delighted to meet You Byun and hear a reading of her first children's book, Dream Friends!  It is always fun to meet new authors - especially those who are authors and illustrators!

Author and Illustrator, You Byun, reading her
first children's book to a group of children at
What the Book? on Saturday.

 Ms. Byun is demonstrating how she prepares her illustrations for the publisher in the two pictures above. 

Two pictures with children drawing illustrations and some listening as Ms. Byun reads. In the bottom right photo there are five children who attend YISS.  On the far left are the two Carlson children and then on the right are the three Hickey children.  The boy in the yellow shirt is a friend of the Hickeys.

Saturday was also the birthday of my wonderful friend and former SYME student, Jin Seok (Simon).  He is studying to be a translator at Handong Global University.  I miss our regular visits when we lived closer to each other.  I didn't actually see him on his birthday, but I just wanted to ask you to pray for him as he plans his next steps and seeks to follow the Lord.  I know he would value your prayers.

Photo from last year with Jin Seok and I enjoying a
nice time at breakfast in Itaewon!

Here is a picture of Jin Seok showing his
beautiful and calming smile! Happy Birthday!

I would also like you to continue to pray for my excellent friend, Gunmo.  He is so busy at his work and has many decisions to make concerning his next steps as well.  He is finishing his undergraduate university and very eager to go to graduate school.  Gunmo is sure that the job he is doing now is not what God has for him, but does not know exactly what is next.  I know he would value your prayers.  Pray especially for him as he has a special trip (to Beijing, China) planned with his father from August 28 - September 1!  He is so excited about this and eager to spend time talking with his Dad.  Pray that they would have a great time together and that his father would come to know Jesus.

Above is a picture of the Singles' Group from Gunmo's church on their recent M.T. (we would call it a retreat in America).  Can you find Mr. Kim, Gunmo? :-)

This morning at Choir and church I had to say "Hasta la Vista" to one of my new tenor friends in NHM Choir.  His name is Sang-jin and he is such a delightful young Christian man.  Tuesday he needs to return to the Pennsylvania to continue his studies for his Ph. D. in Industrial Engineering at Penn State University in State College.  I am going to miss his most amazing smile.  We have had some wonderful conversations during his stay in Seoul since May.  I know he would appreciate your prayers as he studies at Penn State.  He has about 3 years remaining for his Ph. D.  

Here I am with Sang-jin this morning after the 10 AM worship service at NHM.  I love his smile!

It is still very hot and humid in Seoul, but we are having less rain!  The soccer field might be ready by October 15.  Thank you so much for all of your encouragement, your love, your prayers, and your support.  Please enjoy a great week!

Love, Gregg

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