Saturday, November 23, 2013

Events of the Season Begin in Full Force!!

What a week!  So many events happening are happening between now and Christmas at YISS and this past week was the beginning of these wonderful happenings!

In addition to the After School Activities in the Elementary School, which finished their third week in Quarter Three, our annual Fall Book Fair was held Wednesday through Friday.  This is a major event sponsored by the PTO and takes MANY volunteers to accomplish everything.  The kids and parents love the fair and from initial reports, this year's fair was very successful and will add many books to our library as well the classroom teachers' classroom libraries!

Two fifth grade girls helping one another select books!

This is David selecting a book.  English is not his first language but he wants to read English books!

Our Elementary Librarian, Ms. Creecy, assisting a
girl in selecting some books.                

One of my special buddies, Ian.  I just love how he has grown sine I first met him in Grade 2.  Now in grade 5, Ian has come a long way and I am praying for his salvation.

Ms. Creecy assisting a few more girls in selecting
          appropriate books for each of them.

Two After School Activities are gearing up for special events during this season.  Compassion Club prepared collection boxes for its clothing drive which will culminate on Saturday, December 7 with its annual "Bundle Up" outing at Seoul Station.  That is the day the students in the club will distribute scarves, hats, gloves, and other warm clothing to the many homeless that seem to congregate at Seoul Station during the cold days of Winter.

One of our first grade teachers, Ms. Ku, is the leader
of Compassion Club.  Here she is assisting some of
the Compassion Club members in decorating the boxes
that each grade will use as collection boxes for the 
Bundle Up Seoul Station outreach on December 7!

Assisting Ms. Ku is one of our great Teacher Assistants, Ms. Lee.  Here Ms. Lee is assisting two of our Compassion Club members in the preparation of their collection boxes.

Another pic of Ms. Lee helping one of the boys!    

Mrs. Franck, our Elementary Chaplain, works with a group of students involved in an after school activity called Puppet Team.  They work on the preparation of puppet skits during the special assemblies and chapels coming up in December and then throughout Quarter Three.  I stopped by on Friday as they were practicing and was so excited to see these young fourth and fifth graders diligently and passionately preparing their skits.  Two of my Discipleship boys are on the Puppet Team and I have been so proud of them.  Owen and Henry are so excited about sharing on the Puppet team.  Owen has been especially diligent in his preparation.  The students do not have to memorize their parts, but Owen has been carrying his script with him throughout the day and uses any spare moment to memorize.  On Friday morning I saw him come in to school and took him aside and we worked on putting feeling into his lines.  He was so excited and I am thrilled to see how he has grown in so many areas of his young life!

Here is this year's Puppet Team!  My two Discipleship boys are in the back row - Henry (second from the right) and Owen on the end!  I am also especially encouraged by Olivia on the far left.  What a tremendous growth she has experienced since Grade 2!

In the middle of this busy week teachers needed to prepare Progress Report grades for the middle of Quarter Three.  I work with the teachers in Grades 1 and 3 and we were able to get everything ready for distribution to parents and students on Friday afternoon.

On Wednesday afternoon, the opening day of the Book Fair (always the busiest - especially after school), we had a little emergency.  It's a long story but for about 2 hours we lost a 4th grade boy and his four year old brother.  The Nanny was to pick up the 4th grade boy after school.  In the confusion in the lobby of so many people browsing the books at the Book Fair + the After School Activities, she lost the boys.  The Nanny is from The Philippines and her English is very limited. After we looked and looked and looked and questioned many people and spent time praying while we searched, we were notified by the mother (who left her office immediately to assist in the search) that the boys walked home! We were so grateful and thanked the Lord!  We ha a great discussion with the mother and she was so grateful for all that we did to look for her sons.  I am just so glad all ended well.

Friday began a VERY busy weekend at YISS.  YISS was hosting a basketball tournament in our gymnasium, a Speech and Debate Competition using so any of the rooms throughout the school, a full slate of After School Activities, and two nights of our Drama Department's Fall Play - Pride and Prejudice!  There were people and kids everywhere!  All went well!  Opening night for the play was awesome.  I was so proud of the students and their excellent performances!  Saturday continued to be busy with both the Speech & Debate competition and Basketball Tournament + the Saturday performance of Pride and Prejudice!  Thank you for all of your prayers!

I would like to have been able to take some pictures of the performance, but we were not permitted to take photos or videos.  I was so impressed with our students, especially Andy Halter and Emily Brower, who played the roles of Mr. and Mrs. Bennet!

In addition to the busy week at YISS, Sunday was a busy day at New Harvest Ministry, the church where I worship.  Today, Sunday, was our first Sunday in our new location!  Everyone was so excited!  The main Korean church, Sarang Community Church, has moved to its brand new location and part of the old location now houses the New Harvest Ministry, the English speaking part of Sarang.  Instead of three services, we now have only two services (10 AM and 2 PM) because the new worship center can accommodate twice the number we were able to have in the basement of the rented building near Sarang.  We actually have a stage now and a much larger space!  The choir rehearsal room is almost next to the main sanctuary of our new location.  We had a great first service this morning and now everyone does not have to rush out to make room for a service at 12 Noon.  Continue to pray as we make the transition to our new location.

This is the main sanctuary (well, part of it).  I took 
this picture as the choir entered to rehears on stage.
It was taken from the second level of the sanctuary.

This is a picture I took from the stage looking out into
the sanctuary.  Conductor Suh is preparing to lead our
rehearsal prior to the worship service this morning.  I 
will try to get better pictures to share with you later.

This coming week will be a busy one as well, but also a shortened one.  YISS will have off on Friday for American Thanksgiving.  I know it is on Thursday, but we take the day off on Friday. I will however have a yummy turkey feast at one of my favorite restaurants, Suji's!  There are five of us who will go their Thursday evening for the Thanksgiving Buffet they serve!  Can't wait! I have so much to be thankful for!  I hope that you will enjoy a special time of thanksgiving during this week.  You are among the many who have impacted my life in such a positive and powerful way and I am truly thankful for all you have done, and continue to do!  Thanks so much for your many prayers, your notes of encouragement, your abundant love, and faithful support.  May the Lord bless you and give you a wonderful time of Thanksgiving this week!

Love, Gregg

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