Saturday, February 1, 2014

A Shortened, yet Busy and Fun Week; Seollal (Lunar New Year) Celebrations!

The last week in January was a three-day school week with time off on Thursday and Friday to celebrate Seollal, Lunar New Year!  I enjoyed some great experiences at YISS as I made the final changes to the 27 After School Activities which will begin in full force on Monday, February 3! A couple have already begun but the majority begin on Monday and continue until Spring Break. Two other highlights of the YISS week were the Fun Day on Wednesday and the 100th Day Of Kindergarten Celebration on Wednesday afternoon!  Thursday was a day for me to catch up on various projects at home.  Friday, and Saturday were full of wonderful visits to a couple of my Korean friends' homes and a new food experience with a new Korean friend!

Fun Day!!  Usually on the last Wednesday of each month the elementary school at YISS has a "Fun Day."  January 29th was "Dress For a Job Day!"  So many of the students and teachers got involved in this Fun Day and it was so much seeing the different outfits the kids chose to wear.  I loved talking with many of them about their choices.  I posted a number of pictures on Facebook and here are a few of them:

Above is the Kindergarten A class on Fun Day! Ms.
Regnier, their teacher is the tall one and beside her
is Hannah, a 5th grade student with some autism.
Hannah loves to be the student aid in Kindergarten!

This is Kathy Lee, one of our Teacher Assistants in Grade 1.  She is actually trained in art and she dressed up as an artist!  I had her pose beside one of the Seoul Seekers' pieces of art.  Ms. Lee is very gifted in art and will also be leading our After School Activity, Korean Painting!

Some of our Grade 2 cherubs on Fun Day!        

Some of our Grade 4 students on Fun Day!

This is Paul in 3B.  He came as a police 
detective and placed me in hand cuffs!
He appears to be very serious about his job!

Kindergarten Classes Celebrate the 100th Day of Kindergarten!!  Wednesday was also the much-awaited 100th Day Celebration for the Kinder cherubs!  I continue to be delighted with the amazing creativity God has given our three kindergarten teachers!  Ms. Regnier, Ms. McGinnis, and Ms. Wheat came up with numerous interactive activities to celebrate the 100th Day and get the children to think about all they have learned and are learning.  I always love seeing the involvement of parents in this celebration as well.  Many stations are set up throughout six classrooms and the hallways and students move throughout these stations where there is a teacher, teaching assistant, or parent waiting to facilitate the activity.  From writing stories, Math, thinking skills, art, and music to physical education (integrated and interdisciplinary and fun), children delight in celebrating what they are learning!  Here are a few pictures highlighting some of the neat activities:


Below are three examples of the writing the children did after having their picture made to look like them when they are 100 years old!  They were given the prompt, "When I am 100 years old..."  I love the different writing responses!  These are three of my favorites ones!


Friday - JiSang and Family!!  I was thrilled to be invited by JiSang to come to his parents' home in a northern part of Seoul on Friday!  I had never met JiSang's parents and his little "sister" before; only heard so much about them.  His mother prepared a very yummy Seollal feast and we enjoyed a great time of fellowship with some very delicious food.  After our Noon meal (I call it dinner because it was not small like a lunch), we had a mini-concert by JiSang's Daddy on his harmonica!  I loved it.  Then after some tasty fruit and pictures, JiSang took me to see the new movie, Frozen.  We had a great time enjoying the movie and then went for coffee at Starbucks and some great conversation together.  Please continue to pray for my dear friend, JiSang as he seeks the Lord's next step for him.  I know he would really appreciate that!

I am holding Lemin, JiSang's little "sister."
She is so cute!!  I wanted to take her home
with me, but I am afraid the Hwangs may
    have called the police to capture me!

Our yummy meal!!  Oh, how I wish I could have eaten more!

JiSang, GGG, JiSang's Mom, Dad, and Lemin!     

Saturday - Annual Seollal Visit to Yeongmin's Home!!  It is becoming a tradition that I go to Yeongmin's home to enjoy an amazing feast prepared by his mother and father!  Saturday was no exception.  Yeongmin had told his mother that I enjoy salmon so she had prepared a surprise for me - baked salmon with excellent seasoning and a honey-orange glaze!!  It was soooo good!  Mr. Baek kept motioning me to eat it all!  They always want me to eat so much!  And it is easy since I love everything they prepare!!  After some delicious fruit and tea for dessert, guess what?  Yeongmin had reserved tickets to see Frozen!!  I wanted to see the movie again, but wasn't expecting the second showing so soon!  I really enjoyed it again.  I also enjoyed the conversation that Yeongmin and I had after the movie at Starbucks.  Keep praying for this dear young man and his family.  I want them to come to know Jesus!

The spread that Mr. and Mrs. Baek had
prepared for me!  My seat is to the right
of the salmon!  Oh, I am getting hungry
                     for it again!

In the Baeks' kitchen: GGG, Mr. Baek, Mrs. Baek,
and Yeongmin around the table of delicious food!! 

Saturday Evening - I enjoy a new food experience with a new friend!! - Some of you know from Facebook that I enjoy meeting the sales clerks at the stores that I frequent often.  One of those places is a 7/11 convenience store right in my apartment building.  Some of you will remember that this 7/11 has been taken over by new management and there were new employees. The first one of those I met has become a very good friend.  His name is Minsoon Kang.  He is graduating from Seoul Foreign Language High School next Friday.  Each evening when I return from YISS (even if I don't buy anything), I stop be to greet Minsoon.  He looks forward to it. After several visits, he sent a message to me on my phone and asked, "Are you a Christian?" That 
question has begun some excellent conversations with Minsoon.  He invited me to try a new food experience on Saturday evening!  I took the 6211 Bus to his home area in Sindang and took me to a little Korean restaurant that specializes in Gop Chang!  Gop Chang is pig's stomach!  There are two different kinds and we tried each.  I actually liked the taste.  I'm still working on the texture of it. :-)  But I really enjoyed the slightly spicy red sauce used in the Yang Nyum Gop Chang!  After finishing our Gop Chang meal, we went to a coffee shop and enjoyed some coffee, BUT most of all the conversation centered on God and why I believe in God.  Minsoon loved hearing me share and asked questions throughout the conversation and shared that he really doesn't believe in anything at this point but he said that I have got him to question things.

Minsoon asked me to attend his high school graduation next Friday.  He said his parents are really interested in meeting me and he wants me to meet his girlfriend.  I am taking a personal day from YISS so that I can attend his special day.  Would you pray for Minsoon as he continues to seek God?  I mentioned some books that I encouraged him to read as he studied various religions.  I mentioned C. S. Lewis and Josh McDowell and he said that he would really like to read them. Thank you for praying for my new friend!

      At the Gop Chang restaurant with Minsoon!

Gop Chang with all the tasty side dishes!

Here I am with the lady who was the head person at
the Gop Chang restaurant (Minsoon told me later that
the restaurant is called "Popeyes").  There was a table
of men, who seemed to be regular customers, who 
seemed to be teasing with this lady as she prepared to
have her picture taken with me.  It took 4 pictures until
she was happy!  She even took her nice red apron off!

OK, I will stop for now.  Thank you for all you do for me.  Your continued prayers, love, encouragement, and support mean so much to me.  Enjoy a great month of February!

Love, Gregg

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