Saturday, January 31, 2015

January 2015 Finishes Well!!

As days and months go by so quickly, it continues to make me realize how important each minute of my life is not to be wasted.  My desire is to allow God to use my life here on this earth to invested and not wasted.  I was reminded once again of this during this final week of January.  I can't believe it is over.  So many opportunities with children, teens, and adults during the past week!  Yes, it was another busy week at YISS and outside of YISS.  Thanks for continuing to encourage me, love me, pray for me, and support me.  I will try to give you highlights of the week mainly through photos.

*  Last Sunday:

After a delightful morning at church with a number of friends, I came home and finished my post for the week and then headed out to meet my new friend, Jacob Kim.  I had met Jacob at a Thanksgiving celebration at one of the apartments of one of our YISS parents.  Sunday evening he asked if he could bring along his friend, April, and we went to enjoy a great time of getting to know each other and a very yummy Thai dinner at "My Thai" restaurant.  I really enjoyed meeting this special couple. Jacob wants to meet regularly with me for learning more English, discipleship, and beginning to teach me Korean.  I have picked up bits and pieces of the Korean language but have not made time with everything else to really study and learn it. As I get older, I realize I need to hear, see, and write the language in order to really understand and learn it.  Yesterday Jacob and I had our first meeting. we had an awesome time learning each other's language!! So exciting!

Here I am at "My Thai" preparing to enjoy some delicious Thai food with my new friends, April and Jacob!  Praying that Jacob and I will be able to be able to meet regularly for learning Korean, fellowship, and discipleship.

*  Monday:

This was a day of getting things ready for a very busy week.  We had our weekly Elementary Administrators' meeting.  This is always a great time as we pray together and then make decisions impacting the Elementary School at YISS.  Many items on the agenda!  There are a few openings for next year on the elementary staff and we were planning times for interviews for several positions. One new position, which I am really excited about, is a full time Elementary Counselor!  We are delighted that Mrs. Lauren Hooper has accepted this position.  Lauren is the wife of Terrel, our HS Vocal Music teacher.  Please continue to pray that all of our staffing needs will be filled as soon as possible.

*  Tuesday:

Today was the filming of our mini movie for our Opening Assembly for our annual Read-A-Thon (RAT) at YISS!  I love this month where we strongly encourage reading among our students.  The PTO organizes most of the activities in conjunction with the administrators.  It is always a great time! The High School Technology class and the teacher agreed to film our little movie to introduce the Read-A-Thon to our students at the RAT assembly on Monday, February 2!  The short movie is titled Super Reader Saves Reading!"  Mr. Adams, our 1C teacher, is Super Reader; Ms. Henspeter, our Elementary Media Specialist, is the Librarian; and I am Mr. Templeton, The Thief of Books!  A number of children have some parts in the movie.  We had so much fun filming the movie and we are excited about seeing it on Monday.

PTO poster promoting the 2015 Read-A-Thon!

     Super Reader and The Thief of Books at Monday's filming!

Another picture of two strange men during the filming of the RAT
movie for the Kick Off Assembly on Monday!               

Also on Tuesday I went to see my doctor, Dr. Kim concerning the burning rash on my inner thighs.  I have had this for over 16 days.  This was my second visit to see him and this time Dr. Kim said he was sending me to Dr. Park, a dermatologist, for a specialist's examination.  I would continue to value your prayers as I seek to get rid of this.

*  Wednesday:

Wednesday was another full day!  In addition to final work on the After School Activities for Quarter Three, it was an elementary Dress Down Day.  Today was Neon Day!  I really did not have any clothing that was "neon" so I checked my neckties.  I found one that might pass as "neon" and wore that.  The kids and many teachers had some very interesting outfits!  It was a very bright day.

The Elementary School Office Staff (minus our principal) on Neon Day at YISS! From left to right: Mrs. Yoo, secretary, Mrs. Roll, elementary assistant principal, Mrs. Williamson, my ASA assistant, and GGG.

Wednesday evening I was invited, along with our Physical Education teacher, Nilton Resende, to the apartment of our 5A teacher, Mr. Ross Williamson, and his wife of less than a year and my After School Activities' assistant, Mrs. Abby Williamson, for dinner.  What a great time we had with this delightful couple!  

Abby and Ross Williamson with Nilton Resende in the Williamson's
                apartment preparing to enjoy a very tasty meal!

This is the very yummy Moroccan dish that Abby had prepared!! 

*  Thursday:

Thursday morning was full of excitement!  It was our 100th day of school and this is a special day for our Kindergarten cherubs!  Our amazing Kinder teachers, Ms. Regnier, Ms. Wheat, and Ms. Han, had prepared a fantastic morning of celebration for this 100th Day Celebration.  It has been my privilege and joy to read a 100th Day book with the kinder children to begin the morning!  I always enjoy interacting with these special kids and this morning was no exception.  A number of parents had come to assist in the various 100th Day centers that had been set up in five different locations!

The hands of two cherubs after having 100th Day "tattoos" placed on them by Ms. Regnier!

GGG welcoming children, teachers, and parents to the 100th Day!

GGG reading the 100th Day book to the cherubs and their parents and teachers!

Cherubs preparing a portrait of what they might look 
like 100 years from now.                 

Some wearing the 100th Day Hats they made while putting 100 finger prints on a chart!

Stamping and putting the stamps in groups of 10 in order
              to make a total of 100 in 10 groups.

This is one of the favorite centers!  Snacks!!  They group them into 10 groups of 10.  Then they can also eat some!

The following are only five of the children's writings of "When I am 100 years old!"  They also did some tech work in making them look 100 in their pictures.  Enjoy!  I hope they make you smile!


Thursday afternoon was busy with a couple interviews for an ELL Elementary teacher and a Grade 3 teacher for next year.  One was conducted via Skype and the other was a live interview in our elementary principal's office.  We conduct group interviews for elementary positions and we had a great time with these two candidates.  We have already had several interviews and are preparing to make some offers. Pray that those who are to be at YISS will be there!

*  Friday:

Friday began with an all elementary school assembly in the auditorium!  Our Elementary Chaplain, Mrs. Carol Franck, had prepared a kickoff assembly for our "Stand Up and Be a Guardian" month throughout the entire school during February.  We had some great singing and the "Teens Helping Kids" club from the high school came to share about how we can protect our school climate and our Guardian Values - especially standing up when someone is being bullied.  Our mascot, the Guardian, made an appearance to the delight of our kids! It was a great way to begin February where all of YISS will be centering on standing up and demonstrating the values a Guardian at YISS should be modeling.  The YISS EdTech department will also conduct a Parent Technology Session for elementary parents on Wednesday, February 4.  It will feature conversations about teaching children to "Stand Up" online, report bullying, and embody the Guardian character traits.

 This is one of the banners that have been prepared
  for the month of February for YISS students and 
teachers.  This is the theme we will center on during
                             this month!

Elementary students in the "Stand Up" assembly on Friday.     

Friday was an "Early Release Day" so that teachers could have the afternoon to work on various areas of curriculum to prepare for our accreditation visit next year.  It also gave me opportunity to complete some ASA projects as well as work on some accreditation items.

Friday evening I headed out to see Dr. Park, a dermatologist located in a clinic about 20 minutes from YISS.  Dr. Park was very thorough and was very relational as well as knowledgeable.  After his examination he ordered an injection and some prescribed cream.  Then he set up an appointment for February 6 for me to return to see the progress.  He indicated that I had a severe case of eczema, but he believes he can give some relief.  Thank you for praying.

This coming week will be another busy one!  In addition to the Kick-Off Assembly for the Read-A-Thon on Monday morning, we will have an Open House on Tuesday, February 3, for those who are ready for Kindergarten or Grade 1 for the 2015-16 school year.  I will be sharing about the After School Activities as well as leading a tour of prospective parents.  

Cards that have been distributed inside and outside the school for our Open House on Tuesday!

Then on Wednesday, February 4 will be the EdTech department's session with elementary school parents about helping children to "Stand Up" on line, report bullying, and embodying the Guardian character traits.

I trust you will enjoy a great week!  Thank you so much for your love, encouragement, prayers, and support!  Happy February!!

Love, Gregg

Saturday, January 24, 2015

A Week of School Spirit: Both YISS and Wheaton College!

This past week was a week of School Spirit!  Each day at YISS the entire school came together to have a community of fun by having each day as a dress down day for all students and staff! Everyone seemed to have a great time.  Monday was Pajama Day; Tuesday was Sports Day; Wednesday was Fave Cartoon/Disney Character Day; Thursday was Mismatch Day; and Friday was School Color/YISS Spirit Day!  Students and teachers had great creative fun throughout the week!  January can be a very depressing month at schools so it was a great way to combine some excellent creative fun with all of the academics.  I am going to share just a few pictures of some of the outfits on various days.  You can find more on facebook.

Above are the special people who are in the Elementary and High School Office complex.  Front row left to right: Mrs. Birmingham, Mrs. Roll, Mrs. Bang (HS Secretary), Mrs. Yoo (Elementary Secretary); Back row left to right: GGG and Mr. B (High School Principal).  We are dressed in school colors with res, white, and blue bead necklaces on Friday!

             Our K-3 Music teacher, Ms. Weir!

Our three great Kinder teachers on Mismatch day:  Ms. Han, Ms. Wheat, and Ms. Regnier!

Grade 4A with their teacher, Ms. Dean, on Pajama Day!

3B teacher, Ms. Heidi Corbett, a dinosaur with one of her cherubs carrying her tail as she "eats" a child! :-)

One of our great TA's, Ms. Kathy Lee with some Grade 1 cherubs!

4D and 4C teachers, Mrs. Lynch and Ms. Greaves  with a student, Grace!

4B teacher, Ms. Sarmiento as Dopey!   

Ms. Dean again as Sneezy!

   Some children in their cartoon/Disney

One of our fifth grade cherubs!

As I mentioned last week, this was also the week that a Wheaton College Team was coming to Korea.  There was a Wheaton Alumni gathering on Tuesday evening, which was held at the headquarters of the Far East Broadcasting Company in Seoul.  This was the first gathering, of which I was aware, in Korea since I came here back in 2008.  It was so wonderful to officially meet the president of Wheaton, Dr. Philip Ryken.  I had met him when I visited 10th Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia with my friends, David and Amy Avella, when Dr. Ryken was Senior Pastor.  The current director of the Wheaton College Men's Glee Club and Women's Chorale, Dr. Mary Hopper, was also on the team from Wheaton visiting Korea.  Mary was two years behind me at Wheaton.  It was great to reunite with her and hear a little about the Men's Glee Club (I was a member and officer for the four years I was at Wheaton) and all that was happening.  Plans are in the making for a Performing Arts Center specifically for music performances at Wheaton!  The evening was a very nice event and I met a number of Wheaton alumni working in South Korea!

On my walk to the Wheaton Alumni Gathering I passed the entrance
  to Hongik University.  I just liked the picture! :-)  Hongik is very 
  close to the headquarters of the Far East Broadcasting Company.

Above is a picture of those Wheaton College alumni who attended the alumni gathering in Seoul!

Here I am with Dr. Ryken and our Aquatics' Director at YISS, Tim
Linn.  Tim is also a Wheaton alum!  We enjoyed a delightful visit 
with Dr. Ryken!                                  

I was so happy to be reunited with Dr. Mary Hopper, director of the Men's Glee Club and Women's Chorale at Wheaton.  

Then on Thursday Dr. Ryken came to YISS to speak in the High School Chapel and then share in a Q & A session with those students who were interested in making application to Wheaton College. Dr. Ryken shared form the Word about God's grace and the Gospel!  He gave a great message and then he and Dr. Hopper facilitated the Q & A time with YISS students.  Two of the high school friend I met at YISS about 3 years ago are currently students at Wheaton. Joshua Lee and Jona Park are studying there now.  One of Wheaton's initiatives right now is to increase its number of international students especially from Asia.  I was excited to learn that three of the YISS seniors have already made application to the college.  It was a great time on Thursday, although too short.

Dr. Ryken sharing with the High School Chapel on Thursday!

  Some of the students who attended the Q & A session following 
            with Dr. Ryken and Dr. Hopper following Chapel.

YISS High School Counselor, Mr. Lee, with Dr. Ryken and High   
School Chaplain and GWAM Director, Mr. Ben Horne at the Q & A
Session.  The magazine is a copy of last Spring's Wheaton Alumni  
which featured one of our YISS grads, Jona Park, on the cover!   

Dr. Ryken with three students who have applied to Wheaton College from YISS: Joshua, Boem, and Raphael.

Of course the week was full of many of the regular activities at YISS.  The registration for Quarter Three After School Activities is almost complete and went very smoothly for the most part.  We heard of a couple glitches with the new online registration app I am using, but those were very minor. So next week activities will begin in full force.  There are over 25 activities for students to enjoy! We added Speed Cup Stacking, Tap Dance, Jazz Dance, and an additional Swimming class for Quarter Three.  Thanks for praying as we begin this quarter's activities.

Friday was a very busy day as I was sharing in Chapels and the OASIS assembly once again.  I was not able to be in the Kinder and First Grade Chapel because of the PTO Newcomers' Coffee that was held during the same time.  At lunch, a number of kinder and first grade cherubs made a point to come up to me and said that they missed having me in Chapel and I MUST return next week or they will be very sad. :-)  They sometimes are the hardest age group for me to connect with, but from what they were telling me and what their teachers have shared with me, they really miss it when I am not in Chapel to share with them.  Keep praying as I have one more week with all of the students with the series I am doing right now.  It is centering in on a book called The Invisible Boy and is hitting the topics of bullying and how small acts of kindness and using what you are good at and love to do can be such wonderful ways to overcome much of this.  Many young cherubs are really thinking and it is neat to see them making application throughout the week.  Keep on praying!

In between Chapels and OASIS assembly I was involved with the rest of the administrative staff with the PTO Newcomers' Coffee on Friday morning.  It was great to meet most of the parents of those new students who began at YISS in January!  I love meeting the parents of our children.  I had the pleasure of taking two sisters to their new classes two weeks ago to begin Quarter Three.  These girls are from Taiwan and their parents came up to me on Friday and said that their girls were thrilled with being at YISS. It is the first experience at an international school and they have so much appreciated how YISS has helped them to transition from their public school in Taiwan to YISS.

President of the PTO, Mrs. Jinhee Ra, welcoming new parents to
          YISS at the Newcomers' Coffee on Friday morning!

Some of the parents at the Newcomers' Coffee listening to Mrs. Ra.

Elementary Principal, Mrs. Birmingham, sharing with new parents
about the program of the elementary school at YISS and introducing
the elementary assistant principals at the Coffee.             

Saturday was a special day!  Another of my former wonderful SYME students, Youngkwang, invited me to his wedding!  He was so excited that I was able to come and enjoy this special day in his life.  Youngkwang (Dennis) was a great student at SYME and lived in Dorm 404, where I had my little one room dwelling.  It has been great to keep up with him and see how God is working in his life.  Here are some pictures from his special wedding day.  Please keep praying for Youngkwang and his bride, Jeongeun, as you remember them.

As soon as I arrived at the Wedding Hall and found Iris Hall, I was
greeted by Youngkwang.  He greeted me with his usual amazing smile!

Youngkwang took me right away to the Bridal Room to meet his beautiful bride, Jeongeun and have a picture with both of them!  It was great to get to know Jeongeun a little prior to the wedding!

Youngkwang and Jeongeun preparing for the recessional!

After the ceremony there are many pictures taken with family, extended family, and then friends.  Here I am in the friends' picture.  Can you find the foreigner?  I was the only one from SYME days that came to the wedding and Youngkwang and his parents were so happy.  It was a great time.  You might want to check out a couple of video clips on facebook + many other pictures.

 These were my first two plates of food. I
had another small one with pineapple and
some cheese cake!  There was soooo much
                        tasty food!

Shortly after I arrived, Youngkwang introduced me to one his church friends, Kiwon Lee.  He was given instructions to stay with me and make me feel at home.  We had a great time during the ceremony and the reception.  Kiwon asked me to pray for him about his future.  His desire is to be an administrator at a university.  Kiwon has a big exam on February 10 as the first step in the process.  He is a bit scared and if you think of Kiwon, please pray for him.

Look at the happy couple after the ceremony at the reception in their
Hanboks greeting the guests!  They seem like  a very happy couple! 

As always, thank you for your many prayers, great encouragement, abundant love, and faithful support.  You are very special to me and I trust you will enjoy this last week of January!

Love, Gregg