Saturday, January 10, 2015

Relaxation, Refreshment, Reunions, and Some Work!! Happy 2015!!

Yes, it has been three weeks since you have heard from me through my blog.  The three-week Christmas Break was wonderful!  I was able to relax, refresh, reunite, and do a little work!  YISS students return to school on Monday morning bright and early to begin Quarter 3!  It will be a busy week as teachers finalize grades for Quarter 2 and Grade Reports are emailed to parents + the online registration of Quarter Three After School Activities!  I have learned a few new tech things that will assist in making the online registration go more smoothly and save me some time as well; at least that is what I have been praying for.  My personality is that I want everything to work out just perfectly! Oh, the Lord is smiling right now as He has had to teach me MANY lessons in this area.  I am slowly learning, but having the three weeks over Christmas to devote some alone time with the ASA Quarter Three project has helped me to relax and rest in Him and not do as much worrying as I usually do. Thanks for your prayers!

During the break the New Year began!  I have enjoyed the little book A Diary of Private Prayers by John Baille over the years.  The book was a gift to me from the head of Christian Camping International when I was at Camp Joy El.  I have used it so often and through Baille's prayers I have adapted the following prayer for my prayer to begin 2015.  I shared it on Facebook, but here it is if you don't have FB. I pray that it will be your prayer as well:

Good morning, Father!
I ask that through regular fellowship with you that the graces of Christian character will more and more take shape within my soul:
* The grace of a thankful and uncomplaining heart,
* The grace of courage, whether in suffering or in danger,
* The grace to endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ,
* The grace of boldness in standing for what is right,
* The grace of preparedness lest I enter into temptation,
* The grace of strict truthfulness,
* The grace of charity, that I may refrain from hasty judgment,
* The grace of silence, that I may refrain from hasty speech,
* The grace of forgiveness towards all who have wronged me,
* The grace of tenderness towards all who are weaker than myself, AND
* The grace of steadfastness to continue to desire you and your son, Jesus Christ.
Father, as I begin this new year, I pray that you make my life happy....
NOT by shielding me from all sorrows and pain, BUT by strengthening me to bear them, when they come.
NOT by making my paths easy, BUT by making them sturdy enough to travel any path you call me to walk.
NOT by taking my hardships from me, BUT by taking fear from my heart.
NOT by granting me unbroken sunshine, BUT by keeping my face bright - even in the shadows.
NOT by making my life always pleasant, BUT by showing me when people need me the most, and by making me eager to be there to help!
In your Son's most powerful Name,


The remainder of my post this week will be mainly pictures with a few words to share some of the special times I had over the three-week break to enjoy some relaxation, refreshment, and reunions. I will share some prayer requests through the pictures as well.  Enjoy...and thank you for praying.

Saturday, December 20: I enjoyed a special lunch with John Choi, a young man I only met briefly at the wedding of David Baek and Victoria Cho.  He wanted to spend some time with me during a break from his Korean Military service.  We had an awesome time getting to know each other. Please pray for this young man who has studied in the USA and is now back in Korea serving his Military time.  He wants to remain string in the Military and show Jesus Christ to his fellow soldiers.

GGG with John at Los Amigos enjoying a great time of refreshment and laughter!

Monday, December 22:  An alum of YISS from May 2014, Alwarith Alharthy, was back in Korea after his first semester at the University of Nebraska.  Our relationship continues to develop and he made a specific effort to contact me to meet for a meal.  We enjoyed a wonderful dinner at Outback Steakhouse in Itaewon.  Lots of great conversation and he continued to ask me questions about God and Jesus Christ.  Thank you for continuing to pray for this wonderful young man , especially as he returns to Nebraska.

Here I am with Alwarith at Outback! He already contacted me this week to let me know he is back in Nebraska and asked me to pray for him.

Christmas Eve:  I was invited by Eric Lee, the conductor of the Yonsei University Men's Glee Club, and his professor to attend the Christmas Eve performance of Bach's Weihnachts-Oratorium BWV 248!  This was the first I heard the entire performance and it was very beautiful and moving.  It was sung in German and the program had German, Korean, and English printed!  It was such a beautiful telling through music of the birth of Jesus Christ!

The Yonsei University Choir and Orchestra preparing to perform
 Bach's special  Weihnachts-Oratorium in the university chapel.

Here I am at the close of the performance with Eric and his Professor!

Christmas Day:  My dear friend, Jin Seok, had arranged to have Christmas dinner with me.  Jin Seok came to Itaewon and we had a delightful time at Suji's (his choice) and then I took him to Sweet East Cafe and introduced him to Funnel Cakes!!  Please continue to pray for Jin Seok as he works at the National Tax Office in Seoul.  It is exciting to see how he is living out his faith in his work place!

Here we are at Suji's after our Christmas lunch and great conversation.  Getting ready to head to Sweet East!

And here is the Chocolate Banana Funnel Cake we shared!!  Jin Seok loved this yummy treat!! :-)

Friday, December 26:  Some special surprises greeted me on the day after Christmas!!  My dear friend, Ji Sang, told me to meet him at a certain bus stop in Gangnam and then surprised me with a surprise visit from a former SYME student, Somi (Claire)!  I hadn't seen here for a long time and it was so special.  Then Ji Sang and I boarded a bus to head to Bangi-dong.  When we got off, we walked to a restaurant I have been waiting for in Seoul ever since I left Songtan!  Yes, there is now a Saku Saku Chicken place in Seoul!!  We enjoyed a very yummy garlic and soy sauce Saku Saku and some wonderful conversation and laughter!!  Continue to pray for Ji Sang as he seeks God's next step for him.

    Somi, GGG, and Ji Sang reuniting at a bus stop in Gangnam!!

I am so excited to be reunited with my friend, Saku Saku!!!!!

Ji Sang and GGG getting ready to leave Saku Saku, BUT there was   
some yummy garlic and soy sauce chicken remaining for another lunch!

Saturday, December 27:  I had another surprise visit in Seoul!  A former student from Mercer Christian Academy, Ray Davila, contacted me and said that he was going to be in Seoul over Christmas and asked if we could meet.  I was delighted to meet and we had a great time of remembering times at MCA and catching up.  Ray is currently teaching English in Shanghai, China. He brought one of his Chinese friends, Minjie, with him and it was great to get to know him as well.

GGG with Minjie and Ray Davila after our yummy lunch at Taste of Thailand restaurant in Itaewon.

Monday, December 29:  The reunions continued with a lunch with a YISS Alum, Eugene, and then a dinner with another YISS Alum, Jace.  Both of these young men are studying in the USA and they were eager to get together during their Christmas Break back in Korea.  I am excited to see God working in both of these young men's lives as they study at their universities in the USA.

Eugene and GGG at the Lobster Bar for lunch!  A great meal with
a fine young man who is very intelligent and living out Christ at
Emory University in Georgia.  I know he would value your prayers.

Here I am with Jace at Suji's.  Jace wanted to go    
here for dinner.  Jace just graduated last year from  
YISS.  I am excited to hear how he is living out Jesus
at Washington University in St. Louis!  Thanks for  
your prayers for him.                     

New Year's Eve Day:  One of the members of the Yonsei University Men's Glee Club contacted me to see if we could have lunch together on New Year's Day.  I was delighted to meet Michael and get to know him.  He is quite involved with music at his church as well as his studies at Yonsei.  Please pray for Michael as I get to know him even better.
Michael and GGG outside a famous Korean Noodle restaurant in Myeongdong.  We ate here and the food was so yummy!  What a nice time I had getting acquainted with a new friend.

New Year's Day:  Well, I know you will think I live at Suji's, but that is where our 4th and 5th grade music teacher, Dr. Al Harding, wanted to eat.  He has been at YISS 4+ years but has never eaten at Suji's.  He treated me to a great lunch and we had such a wonderful time of conversation about YISS and his family.  The Hardings will be heading back to the States after this year so that they can be with their son, who graduates from YISS this year and will be heading to university.  I know they would appreciate your prayers.

GGG and Al preparing to enjoy our tasty lunch at Suji's on New Year's Day!

Saturday Brunch, January 3:  Finally, I was able to meet up with my wonderful friend, Gunmo for Brunch! He has become very busy with his work at GrapeSeed and a young lady friend as well as his involvement at church that it has been difficult for us to meet as regularly as we would like.  It is exciting to hear how God is using him at GrapeSeed.  we had a wonderful time of catching up and just enjoying some laughter and refreshment!  Thank you for continuing to pray for this delightful young man and friend!

Gunmo and I always "fight" about where we are going to eat. :-)  He makes me give him several suggestions and then he chooses.  He chose a new place for him: The Flying Pan Blue!  They have yummy brunches and here we are enjoying ours!  (Gunmo likes this picture because he looks much taller than I do in this picture!)

Saturday Dinner, January 3: Another great friend, Yeongmin, and I have had trouble getting our schedules to match up to get together over Christmas.  We finally arranged dinner at the Lobster Bar on January 3! We shared a fresh Grilled Lobster, and it was sooooo tasty!!  Yeongmin continues to be VERY busy with his work at SK Telecom.  Please continue to pray that he will come to know Jesus!

Above is our very yummy Grilled Lobster before we destroyed it!

Here we are in front of the Lobster pools at Lobster Bar!        

Monday, January 5:  I met a young lady, Brenda Kim, at a Thanksgiving dinner where a group of YISS parents had gathered to celebrate Thanksgiving.  Brenda was interested in YISS and asked if we could meet to allow her to interview me for some of the writing she is doing on those working with children in Korea.  We were able to arrange this lunch meeting at a new restaurant (for me) in Itaewon called Libertine!  We had a nice time finding out about each other and our ministry in Seoul.

Brenda Kim and GGG preparing to eat some very tasty brunches at Libertine during our interview.

Wednesday, January 7:  My two delightful friends, Tony and Sue Kuhn, enjoyed a wonderful lunch and visit on this day.  I gave several options again and they both chose The Flying Pan Blue as well.  We had some really scrumptious and massive brunches!  We had a wonderful time of catching up and finding out what was happening at both of our schools.  Tony is currently teaching and administering at one of the NICS schools in Korea, Pyeongtaek International Christian School.  I know they would appreciate your prayers as they serve Him together at PICS.

Tony, Sue, and I at The Flying Pan Blue.  You can see our amazing brunches that we are about to destroy! :-)  So good to catch up with Tony and Sue!

Thursday, January 8:  Dinner today was with one of our seniors at YISS.  Many of you have been praying for this wonderful young man, Matthew Hahn.  He wanted to get together to talk about several college choices.  It has been good to see him so much happier this year.  Matthew was probably the first Middle School student I connected with when I arrived during the first quarter in 2010.  I can't believe he is going to graduate this year! Our relationship has continued to grow and he calls me his second father.  Please pray for Matthew as he makes decisions concerning colleges.

GGG and Matthew at Toma Tillo's in Itaewon.  Matthew wanted to eat Mexican so we went here.  Very good! I love the smile on his face this year!

Again, thank you so much for being such a great encourager and supporter throughout 2014!  Thank you for all of your love and prayers.  I love hearing from you, so when you get a chance, drop me an email or even an old fashioned letter/card through good old Postal mail! :-)  Be encouraged in 2015!!

Love, Gregg

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