Saturday, February 14, 2015

RAT Continues; Love and Lunar New Year Break

The Read-A-Thon (RAT) continued this past week with children reading many minutes and many books!  Students in each grade were surprised by "Mystery Readers" on Thursday.  It truly is a joy to see our YISS kids so interested in reading!  Our "Stand Up and Be a Guardian" emphasis continued as well with reports of many of our elementary students doing some wonderful things to demonstrate they are really understanding what it means to stand up when they see other children being picked on, teased in a mean way, bullied, etc.  I have been so thrilled to see students caring for their fellow students and looking for ways to make those "invisible" students more visible!

I want to post a picture of our Elementary Office Family!  I love these women and the individual strengths and gifts each of them bring to our elementary school at YISS!  It is a pleasure to work with them.  Please pray for all of us when we come to your mind.  The picture below was taken with my camera by the photographer on Thursday when he came to take Class photos at YISS.

One person on facebook gave this picture the following caption: "Charlie and His Angels." :-)  I love this wonderful group of angels.  Standing from left to right: Mrs. Krista Roll, Assistant Elementary Principal; Mrs. Beverly Birmingham, Elementary Principal; and Mrs. Jane Yoo, Elementary Secretary.

Throughout this past week various members of the PTO as well as teachers and staff were trying to "catch students reading" in various locations.  I always love these times.  The great thing is that many of our students are reading books even when we don't have the RAT program.  It is a habit with many of the YISS students.  Here are some pictures that were posted on the main RAT bulletin board by the PTO chairs of the RAT throughout this past week.  Some of them are mine and some are other teachers or parents.  Enjoy!  Oh, I have number the photos.  If you care to respond and let me know your favorite picture, just send me an email with the number of the picture set.

                                              Set # 1

Set # 2

Set # 3                                    

Set # 4

                                               Set # 5

Set # 6

Set # 7                                               

Set # 8

                                                    Set # 9

Set # 10

"Mystery Reader Day" is always a highlight for our kids during RAT each year.  This year was no exception.  Many teachers and administrators in the elementary school as well as some in Middle and High School signed up to come and surprise one of our elementary classes on Thursday during this year's "Mystery Reader Day."  It was a great day!  The children absolutely love these times and get so excited and are asking all week, "Who is our Mystery Reader?"  I wasn't able to get a lot of pictures since I was involved in reading on that day but here are a few of the Mystery Readers.  The following were pictures posted on the RAT Bulletin Board in the main YISS lobby by the PTO chairs of the RAT - 2015!

Reading one of my favorite new books to Grade 2A!

One of our Teacher Assistants, Ms. Kathy Lee, reading a Mo Willems' book to a kinder class.

I thought this was our Elementary Media Specialist,
Ms. Henspeter, but she says it is not she.  So I am  
not sure who this Mystery Reader is; still a mystery
to me!  :-)                               

YISS Middle School Principal, Brian Remsburg, surprised his son's elementary class as the Mystery Reader!  The kids loved his Superman outfit!

Since Friday was the day before Valentine's Day, many of the students were sharing love with their classmates as well as with teachers and principals.  It has been so exciting to see our kids combining our special emphasis in February, "Stand Up and Be a Guardian; Protect our School Climate," with acts of love and kindness throughout the week and especially on Friday.  Last Friday the OASIS classes prepared about 20 posters highlighting our "Stand Up" month and then placed them throughout the school.  I have placed a few of them here for you to see.  It was exciting to see genuine acts of love and kindness throughout the week.  In Chapels and OASIS assembly on Friday, it was wonderful to have teachers relate specific acts of love and kindness they witnessed students among our students throughout the week.  There was no special award or reward; we are just trying to get our students into the habit of consistently demonstrating love and kindness to fellow students, especially those who are "invisible."  I witnessed two boys in grade 1 come alongside one of our new students whose English is not so good.  The new student was looking very alone and lost and I watched the other two boys as they observed the new boy.  They immediately, without any prompting from teachers or me, came to the boy and were so patient with him.  One put his arm around him and realized that the new boy did not know what to do when he finished lunch.  Both of them walked him through the process so patiently.  What a delight it was to see the new boy respond with this huge smile!  Later in the week I saw all three of them playing together and enjoying one another!

Here are three of the "Stand Up" posters created by the OASIS Assembly students last Friday!


I have two special prayer requests for you.  One is for a young boy in Grade 3.  He came to YISS about 2 years ago.  His English is still not the greatest.  He always has a huge smile and he loves talking with me and having fun with me.  It broke my heart when I discovered that after his After School Swimming activity each Monday, there is no one there to pick him up on time.  I usually wait for him for about 45 minutes to an hour until we finally get someone to come for him.  I am learning that his mother and father are not together and when Dad comes to visit in Korea, there is a lot of arguing and fighting.  Diego (not his real name) and his younger brother often are left to themselves; maybe their aunt and uncle are there; Mother goes back to her home country on business trips, etc.; and Diego is never sure who will pick him up.  In all of this, Diego continues to smile and have the most amazing attitude.  When someone finally comes for him, I go to my office and cry and pray. Diego has taught me a lot about loving in spite of our circumstances.  Would you please pray for this dear boy?

Here is Diego being "caught reading."  Thanks for praying for this dear boy!

Another young student in Grade 3 is Joan.  Oh my, what an intelligent and delightful young lady. She is so kind and loving and demonstrates this unconditionally to classmates.  Joan continues to teach me so much about love and using one's gifts to honor God while keeping humble.  This past week one of our teacher aids came to my office and said that Joan asked her to give me the portrait drawing that Joan did of me.  I love it!  She has picked up many of my sayings and little quirks.  I love being able to sit and chat with her during lunch every so often.  Please pray that Joan will continue to use her many gifts and talents for God while remaining humble.

Above is the portrait Joan drew of me. I love it!

Saturday was another special day!  After working on some writing on Saturday morning at my little spot at Starbucks, I left to go meet my long time friend, Tony Kuhn.  Tony is teaching at Pyeongtaek International Christian School in South Korea.

As I was walking to meet him, I was stopped by two Korean university students.  This is a common experience for me in Seoul, especially on Saturdays.  This couple came up to me with big smiles and said, "We were wondering if you had a couple minutes so we could interview you for our English class.  We saw this gorgeous man coming our way and thought you would be the right person for our interview."  I began looking around to find the gorgeous man and started waving for a man I saw walking to come over.  Finally they understood my humor and said, "Oh no, you are the gorgeous man."  Then they made my Valentine's Day even more special when they gave their response to this question: "How old do you think I am?  They had just asked me how old I was.  They responded, "Maybe 50 or 52 years old."  Although I think they need their eyes examined, I love them!  They would not believe me when I said I would soon be 66 years old. :-)  We had a wonderful interview together!

Here are my two new friends who I met Saturday morning in Itaewon!  We had a great time together! They were so excited that I took a few minutes to let them interview me.  They were very curious about my teaching Bible and English to university students.

After the interview I met Tony at Suji's Restaurant and had a very enjoyable time together talking about our schools and our experiences.  It is always great to catch up with Tony.  Please pray for him as he is trying to sell his home in Greencastle and has had some setbacks with the first realtor and rental agent.  I know the feeling so I told him I would be praying and hope you will also.  He would like to sell it so he has some funds to continue his graduate education work. Pray as he teaches at Pyeongtaek.

Tony Kuhn and GGG enjoying a yummy lunch at Suji's!  Great time to catch up with Tony.  His wife, Sue, will return to Korea on Monday evening.  She had gone back to Pennsylvania for the memorial service for her step mother.  I know she would value your prayers.

This coming week Koreans will celebrate one of their big holidays, Lunar New Year!  In Korean it is called Seollal.  Seollal (Lunar New Year; January 1 of the lunar calendar) is one of the most celebrated national holidays in Korea. This year, Seollal falls on February 19 of the Gregorian calendar. More than just a holiday to mark the beginning of a new year, Seollal is truly a special occasion for Korean people. Not only is it a time for paying respect to ancestors, but it is also an opportunity to catch up with distant family members who travel home to get together for this special occasion. During Seollal, Koreans traditionally wear hanbok (traditional clothes), perform ancestral rites, play folk games, eat traditional foods, listen to stories, and catch up with one another.

YISS has three days off this next week (Wednesday through Friday) so that students can spend time with their families and enjoy this special time of the year together.  A lot of travel will happen during this week.  I am hoping to be able to catch up with some of my former SYME students in Korea during this next week.  I already received a surprise package from a former student, Andrea, whose wedding I attended a couple months ago.  Andrea sent me a box of delicious dried persimmons!!

My box of dried persimmons from Andrea!  Yummy!

My wonderful friend Gunmo will be on a missions trip with a group from his church this week.  I know he would value your prayers.  Jin Seok will be traveling 4+ hours to Busan to be with his family.  I hope I will be able to see at least JiSang, Chang Yong, and Jungmin, three other dear friends this week.  I just found out that Yeongmin wants me to come to be with him and his parents on Friday of this coming week.   Please pray for those who will travel and take some time off from their jobs.

I leave you with a picture of a new Middle School friend I made during the past two weeks at YISS. He is new to YISS and joined Taekwondo this quarter.  The Middle School students join with the elementary students for the Taekwondo classes in the After School Activities.  I can't remember his name at the moment but God knows him.  He is from one of the countries in Africa and he and I seem to have hit it off.  His mother always picks him up and is so happy that I have befriended him.  

My new Middle School friend from Africa!

Thank you so much for all of your love, prayers, encouragement, emails, and regular mail!  I thank God for each of you as often as I can!  I trust you will experience a wonderful weekend of love on this Valentine's Day in 2015!

Love, Gregg

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