Saturday, September 19, 2015

Beautiful Week of Sunshine - In More Ways Than One!!

Yeppers, the middle week of September was another week of rain-free weather during After School Activities!  Actually the sun was shining in Seoul almost every hour of each day during daylight hours!  After School Activities went well and no Plan B or C needed to be used.  The program ran very smoothly this past week, even with the addition of Middle School After School Activities, a Volleyball Tournament, and High School Field Day on Friday.  Thanks so much for your prayers.

As many of you know, I enjoy observing God's creations in nature as well as in people!  This past week I enjoyed some beautiful sunrises and sunsets personally as well as through pictures shared with me from friends and family.  I will share a few of these special "sunshine" pictures here and trust you will enjoy what God has created.

Early Tuesday morning at YISS!  I took this picture from the second floor office of the Assistant High School Principal.

Another beautiful picture taken from the walkway between the main building at YISS and the Athletic Complex!

This is a picture taken by my friend, Carol Lough, when she was on a recent trip to Owl's Head, Maine!

This is a very beautiful picture from my friend and alum of YISS, Joseph Yi.  Joseph said it was taken on a recent trip in New Zealand.

A picture from a YISS parent during one of her morning runs along the Han River in Seoul!

In addition to the beauty of God's creation in nature, I enjoy daily the beauty of His creations around the world and especially throughout our school at YISS!  Here are a few of His creations enjoying some fun and play at lunch recess this past week at YISS.  They always bring sunshine into my life - especially when I am stressed or exhausted!

I love these smiling cherubs!  They bring so much sunshine into my life every day!

Thursday was the first of several "Principal and PTO Parent Meetings" for this school year.  With a number of changes within the YISS community this year, especially in technology, I wasn't sure how this first meeting would flow.  We had an excellent attendance at this meeting and parents were engaged by each of the presenters.  Mrs. Prairie, our new Testing Director, shared concerning the MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) testing that happens at YISS in the Fall and Spring.  Mrs. Prairie gave a very clear rationale for our testing and shared how parents would receive results of the testing so that they can join with the classroom teacher in teaching children at her/his particular level. Mrs. Hooper, our first Elementary Counselor at YISS, gave an excellent overview of the elementary counseling program and resources.  A lot of great discussion was generated especially in the area of bullying.  Mrs. Willetts, our new Elementary Principal, shared where YISS is heading in the area of grading and awards.  She also explained the Progress Reporting system changes.  This event was a great "sunshine" happening this week!

One of the posters announcing the "Principal & PTO Parent Meeting" for September 17.

  Our Elementary Counselor, Mrs. Lauren Hooper leading some
 interaction with the parents concerning "bullying" as well as other
important topics that are of interest to our parents.  So glad to have
   our own counselor this year at YISS in the Elementary School!

Some of the parents in attendance on Thursday.  Here they are listening to Mrs. Prairie as she informs parents about the MAP Testing program at YISS!

Another picture of some of the parents who came out on Thursday AM.

Another picture of Mrs. Hooper presenting to the parents!

Teachers have been extremely busy again this week as they prepared Progress Reports through our new technology program.  The elementary administrative staff spent most of Friday checking these reports and preparing them for distribution on Friday.  It was a lot of work for everyone, but the sun came shining through!

Then on Friday afternoon at about 4:40, I received a fantastic "sunshine" surprise!!  When I was at my usual spot from 4:15 - 4:45 checking to make sure that each elementary cherub in After School Activities was picked up by the correct person, I saw this young man walking down the main hallway on the main level at YISS.  He looked like he was coming directly for me.  As he got closer, I realized that this young man was James Bai!  James graduated from YISS in May 2014 and he surprised me Friday with a visit before he left on Saturday to return for his second year at Stanford University in California.  I was so excited!  We had such a great conversation about classes, his biblical worldview and how he is demonstrating that in his classes, his a capella men's singing group (Testimony), and his involvement in the Intervarsity Christian Fellowship organization on campus.  I was so excited to hear that he will be leading a Bible study through Intervarsity Christian Fellowship this year at Stanford!  I hope you will join me in praying for this delightful young man who God has gifted with many gifts and talents.  It is so exciting to see how he is living out his biblical worldview!

Here I am with James in the YISS reception area on Friday!  I miss this young man and his smiling face and how he impacted many high school students' lives!  

I hope you will enjoy a great week!  Just wanted to take a minute to thank you so much for all of your love, care, notes, emails, packages, prayers, and support!  Looking forward to a little break next week when Korea celebrates Chuseok.  "Chuseok originally known as hangawi (한가위 from archaic Korean for "the great middle (of autumn)"(한ᄀᆞᄇᆡ)), is a major harvest festival and a three-day holiday in Korea celebrated on the 15th day of the 8th month of the lunar calendar."  I am hoping to rest and refresh + do a little work on Quarter Two After School Activities.  I am also planning to enjoy a delightful Chuseok meal at one of my former SYME student's home!  That is always a fun time!

Love, Gregg

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