Sunday, February 14, 2016

Shortened Week for Lunar New Year; Refreshment; ASA; RAT; KA; On to NICS!

Last week was a shortened week for the teachers and students for Lunar New Year!  It gave me a chance to get to work on After School Activities for Quarter Four, prepare for the New Directors' Training & Annual Leadership Conference at NICS; refresh with some friends; and then have two very busy days on Thursday and Friday at YISS!  As I write this I am in the USA in Southaven, Mississippi after a long flight + a 10-hour layover in Detroit.  I am here safe and sound (as sound as I can be) and preparing for training, recruiting some teachers for ICS-P, and taking part in the Annual Leadership Conference at the NICS Headquarters.

Saturday morning, my wonderful "son" and dear friend, JiSang, came to pick me up at my apartment to deliver me to the airport for my flight to Memphis via Detroit.  I always love my time with JiSang and Saturday was no exception.  We had some excellent conversation going to the airport and then enjoyed some more time with coffee at the airport before I had to leave to get my flight.  Thanks so much, JiSang!

JiSang and I posed for a "weefie" at the Incheon Airport just before I had to go through Security and Customs.

Last week I was able to meet with a couple friends to enjoy the Lunar New Year break.  On Monday, I met with my wonderful friend and former SYME student, Yeongmin.  He and his parents invited me to come to their apartment for our traditional Lunar New Year Day feast and great conversation and laughter.  Yeongmin's Mom and Dad always have way too much yummy food for me to enjoy, but it is always a very special time.  Please continue to pray that this family will come to know the Lord.

Yeongmin with his parents and me at their apartment on Monday.  We had just finished our Lunar New Year feast!

Some of the yummy taste treats that the Baeks had prepared for our feast!  All of them were sooo good!

Tuesday I spent most of the day working on ASA material for Quarter Four and getting all of my responsibilities for two weeks covered at YISS.

Then on Wednesday, I was finally able to get a time to enjoy a delicious meal with one of our great teachers at YISS, Heidi Corbett.  Heidi has been at YISS probably longer than all other teachers at YISS.  She is such a great encourager and we have been trying to get a time together for a long time. We enjoyed a delightful time at The Original Pancake House.  I noticed that there were several YISS families at the OPH as well as a few other teachers.  It was a great time of catching up and enjoying some excellent food together.

GGG with Heidi Corbett at the Original Pancake House on Wednesday morning.

On Thursday, the Kindergarten A class had its Publishing Party and I was invited.  I love these times to celebrate the writings of these delightful kinder cherubs.  When I came to KA, the kids all wanted to read their stories to me.  There was just not enough time.  I love being able to encourage these young ones as they continue to grow in their writing skills.  Ms. Regnier does a super job with these young ones.  Below are some pictures from the KA Publishing Party.  I hope you enjoy these pictures of some of the special cherubs in KA.


Friday was a special day as well.  As students arrived in the morning, there was a small group of band students under the direction of our Band teacher, Ms. Zakula, performing some "love" instrumental songs in celebration of Valentine's Day.  It was fun to watch students top and listen to this group play as they came in the building.  Such a fun way to begin the day on Friday.

The Band Ensemble playing as students enter YISS on Friday morning!

Ms. Zakula directing one of the "love" songs that the Band Ensemble played on Friday AM.

From another angle, the Band Ensemble playing while some students stop to listen and enjoy!

Then on Friday afternoon, the elementary students and teachers packed the auditorium for the kick off assembly for our annual Read-A-Thon program.  The PTO along with the elementary administrators and teachers have conducted this Read-A-Thon for one month each year since I have been at YISS.  The kids are already excellent readers, but they read even more during this special time.  They really get excited about Pancake and Pajama Day!  They loved the little skit and video that the administrators and teachers did along with many of our students.  I am hoping to be able to show you the video at a future time.  It was not ready to be placed in this week's post.

One of the pictures taken by Ms. Regnier on Friday afternoon at the RAT Kick Off Assembly.  Mrs. Roll, GGG, and Ms. Dean doing their parts in the RAT Cheer.  Several other teachers joined in the fun and the kids were going crazy!  They were really into it.

Well, as I mentioned, I have arrived at the NICS Headquarters and I officially begin New Directors' Training Monday morning at 8:00 AM.  There is only one other new director at this time.  His name is Linroy Kilgore.  Please pray for Linroy and me as we begin our training and then are joined by other NICS' directors from around the world for the Annual Leadership Conference and Job Fair.  ICS-P needs a few elementary teachers and a high school English teacher.  Please pray that we will be able to interview some excellent possibilities at this Job Fair.  I will be joined by the High School Principal of ICS-P, Charlie Mooney, who will be the main person from ICS-P at this conference.  I will be assisting in the teacher interviews and getting to know Charlie as well.  Thanks for your prayers.

Happy Valentine's Day to each of you!  Thank you very much for your love, encouragement, notes, emails, packages, prayer, and support.

Love, Gregg

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