Sunday, March 27, 2016

Refreshing Spring Break with Birthday Surprises!

Yes, it was a week of Spring Break!  I stayed nearby Seoul and enjoyed a little longer sleeping hours, some walking, some work (finishing up preparations for ASA registration), and some birthday surprises!  It was an excellent week!

On Monday, I went into my office at YISS to work on some things to finish up all the preparations for the online registrations for the Quarter Four After School Activities on March 29 and 30.  I would value your prayers that all of the tech stuff works smoothly on Tuesday morning at 8:00 and that parents will have read the ASA information and checked out the website before Tuesday morning!

While I was working on ASA material as well as Quarter Three Reports Cards, I decided to take down the delightful pictures and comments that elementary teachers had hung from my ceiling while I was in the USA at the NICS headquarters for New Directors' Training and the Annual Leadership Conference and recruiting job fair in Southaven, Mississippi.  A couple teachers organized a surprise for me when I came back from NICS.  They had hung pictures of teachers with comments of encouragement for me when I returned to my office.  It was very special and meant a lot to me.  I wasn't able to get a good picture of the hanging pictures when I returned on February 29, so I took them down on Monday and took individual shots of each one.  I posted them on facebook if you wish to see them all.  Here are a few of the pictures from this very creative and wonderful group of educators!


Tuesday I spent most of the day resting and walking and just enjoying the excellent weather we had all week!  It was just refreshing to have a day to do nothing!  But even on those days, I usually do a lot of reading and reflecting on all that the Lord continues to teach me.

On Wednesday, I was able to finally arrange a visit to Anyang to visit my dear friend, Gunmo! We enjoyed a very delicious lunch at Chaesundang PLUS (Shabu & Salad Bar) on the second floor of the building where he works. After a great lunch and some excellent fellowship, Gunmo took me to the headquarters for “GrapeSEED,” the company he works for. I was able to meet the CEO, Mr. Nathan Lee, and we had a great conversation about the excellent ministry of GrapeSEED. Its mini-vision statement is: “English Excellence for Children Everywhere.” I was very impressed and want to find out more about this English curriculum with a biblical worldview that is currently in schools in 16 countries. What a great pre-birthday visit with Gunmo!

Here I am with Gunmo preparing to eat our Shabu Shabu and Salad Bar goodies!

Gunmo working his way through the Salad Bar!

The Shabu Shabu is getting close to boiling so the meat and   
veggies will be added soon.  Then we enjoy!              

Some of the pasta and Korean food on the Salad Bar.

Here are the collection of greens and veggies Gunmo is collecting 
to add to the Shabu Shabu!  So good!                  

Here I am at the main entrance to GrapeSeed with the company's CEO, Mr. Nathan Lee and their best employee (in my mind) - Gunmo!

Above are two gifts Mr. Lee gave me as I finished our time together. Jenny is one of their mascots.  She is on the left.  On the right is their 2016 GrapeSEED calendar especially designed with children in mind!

Thursday, the actual day of my birthday, I decided to go to YISS in the morning after sleeping in to work on a couple things.  I actually stopped at the Original Pancake House in Itaewon for a birthday breakfast before heading to YISS.  While walking to OPH, I was handed a coupon from a worker for McDonald's.  Itaewon McDonald's was giving out a free breakfast sandwich with presentation of the coupon - no strings attached!  Since I was going to eat my breakfast at OPH, I took the paper and decided to keep it.  It was only good until 10 AM that day.  When I got to OPH, I showed the coupon to the three workers there.  For some reason, they got all excited about a free breakfast sandwich from McDonald's.  I heard them trying to see if they could take a break and go get one.  After I ordered my OPH breakfast, I said that I was going to get one for them.  They couldn't believe it.  I told them it would be my birthday present for them on my birthday!  They smiled.  I placed my order and got up and headed for McDonald's, which was only a 2-minute walk from OPH.  I was planning on getting a free sandwich and then buy two more for all the workers plus three hash browns.  When I told the man at McDonald's I only had one coupon but would like to buy two additional ones plus three hash browns, he said, "No problem."  He told me the total I owed was 3,000 Won (less than $2.00).  I looked puzzled.  He said, "All three sandwiches are free for you!"  So I paid for the hash browns and went quickly back to OPH.  I wish I had my camera ready for a picture of the looks on the faces of the wait staff!  They were thrilled and could not stop thanking me for the special treats. It was so much fun to give on my birthday!

Oh, when I was at YISS, I received a packet of mail from my sister, Julee.  She collects my mail sent to ChambersburgGordon Hurlburt!  He had just published a little paperback entitled, Uniquely Human.

Here is Gordon's new book, Uniquely Human!  You might want to get a copy of it for your own.

My complimentary Pumpkin Spice Latte with some
                  yummy whipped cream!

Here I am with the Ji Ho!  G-One was not working this shift so no picture. :-(

Ji Ho presenting me with the very delicious Strawberry Cheesecake!!

     A close up of my most delicious Cheesecake!

A little bit closer!

The first piece I enjoyed at home.  I added a little 
more whipped cream after I took the picture! :-)

I was planning to meet Joshua, my friend and a former SYME student, on Friday evening.  At the last minute his company called him and told him he needed to return to Busan early,  So we couldn't meet.  :-(  I told him I understood and we would meet again soon.

Since I was not able to meet Joshua, I went to have dinner at my favorite Thai Restaurant, Taste of Thailand.  My friend and the owner, Young Ho, stopped by my table and gave me a little gift of soap shaped like a pineapple and with the scent of pineapple.  Young Ho had to leave for a meeting, but as I was finishing my tasty meal, Grace, one of the wonderful members of the wait staff, came to my table with a bag of Thai snacks.  She said that Young Ho wanted me to have these for my birthday. :-)

Above are the assortment of Thai snacks Grace and Young Ho gave to me for my birthday!  (The soap is not a snack!) :-)

On Saturday, my dear friend and former SYME student, Yeongmin, texted me and asked me to meet him for my birthday dinner at Anguk Station (near Insadong).  We had a great time catching up with each other and enjoying some very delicious food at a restaurant called "The Traditional Korean House, Which Mr. Smith Likes."  That is the best English translation Yeongmin could give me. :-) During our meal and fellowship, Yeongmin received a phone call from SKTelecom (where he works) that the father of one of his colleagues passed away.  Yeongmin and I finished the meal and then he needed to go to his office to make arrangements for providing food and supplies for the family during the three days of visitation for his colleague's family.  I know Yeongmin would value your prayers at this time.

Yeongmin and I preparing to enjoy our delicious birthday meal!

         Here is the Salmon Appetizer we shared!  Sooooo good!

Beef Pasta with Garlic, Broccoli, and Mushrooms!  Also, very yummy!

This is our dessert!  First time I ever had Tiramisu 
with Vanilla Ice Cream in the center of it!  I will have
it again! :-)                            

It has been a great week of rest and refreshment + celebration of my birthday!  I was overwhelmed with many emails and facebook messages and regular mail with special words of encouragement and greetings for my birthday!  Thanks to all of you who took the time to send me greetings in one form or another on my birthday.

I would value your prayers this coming week for the After School Activities online registration on Tuesday morning beginning at 8:00 + the accreditation team visit for the entire week at YISS.  We have some more to do to get Quarter Three Report Cards sent out to parents.  Thank you very much for your continued love, care, encouragement, emails, notes, cards, prayers, and support!  Enjoy a wonderful Resurrection Sunday!  He is risen!!

Love, Gregg

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