Saturday, September 17, 2016

Happy Chuseok! A Great Time for Family, Friends, & Food!

Yes, it was the week we celebrate Chuseok in South Korea!  That meant we only had two days of school at ICS-Pyeongtaek this past week.  Only two, but they were busy and full of fun with my new family at ICS-P!  Wednesday through Friday were days of meeting with some of my new family and friends here in South Korea!  And with those times of meeting, in addition to great fellowship, there is plenty of delicious food! :-)

First, I had a fun experience after church last Sunday.  Following the worship service and then the small group time, I went to one of my favorite restaurants, Puffin!  It is very close to the main gate of Camp Humphreys where there is a special street for lots of restaurants as well as a variety of various shops.  After lunch at Puffin, I went walking on this street and found the place that Tony and Sue Kuhn told me about.  Sue gets hers nails done at the shop, but they feature "Doctor Fish" - very small fish that delight in eating the dead and dry skin from a person's feet!  I walked by the shop and saw the large aquarium-type container with these Doctor Fish swimming around.  I went past it and then decided to come back and try the fish! :-)  It was a delightful experience.  After cleaning my feet, I was told to place them in the tank.  Immediately my feet and ankles were attacked by these tiny fish!  It was a very strange sensation and for 10 minutes I sat and enjoyed having these Doctor Fish chew on my feet!  I think I will return!  :-)

Here I am last Sunday afternoon with my new friends, the Doctor Fish!  They appear to find my left foot tastier than my right foot! :-)

A closer view of the Doctor Fish happily at work!

Monday was a busy day for all of us at ICS-P as we had many reports to complete for the NICS Home Office as well as prepare for the NICS Fall Directors' Conference in Singapore that will begin on September 19.  After a busy day, students departed.  I had received some text messages from my dear friend from SYME days, Gunmo Kim.  He was going to be near Pyeongtaek at a couple of the Korean schools that use the Grapeseed English Curriculum.  I was very happy that he would be in the area.  Gunmo said he would plan to stop by the school around 4:30.  He came and I was very happy to give him a tour of the facilities at ICS-P.  Then we went to a Thai restaurant that I enjoy and we had a fantastic time of fellowship and yummy Thai food.  I was also able to show Gunmo my new apartment.  Before he left, he installed a "Taxi App" on my phone so that I could type in my location and then my destination.  A taxi driver would respond and inform you about how long it would take them to get to your location.  Then you only pay for the cost from your location to the departure location.  It already proved to be a great addition on Thursday when I needed to get to the Pyeongtaek Train Station to head to Seoul.  Within five minutes of my text through the Taxi App, a taxi driver appeared at my front door!

My dear friend, Gunmo, and I at the Thai Restaurant on Monday evening!  What a great time!

Shortly after Gunmo left my apartment on Tuesday evening, I was sitting at my kitchen counter reading,  Suddenly there was some rumbling and then swaying and shaking.  This was so unusual for this apartment.  Of all four apartments I have lived in while in Korea, this current one is the most soundproof of all of them.  I knew something was wrong.  On facebook, others in the area were posting about a mini-earthquake that they experienced in our area as well as in Seoul.  I had experienced an earthquake.  It was about 5.3 and lasted a very short time.  As far as I know there were no deaths, but some damage to roads and buildings in a nearby town.  This was my second time experiencing a mini-earthquake.  So grateful that I am safe!  I don't wish to experience another!

Tuesday at ICS-P was a day the elementary school designated as Hanbok and Korean Sports' uniforms or T-shirts' day.  It was so fun to see the cherubs in their Hanboks and sports gear!  Here are a few pictures of the fun day in honor of Chuseok!

On Tuesday, the kindergarten cherubs and their teacher, Mrs. Cho, and Teaching Assistant, Mrs. Han, surprised me with a visit to my office to show off their Hanboks and sports outfits!

Two brothers in their sports' outfits!

      A beautiful girl modeling her Hanbok!

A group of Grade 1 students with their Korean outfits in front of the World Map!

One of our teachers, Mr. Greener, and his   
daughter in their Hanboks!             

Grade 2 teacher, Ms. Dather, with some of our elementary cherubs!

                   Some of our elementary "fighting" boys!

These two grandparents brought their three grandchildren to school on this special Hanbok day!

I was able to also enjoy High School Chapel on Tuesday.  It is held in our new gymnasium and it was a great time of hearing them worship in song and then hear from our HS Principal, Mr. Mooney, concerning God's will.  Here are a couple pictures of the students and teachers with the music worship team.  You will notice in the photos that there were some items all set up in the one half of the gym.  I arrive late so I did not get to see what this activity was ll about.  It was great to experience HS Chapel!

High School Chapel with activity stations set up for some activities prior to the main time.

Mr. and Mrs. Hannings, Ms. Kim, and Ms. Gaul leading the music worship time!

One of the parents gave me a Chuseok gift of Honey Red Ginseng.  I decided to share the little packets of Ginseng with some of the office staff.  As is usually the case, I was informed by the Koreans that this is expensive but very good for a person's health!  I then tried one and didn't find it to be something that tasted too bad.  However, the Office Staff seemed a bit reluctant to eat a piece in front of me.  Finally, after telling them that they had just told me it was good for their health, they took a piece.  Two of the staff were captured on my phone camera below.  You can make your own decision as to the taste of Honey Red Ginseng - even though it is supposedly good for your health! :-)

   Mrs. Tia, one of the office staff looking at the
       Honey Red Ginseng not too endearingly!

Mrs. Tia's expression after the first bite of the "good for your health" Ginseng! :-)

Mrs. Lee, also one of our office staff, appears to be
happy about trying some of the Honey Red Ginseng!

After her first taste, Mrs. Lee has a different expression! :-)

Wednesday I enjoyed breakfast at McDonald's in Pyeongtaek with my friend and pastor of Dae Kwang Church, Mike Nicholes.  Mike wanted to get together to share about the vision for the church and how I could be involved + have a time of prayer.  Because of Chuseok, we had to settle on McDonalds since most establishments were closed or would not open until much later than we met at 8:00 AM.  We had a great time, but the food was typical fast food McDonalds! :-)  No picture since most of you know what that food looks like. :-)

Thursday I traveled to meet my dear friend, Yeongmin Baek and his parents in their new apartment. Ever since meeting Yeongmin at SYME back in 2010, Yeongmin and his parents always invite me to their home for a Chuseok feast!  I believe this was my sixth Chuseok with the Baeks.  Mr. and Mrs. Baek are great cooks and they know that I love the food they prepare for Chuseok.  We always have a lot of fun, laughter, great conversation, and of course, delicious food!  I would ask that you continue to pray for this wonderful family.  They are not believers but keep wanting me to come and enjoy times together and continue to ask questions.

Mr. and Mrs. Baek, Yeongmin, and GGG after dinner in the living room of the Baek's new apartment!

Above is the Chuseok Feast that I was able to enjoy!!  Oh, soooooo good!!

Some dessert: Asian pears, apples, and traditional Korean snacks!

This is Songpyeon, traditional Korean rice cakes.  These were    
homemade by the Baeks.  Yeongmin said that his niece also helped!

Thursday night I decided to stay over in Itaewon at the IP Boutique hotel, which had a special rate for a room over Chuseok.  I had a great rest and then woke up to do some reading and then some walking in Itaewon.  I was to meet my wonderful friend, Jungmin.  I was really excited about seeing Jungmin.  I originally was to also meet another wonderful friend from SYME days, JiSang, but he had contacted me the day before to let me know that some of his relatives had decided to come visit over Chuseok at the last minute and he would need to be with them

I was to meet Jungmin at Itaewon Station Exit #1 at 12:00 Noon.  I was there a bit early and was waiting for Jungmin when suddenly coming up the stairs at Exit #1 was Jay Chae, another wonderful friend from SYME days.  Jay Chae wanted to meet with me before he went to Officers' Training School for the Marine Corps in South Korea.  You can pray for him as he begins this training on Monday.  Both Jay and I were surprised since we didn't think we would be able to meet.  Jay was coming to meet his friend from Liberty University studies.  His friend was a little late and so was Jungmin! :-)  Jay Chae and I chatted for a few minutes and then Jungmin arrived.  Jungmin was surprised to see Jay so we had a wonderful time together until Jay's friend showed up.

Here I am with two very dear friends, Jay Chae and Jungmin Kim, at Exit #1 at Itaewon Station!

Jungmin and I decided to go walking to find an eating establishment.  We came across one that was open and one that neither of us had experienced.  It is a restaurant called Braai Republic: South African Restaurant and Pub.  We went in and enjoyed a very delicious and filling dinner!  It was so good to see Jungmin once again.  We always have such excellent and stimulating conversations. Friday was no exception!  Following our excellent meal, Jungmin suggested going for coffee.  I suggested going to Sweet East since they have Pumpkin Spice Latte all year long and Starbucks in Korea never has Pumpkin Spice Latte!  We went there and the owner, Mrs. Park, was very excited to see me.  I had not been back to Sweet East since I left YISS back in June.  I know Jungmin would appreciate your prayers as he continues to work at his position in Gangnam.  He is very busy working on preparing documents for a big project the company is working on.  He also lives in a VERY small apartment, but never complains.  Jungmin continues to go back to his home in Paju-sipastor.

Jungmin and GGG following our very delicious meal at Braai Republic South African Restaurant & Pub

  Our Meat Platter: Lamb Chops (3), Pork Banger (1), Boerewors-
 South African Sausage (1) with Garlic Potatoes, Salad, and Slaw!

Our South African Chicken Meat Pie with Gravy!

Yummy insides of the Chicken Meat Pie!!                 

Jungmin and GGG at Sweet East for some after-dinner coffee!

The owner of Sweet East, Mrs. Park, was so happy to see me again!

Here I am with the new manager of Sweet East, Joe!

At our worship service on Sunday at Exciting Dae Kwang Church, we had a brand new family + another young Korean-American man visit the church.  They seemed very happy with their time at our church and I am praying they will continue to come.  The family is a family I met at ICS-Pyeongtaek about three weeks ago.  They came to ICS-P because they did not want to send their children to the Camp Humphreys' DOD school.  They also wanted a Christian school that emphasizes the importance of character and not just academics.  I have really enjoyed meeting Captain Brandon Harris, his wife, Joy, and their four children! The two oldest in the family are enrolled at ICS-P in Grade 4 and Grade 2.  Brandon is with the US Army and is very excited about getting involved at ICS-P as well as a good local church.  Thank you for praying for this delightful new family.  (Pictures will come later of the Harris family.)

During our welcome time, I noticed a new young man in the last row of our small church.  I went back to introduce myself and we hit it off almost immediately.  His name is Tommy Seo.  He grew up in California and recently came back to Korea to teach English.  He began telling me a little bit about his background.  He married a young Korean lady about four years ago and they have a little girl who is three years old.  Mother and daughter had gone to the Korean service, but Tommy wanted to be at the English-speaking service.  I really enjoyed chatting with him and after our service and fellowship time, Tommy took me to the Korean service to meet his lovely wife and beautiful daughter.  I was only able to get a picture of Tommy today, but we are planning to begin meeting regularly.  Thanks for your prayers for Tommy.  He is only 26 years old (very young for Koreans to be married and have a child) and I know he would value your prayers.

Tommy and I during our fellowship time following our worship service.

I will close this week asking you to pray for me as I prepare to leave on Monday morning for the NICS Fall Conference for Directors and Business Managers from a number of the NICS international schools located in Asia.  The conference is being held at the NICS school in Singapore, the International Community School of Singapore.  I have the opportunity of sharing with a fourth grade class of students during the week.  Your prayers as I travel back and forth + for all of those back at ICS-Pyeongtaek as they teacher and administer.

Thank you very much for your faithful love, care, encouragement, emails, regular mail, prayers, and support!  You are such a fantastic encouragement to me.  It is hard to believe that we are in the last half of September already.  The weather is starting to get a little cooler for which I am grateful. Enjoy your week!


Saturday, September 10, 2016

A Week of Reports, New Students, New Opportunities, & Chuseok is Coming!

This first full week of September was a very busy one and I am grateful for the weekend so that I can relax and refresh.  It was a full week for me as we approached the deadline for about 8 reports that needed to be completed and sent to our national office, NICS.  Our Business Manager, Mylene Haselman, completed the financial reports before she left for a week to visit her son in Australia and witness his college graduation.  I just needed to finalize those and approve.  Then I had about 5 reports to complete with the help of our wonderful Administrative Assistant, Helen Lee.  All are finished, signed, and sent with one more to go out on Monday.  Our new Grade 5 teacher had several documents that also had to be completed.  These were fairly easy ones once I found out where to get the forms, etc.  So a good chunk of my week was spent at my desk working on the computer with various files + trying to locate different documents from last year.  With the help of a number of the ICS-P staff, I was able to get everything accomplished.

I even was able to add a new member to the Director's Advisory Council (DAC) at ICS-P.  There were only two members on this council when I arrived, and NICS requires a minimum of three.  During the past two weeks I met a new family who has four children.  They have enrolled two of the four (the other two are still too young) at ICS-P.  I have been able to get to know the father well and we have had some great chats.  Captain and Mrs. Harris are thrilled that there is a Christian international school for their children to attend.  They did not want to enroll them at the DOD school on Camp Humphreys where Captain Harris is serving.  We have had a great time sharing and the other members of the DAC have approved the application of Captain Harris as a member of the DAC.  Please pray as he begins his service with us and uses his skills and abilities to advise us at ICS-P!

Special Prayer Request!

Before I write anything else, I would like to ask you to pray for our Guidance Counselor, Mr. Ben Coyner.  He has been struggling with some pain and swelling in his mouth for about 2-3 weeks.  he was able to finally get an appointment at Seoul National University Hospital to see a specialist.  Ben learned that there is an ulcer and large mass in his tongue that is serious.  It was also discovered that he has enlarged lymph nodes on the side of his neck where his tongue was cut.  He had a biopsy on Thursday and then later saw another doctor who prescribed some medicine to give some relief.  Ben has never had a biopsy and it was the first time hearing of a possibility of cancer.  I know that he would really appreciate your prayers.  The results from the biopsy may come back that he only has a bad inflammation in his tongue, and that is what we are praying for.

I was hoping to get to see one of the two volleyball matches our Boys' and Girls' Volleyball teams played this week.  Both were away matches and I just couldn't get to them.  They have represented ICS-P so well.  I just love how they play their best and are always so encouraging with each other . They are great representatives of Jesus Christ as they travel to play.  I know they would appreciate your prayers - both the players as well as their coaches, Mr. Kuhn and Ms. Johnson.  I had the privilege of sending them off on Friday for their matches.  Mr. Kuhn invited me to get on the bus to say a few words and then have prayer with them before they headed out.  It has been so fun getting to know a number of these students.  I am so excited for them and for the growth I continue to see in their lives.

This past week we had several families stop by for information about enrolling at ICS-P!  It is exciting to see enrollment grow with some excellent new families.  We had a mother and daughter stop in on Wednesday to check out the school and have a tour.  The mother is in the military and serving at Osan Air Force Base - about 25-30 minutes from the school.  Her daughter, Nykaela, is in Grade 6, but everyone thought she had to be in High School.  All of the paperwork was completed and Nykaela began school on Thursday.  I even had the privilege of subbing for her Bible teacher, Mr. Kuhn, on her first day while Mr. Kuhn took care of a situation with a student.  Grade 6 is so excited because Nykaela joins the only other girl in their grade!  They welcomed her warmly and everyone seemed to be doing well.

While Nykaela and her mother were enrolling at ICS-P, God was providing yet another great opportunity for our school to get the word out concerning our school!  This is a fantastic answer to prayer.  Earlier in July we had our first opportunity to come on the Camp Humphreys U.S. Army base to set up a display and share concerning our need for substitute teachers as well as share about admissions at ICS-P.  That was a first and we are already invited back there.  Others had told us that we would never be allowed to come on Camp Humphreys or Osan AFB to share about our school since both bases had a DOD school for the military children.  More and more military families do not want the education provided by the DOD and more are coming on their own to ICS-P. 


I was able to enjoy a little of the elementary Chapel time this past Thursday.  I love to hear the elementary kids at ICS-P sing!  I will have to take my camera with video the next time to capture some of their passionate singing.  One second grader, Cyrus, gets to excited when they sing.  I love to watch him sing and dance the worship songs Ms. Kim is using.  Mr. Kuhn continues to work on our theme "Putting on the Full Armor of God!"  Here are just a few pictures from this past week's Chapel.  I will try to get better ones in the future.

Led by Ms. Kim and Ms. Dather, Grade 2 students lead other elementary students in singing opening songs in Chapel on Thurday!  they love to sing!

Grade 4 students singing in Chapel with their teacher, Ms. Johnson,
and our Librarian (expecting a little one in January), Mrs. Mooney.

Quiz time with Mr. Kuhn!  This little cherub just answered      
correctly and Mr. Kuhn is preparing to give her a "high five."   

This little man was having difficulty with his question so he asked a friend for help.

    The little man seated with the light greenish blue shirt was the 
    person selected to help the little boy above.  He got the answer

Coming up next week in Korea is one of the biggest holidays in South Korea.  It is called Chuseok and is a little like an American Thanksgiving.  ICS-P will have off from school on September 14-16.

Chuseok is one of the biggest and most important holidays in Korea. Family members from near and far come together to share food and stories and to give thanks to their ancestors. In 2016, Chuseok Day falls on September 15. As the day before and the day after are also part of the holiday, this year's full holiday period will take place for five days September 14 to 18, including the weekend. 

Many Koreans visit their hometowns to spend quality time with their family, as well as spend time with friends. The holidays also provide a good opportunity to enjoy traditional cultural experiences throughout Korea. 

Our teachers and students are looking forward to three days vacation from school.  Many will spend time with family and friends and eat lots of traditional Korean food.  One of the very traditional Korean foods all the time, but especially at Chuseok is Songpyoen.  Songpyeon is a Korean traditional rice cake which contains stuffing made with ingredients such as sesame seeds, black beans, mung beans, cinnamon, pine nut, walnut, chestnut, jujube, and honey. 

When making songpyeon, steaming them over a layer of pine needles is critical.  The word song in songpyeon means a pine tree in Korean.  The pine needles not only contribute to songpyeon's aromatic fragrance, but also its beauty and taste." (taken from Wikipedia)

On Friday afternoon, our Korean teacher, Ms. Han, had her class of Grade 2 cherubs make some songpyeon.  I was thrilled when they came to my office with a bowl of songpyeon they had made for me.  I love songpyeon and their creation was especially yummy because they were still warm and moist!  They were all smiles as they arrived at my office and presented me with what they had made with Ms. Han!  It got me in the mood for Chuseok!

Grade 2 cherubs so happy after presenting me with their freshly made Songpyeon on Friday!  Their Korean teacher, Ms. Han, is so good with them!

Here are the very yummy Songpyeon these cherubs gave me!  (A question for you: Do you know why the songpyeon are shaped like a half moon?)

Of course the delightful cherubs wanted a silly picture with me!  The little man in the front left is Cyrus who sings and dances so passionately in Chapel!  The little man with his tongue hanging out is my buddy, Robert.  He said he is so glad he switched to ICS-P "because at this school the teachers care for me and love me."

Another prayer request - 

Right after Chuseok, the Business Manager, Mylene Haselman, and I will travel to Singapore for the NICS Fall Administrators' Conference.  This year they are having sessions that focus on the responsibilities of the Business Managers and Directors/Headmasters.  Mylene will leave a little early to meet with some friends and then I will fly from Incheon on September 19 in the afternoon to head for the conference which will end on Friday evening.  I am excited about going to Singapore!  I have heard lots of good things about it, but have never traveled there. Another new place.  I would ask you to pray for safety in travel as well as a profitable time at the conference.  We will be hosted by the NICS international school in Singapore, International Community School - Singapore.  I am excited about seeing that school as well.  I will be sharing with one of the elementary classes at the school during the week.  You can pray for that as well.  Please pray for our HS Principal, Mr. Mooney, and our ES/MS Assistant Principal, Mr. Kuhn as they keep things moving along well at ICS-P in our absence.

I have mentioned to you before that I had found this neat little coffee shop near my apartment called BC800 Coffee & Tea.  That is where I have been going almost every Saturday morning for about six weeks and have gotten to know the owner's son, Chang Sik.  Last Saturday when I arrived a little later than usual (around 10:00 AM), Chang Sik said, "Oh, now I know it is Saturday!  Mr. Gregg is here!"  :-)  We continue to build a great relationship.  He is always so kind and helpful to me.  Each week he or his mother will give me an additional food item as a service gift.  I can't seem to stop them. :-)  Saturday morning after I had eaten the English muffin, which

Here I am behind the BC800 service counter with Chang Sik!

My coffee and Saturday's service gift, Chocolate Bingsoo!!

I would really appreciate your prayers this coming week.  I am hoping to connect with some of my former SYME Korean students and YISS students during the Chuseok break.  Then I need to prepare for my trip to the NICS Fall Conference in Singapore.  You know how I just love to pack (NOT!!) but I am sure it won't be too bad.  Please pray that I will get everything accimplished that I need to finish before heading to Singapore.  Thank you always for your very faithful care, love, encouragement, mail, prayers, and support.  Enjoy your week!

Love, Gregg

Saturday, September 3, 2016

"Kids don't care how much you know..."

I heard this quote for the first time around 40 years ago when I was listening to Howard Hendricks share a seminar on "How to Teach."  I loved it then and I still use it with any who are learning to be teachers, or are teachers already.  "Kids don't care how much you know until they know how much you care!"  Several have been credited with coming up with this quote.  I believe that former President Teddy Roosevelt was probably the first.  He used "people" instead of "kids" and I would agree.  I have been reflecting this week on the group of teachers I am blessed to have on the team at ICS-Pyeongtaek.  It has been thrilling to see each of them get involved in their kids' lives!  I absolutely love how our teachers personally care for and love our students without making a big show about it.  During these first two weeks, I have had numerous conversations with children, teens, and their parents at ICS-P.  I have also received direct reports from administrators about conversations they have had with students and parents that indicate that so many of our students are seeing the love of Christ spilling out of our teachers!

Several incidents for you to encourage you to continue to pray for all of us at ICS-P as we seek to love these students so that they will see Christ and want to know Him:

1 - Robert is in Grade 2 and is new to our school this year.  When I met him on his first day, he didn't say a lot but smiled a lot.  We continued to build a relationship,  I observed him and other teachers relating to him.  Thus past week Tony Kuhn shared with his elementary teachers what Robert came up and told him.  Robert said, "I'm glad I left the Osan Air Force Base school and came to ICS-P. The teachers treat me with care and love here."

2 - Justin is in Grade 1 and has two siblings at the school.  His mother usually comes to pick him up after school dismisses each day.  This past week after the Elementary Chapel (if you remember, our theme this year is "Putting on the fill armor of God!"), Justin had obviously been challenged and encouraged.  His mother came to Mr. Kuhn and said, "Justin came home and was all excited and said he wanted to be soldier of God! That's all he talks about!"  Justin wants to know about being a soldier of God!  Why?  I believe because his teacher, Ms. Hunter, as well as all of those involved in Chapel are more concerned about showing they care about him, and now he wants to know more.  So does his family!

3 - On Thursday, two sisters were enrolled in ICS-P.  I wasn't able to meet the mother on Thursday, but on Friday morning, both Mom and Dad brought the sisters, Hope and Kylie, to school.  I was able to meet Dad, who is a Captain in the U. S. Army.  Friday was the first time Captain Harris was able to accompany his wife and girls to ICS-P.   The first thing he said to me was, "We were thrilled to find a Christian International School near Camp Humphreys because sending our girls to a school on the base is not an option for us.  Everything I have seen and heard so far confirms that this is a school with teachers who will care for my daughters."  After talking with each other more, he had to leave to get to work, but said as he left, "My wife and I are so happy to hear that you and your school are more concerned with teaching character rather than just academics."

There are other experiences but I wanted to share these so that you would continue to pray that all of us at ICS-P will always strive to show the love of Christ to the students who walk through our doors! I would ask your continued prayers for these three young men who come to me regularly to share what is on their hearts and ask questions: Matthew, Daniel, and Jason.  Please pray for our Student Body president, Mokin.  I have been so impressed with his leadership ability, his eagerness to encourage other students, and his humble spirit.

The Middle School and High School students were all excited about the annual Students' Retreat which started after school on Thursday!  MS and HS students loaded buses to travel to the Kwang Eun Kidowon Conference Center for their annual retreat to kick off the school year.  They were involved in numerous team-building activities, learning about developing a regular time of quiet time and reflection, and simply having lots of fun and good food together!  I was able to attend Friday after school.  It was so much fun to see these students interacting with one another and staff members and having some excellent fun + learning to work as a team!  Charlie Mooney, HS Principal, and Tony Kuhn, ES/MS Assistant Principal, along with the Student Council had planned and carried out a fantastic retreat!  I think most of them probably slept many hours when they arrived home on Saturday afternoon!

Indoor beach Volleyball with chairs as the net was enjoyed by a mix of MS and HS students!  They were having so much fun with this.

                          More indoor beach Volleyball!

This picture is really not of the lone MS girl to the left (she was 
enjoying the Volleyball), but in the back Mr. Coyner is chatting
with one of the HS students and Mr. Kolbe is teaching a group of
students a new game.                               

                       More indoor Beach Volleyball fun!

And another one.  There were many other games at the retreat + the Team Building exercises, but I was not able to attend those and get pictures. :-(

Friday dinner time.  These HS students were enjoying some great    
fun times with Tony Kuhn!  The young lady directly behind Mr. Kuhn
and Juyoung, directly to Tony's left were rearranging his hair style.  So
much fun!! :-)                                       

These high school boys were preparing to watch the evening movie, The Jungle Book.  It appears that one was sleeping, but trust me he wasn't.  However, about halfway into the movie, although they had moved closer to the front and were not in this formation, they were all asleep! :-)  They had a long, fun, and exhausting day!

On Friday, I had the joy of reading to the Kindergarten cherubs!  This was my first invite to come and read to a class of students.  Our excellent Kinder teacher, Mrs. Cho, invited me to read The Book With No Pictures by B. J. Novak.  She warned me, "They may not laugh.  I hope you won't be disappointed." I certainly was not disappointed!  We had such a fun time together.  They were laughing so much!  When they saw me after school, they kept asking, "When will you come back to read again?"  I love reading to children of all ages and I was so happy to read to these delightful cherubs!  Enjoy these pictures that the Kinder/grade 1 Teaching Assistant took for me.  I had such a great time!


One final event from this past week was my trip to Yongsan International School of Seoul on Thursday!  It was my first return visit to YISS after departing on June 8.  The three school Directors/Headmasters from the NICS Korean international schools, as well as the director of our school in Japan, met for a time of prayer and sharing of ideas over lunch at YISS.  I thought I had allowed enough time for travel to YISS as well as some time to visit some of the elementary teachers and other great friends I enjoyed at YISS.  Well, I didn't! :-(  I think I will need to return for an all day visit.  I did get to see a few of the students, who I had built relationships, as well as some teachers, administrators, and staff.  It was good to see them again.  It was great to have a time of refreshment with our region's directors.

    Here I am at YISS with my dear friend and the
elementary school Admin Assistant, Mrs. Yoo. She
was, and continues to be, a great assistance to me.
It was so good to see her.  She walked me all the way
 down the YISS hill to the subway entrance when I 
   left to head back to Pyeongtaek.  We enjoyed a
                     great chat together.

As soon as I arrived at YISS, I saw Mrs. Pam DeHart's husband, Roger.  He said that I should go to Pam's Art Room and do one of my "scares".  I did and after she finished her little scream, she came across the Art Room and we had a wonderful reunion hug and chat.  The kids were so excited to see me as well.

One of the Grade 5 teachers at YISS, Ms. Ellie Moncada,
had left a packet of these little announcements of the Art 
Show at the New York Historical Society featuring Mo  
Willems.  She knows I enjoy New York Cty and the work
of Mo Willems!                           

An exciting event happened on August 30 at 6:07 AM!  Jonathan and Laura Edwards gave birth to a beautiful little girl!  They had adopted a little boy and then about nine months ago found out that they were expecting a little one.  They had not been able to, but God has given them a precious little girl.  Samantha Claire Edwards weighed in at 7.89 pounds at 19.60 inches!  Jonathan is a teacher in the Middle School at ICS-P and Laura had been the kindergarten teacher and then Lead Elementary Teacher.  Everyone at ICS-P is excited about this little princess!

Above is Samantha Claire Edwards!

After church at Exciting Dae Kwang Church on Sunday, we enjoyed our first small group study. Following that time of reflection and prayer, the ICS-P HS Bible teacher, Mr. Barry Wolfer, joined me for lunch at Mom's Touch, a yummy chicken restaurant in Pyeongtaek.  Barry's wife and their son (6 months old) are in Busan and will return on Tuesday evening.  Barry and I enjoyed a great time together, getting to know each other better and enjoying a delicious lunch.  This is Barry's first year at ICS-P and I know he would value your prayers as he adjusts to life at ICS-P and in Pyeongtaek.

Barry Wolfer and GGG at Mom's Touch on Sunday after church!

Where did August go?  Oh man, it is September already!  I hope you in America enjoy a great Labor Day holiday.  Thank you so much for your faithful love, care, encouragement, emails, regular mail, prayers, and support!  You are very special to me.  Enjoy a great September!

Love, Gregg