Saturday, September 3, 2016

"Kids don't care how much you know..."

I heard this quote for the first time around 40 years ago when I was listening to Howard Hendricks share a seminar on "How to Teach."  I loved it then and I still use it with any who are learning to be teachers, or are teachers already.  "Kids don't care how much you know until they know how much you care!"  Several have been credited with coming up with this quote.  I believe that former President Teddy Roosevelt was probably the first.  He used "people" instead of "kids" and I would agree.  I have been reflecting this week on the group of teachers I am blessed to have on the team at ICS-Pyeongtaek.  It has been thrilling to see each of them get involved in their kids' lives!  I absolutely love how our teachers personally care for and love our students without making a big show about it.  During these first two weeks, I have had numerous conversations with children, teens, and their parents at ICS-P.  I have also received direct reports from administrators about conversations they have had with students and parents that indicate that so many of our students are seeing the love of Christ spilling out of our teachers!

Several incidents for you to encourage you to continue to pray for all of us at ICS-P as we seek to love these students so that they will see Christ and want to know Him:

1 - Robert is in Grade 2 and is new to our school this year.  When I met him on his first day, he didn't say a lot but smiled a lot.  We continued to build a relationship,  I observed him and other teachers relating to him.  Thus past week Tony Kuhn shared with his elementary teachers what Robert came up and told him.  Robert said, "I'm glad I left the Osan Air Force Base school and came to ICS-P. The teachers treat me with care and love here."

2 - Justin is in Grade 1 and has two siblings at the school.  His mother usually comes to pick him up after school dismisses each day.  This past week after the Elementary Chapel (if you remember, our theme this year is "Putting on the fill armor of God!"), Justin had obviously been challenged and encouraged.  His mother came to Mr. Kuhn and said, "Justin came home and was all excited and said he wanted to be soldier of God! That's all he talks about!"  Justin wants to know about being a soldier of God!  Why?  I believe because his teacher, Ms. Hunter, as well as all of those involved in Chapel are more concerned about showing they care about him, and now he wants to know more.  So does his family!

3 - On Thursday, two sisters were enrolled in ICS-P.  I wasn't able to meet the mother on Thursday, but on Friday morning, both Mom and Dad brought the sisters, Hope and Kylie, to school.  I was able to meet Dad, who is a Captain in the U. S. Army.  Friday was the first time Captain Harris was able to accompany his wife and girls to ICS-P.   The first thing he said to me was, "We were thrilled to find a Christian International School near Camp Humphreys because sending our girls to a school on the base is not an option for us.  Everything I have seen and heard so far confirms that this is a school with teachers who will care for my daughters."  After talking with each other more, he had to leave to get to work, but said as he left, "My wife and I are so happy to hear that you and your school are more concerned with teaching character rather than just academics."

There are other experiences but I wanted to share these so that you would continue to pray that all of us at ICS-P will always strive to show the love of Christ to the students who walk through our doors! I would ask your continued prayers for these three young men who come to me regularly to share what is on their hearts and ask questions: Matthew, Daniel, and Jason.  Please pray for our Student Body president, Mokin.  I have been so impressed with his leadership ability, his eagerness to encourage other students, and his humble spirit.

The Middle School and High School students were all excited about the annual Students' Retreat which started after school on Thursday!  MS and HS students loaded buses to travel to the Kwang Eun Kidowon Conference Center for their annual retreat to kick off the school year.  They were involved in numerous team-building activities, learning about developing a regular time of quiet time and reflection, and simply having lots of fun and good food together!  I was able to attend Friday after school.  It was so much fun to see these students interacting with one another and staff members and having some excellent fun + learning to work as a team!  Charlie Mooney, HS Principal, and Tony Kuhn, ES/MS Assistant Principal, along with the Student Council had planned and carried out a fantastic retreat!  I think most of them probably slept many hours when they arrived home on Saturday afternoon!

Indoor beach Volleyball with chairs as the net was enjoyed by a mix of MS and HS students!  They were having so much fun with this.

                          More indoor beach Volleyball!

This picture is really not of the lone MS girl to the left (she was 
enjoying the Volleyball), but in the back Mr. Coyner is chatting
with one of the HS students and Mr. Kolbe is teaching a group of
students a new game.                               

                       More indoor Beach Volleyball fun!

And another one.  There were many other games at the retreat + the Team Building exercises, but I was not able to attend those and get pictures. :-(

Friday dinner time.  These HS students were enjoying some great    
fun times with Tony Kuhn!  The young lady directly behind Mr. Kuhn
and Juyoung, directly to Tony's left were rearranging his hair style.  So
much fun!! :-)                                       

These high school boys were preparing to watch the evening movie, The Jungle Book.  It appears that one was sleeping, but trust me he wasn't.  However, about halfway into the movie, although they had moved closer to the front and were not in this formation, they were all asleep! :-)  They had a long, fun, and exhausting day!

On Friday, I had the joy of reading to the Kindergarten cherubs!  This was my first invite to come and read to a class of students.  Our excellent Kinder teacher, Mrs. Cho, invited me to read The Book With No Pictures by B. J. Novak.  She warned me, "They may not laugh.  I hope you won't be disappointed." I certainly was not disappointed!  We had such a fun time together.  They were laughing so much!  When they saw me after school, they kept asking, "When will you come back to read again?"  I love reading to children of all ages and I was so happy to read to these delightful cherubs!  Enjoy these pictures that the Kinder/grade 1 Teaching Assistant took for me.  I had such a great time!


One final event from this past week was my trip to Yongsan International School of Seoul on Thursday!  It was my first return visit to YISS after departing on June 8.  The three school Directors/Headmasters from the NICS Korean international schools, as well as the director of our school in Japan, met for a time of prayer and sharing of ideas over lunch at YISS.  I thought I had allowed enough time for travel to YISS as well as some time to visit some of the elementary teachers and other great friends I enjoyed at YISS.  Well, I didn't! :-(  I think I will need to return for an all day visit.  I did get to see a few of the students, who I had built relationships, as well as some teachers, administrators, and staff.  It was good to see them again.  It was great to have a time of refreshment with our region's directors.

    Here I am at YISS with my dear friend and the
elementary school Admin Assistant, Mrs. Yoo. She
was, and continues to be, a great assistance to me.
It was so good to see her.  She walked me all the way
 down the YISS hill to the subway entrance when I 
   left to head back to Pyeongtaek.  We enjoyed a
                     great chat together.

As soon as I arrived at YISS, I saw Mrs. Pam DeHart's husband, Roger.  He said that I should go to Pam's Art Room and do one of my "scares".  I did and after she finished her little scream, she came across the Art Room and we had a wonderful reunion hug and chat.  The kids were so excited to see me as well.

One of the Grade 5 teachers at YISS, Ms. Ellie Moncada,
had left a packet of these little announcements of the Art 
Show at the New York Historical Society featuring Mo  
Willems.  She knows I enjoy New York Cty and the work
of Mo Willems!                           

An exciting event happened on August 30 at 6:07 AM!  Jonathan and Laura Edwards gave birth to a beautiful little girl!  They had adopted a little boy and then about nine months ago found out that they were expecting a little one.  They had not been able to, but God has given them a precious little girl.  Samantha Claire Edwards weighed in at 7.89 pounds at 19.60 inches!  Jonathan is a teacher in the Middle School at ICS-P and Laura had been the kindergarten teacher and then Lead Elementary Teacher.  Everyone at ICS-P is excited about this little princess!

Above is Samantha Claire Edwards!

After church at Exciting Dae Kwang Church on Sunday, we enjoyed our first small group study. Following that time of reflection and prayer, the ICS-P HS Bible teacher, Mr. Barry Wolfer, joined me for lunch at Mom's Touch, a yummy chicken restaurant in Pyeongtaek.  Barry's wife and their son (6 months old) are in Busan and will return on Tuesday evening.  Barry and I enjoyed a great time together, getting to know each other better and enjoying a delicious lunch.  This is Barry's first year at ICS-P and I know he would value your prayers as he adjusts to life at ICS-P and in Pyeongtaek.

Barry Wolfer and GGG at Mom's Touch on Sunday after church!

Where did August go?  Oh man, it is September already!  I hope you in America enjoy a great Labor Day holiday.  Thank you so much for your faithful love, care, encouragement, emails, regular mail, prayers, and support!  You are very special to me.  Enjoy a great September!

Love, Gregg

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