Saturday, November 5, 2016

Quarter Two and November Just Keep on Moving at a Very Fast Pace!

It was another very fast-paced week at ICS-P!  Following a weekend that included our Volleyball season coming to a close with ICS-P hosting the final tournament at our own gym + a Saturday morning Prayer Breakfast and a busy Sunday at church, Monday began and there didn't seem to be a dull moment!  Monday was the day we distributed "Intent to Return" forms to those teachers whose contracts end in June.  Many of you have been praying as teachers make decisions.  Thanks so much.

Last Saturday morning's Men's Prayer Breakfast!

Tuesday was a very busy and cold day!  We woke to below-freezing temps and had to turn on the heat at ICS-P. (I am still holding out in my apartment as it is staying very comfortable for me.)  It was also "School Photo" Day and the elementary cherubs looked so delightful in their photo outfits. I was also preparing for our first ICS-P Director's Advisory Council (DAC) meeting for this year.  Mrs. Haselman, Business Manager, and I met with our three members of the DAC for a dinner business meeting.  I am excited with the three who are serving in this capacity this year.  They have already given me some very valuable advice and counsel.  Please pray as we continue to meet to move ahead with our vision for ICS-P in the coming years.

In addition to preparing for the DAC meeting (held on Wednesday evening), I was preparing to meet our new T.A. and Elementary Korean teacher, Ms. Kathy Lee.  She was planning to come down from Seoul to bring her signed contract and speak with Mr. Kuhn and me  concerning her responsibilities.  She awoke with a fever so she had to cancel. Kathy was able to head down to ICS-P on Friday and we enjoyed a wonderful day working through all the arrangements.  Please pray for Ms. Lee as she begins full-time on Monday, November 7.

I was also making plans to have a Skype interview with a candidate for our Librarian position, which will become available in January.  Mr. Mooney, Mr. Kuhn, and I met via Skype with Mr. Lindsay and enjoyed a delightful interview on Thursday morning.  We have made an offer to Mr. Lindsay and will find out his decision in the next week or two.  There is so much paperwork that must be completed in order to get the proper visa for anyone coming to teach in Korea.  Your prayers will be greatly appreciated.  It sometimes takes 2 - 4 months to complete everything.

Thursday afternoon was our weekly FLT (Field Leadership Team) meeting and we had many items to discuss.  I am delighted with our Business Manager and our two principals who make up this FLT! They continue to be very helpful in moving ICS-P forward.  Please pray for us as we have a number of personnel decisions that need to be made in the coming weeks and months.

After all of the meetings on Thursday, I enjoyed a very enjoyable and relaxing evening with the Kolbe family.  Ryan Kolbe is our HS Social Studies/History teacher and his wife, Corrie, is a very active mother (they have four children; two are at ICS-P and two are still too young to come).  I loved getting to know the Kolbes better.  Oh, Mrs. Kolbe was elected earlier this school year as the ICS-P PTA President.  She is doing a great job!

After some very delicious Cheeseburger Soup, Salad, freshly baked rolls, and then some very yummy homemade brownies A la Mode, I took this picture of the Kolbes on their living room sofa!  Victoria is missing because she was taking her evening bath. :-)

I found out on Friday morning that one of the Kindergarten boys, Daniel, wanted to find out more about Jesus and heaven at the close of the Elementary Chapel on Thursday.  I was sitting beside him since his teacher, Mrs. Cho was teaching in Chapel on Thursday.  At the close of Chapel, Mrs. Cho asked that if anyone wanted to learn more about heaven and having Jesus in his/her life, they should raise their hand.  Before he asked them to raise their hands, she asked them to close their eyes.  As soon as they closed their eyes, I heard Daniel say quietly to me, "I want to learn about heaven."  I told Mrs. Cho after Chapel and she said, that he had raised his hand.  Mrs. Cho talked with Daniel at Nap Time and during that chat, Daniel prayed to accept Jesus as his Savior!  So exciting!!

During this past week, a couple teachers, Mr. Kolbe and Mr. Thornton, had planned some events with their 9th and 10th grade students for some of the elementary children.  Mr. Kolbe's 9th grade History class prepared an "ICS-P Olympics" in order to teach the elementary students about the Greek Olympics.  The HS students had researched and studied in their class and then prepared an Olympics for the lower elementary cherubs!  The teachers said the students were sooo excited and loved having older students teach them.

Mr. Kolbe, with his Cubs' shirt, in the back with his 9th grade students along with the cherubs in Kinder and Grade 2.  They are proudly holding their certificates awarded them at the "Olympics."

Mr. Thornton's 10th Grade English class had been writing stories under his guidance in their class so that they could go and read them to some of the elementary students!  Another great hit with students and teachers.  I believe that young children love to learn when older students spend time with them and teach them things.  Another thing I really liked is that the 10th grade students had the elementary students grade their reading recitations!  They loved that, too.

One of Mr. Thornton's 10th grade students, Mark, sharing his story with this group of Grade 2 cherubs!  They were loving his reading!

Friday I received a delightful package in the mail!  My dear friends from Mercer Christian Academy days, Ken and Judy Kiesler, sent a big package of Judy's now famous hats and scarves for distribution to those in need.  They had done this for our Compassion Club in Seoul at YISS and they contacted me to see if they could send some there as well as to us at ICS-P!!  I was so excited to receive the box of 17 hat/scarf sets!  Judy knits these throughout the year for the sole purpose of sending to others to give to the homeless and needy!  The National Honor Society at ICS-P begins its annual Donations' Drive on Monday!  This is an all-week drive that involves the entire school.  I am sure that the NHS students are going to love these hats and scarves that will be used in their distribution to needy families!  Thanks so much, Ken and Judy!!

My box of hats and scarves from my friends, Ken and Judy Kiesler!  Thanks so much!!

Ending this very busy week at ICS-P was the 2nd Annual Fall Retreat for Dae Kwang Church in Pyeongtaek.  This is the church where I am fellowshipping.  We went up in the mountains near Pyeongtaek and enjoyed the very nice facilities of SaRang Ministry Center on Friday evening and Saturday through Lunch.  We enjoyed a wonderful time together.  I had not seen the movie, War Room, and Pastor Mike shared that with all of us on Friday evening.  What a wonderful movie! It was a special time to get to know others from the church as we don't always have sufficient time during Sunday morning.  Pastor Mike Nicholes shared two sessions from the Word. The first was "WHY Let Your LIGHT SHINE" and the second was "HOW to Let Your LIGHT SHINE."  We enjoyed some excellent discussions, some good music, lots of yummy snacks and food, hikes, laughter, and the energy of a lot of children.

Here is our Dae Kwang Church group who made it to the retreat this year!

     Here I am on Saturday morning.  I was hoping for the sun on 
    Saturday morning, but it wasn't shining through even after my 
                            little hike up one of the trails!

The main entrance to the SaRang Ministry Center!

To the left of the main entrance is the entrance to the Main Chapel.

Wishing the sun was shining to show the color better, but this is the best I could get.

     The Multipurpose athletic courts in the mountains at SaRang!

Alicia Nicholes and one of her daughters    
preparing the yogurt parfaits for breakfast!   

                More prep for breakfast!

These girls were having so much fun helping prepare some of the goodies for our breakfast!

Mrs. Morse with two of her girls plus Nadia
looking on.                          

Two more of the children enjoying some breakfast!

Some of the group listening as Pastor Mike Nicholes shares from
                                the Word on Saturday!

Pastor Mike sharing about Why and How We should be a Light!  

In addition to the Donations' Drive sponsored by the NHS, this next week will be busy as the Student Council culminates its Pepero sales and delivers Pepero Sticks on Friday to those who have purchased as a gift for other students or staff.  Pepero Day is an observance in South Korea similar to Valentine's Day but observed on November 11 (11/11).  The original purpose of the Pepero Day was to exchange Peperos with each other in hopes of becoming taller and thinner. The current purpose is to exchange Peperos to show affection for friends and loved-ones.  They are very tasty! :-)

On the same day, November 11, we will have a half day of school so that teachers and staff can prepare for the Annual Fall Festival at ICS-P.  Classes prepare games for families to play and won prizes.  From all that I have heard, it will be a grand evening (4:30 - 7:30 PM) for the entire family. Events that are highlights for students are the Pepero Eating Contest and the final event - "Pie-the-Teacher."  I believe students can put money in the jar of the teacher or administrator they would like have "pied!"  I believe the Student Council takes the jars with the three highest totals of money in them. Those teachers or administrators will then be "pied." :-)  Should be fun!

I almost forgot!  Also this next week is the Fall Book Fair at ICS-P!  Always a great time.  Parents are invited to come during the day to browse and buy books for their children.  It will be held from November 9 through 11 during normal school hours and then on November 11 during the Fall Festival!

Please continue to pray for Ben Coyner.  Here is his update for this week:

"Dear ICSP Community,
Here are my Medical Updates & Prayer Requests!
Yesterday at the hospital, I was surprised to learn that the CT scan I did was only to measure the size of the swelling of my lymph nodes “bump” on the right side of my neck (below the origin site of my tongue cancer tumor).
The surface area of my lymph nodes swelling decreased about 30%, but the chemotherapy doctor said this was not enough of a reduction for chemotherapy to be considered truly effective.
My next appointment with the surgeon was about surgical options (removing about 90% of my tongue) and whether to do radio therapy. However, I felt uncomfortable making any decisions or plans without actually being able to see the size and shape of my tongue’s tumor. Because the doctors did not
So, I will be back at the hospital on Tuesday to find an opening to have an MRI scan from noon—5 pm. The time of my MRI scan depends on if another patient cancels.
Then my follow up appointments will be on Thursday to discuss treatment steps or surgery with the MRI scan of my tongue.
And instead of taking a one week break from chemotherapy to discuss alternative treatment plans, I am at the hospital today to continue with the induction of my 3rd round of chemotherapy (3 weeks/round).
Prayer Requests:
1) That I will be able to have an MRI scan on Tuesday.
2) That the shape of my tongue tumor will make it possible for a discussion of a half-tongue surgery option—very common procedure.
3) That I can progress with a more aggressive treatment plan with perhaps radiotherapy and that tissue damage to my mouth will not be severe.
4) That some special offering songs and poem that I will be performing in church in November will bless the congregation and guests.
5) That I will continue to feel full of energy.
6) That I will not worry about the future surgical effects."

Thanks so much for continuing to share your love, encouragement, emails, prayers, and support with me.  Enjoy your week!

Love, Gregg 

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