Saturday, June 10, 2017

Frantic Finish to my First Year at ICS-Pyeongtaek!

Well, my first year at ICS-Pyeongtaek has come to a close!  Last week were many culminating events.  MS and HS students took their Final Exams on Wednesday through Friday; all three of those days were half days. it is always tough to say "hasta la vista" to students with whom you have built relationships, but I think even more difficult at an international school where there are always students who will leave at the close of the year to go with their families because of being reassigned to a new position and location.  Teachers were bringing closure to the year and beginning to pack up their classrooms so that cleaning can be accomplished during the summer.  Teachers will have their final day on Monday.  Many are heading back to the USA for a break this summer.  They have worked so hard this year and deserve a nice refreshing break. For those who have been praying, we were able to reimburse all faculty and staff the 10% reduction in pay they had taken since the end of December!  It has been exciting to hear how God has met our teachers' needs throughout the year even with the reduction in pay to the staff.  The budget is still tight and we are praying for even more students for the coming year.  Thanks for standing with us.

Update on the Grade 3 Teacher Position:  So many of you have been praying for this position to be filled.  At the moment of writing this post, we still do not have a definite Grade 3 Teacher.  There is a possibility of one, two, or none after this weekend.  It is a long and complicated story.  This will more than likely be my final post for until I return from my 3-week break this summer, BUT I plan to write an email to update you on what transpires over the weekend and on Monday.  Please continue to pray.
As I mentioned in the first paragraph, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday were half days for students with MS and HS students taking their final exams.  One of the highlights for me this past week during the final exams was when one of our MS teachers came to me and shared the essay of one of the 6th Grade students during the Bible Final Exam. Part of the exam was to write a response to the question: How did you become a Christian or if you are not what are some reasons you are not a Christian? Hannah is a 6th grader and I was so delighted to read her essay.  I am going to share it here.  I must tell you that I took the liberty to edit it in places since Hannah is still growing in her use of the English language especially prepositions.  I have not changed her thoughts and answer, but only corrected some spelling errors and small grammar errors.  What an encouragement her essay was to all of us!

     "How I became a Christian… I used to go to Camp Humphreys School. H.S is not a Christian school, so I didn’t even know what or who Jesus was; I just knew what the word was. I went there for 5years, including kindergarten year. The 5th year of my life in school was ICS-P. I didnt expect to go there but, its a school, it couldnt be that bad.

     Once I got to the school, I saw something really weird for the first time, but comfortable at the end. It was Bible, I didnt know what Bible subject was or what Bible actually was. Teachers were talking about: Salvation, God, Jesus, risen, crucified, and etc. It was confusing at the time but became interesting. I asked about why Christ died for us and our sins, and all about it when I wasnt sure about the Word.

     Dont get me wrong but, Bible was silly and funny to me, because I didnt know it was real. Most of the time my parents wouldnt allow me to believe in those because it was silly or not helpful for my age education. But I didnt act that I believed in Christ but inside I did. Sometimes I felt down so I talked to my teachers, and they told what Christ told them to me. It was very calming and warm-heart feelings in me. Christ’s word is like a parents love.

     In 6th grade, I met a teacher that was my 1st ever favorite teacher.  Mr. Kuhn made Bible much more interesting. When I was feeling threatened or bullied, he was right there to help me and tell students about other students feelings. Matthew was very interesting and once I got to Mark, I was confused because, it was similar to Matthew. I noticed it was the same story but in a different vision.

     In conclusion, believing in Christ is amazing, interesting and comfortable like a family. I was very new for the very first time, and now Im still new to it. It will take a long time to get used to it or get the feeling out of my mind that the Fathers word is new. When people are very sad, I want to tell them to remember Christ and Father that they are always with them. So I’m proud and helpful being a Christian, and Thank you Lord, for being my Savior."

Monday Funday!  On Monday the elementary school, under the direction of TiNa Lee (Librarian) and Tina Cho (Kindergarten teacher), had a Monday Funday!  These ladies had organized a variety of fun activities for the elementary children to enjoy throughout the day. Each teacher was responsible for an activity and they had various rotations throughout the day.  The kids loved it! The kitchen staff even made snow cones for the kids to enjoy during some of the break times.  Parents came in to assist.  One father loved using his talents in art along with our own teacher, Kathy Lee, at the Face Painting Station.  It was a great day!  Enjoy some of the pictures of some of the events and activities.

Some of the Monday Funday Stations.

GGG having fun playing musical chairs!

              Making a Korean fan!

They even had the opportunity to make homemade ice cream!

Ms. Hunter with the Limbo Station!                  

The kids loved the Face Painting!

Enjoying some ICS-P Snow Cones!                     

Hula Hoops!!

Tuesday was Kindergarten Graduation!  Our excellent kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Cho, organized a fantastic Kindergarten graduation that took place on Tuesday at 2:00 in our Cafetorium.  The parents loved it.  I posted a couple of the videos on facebook.  Here are some pictures of the special celebration. 

 Here come the kindergarten cherubs!

Still processing!                 

Here they are reciting one of their several poems.  The id such a great job with their recitations and their music and dance.

Right side of the audience.                           

                         And the left side of the audience!

Parents, relatives, friends, and kinder grads going through the refershment buffet after the ceremony!

Another picture of the food line.

Elementary School's Last Chapel of 2016-17!  Thursday morning was the final Chapel of the year for elementary students.  At the beginning of the Chapel, Grade 1 teacher, Ms. Hunter, usually had various groups of children leading some worship dance songs, which our kids LOVE!  However, she introduced our Korean Culture teacher, Ms. Kathy Lee, to come up to present Mr. Kuhn with a special gift the children had been working on for about 3 weeks!  Tony Kuhn and his wife, Yvonne, will be departing ICS-P this next week to return to the USA for the next chapter in their lives.  Tony has made a huge impact on students throughout the school, but especially with our elementary cherubs.  Ms. Lee and the students had prepared a painting of a pine tree (very significant in Korea) and students and teachers had signed in the various branches of the tree.  They chose Psalm 1:3 as the verse they wanted to place on the painting for Mr. Kuhn.  Here are some pictures from that special presentation.

 Ms. Hunter asking Mr. Kuhn to come
  up to receive a gift from the students!

Ms. Lee just presented the students' gift
to Mr. Kuhn in ES Chapel.        

Mr. Kuhn sharing his gratitude and appreciation to the students for such a thoughtful gift!

Some of the Elementary cherubs surrounding Mr. Kuhn after he received their gift.

Here is the painting with Psalm 1:3 that mS. Lee had worked with the children to prepare for Mr. Kuhn.

Friday - Pajama Day for Grade 1!  Grade 1 Teacher, Ms. Hunter, planned a Pajama Day for her cherubs on Friday.  Each of the students came in her/his pajamas and most brought one of their favorite stuffed creatures with them.  It was a fun day with which to end the year. 

Grade 1 in their PJs on Friday!

Grade 1 with a silly pose with their stuffed creatures! :-)

As students left the building on Friday, it was tough saying "Hasta la Vista" to them.  Two young men, Matthew and Billy, came looking for me.  Billy and Matthew are in HS and we have connected this year and are building a great relationship. Billy immediately came and gave me a big bear hug. Matthew is not a hugging type person, but he wanted one, too.  Then his sister, Sarah, wanted to be in the group hug!  Matthew and Sarah don't have the best family situation with Mom and Dad and Sarah will be going to the USA with her mother and Matthew will be staying with his Dad in Korea.  I am so glad that Matthew and Billy will be returning to ICS-P next year.  Thank you for praying for them.
Saturday Evening ICS-P End-of-Year Staff Picnic! The ICS-P End-of-Year Staff Picnic was held in a little park near the school on Saturday evening.  It is a time that teachers gather to enjoy food, fellowship, worshipping through music, affirming those staff who are departing ICS-P, and just enjoying one another.  The weather was beautiful!  The food was yummy!  The fellowship was excellent!  Lots of kids!  A beautiful setting! A time of prayer!  Enjoy some of the pictures from the special time together on Saturday!

A sample of the delicious food!

Enjoy the remaining pictures of many of the staff children who were present:

I really appreciate each of you who have continued throughout this challenging year to encourage me, love me, care for me, send emails to me, pray for me, and give to me in so many ways!  I am not able to thank you adequately, but please know that you mean so much to me and trust that you will enjoy a great summer and that God will bless you and encourage you.


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