Saturday, January 13, 2018

And I'm Back...Lots of Very Cold Weather, Snow Days, Influenza A, BUT Finally back at ICS-P!!

Yes, I am finally back at ICS-P following the 3-week Christmas Break!  As I mentioned in my email last week, I had some interesting flights to and from the USA. :-)  I also mentioned that after struggling a few days, beginning on January 1, with fever, chills, headaches, and coughing, I visited my former doctor in Itaewon, Dr. Kim.  I was diagnosed with Influenza A and ordered to remain in my apartment until January 10.  As I left Dr. Kim's office, I was given a mask that is a common sight in Korea especially in cold weather or times when the flu is prevalent.  So I became a little more Korean that day. :-)  Here I am with my nice mask right after my visit to Dr. Kim.


A number of friends from Dae Kwang Church, ICS-Pyeongtaek, and my Korean "sons" from SYME days brought lots of great soup, vitamins, teas, rolls, and other delightful items to help me through these days when I was in my apartment.  I am so grateful to so many for taking care of me.  I was especially moved by a visit from my excellent friend, Gunmo Kim.  Gunmo called me when he found out I was stranded in my apartment with Influenza A.  He asked me if I still liked Korean Juk (pronounced like Jook).  Juk is a Korean porridge that is often called Korean Emergency Food - for those times when one is sick especially with the Flu, colds, etc.  I actually love it!  He said that he would see me in a couple hours.  He drove all the way from his home about an hour + away from my apartment.  He had stopped and picked up three individual containers of Korean Mushroom Juk and the yummy side dishes + a huge bag of oranges.  I had missed Juk so much and it was great to be refreshed with these three individual servings!  He came to my apartment.  I had ordered him to wear a mask!  I think he would have worn one even if I had not requested it.  I failed to get a photo when he arrived but after he left, I did get a picture or two of the Juk! :-)

   My personally delivered package of
 Korean Mushroom Juk - delivered by
      Gunmo Kim!!  Thanks so much!

Above is one of the three servings of my   
yummy Mushroom Juk and the side dishes!

Teachers returned to ICS-P on Monday, January 8 for some professional development sessions.  They were to have some times of prayer and devotions on that day, but because of my sickness, Mr. Mooney adjusted to have that on Tuesday, January 9.  That was the first day of several days of snow and bitterly cold temperatures in Pyeongtaek.  Teachers were informed to come at 11:00 AM instead of 9 AM on Tuesday.  Wednesday, January 10, was scheduled as the first day of Quarter Three for students, AND it was the day I could return to school.  BUT we had more snow so we had a Snow Day.  School actually got started again for students, staff, and the recovered Director on Thursday, January 11.  I had a huge list of items that needed to be completed.  The doctor said if my fever and chills and headaches were gone, I could return.  He and my sister, Julee, told me that the coughing would continue maybe for 2-4 weeks, but I would not be contagious.  (The coughing is getting less and less each day.)

I had a special surprise that first day back to school.  Two of our graduates from last year, Mokin Lee and Ju Young Choi, stopped by ICS-P and came to my office to surprise me with a visit!  What a great time we had talking about their experiences and struggles and joys during their first semester at their universities.  Mokin is attending the University of Rochester (NY) and Ju Young is at the University of Virginia.  We had some excellent conversation and laughs!  Then I took them to the cafeteria to spend some time with Mr. Mooney, our Academic Principal.  It was great to see these young men and see how they are growing and maturing!

Here I am with Mr. Mooney, Ju Young, and Mokin following our delightful time together!  So glad to see these two young men.  Pray for them as you think of them.

Guess what?  Yeppers, we had more snow on Saturday morning!  The temperatures are not as low as they were on Wednesday through Friday, but we are still getting some cold weather and snow.  I believe the temperature hit a low of -18 Degrees Celsius (about 0 Degrees Fahrenheit).  Most of the week we were ) 0 Degrees Celsius or below.  On Saturday morning when I awoke, I took several pictures from my kitchen window of our snow on Saturday morning.

Three photos from my kitchen window during the early Saturday morning snow at the Blen Heim Apartments!

I will close with a few items of praise and prayer!  When you have a chance, I would appreciate your prayers!

So thankful for the nine (9) new students who have enrolled beginning in January!  That brings our enrollment up to 135!

*  Please continue to pray for the different projects that I need to complete during this next week.  One of them is to prepare a letter informing parents of changes in drop off and pick up because of the major road construction surrounding our school.  This will continue for about 6 months.

*  We are actively seeking the following positions for 2018-19: IT Director (We actually have a couple interested in interviewing for this position.); Academic Guidance Counselor; and K-12 Music Teacher (I just receive a lead on Saturday morning concerning a young lady who is interested in making application for this position!)  The Director's position (mine) is still open although I have received an email with a number of questions about the position.  There seems to be a good interest by this person.  There is a possibility that we will need a CFO as well, but won't know definitely for a few weeks.

*  I would value your prayer as I travel to the States on February 20 to participate in the NICS Annual Leadership Conference and Job Fair in Southaven, Mississippi.  I will return on March 1.

OK,  I will stop for now.  Thank you so much for your continued and faithful love, care, encouragement, mail, emails, prayers, and gifts.  I would value your prayers as I continue to seek the Lord's direction for me when I return to the States in mid to late June after completing my ministry here at ICS-P.  Enjoy a great New Year!

Love, Gregg

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