Sunday, June 3, 2018

ICS-P Seniors Graduate!!!

Happy June!! Well, we are down to one final week of school for students at ICS-Pyeongtaek for the 2017-18 school year!  Hard to believe it has gone by so quickly.  This coming week will be a busy one and I would value your prayers for the following:

1 - Kindergarten Graduation - Wednesday at 9:30 AM

2 - Final Exams on Wednesday through Friday.  School will dismiss on these three days at 12 NOON.

3 - Grade 5 Promotion Ceremony on Friday at 9:30 AM.

4 - Teachers preparing final grade reports and other paperwork to complete Quarter 4!

5 - Final Staff Picnic for Saying Farewells to Departing Staff on Saturday, June 9 at 4:00 PM.

6 - We made an offer to a young man for the position of Physical Education Teacher/Athletic Director and a MS Math class!  We would love to have him join the ICS-P team.  He seemed very interested and wrote with some questions over the weekend.  Please pray that he will accept if he is the one God has for us.

7 - We still need a High School English Teacher.  There is a possible candidate we have contacted for an interview, but are still waiting for her response with possible interview dates.

8 - The gentleman who accepted our offer to be the K-12 Music Teacher is having difficulty getting his Teacher Certification on time.  Please pray for Kevin Copeland to be able to secure the necessary Certification so that he will be able to join our community!

8 - Ben Coyner is still struggling with his most recent bout with throat cancer.  He has not been able to be at school for over two weeks now.  He is staying with his parents in Seoul after being released from the hospital this past week.  He still cannot talk because of the throat surgery and the tubes in his neck and throat.  I know he would value your prayers.

9 - I have been struggling with my Chronic Bronchitis for over 2 months now.  I thought it was going to depart this past week, but on Thursday evening I started with a sore throat.  I did not lose my voice, but have been coughing up "junk" and sneezing and blowing since Friday morning.  Looking forward to getting back to have my family doctor check me out and make some recommendations.  Thanks for your prayers.

This past week we had three special events! One of them was during lunch when the kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Cho, took me to the lunch table of her kindergarten cherubs and asked two boys, Beckham and Jonathan to tell Mr. Garman what they did earlier that day!  They proceeded to tell me without any assistance how they had asked Jesus to forgive their sins and to come into their lives!  They were both smiling such big smiles and wanted to keep talking, but I told them I would talk more later since they were trying to eat and talk excitedly to me at the same time! :-)

On Friday afternoon, the Elementary School had planned a Field Day for all of the Kindergarten through Fifth Grade students!  The teachers along with a lot of help and direction from Mr. Mooney, the Academic Principal, prepared a fantastic afternoon of great activities for the kids.  They were divided into their family groups and it was a great day with the weather and the air quality!  It got hot and it was fun to have the kids come running up to Mr. Mooney, some of the teachers, and me saying, "Spray us with water!"  We were also using a lot of sponges for one activity and we kept going around to the various activities to see if anyone was too hot and needed to have cool water squeezed on her/his head!  Such squealing and screaming with delight!!  It was also one of the best activities where we were able to get many parents, including some Dads, to come out and volunteer!  It was a wonderful day!  Enjoy some pictures of the activities!


Saturday was the day our 11 seniors had been waiting for!!  It was their Graduation Day!  We had the Graduation at a nearby Wedding Hall and it was such a special evening!  Our 11 seniors have all been accepted to multiple colleges and universities!  This has been a great group of young people and I am really excited to see how God is going to use them as they study and move on to accomplish great things!  I had the wife of our HS Bible teacher, Mr. Wolfer, take my camera (phone) and take a picture of each senior receiving her/his diploma! Mrs. Wolfer did a great job.  Here are our 11 seniors graduating + some other photos from Saturday evening's grand event.  I was delighted to build great relationships with the four young men in this class.  So many of the families came out to celebrate with their sons and daughters.  Enjoy some pictures.  Please pray for these amazing young people as you think of them.

The 11 Graduates sitting in the front row ready to graduate!!

GGG giving a welcome to the gathered guests and asking them to rise for the procession of our honored graduates!  Mr. Mooney and Mr. Thornton were on stage with me.

                                            Steve Choi!

 Anna Go, Salutatorian!!

Catherine Hwang!                                    

Raina Hyun!

                             JoonHa Kim, Valedictorian!!

Hansol Ko!!

HeeWon Lee!!                                     

Angela Park!!

              Jamie Park!!  (Going to Wheaton College!!!) :-)

Christopher Towne!!

Sarah Yoo!!                                        

Here I am with JoonHa, one special young man.  I got to see and talk with him almost every morning as he was the Student Council President and gave the morning announcements each day!  Excited that he is heading to Georgetown University!  I was also JoonHa's Exit Interview Advisor!

Here is JoonHa with some of his friends from ICS-P! (some already graduates)

Another special young man, Hansol Ko!

Here I am with Steve Choi! Also a fine
young man.  I was his Exit Interview   

Christopher Towne! Really enjoyed getting to know him!  He plans to go to Culinary Arts Schools to become a Chef and start his own restaurant.

We enjoyed another wonderful Sunday service at Dae Kwang Church!  I think the room that we use in the larger Korean church for our English service was packed with the most people we have had since I have been fellowshipping here!  Lots of new people have been coming!  

Following the service and the fellowship time, my dear friends and former SYME students Justin and his sister, Erica, took me out to eat together with their cousin, Billy.  They took me to a new restaurant called The Flying Bowl!  It was wonderful and the food was so delicious!  We had such a great time together as we talked, reminisced, laughed, ate, laughed some more, and just plain had a very joyful time together!  I am going to miss these dear friends!

Here I am with my dear friends (from left to right) Billy, Erica, GGG, and Justin at The Flying Bowl!

                          Erica selected the Seafood Pasta!

Justin decided on Wings and Fries!

I selected the cheesy Chicken Doria!                       

Billy enjoyed (and shared) the Pork Cutlet with Fried Egg and Rice!

OK, that's it for this week!  You are very special to me.  Thank you for your faithful love, care, encouragement, emails, regular mail, prayers, and gifts of support.  I would especially appreciate your prayers as I finish this week and then begin to really pack and then clean the apartment and prepare for my "son" JiSang to take me to the airport on June 20th.  Wow!  Only 17 days yet!  My eyes are going to be very wet during the next 3 weeks!  I would value your prayers.  I am praying for you as well.  Enjoy a great month of June!

Love, Gregg

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