Saturday, September 1, 2012

Happy September! A BUSY and rainy week!

The last week of August was a very busy one at YISS plus we experienced back-to-back typhoons!  We did not have much damage or injuries in Seoul.  Most of the loss of lives and damage was in the western part of Korea and on the sea.  Two years ago when a typhoon went through Korea, we had much damage on the soccer field at YISS.  That closed the use of the soccer field for almost the entire year in order to replace fencing and make the field secure.  Thank you for your prayers.

The other Elementary Assistant Principal, Beverly Birmingham, was in the States all week assisting her oldest daughter begin her freshman year at college.  I will be so happy to have her return on Monday! In addition to the final preparations for the first week of After School Activities, I was involved with a number of bus discipline issues and some classroom discipline issues.  Then there was our Elementary Open House on Thursday evening.  Many parents came and it was a delight to meet so many of them.  The evening was quite busy for Dan Lazor and me, but especially exhausting for our amazing classroom teachers!  I am thankful that we all had a day off on Tuesday because of Typhoon Bolaven!  I was able to complete most of the ASA work (much more than I anticipated, but it has been going well) and teachers were able to be refreshed in time for for the long day on Thursday.

We are excited that our Kindergarten-First Grade Art/Physical Education/Music teacher decided to accept the position of Grade 1 teacher!  You may remember that one of our first grade teachers had to return to her home country because of her health.  Thank you for praying for her health and for the replacement.  Ms. Liz Ku is our new teacher in Grade One.  She is very experienced and has already developed great relationships with the students in her class.  I know she would value your prayers.  We are now seeking someone to teach the Kinder-Grade One Art/P.E./Music position.

Friday evening I was to meet, Luke, a recent graduate of Pyeongtaek International Christian School.  My good friend, Tony Kuhn, introduced me to Luke two years ago when Luke was on his basketball team.  We have developed a great relationship and he keeps wanting to meet with me.  On Friday I developed a nasty headache (usually don't have any of those) and was feeling quite exhausted from the week.  I contacted Luke to see if we could reschedule so I could get some rest and be in better shape.  Luke said that would be no problem.  I texted him, "Thanks for understanding.  You really are a great young man."  His reply caused me concern.  He said, "Not really, especially since I'm growing away from God."  Would you please pray for Luke and pray that we will be able to meet real soon.  He is heavy on my heart right now.

Before I finish this week, I am going to include a number of pictures of some of the YISS elementary students on "Say Goodbye to Summer" Fun Day!  Usually the last Wednesday of each month we have a Fun Day for the kids and they get to dress up in the theme of that day.  They love it and so do I.  I wanted you to see some of the special cherubs that I have the privilege of seeing each day.  I hope you use the pictures as a reminder to pray for YISS and our teachers and staff and students!  Just showing a few of them to let you see the variety of summer outfits they chose to wear!

I hope that the pictures brought a smile to your face!  I love these and all of the kids at YISS!  The last picture is of Nina.  She is such a delight and has grown so much in her English speaking abilities and in her interest in learning about God.  When you see her picture, I hope you will pray for Nina!

On Monday, the ASA program for Quarter One begins!  I would really appreciate your prayers!  I especially am praying that the rain will hold off for Monday.  We have 27 students in 4th and 5th grades + 23 in 2nd and 3rd grades who are involved with the After School Activity of Soccer.  They begin on Monday and it is to rain on Saturday, Sunday and Monday.  I really do not want to cancel their first day but if it keeps raining, the soccer field will not be able to be used.  Contacting parents concerning canceling classes this large is always a "delightful" challenge. 

Saturday I received a text message from the USA from one of the first SYME students I had the privilege of meeting and teaching.  His name is Nam-Gyu (David Baek).  He was the Resident Assistant in Dorm 404 (where I lived my years at SYME) and is such a wonderful Christian man.  It has always been a struggle for David to learn English, BUT he has succeeded and is now at Word of Life Bible Institute in New York!  He texted the following to me Saturday morning, "Hello, Mr. Gregg!  I came to America and I can't believe it!  Wow!  It is amazing and I'm really thankful to God.  Mr. Gregg, I have learned so many things from you and pray for me to keep focus on God and have boldness and wisdom."  I love this young man so much!  He has a missionary's heart and is so eager to serve the Lord!  Would you pray for Nam-Gyu as  he studies at WOLBI.  

Above Nam-Gyu and I were playing a really cool game at one of the full time staff at SYME in the fall of 2008!  Nam-Gyu loved playing games and loved it when he won this round and got to punish me by slapping my wrist with three fingers.  Sounds terrible, but it is the Korean way.  It actually stung a bit, but I survived and played again.  I actually got to return the three finger slap to Nam-Gyu! :-)

Nam-Gyu was in my first Family Group at SYME and loved having fun as well as serious conversations.   He loved singing!  Here he is with one of his funny poses at SYME!  Thanks for praying for him!

Saturday evening I was able to get together with my great friend, Gunmo.  We have both been too busy so it was great to get together with him and share what has been happening and our prayer requests.  Please pray for Gunmo has he continues to work very hard at his work.  He will be taking six online courses (starting soon) in addition to his workload.  He plans to start up once again his English class over lunch at his work place with the coworkers in his office.  Continue to pray for his father to come to know Jesus.  I am hoping to meet his Dad over Chuseok at the beginning of October.

Saturday evening we enjoyed delicious Greek food!  Here is Gunmo with his great smile preparing to eat his Greek Chicken dinner!

I hope you enjoy a wonderful September!  Thanks to many of you for keeping in touch and for your many words of encouragement!  

Love, Gregg

A few jokes from my friend, Rhonda:

How Do You Catch a Unique Rabbit?
Unique Up On It.

How Do You Catch a Tame Rabbit?
Tame Way.

How Do Crazy People Go Through The Forest?
They Take The Psychopath.

What Do You Call a Boomerang That Doesn't work?
A Stick.

What Do You Call Cheese That Isn't Yours?
Nacho Cheese.

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