Saturday, October 13, 2012

Continued Gorgeous Weather to end Quarter One!

The gorgeous weather continued this past week as we finished Quarter One on Friday!  I can't believe our first quarter is over.  Report Cards will be electronically sent out this next week and then teachers continue to prepare for Parent-Teacher Conferences on October 22 and 23.  I know they would value your prayers.  I always enjoying these times to meet the parents of our wonderful cherubs!

This past week was a busy one as we finished Quarter One After School Activities (ASA) and made final preparations for online registration for Quarter Two ASA.  I think everything is all set for Monday, when registration begins!  Thanks for your prayers.  I was able to offer four new activities (in addition to ones we have had in the past) for this quarter.  Our Mandarin teachers will begin a Mandarin Club for 4th and 5th students.  They will be interweaving the language and the culture of Chinese-speaking people through some exciting activities.  Two of our Korean staff in the Business Office at YISS will begin The Taste of Legends: French Baking and Korean Cuisine for students in grades 3 - 5.  I think I want to be part of this class myself.  Dr. Harding, one of our YISS music teachers, will add an activity called Praize by Kidz, which is designed for children in grades 2 and 3.  This group will learn many songs to lead worship in the elementary Chapels.  A local Korean lady, who is an accomplished violinist, will offer Music for Strings, a class for students in grades 3 and 4 who ant to learn to perform in string ensembles.  There are many other activities including our popular Compassion Club, who do random acts of kindness within and without the school for K-5 students.  The highlight being their awesome "Bundle Up" project where they will go to Seoul Station before Christmas to distribute warm clothing to those who are homeless.  I love this.  I have some dear friends (Ken and Judy) in Delaware who send boxes of hand knitted scarves for this project! There are many more including Boys' and Girls' Basketball, Ballet, Teens Helping Kids, Puppet Ministry, Seoul Seekers, Taekwondo, Swimming, CrossFit, Ceramics, Arts & Crafts, and Elementary Musical Co. & Crew!

On Monday, the Business Office called me and told me I had a package in the main office.  I went to the office and found this huge package of fresh pear juice (individual servings) from my wonderful friend and former SYME student, Chang Yong!  He has sent me pears and/or pear juice from his father's pear orchard every Chuseok for three years!

Thanks so much, Chang Yong!  I have shared many of these juices with colleagues at YISS and all of us love the pear juice!!

There were many exciting events this past week in my life!  One of the things that I am still adjusting to - after many years - is saying goodbye to dear friends.  Friday was the last day at YISS for a dear family who have been so helpful and encouraging to all of us at YISS.  The Kurups are being relocated to Hong Kong after being with us at YISS since September 2010.  Thursday Grades 3A and 4A had a going away party for Jay and Vik!  We all had a nice time remembering the great memories and enjoying some taste treats as students, teacher and administrators said "Hasta la Vista" to the Kurups!

Above is Jay (4A) and his Mom during the Going Away Party!  Jay's Dad had to be working and could not be present.  Please pray for this family as they return to Hong Kong!

Above is Vik, surrounded by some of his 3A
friends, opening some gifts the students gave him!

Jay enjoying a yummy cupcake with one of his best 
4A friends, Jun.  Jun is giving the Korean victory sign
with his red-tipped fingers!  He was painting a card for Jay!

I love this picture from the party.  Conrad, on the right, always enjoys eating and his face usually shows it.  :-)  He is with Christian, another 3A student at the party!

Here is another picture of some of the 3A students at the party!


At the end of each quarter, teachers in each grade/section select a student who has characterized the character traits of a student at YISS - at least those characteristics that we have established as our expected students learning results.  These students get to work with our Elementary Chaplain on a painting or mural.  On Friday our first quarter Guardian Way students began work on this year's "Shine Like Stars in the Universe" project.  This year Mrs. Franck has decided to have the students create an original mosaic!  The kids are so excited to do this and it is really cool to see how the mosaic develops over each quarter into the final work at the end of Quarter Four!

Above is Mrs. Franck with one of the Guardian Way students working on the border of the mosaic.

This group was one of the four groups of Guardian Way students who had the privilege of working on the mosaic for this year.  Mrs. Franck is so good with the students and with her creativity she can bring out the creative juices of our Guardians as they create this original mosaic work this year!

On Thursday, my dear friend, Gunmo, was able to leave his work early enough to have dinner with me.  I look forward to these times so much!  We enjoy some great food, excellent fellowship, prayer, and sharing of concerns for each other as well as other friends we both know.  Gunmo would especially value your prayers right now as he is so eager to be the "businary" God wants him to be.  He is working and studying very hard and sometimes struggles with waiting!  Oh, I know that feeling!  It has been great to see how he is using the opportunities he has at his place of employment to already be a "businary" and be salt and light to those with whom he comes in contact.  Thanks for praying for him.

Come on, you know that you wanted to see our yummy food! :-)  Gunmo enjoyed a tasty cheeseburger and I had the very delicious chicken salad!  Would you like a taste?

Just a picture to remind you to pray for Gunmo!  He always has the great smile!

I had to add my picture when I had dinner with Gunmo.  If you know me well enough, you will be able to know why I had to share this picture!! :-)  (I must say that I am sad because my favorite Korean baseball team, the Doosan Bears were eliminated form the Korean baseball playoffs this week.  However, I'm happy because my favorite baseball team ever has moved on in the playoffs after an amazing series with the Baltimore Orioles, who had a fantastic season!)

Two other wonderful Korean SYME friends, Jin Seok and  Sangjeon (Tall Joshua), have been in contact with me this week - a lot!  One reason is that they are both huge Lotte Giants fans and Lotte was playing Doosan in the Korean playoffs.  They are both giving me lots of teasing since their team has moved on and mine is done! :-)  These guys are so wonderful and I miss them both.  Please pray for Sangjeon as he studies at Jeju Word of Life Bible Institute.  He has been a bit discouraged and has had a difficult time keeping up with all of the studying at Jeju BI.  We talked a long time by phone and he is feeling much better and has committed to not giving up.  Please pray for both of these young men who are so eager to serve God!

Well, now that the weather is my kind of weather for walking, I started doing more walking.  Each year that I have been in Seoul it seems that when I start walking in the fall, I struggle with bronchitis or some type of cold.  This past week I had in my chest.  I went to Dr. Kim and he said this time is not as bad as previous times.  He ordered some medications and I am feeling better.  When I was there, I asked him if Korea has any podiatrists.  I had asked many Koreans this and they look so puzzled and always tell me they do not have.  Dr. Kim agreed but asked me the problem and I showed him the corn on the inside of one of my toes that is so painful!  He said it appears to be two corns on top of each other.  He said usually in Korea you go to a dermatologist for treatment.  He recommended one near his office.  I went and had a very unique, but so far, great experience.  Another Dr. Kim examined my foot and said he would need to do a laser removal and I would have to come every day for 7 days to have the area redressed.  After the initial nasty pain of the pain injection, I felt nothing as he used the laser machine to remove the corns.  He said I had very little bleeding and thinks once it is healed, I should be in good walking shape again.  Pray that this will be so.  Right now the toe feels fine.  It has been a reminder to me that when one member of the body hurts, the ENTIRE body is hurting!

Thanks so much for your emails, encouragement, prayers, love, and support.  Please enjoy a great week!  October is almost half over!!

Love, Gregg

PS:  If you want to have a nice laugh, you can check out the video of me doing the "Garman Style" horse dance on my facebook page.

This week I thought I would give you titles of books that you probably will NOT find in your local library:

*     Always Tardy by Isabelle Ringing

*     The Smelly Locker by Jim Shortz

*     Will He Graduate?  Betty Wont

*     Alone on the Bus by Bea O'Problem

*     Success in Math Class  by Cal Q. Later

*     School Drinking Fountains by Luke Warmwater

*     Earn Money After School Moe D. Lawn

*     Daredevil Bungee-Jumping by Hugo First

*     Carpooling Stories by Minnie Van

*     How to Write a Bestseller by Paige Turner 

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