Saturday, October 6, 2012

Shortened Week for Chuseok and then Walk-A-Sock-A-Thon!!

What a great week!  YISS had off school on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday for Chuseok and another Korean national holiday so it was a short week!  I loved having off the three days especially at this particular time.  It gave me undistracted time to work on Quarter Two After School Activities!  I told Mr. Lazor that he should request three days off at the end of each quarter so I had this special time to work on preparation of the next quarter's activities.  He just laughed! :-)

Thanks for your prayers for the After School Activities program.  It has gone very well and preparation for Quarter Two is moving along very nicely.  Online registration is set for October 15 - 17.  We are adding several new activities which many are excited about.  The Taste of Legends: French Baking and Korean Cooking will be added for 3rd through 5th graders.  It is taught by one of our Korean staff who is trained as a Master Baker!  Music for Strings is for students in grades 3 and 4 who want to learn to play their stringed instrument in an ensemble.  Praize for Kidz is being offered by Dr. Harding for children in grades 2 and 3.  This group will be performing in our Chapels.  Our Mandarin teachers at YISS will offer Mandarin Club which will have fun activities interweaving the Chinese language and the culture of Chinese-speaking people for students in grades 4 and 5!

The following are just a few picture from some of our Quarter One activities.  More pictures can be seen on my facebook page.

Above is the Ballet class for Kinder - 2 children.  These
5 cherubs are so cute!!

Two of our Ceramics students.  They do an outstanding job.  The little girl is quite the actress.  I call her Princess and she smiles this big smile!

Another first grade cherub in Ceramics class.  I loved her focus!!

This is Izzy!  I love her so much.  She cracks me up.  She is very intense and full of energy in all she does - whether Ceramics or in her Taekwondo class!

Another very focused little boy in the Ceramics class!!
Thursday at YISS was spent working on some bus discipline issues and helping Mrs. Franck make final preparations for our Annual Elementary School Walk-A-Sock-A-Thon held on Friday, October 5.  I posted many pictures on my facebook page if you would like to view all of them.  I will post some here for those who don't have facebook.

October 5 was a beautiful day for walking!  There was no rain!  It was a cool day and the sun stayed behind the clouds most of the walking time!  It was my kind of weather except there was a little too much haze.  400 children + teachers brought in 358.6 kg of 100 Won coins in very colorful socks!  A 100 Won coin is about the size of an American quarter.  Our goal for the students was to collect 200 kg of coins!  When the students heard the total they brought in during the Tally Rally, they were soooo excited!  After the Tally Rally on the stairs leading to the Soccer Field, volunteer high school students joined teachers and some parents to escort students in grades 1 - 5 on the walk.  Grades 1 and 2 walked the stairs and trails to the Grand Hyatt Hotel near YISS.  Students in Grades 3-5 could walk all the way to Namsam Tower!  Kindergarten students participated in crazy socks' games in the gym led by Mr. Resende.  All of the money raised (we will know next week after the bank counts the coins) is going to an organization in Nepal called Mountain Child.  They are providing clean water sources and health care for the mountain children and their families in the mountains of Nepal.  Students were reminded of what they were raising money for during the walk as Mrs. Franck placed pictures from the book she read to them the three Fridays prior to the walk.  The book is called Ali Ali, the Nepali.  It was so excellent to see children stop along the trails to read the pages of the book once again and hear many of them say that their coins were going to help children like Ali.

Grade 2C leading the way for students to gather on the stairs for the Tally Rally!

This would be my sock of 100 Won coins!  It was actually the heaviest
at 7.9 kg, but I wanted the students to be recognized.  However, it was fun
collecting coins for Mountain Child!

This is Ryan holding his heavy sock like a baby!  He was the top student winner at 6.8 kg!!

The moment the students  were waiting for!   Here I am as 
MC preparing to announce that the Blue Team (which I am
a member of) was the winning House Team for collecting 
the heaviest amount of coins!

Above are the 5 top Heavy Sock winners!  They were so excited!  The socks ranged from 6.2 kg to 6.8 kg!  Mr. Lazor, Principal, is on the far right.  He and I were in a little competition to encourage students to collect coins.  I edged him out with my 7.9 kg to his 6.8 kg.  It was a lot of fun!

Since the Blue House Team had the highest total weight in coins,
I decided to do an impromptu "Horse" dance for the kids!  This dance
has been made very popular in Korea and America and the kids were
laughing and laughing!

However, this group of parents was standing behind me when I did "The Horse". When I finished, I turned around and saw them.  The second one from the left came up to me and said with a very serious look, "We have been discussing your performance and we all agree, 'Don't quit your day job!' " Then they all smiled!!  :-)

And the Walk begins!  2A and 1A lead the way for the first and second grade walk to the Hyatt!

Will from  Grade 1 spots the first page from the Ali Ali, the Nepali
book!  It was great watching the kids find them as they walked
and remembered the story about Ali and how their coins were 
going to help her and other children in the mountains of  Nepal!

Another student locates a page form the book and reads it to her classmates!

Mario, a new student in Grade 1, could not resist trying out one
of the exercise pieces that are found in almost all of the parks and
trails in Seoul! (I tried one out when no one was looking!) :-)

On the walk the students and I were able to see for the first time the expansion construction on the far side of the YISS property.  You can see a little of it between the trees; the Soccer Field way in the distance.

One of the high school students who helped the children on the walk is a young man in 10th grade I met my first year at YISS.  I do not think he is a believer but he continues to meet with me and talk with me and ask questions.  He says he doesn't believe in God, but I see his attitude changing.  Please pray for Aaron as I continue to have chats with him.  Pray that he will see Jesus in my life and others at 
Here I am with my Friday Starbucks coffee and Aaron as we prepare to go with the first and second grade students on their walk!

It is difficult to believe that Quarter One will end on October 12!  This next week will be a busy one for teachers and administrators as grades are prepared and comments are written for each student.  Immediately following the end of the Quarter registration begins for Quarter Two After School Activities.  Then Parent-Teacher conferences will be held on October 22 and 23.  Your prayers will be greatly appreciated!

Many of you have been praying for the choir and orchestra conductor at New Harvest Ministry.  Hyo Jung had surgery on her thyroid on Thursday and is recovering well.  Please continue to remember her when you think of her.  Another choir member and tenor, Justin, will be conducting this Sunday.

You continue to be such a blessing to me!  I trust that you will enjoy a great week!  Thank you for your great encouragement, prayers, love, and support!  See you next week!

Love, Gregg

PS: "Animals in School" jokes for your enjoyment!  GOPHER IT!! :-)

Q:     Why did the dog wear a cap and gown?
A:     He was picking up his master's degree!

Q:     What do you call an alligator with three tests to study for?
A:     Swamped!

Q:     Why can't leopards cheat on tests?
A:     Because they're always spotted!

Q:     Where does a sheep carry its books?
A:     In its baaaaaackpack!

Q:     Why did the rabbit teachers go on strike?
A:     They wanted a better celery!

Q:     Why wasn't the grizzly allowed in the cafeteria?
A:     He had bear feet!

Q:     Why is it hard to give an exam in the jungle?
A:     Too many cheetahs!

Q:     What did the buffalo say when his boy went off to college?
A:     "Bison!"

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