Saturday, November 10, 2012

Returning to "Normal": Is that possible?

The first full week of November helped all of us at YISS to return to "normal" - if there is such a thing in the life of any school!  The eight administrators returned on Monday!  Elementary After School Activities began in full force on Monday for Quarter Two!  My chest cold got better, but it went to my throat and I was enjoying (NOT!) a continued sore throat, headaches, and stuffed up nose! (I visited my good doctor, Dr. Kim, on Tuesday, when I took a sick day, and discovered that I had acute sinusitis.  After an injection, administered at the favorite Korean location for shots, and some medication and rest, I started getting better.  I am still trying to rest this weekend so that I can fully recover for the busy weeks ahead.)  Several teachers were sick during the week and I had the joy of subbing in the Library for the Elementary Librarian.  I loved being able to teach children in Kindergarten, 3rd grade, 1st grade, and 5th grade!

One of the other routine, and enjoyable, tasks I had this week was to assist our Community Relations Director, Mrs. Park, edit the quarterly newsletter that YISS publishes.  Mrs. Park does a great job and she likes to involve me in doing some editing for her  In my email announcing this week's blog you should have been able to download the YIIS Fall Newsletter should you want to take a look.  It gives a great snapshot of what has been happening in Quarter One and some of the things coming up.

As I mentioned, Elementary After School Activities began a full week of exciting activities for Quarter Two.  I am especially excited about two new activities - Taste of Legends and Mandarin Club!  The Taste of Legends is a cooking and baking class for elementary students centering in on French baking and Korean cuisine.  The kids had a great time in their first class.  Mandarin Club also began well as students had hands-on activities to introduce them to the Chinese culture!

I also love our after school activity called Compassion Club.  Two of our teachers, Ms. Weir and Ms. Ku, work with 15 students in teaching and applying acts of kindness and compassion and how the children can share the love of God to those who are in need!  The club's big project is culminated on Saturday, December 8 when they will travel to Seoul Station to distribute warm clothing and food to the many who sit in and around this very busy subway and train station.  It is a highlight not only for the children in Compassion Club, but for all of our children.  New or gently used clothing is collected and personally distributed to those in need on December 8.  My dear friends, Ken and Judy, in Delaware have given me the excellent news that Judy knitted so many scarves for distribution this year that they needed two boxes to ship them.  Pray for the safe arrival of these beautiful warm scarves that a wonderful couple has been praying over as the scarves have been knitted!

During my walks through YISS during this past week I noticed some new art pieces that the High School Art students have been working on!  I have not been able to communicate with Mr. Creech concerning the project, but I found them so interesting and so unique!  I am continually amazed at the excellent art pieces our students create.  Here are several that caught my eye!  I only wish I was a great photographer and had one of those really fancy cameras so that you could really see what I saw.  My trusty little camera will have to do for now!


Friday was a highlight for two of my Discipleship Boys!  Those students in grades 4 and 5 who have Discipleship as an After School Activity in Quarter One can sign up for Puppet Ministry in Quarter Two.   All three of my boys signed up and the two who are in grade 4 were the first to present a puppet skit during the three Chapels and one OASIS assembly on Friday!  They had only one week of practice.  I was so proud of them.  Both were so excited and they did a tremendous job of acting.  I was so amazed at the great expression both Joshua and Ethan expressed in their lines.  The children loved their puppet skit which centered in on the fruit of the Spirit - mainly "love" and what real love is.

I love these boys!!  Above are Ethan and Joshua following their first of four puppet shows during Elementary Chapels and Assemblies on Friday!  They were so excited about this opportunity.  They were given special passes by Mrs. Franck to come at 4 different times during the day to present their skit.  Often children forget to come, but these two were so excited that they showed me all of their passes and they were always on time for the puppet skit!  They learned about aching arms on Friday!  They discovered that working puppets requires strong arms and stamina + being able to recite your lines while making the puppets come alive!  They did great!

Would you pray for Gunmo especially this week.  He has been suffering with a nasty cold + he is having to do more travel within Korea for his present job.  Gunmo continues to be such a great friend to me.  Last Sunday when I was suffering with the sore throat and stuffed up head, he came to my apartment to cheer me up and talk.  We also enjoyed some yummy chicken which he ordered to be delivered.  Sorry, no picture, but trust was very delicious! :-) The time together was very special!

If you can, I would also appreciate your prayers for another dear Korean friend, Ji Sang.  He is studying at Liberty and has many tests and papers right now.  I call Ji Sang - the Thinker!  He is such a thinker and sometimes I tell him he thinks too much! :-)  That sometimes causes him stress and he gets discouraged.  Pray for his studies and his future service for the Lord.  Ji Sang is also a great encourager to me!  When I most need a word of encouragement to keep on keeping on, I will get a text or an email from Ji Sang at just the perfect time!

Thank you for your many prayers, your great encouragement, your faithful love, and generous support on my behalf.  I trust you will enjoy a great month of November.  Why not list the many people and things that you are thankful for during this time of thanksgiving?


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