Saturday, November 24, 2012

A Wonderful Thanksgiving Week!

Although it was a shortened week at YISS because of Thanksgiving, it was a very busy week...and a very enjoyable one!  I will try to keep it as short as possible and use more pictures to tell the story.

It was a very busy week of After School Activities in the elementary school.  In addition to the regular after school activities, I was very busy working with current instructors as well as some possible new ones for Quarter Three.  I have been trying to get around to each of the activities to get some pictures and this week I will show a couple from Seoul Seekers, one of our largest groups in Quarter Two.  It is an activity for children in Grades K - 3 and run in the style of a Vacation Bible School.  There are over 40 children involved as well as over 12 high school students assisting in the program.  These high school students are getting training through Seoul Seekers for their service and mission trips over Spring Break.  The kids love the interaction from the high school students and it is exciting to see them involved and learning.

Above is one of our 2nd grade students working on an art project in Seoul Seekers under the direction of our High School Art teacher, Mr. Creech.

Some of our first and second graders working on an art project in Seoul Seekers!  They were having a fantastic time!

On Tuesday the PTO invited the YISS principals and assistant principals to a brunch for the volunteers who have been assisting with many of the PTO projects.  I always enjoy these brunches as it gives me the opportunity to meet many of the parents who are so active in volunteering for the many projects at YISS.

Some of the volunteers enjoying a delightful
appreciation brunch at YISS on Tuesday!

The brunch included a yummy array of breakfast taste treats!  Oh, they were soooo good!

Some more of the volunteers enjoying the brunch and 
program on Tuesday morning!  Everyone was having a great time!

I was finally able to take two of my wonderful friends from New Harvest Choir to enjoy a dinner at Suji's on Wednesday evening.  Joseph and Rebecca have been so interested in my involvement at YISS and especially the Compassion Club with our elementary students.  They called and wanted to meet me to give me several bags of gently used warm clothing for our "Bundle Up" Christmas project with Compassion Club at Seoul Station on December 8.  We had a great time of talking about the many projects at YISS and our involvement in choir at church + we enjoyed a very yummy meal at Suji's! :-)

Mr choir friends, Rebecca and Joseph, enjoying a delicious meal at Suji's!  We always have such a great time together!

Then on Thursday evening five of us from YISS had made reservations at Suji's for their American Thanksgiving Buffet.  Four of us went last year and we were excited about another tasty Thanksgiving at Suji's this year.  We had a great time of sharing thanks for people and things  that we are thankful for.  It was a wonderful evening of conversation and thanksgiving AND a delicious Thanksgiving buffet!
Clockwise: GGG, Kathy Charlton (HS English), Sharon Mince (MS Social Studies), Rachel Pallesen (Elementary Student Learning Center), and Terry Pallesen (HS Social Studies) enjoying a Thanksgiving feast at Suji's on Thanksgiving night in Seoul!

Above is a picture of Terry's plate, which includes Cornbread Muffins, Turkey, Smoked Turkey, Garlic Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans with Mushrooms, Grilled Veggies, Filling (Stuffing), Cranberry Sauce, Garden Salad (almost buried), and Roast Beef (buried).  Soooo yummy!!

Friday was a day off of school from YISS!  The Korean Foreign Schools Foundation, the group that provided the land and buildings for YISS in 2006, has offered a trip somewhere in Korea during the past three years.  The trip goes to an area of Korea that staff may not have the opportunity to visit.  This year's two-day trip wen to Jeonju located about 3 and a half hours from Seoul.  There is no charge to staff and the trips are always very special.  It gives us a chance to see a special place in Korea and find out more about the Korean Foreign Schools Foundation.  I was especially interested this year since Jeonju is the home town of Gunmo.  Jeonju is a former capital city of Korea and is famous for its food (especially Bi Bim Bop), Hanji (Korean paper), Hanok (traditional Korean house and village), and the gayakum (traditional Korean-type guitar/mini harp.  We also visited Saemangeum Sea Wall, the world's largest dike.  It was quite interesting!  It is one of the world's largest land reclamation projects and should be completed in 2030.  In addition to Bi Bim Bop, we enjoyed a Shabu Shabu (Boiled Seafood) lunch in Gunsan.

This is a view of the Hanok Village in Jeonju. We spent
about 3 hours here with a wonderful tour guide before 
having a traditional Korean dinner at low tables.  I thought
they would never stop bringing food out!  Our hotel was 
within walking distance of this Hanok Village!

Here I am preparing to eat Shabu Shabu in Gunsan with Min Ah, one of our awesome ladies in the YISS Business Office!

Here is one of the yummy "side dishes" that we were 
served before the Boiled Seafood was brought out.  I 
wish I could show you all of the pictures but this one
will have to do for now.  There will be more on FB.

I arrived back at YISS on Saturday evening just in time to have coffee and dinner with Gunmo and Benjamin Gavina at Los Amigos in Itaewon.  Ben is in Korea following three months of teaching English and Bible at SYME in Japan.  I met him through Gunmo at the Word of Life Bible Institute when Gunmo and Ben were studying there.  Ben is staying in my apartment during his visit in Korea from November 23 - December 3.  I know he would value your prayers as he seeks God's direction for the next part of his life.  Right now he will return to Chicago and go to spend time with his family in Mexico.  He will be making application to attend Moody Bible Institute to get a teaching degree.

GGG with Gunmo and Ben at Los Amigos for a Tex-Mex dinner on Saturday evening!  Please continue to pray for these two wonderful young men as they seek God's next steps for them.

It is hard to believe that this week is the final week in November.  The year has gone by so rapidly.  I trust you enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving this past week.  I am very thankful for each of you and the abundant love, prayers, support, and encouragement you continue to send my way.  Thank you so much.

Love, Gregg

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to let you know that I saw Carolina(from my old 3rd grade class at MCA) at the store last night. She is now in the 9th grade and a tall beauty!! She was and is such a sweet kid. I was surprised that she recognized and remembered me.

    Lorrie L.
