Saturday, January 12, 2013

Welcome to 2013 and a New Quarter at YISS!!

Well, the temperatures have risen to above 0 degrees Celsius the past couple days!  A heat wave...finally!!!  But all week it was "Indoor Recess" for the elementary kids!  Finally, on Friday the temperature hit -6 degrees Celsius so they could go out.  Teachers were thrilled - to say the least! :-)

We had a great start to 2013 and Quarter Three at YISS on Monday!  Students returned excited!  Thirteen new students arrived with their parents at 8:30 AM for New Family Orientation!  I was privileged to escort two new kindergarten and two new second grade students to their classrooms. It was so exciting to watch the students in each of the classrooms welcome the new students with open arms and observe them throughout the day as they helped the new ones to learn the routines!  I love our students at YISS!

The past week was a busy one as electronic report cards were prepared and sent out to parents!  I also was heavily involved with making final preparations for Quarter Three After School Activities.  Several new activities begin this quarter: Board Games, Beginning Band, Advanced Basketball for 4th and 5th grade boys and girls, and Music for Ensembles.  Eight of our 5th grade students are involved in a Middle School activity called Scratch Computer Programming - a program through MIT.  They love it and I have now been asked to try to offer a class in robotics for elementary students as well as a photography class!  Praying that instructors for these will come forth!

Many of you have been praying for my brother-in-law, Leigh Huss.  Thanks so much.  Leigh has returned from Holy Spirit Hospital in Harrisburg, PA with a new part to his body - a pacemaker!  Leigh already is one who has been a great role model to me as a peace maker; now he can show me what it is like to have a pacemaker!  He and my sister, Julee, returned having had very little sleep at the hospital and both have caught bad colds; lots of coughing and sneezing.  Thanks for your continued prayers for both of them!

Above is Leigh, the Chief Griller , at our 2012 Garman
Family Reunion!  Here he is with my sister-in-law, Linda,
teaching the newest master griller, Jackson DeFord how 
grill! He is so patient with the children and grandchildren!
I love observing his patience!

Another picture of Leigh as he gives instructions for one of the creative games at the Garman Family Reunion!  Teams had to create a Marshmallow Launcher!

Here I am with the younger of my two older sisters, Julee.
Julee was with celebrating her birthday last July!  She and
 her "boyfriend" have been  in love and married for almost
45 years!!

On Wednesday evening after school I was delighted to be able to meet two former SYME students, Seo Woo (Jessica) and Ji Hye (Carolyne).  Seo Woo is home from the States where she is studying international business at Liberty University.  Ji Hye is studying to be c=guidance counselor and teacher through a Korean university.  They are both wonderful young ladies who desire to serve the Lord with their talents and gifts!  Thanks for praying for them!

Left to right: Seo Woo (Jessica), Ji Hye (Carolyne) and GGG at Suji's!  It was Seo Woo's idea for Suji's; not mine! :-)  We had a great time of catching up and seeing how God is working in each other's lives!

One of the yummy Risotto dishes we enjoyed!  This 
was the Salmon and Cream Cheese Risotto!

Another of the tasty Risotto dishes: Mushroom Risotto!

On Friday a few of the students who are in the Puppet Ministry performed a puppet skit in the three chapels and OASIS assembly for the elementary students.  It is always a delight to see them use what they have been learning to communicate principles and truths to the students!  I was especially proud of one of them, Paul, one of my Discipleship boys! After the first performance, I spent some time with them to give encouragement and some suggestions to help them in their next three times.  It was so great to see how they improved! I also had the privilege of sharing in the OASIS assembly on the character trait of respect!  I was using a real life story from my home church.  It involved a young man, Craig, who has Down Syndrome.  He was born in 1983 and was not expected to live.  Craig is now 29 and this summer I am hoping to sing a duet with him at our home church in Chambersburg!  I had many 4th and 5th grade students come to me and ask many questions about Craig and especially about God.

Here is the Puppet Team for this past Friday!  They did an awesome job!  My Discipleship buddy, Paul is on the far left!

Above is the Puppet Team at work.  Sorry for the poor quality.  I can't always get good shots on my cell phone camera.  Still working on getting a new camera.

On Saturday I was taking my Saturday walk through Seobinggo and Itaewon and, as is my habit, I stopped to talk to various business people whose businesses I frequent.  As I was chatting with Mr. Mike, a tailor, and the Gremez family (a family at YISS), I noticed a group of young men watching me and listening to me as I chatted.  They continued to follow me to my favorite bookstore in Itaewon, "What the Book?", and observed me interacting with my friends who operate the bookstore.  Finally they got the courage to talk to me and ask if I would be willing to help me with their "mission" for their class at a local English academy.  I often get stopped by Korean university students who are doing projects for their English courses.  These guys really enjoyed chatting and we had a great time getting to know each other.  One of my favorite things to do on my walk is meet new Korean friends and Saturday was special!

Here I am in "What the Book?" with my three new friends!  It is such a joy to make new friends and be able to help them as well.  

If you think about it, please pray for me on Monday morning (Sunday evening around 5:30 - 6:00 on the East coast) as we activate the on line registration for After School Activities for Quarter Three.  I would love to have all of the technology work well - especially at that time when many parents will be on line to register their son/daughter for some activities.

Thank you so much for your great encouragement, many prayers, abundant love, and tremendous support!  You are so special!  Please enjoy a great 2013!

Love, Gregg

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the birthday card and unique bookmark. This made my day! I can't believe that you remembered my birthday. What a nice surprise. I continue to enjoy reading your blog and learning of all the exciting things you are doing in education at your school. With the government education reform and governor Christie's education reform teaching has become and all consuming task. I miss the days when I had the freedom to teach the whole child at MCA. The restrictions and requirements that are put on teachers now is unbelievable. I continue to pray for you and your ministry!! Lorrie L.
