Saturday, January 5, 2013

A Snowy and Very Cold New Year's Week!!

Happy New Year to each of you!  This past week in Seoul was a VERY cold week - the coldest few days in a long time in Seoul.  Temperatures were between 0 and 4 degrees Fahrenheit in the morning!  As I got off Bus 405 on January 1, I was greeted by snow and very slippery sidewalks! I was very happy that I did not slip and fall during the week although I saw many young and old slipping and falling!  I even bought a pair of long johns! I was warm!

On January 1 this is what I saw as soon 
as I got off Bus 405 at Hangangjin Station. 
This is a place known as Blue Square!

Next I looked across the street and saw the nice snow on the hill leading up to YISS!!

As I got closer to the main entrance of YISS, I saw 
that no vehicle had driven up the driveway yet!  I was 
going to be one of the first, by foot, to arrive on New
Year's Day in the freshly fallen snow!

I was back to YISS to work this past week!  Teachers and students return on Monday - although some teachers arrived at YISS on Friday to get their classrooms ready for the cherubs.  I was working on After School Activities; getting make up days for canceled classes in Quarter 2 and preparing the website and all of the information to go to parents for Quarter 3!  I was also working with our Elementary Principal on interviewing teachers for the additional elementary staff we will need because of the expansion that will be completed in May!

Friday would have been my mother's 90th birthday!  This was her third Christmas (at least as far as our earthly minds conceive of Christmas) that she was with the Lord and my Daddy.  I posted some pictures on Facebook in memory of both of them but will place a few here of the parents I was privileged to have.  They taught me so much for which I am so grateful!  I still miss them, but know they are enjoying being in His presence and know that I will see them both again some day!

Above is my mother (known as Monny by the grandkids, etc)!  She did not like having her picture taken but we were still able to get a few from time to time!  She taught me so much about loving people unconditionally!

Here are Monny and Popeye (that's the name my Daddy got from the grandkids) on the celebration of their 49th wedding anniversary at Camp Joy-El!  It was a great time with two very special people!  They loved each other for over 63 years before Daddy went Home

Now this is a winner!  A picture of the Garman family as it was in 1965 at the 25th wedding anniversary for Monny and Popeye in our backyard at 135 Garman Drive! In the front row on the left is GGG and my brother, Jared is on the right.  Left to right in the back: Daddy, Gae, Mother, Julee (I think she is sleeping standing up!) and Ralph.  Ralph and Gae were the only other love couple at the time! :-)

Last Sunday we had a great time at Choir!  We sang Handel's Hallelujah Chorus during the worship service.  Loved it!  Then at our practice I was presented with a small gift for my times of assisting the conductor when she could not be there.  They are such a great group.  As the coordinator of the choir presented me the gift, he whispered in m ear, "Please share something from the Word to encourage us as we begin the New Year."  I have learned throughout the years, but especially in Korea, to always be prepared to share.  I even kept it to 4 minutes! (That may be a record!) :-)

Two of my choir friends who were celebrating their 
birthdays: Saang Keub and Rebecca! We had just 
finished singing "Happy Birthday" to them!

One of my great friends in the Tenor section, Joseph.  He is married to Rebecca and I love them both so much!  They are so caring and kind!  The little red knitted ski cap (on my sweater) was knitted by Rebecca for each of the choir members!

Another of my tenor friends, Andy.  He had been away
for a number of weeks and just returned to introduce us 
to his bride-to-be, Rachel.  They will marry in May!

After Choir I was so excited to see a former SYME student, and current student at Jeju Island WOL Bible Institute,  Sangjeon (Tall Joshua)!  He had called and asked if we could have dinner and catch up.  I miss him so much and love singing with him.  Sangjeon has the most amazing singing voice and it has been my pleasure to sing some duets with him.  I know he would value your prayers right now as he has some struggles at Jeju BI and is also very desirous of finding a wife!

Above is my excellent friend, Sangjeon!  He chose to eat Mexican food.  He selected the Chicken Fajitas and they were soooo yummy!

Here is Sangjeon and GGG right after our delicious meal!  What a great conversation we had!  Please pray for Sangjeon has he makes some very important decisions in the near future!

New Year's Eve Day my friends from Prefield Orientation at the NICS headquarters last June came up from Pyeongtaek International Christian School to have a late lunch with me!  Jonathan Edwards is teaching sixth grade at PICS and his wife, Laura, teaches kindergarten.  They are doing a great job and it was so good to see them!  They were one of the four couples in my small group at PFO back in June.  I know they would also appreciate your prayers as they return to teaching next week.

Jonathan and Laura Edwards with me at my favorite Thai restaurant, Taste of Thai in Itaewon. I is owned by my good friend Young Ho.  Please continue to pray for Jonathan and Laura as they teach at Pyeongtaek International Christian School.  Pray also for Young Ho as he continues to ask questions about God and my beliefs.  He will text or call me if I do not come by o see him at least every two weeks.  He wants to make sure I am not sick! 

Jonathan enjoyed a chicken dish and he LOVED the Thai Iced Tea!

Laura had the Shrimp Omelet with Thai Iced Coffee.  She also enjoyed her yummy lunch!

Thanks so much for your abundant love, many prayers, great encouragement, and faithful support!  I trust you will experience a wonderful year in 2013!  I would value your prayers as students return on Monday to YISS.  We will have 13 new students in the elementary school and New Student Orientation begins right at 8 AM on Monday!  Lots to do next week as Quarter Two grades are finalized and prepared for distribution to parents.  Have a great week!

Love, Gregg

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