Saturday, February 16, 2013

February is Half Over; Happy Valentine's Day!!

It is still cold in Seoul and February is half over!  We are midway through Quarter Three!  So hard to believe!  I trust you enjoyed a special Valentine's Day.  I hope you did not forget the real love demonstrated to us through God when He sent His son to die for us!  What amazing love!

YISS was a place buzzing with all sorts of activity last week!  Read-A-Thon continues and the elementary children are so excited about reading and the possibility of witnessing the shaving of Mr. Lazor's and Mr. Garman's heads!  They love coming up to us and making their little fingers go snip, snip, snip as they pretend to shave our heads.  On Wednesday teachers were encouraged to dress as one of their favorite book characters!  The kids loved seeing the many book characters represented.  My favorite was a group who had planned to come as characters from TheWizard of Oz!  The kids loved it!

Here is almost all of the ones who planned to be characters from The Wizard of Oz.  Left to right: Mr. Lazor, Ms. Weir, Mr. Williamson, Mrs. Birmingham, and Ms. Stair.  Ms. Greaves dressed as the Cowardly Lion but was not present when the group photo was taken. :-(

Throughout the week Middle School students had volunteered to come to the elementary classrooms to read some books to the students.  I loved seeing some of the former elementary students coming back to read in some of their former classes.  I was able to see a few of them as they read and was so proud of them.  They did a great job and the children loved having middle school students read to them.

I was especially proud of this Middle School
Reader!  This is Ankit, now in 7th grade!  He
came to YISS in Grade 5 and then had to go
to another country, but returned last year near
the end of the year.  He was amazing with
these second graders!  He used different voices 
and used such great expression!

 Ankit continuing to read to very interested second graders!

This is another 7th grader, Harper.  The kids enjoyed 
her readings as well.  

 Harper continuing to read to the second graders while Taylor and Ankit await their turn to read!

One more picture of Harper as she reads to the cherubs
from Ms. Moon's Grade 2!

In addition to the activities of Read-A-Thon, we had a busy week of MAP Testing in grades 2 though 5.  I always enjoy going in to some of the classes to administer the MAP test and get to know the students.  I also had the privilege of teaching 3 classes of 3rd grade music for Dr. Harding.  Please pray for Dr. Harding.  He has been battling several health issues and was recently placed on a stronger dose of meds.  he thinks this is causing his sudden attacks of nausea, etc.  I had great joy being able to teach the 3rd graders a piece of music with their recorders.

It was a very busy week for teachers as they taught a full load of classes and prepared Mid Term Progress Reports for Quarter Three.  Mr. Lazor, Mrs. Birmingham, and I then proofed the reports to prepare them for distribution to parents on Friday afternoon.

This week I want to ask you to be praying for those on staff who are giving birth during Quarters Three and Four.  In February, the wife of Mr. Lazor, Elementary Principal, will give birth to their 6th child!  Then in March, Mrs. Oh, an amazing lady who is the main receptionist and attendance coordinator, will give birth to her first child - a boy!  Our elementary secretary, Mrs. Baek, gives birth to her second child, a boy, in April.  Finally, Mrs. Jang, who does an awesome job in our Business Office, will give birth to her first child, in May!  We are going to really miss these three ladies as they leave to give birth and raise their little one.  They are such tremendous assets to YISS!  Pray as we hire replacements for them.  Pray also for a replacement for Mr. Lazor as principal.  He and his family will be moving to the southern part of South Korea to assist in opening an international school there.  We still need 2 or 3 elementary teachers for YISS for 2013-14 because of the expansion of classrooms.  Thanks for praying.

Saturday I had a delightful and refreshing time at Brunch with two of my favorite Korean young men: Gunmo and Chang Yong!  I had planned to meet Gunmo at 11:00 for Brunch.  I told him I would have three new options for him to select from for a place to eat and talk.  Gunmo is one of only a few Koreans who knows that I am still not used to being late for a scheduled meeting so we both make it a game to see who will be late.  Whoever is late must select the place to eat.  Well, neither of us are usually late so we have had to change our plan a little bit.  We have a great time deciding.  He selected Holly's Coffee since he didn't know they had a brunch.  We were enjoying a very nice Brunch and conversation when he picked up his phone and talked in Korean to someone.  A few minutes later I was in for a surprise!  Gunmo had arranged for Chang Yong to come and surprise me!  I hadn't seen Chang Yong in several months so Saturday was an extra special treat, and one that was so refreshing.  Would you please pray for both of these young men as they seek to serve the Lord + they both want to find a wife! :-)

 My dear friend, Gunmo, and I at Holly's Coffee for Brunch on Saturday morning!

You know you wanted to see what we 
had to eat! :-)  So here it is!  Quite tasty!

My excellent friend, Chang Yong, arrived as a surprise during our Brunch!  I love his smile that always calms me!  Please pray for Chang Yong and his work situation.  He is working most days about 15 - 16 hours!  He is a great worker but he is getting exhausted!  I know he would value your prayers.

Here are all three of the bad boys: Chang Yong, Gunmo,
and GGG enjoying a most refreshing and relaxing time of 
sharing together!

Once again, it is always my pleasure to thank you for your encouragement, your prayers, your love, and your support!  Please enjoy a great week!  Stay warm!  Behave! :-)

Love, Gregg

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