Saturday, February 9, 2013

Snow Day, 100th Day, PJ & Pancake Day, and COLD Days!!

Happy Lunar New Year to you!  Yes, it is that time of year when Korea celebrates a big holiday, Lunar New Year!  To begin our busy and festive week at YISS, administrators had the pleasure of calling teachers on Sunday evening to let them know that Monday, February 4, would be a Snow Day!  It was to be our 100th Day and kindergarten teachers were a little disappointed since they had made big plans for this grand celebration. Most teachers were thrilled and certainly needed a little break!  Tuesday we all returned to a very busy schedule for the week!  The 100th Day celebration went on as if Monday was not even a Snow Day!  It was a really special time with many parents coming to assist our two amazing kindergarten teachers carry out the great plans they had for this special day!  I was invited to do the opening welcome and read the 100th day of Kindergarten book selected by the kindergarten teachers.  It was so much fun!

The kindergarten teachers had numerous 
stations/centers that students went to in 
order to celebrate their 100th day in 
kindergarten.  This one was to create a 
picture of themselves when they are 100
years old.  This is Jacob with his!

Here I am reading Fancy Nancy; The 100th Day of School to the kindergarten students and their parents!  So much fun!!

One of the cherubs with her poster of 100
finger prints!  She was having so much fun!

This young man was creating his 100 Day eye glasses!

Another cherub working on his 100 Day
eye glasses!

The Read-A-Thon opening assembly was also planned for the Snow Day so we had to quickly revamp a few things and then quickly prepare the cafeteria for the assembly to kick off the Read-A-Thon month at YISS!  I will be delighted when the auditorium is finally refurbished and ready for use - hopefully, in April or May.  The PTO Read-A-Thon committee did a great job and the kids are certainly excited about reading!  They were so thrilled with the announcement of the reading goal of 700,000 minutes.  Why?  Because if they reach the goal, Mr. Lazor, Principal, and I will publicly have our heads shaved!  I can't tell you how excited these cherubs are about this.  I greet them in the morning and tell them that Reading is not allowed in February, and they have been prompted by their teachers to take their fingers and pretend they are scissors and it is so cute to see them smile and make their "scissor fingers" go through their hair and point at Mr. Lazor and me.  They look at me and say, "Tonight I am going to read 3 books!!" Then they show me little razors they have made from construction paper to taunt me!  We shall see.  Maybe I will like saving money on haircuts and hair products! :-)

The PTO Read-A-Thon Committee had prepared a
kick off play, written by Mrs. Foster (YISS Drama
teacher).  These are the main characters in this cute
little kick off play!  Everyone loved it!

Here is a scene from the play with some of the 400 
elementary students watching in our cafeteria.  It was 
a bit crowded but it went well considering everything!

Then on Wednesday was one of the elementary school's favorite days - PJ and Pancake Day!  Wednesdays are also days during the Read-A-Thon when PTO photographers roam the school in attempts to get photos of kids "Caught Reading."  I love having breakfast food at lunch or dinner and I have found that most of the kids love the pancake breakfast at lunch as well!  Enjoy some special pictures from that day!

Some second graders "Caught Reading!"

Some second grade boys "Caught Reading."

Grade 2A teacher, Ms. Weir, in her PJs with two
fifth grade girls in their PJs; one with her stuffed monkey!

A group of fifth grade boys enjoying PJ & Pancake Day!!

This is one of my newest buddies this year.
Joseph is new and he has the greatest smile.
Although he makes me think that he does not
like it when I tease him, he gets upset if I don't.
He is in the OASIS class and I would ask you
to keep him in your prayers as I seek to share
Jesus with him.

For those who must see a food picture each week, here is a picture of Catherine in Grade 5 reading and eating her yummy breakfast at lunch!

Two more fifth grade ladies reading and 
eating during PJ & Pancake Day!

Some kindergarten cuties eating their breakfast in their PJs!

In addition to PJ & Pancake Day on Wednesday, I was assisting in second grades classrooms as they took the Math portion of the MAP Tests we administer via computer to 2nd through 8th graders twice a year.  The kids enjoy taking the tests in Math and Reading on the computers + it gives teachers and parents almost immediate feedback as to how each child is doing.  It is an individualized testing program that can determine where a child is in math and reading development.  It was enjoyable watching the kids take the Math test in their PJs; some holding their stuffed animal which they brought for PJ Day.

MAP testing in Grade 2B during PJ & Pancake Day!
The little girl in the nightcap is the daughter of the
pastor at New Harvest Ministry.  Katie was loving
this special day!

Two ore second graders during the MAP Testing.  If 
you look closely, you will notice a little stuffed bear
on the little girl's lap.  I told her the bear could sit with
her as long as she/he did not give her the answers.  
She smiled and said he would be a good bear! :-)

The week was extremely cold for Seoul and every day we had to have indoor lunch recess.  Temperatures reached a low on Friday morning of -16 degrees Celsius (3 degrees in Fahrenheit)!  It did not get above -7 until Friday in the late afternoon!  After having the kids inside all week, I am sure teachers are thrilled that Monday is a holiday for the Lunar New Year in Korea!

I am excited because I have been invited to enjoy a Lunar New Year feast at the home of Yeongmin!  He called on Friday to let me know that he and his parents wanted me to come to their apartment Sunday afternoon and evening for one of Yeongmin's mother's amazing array of most yummy foods!!  I can't wait!  I haven't seen Yeongmin's parents for about a year and love spending time with them.  Please pray that they will want to know more about God and Jesus.

Saturday I had brunch (no pictures!) with a young man, Luke, who has a very complicated family situation.  His mother is Korean; his Dad (who left him when he was 2 years old) is a British citizen.  Luke now almost 20 was born in Indonesia but has a British passport.  He has no means of support right now and would like to work in Korea or go to university, but cannot do anything in Korea. He has to leave Korea to renew his visa.  When he comes back, he can only stay 90 days and then would need to leave again.  We spent a long time talking about possibilities - all of which create complications - and about finances, which he does not have.  My heart is heavy for him right now and I would appreciate your prayers for Luke.

Happy Valentine's Day this Thursday!  Thanks for all of your love, prayers, encouragement, and continued support!

Love, Gregg


  1. If I read can you count the minutes toward your head shaving goal?!

  2. Just be grateful that you have hair to shave!
