Sunday, April 14, 2013

Quarter Four After School Activities Begin; Principal Lazor WIll be Back!!

Thanks to so many of you for praying about the beginning of Quarter Four After School Activities for the Elementary School.  Our first week in Quarter Four activities went well.  On Tuesday we thought for a few minutes we were going to have to cancel Soccer.  Around 3:00 it began to snow - even though rain and snow were not in the weather forecast!  Several phone calls from parents asking if we were going to cancel.  At about 3:18, right after all the 23 buses pulled out of YISS, it stopped snowing and raining! I breathed a huge sigh of relief and thanked God for the sun that then began to shine brightly!  I was busy most of the week making sure everyone was in the right place and that all students had returned Liability Forms and that parents had paid their GIRO Payment Slips.  It was a good beginning week of ASA!!

In other good news, our Elementary Principal informed us that he and his family will be staying for another year at YISS!  I was delighted!  The school where Mr. Lazor was going to go in Pohang (in the southern part of South Korea) had two of its foundation members die and construction has not started on the school facility.  I am glad that Dan will be staying since we had been unable to secure the right person for his position.

Above is a picture of a group of us at Christmas time in the Francks' apartment!  I wanted to use it to show most of the Lazor family.  Dan Lazor is at the bottom left and Nora is across from him.  His wife, Michelle, is the last lady in the row on the right hand side.  She was pregnant with Lucy at the time.  To her right are the Lzors' two boys, Danny and Manny.  Across from Michelle is their oldest, Isabelle!  They are such a great family!

Continuing with more good news, the third grade student I mentioned last week who came to know Jesus as his Savior, came to Chapel on Friday and he was walking with the aid of crutches. Hugo had twisted his ankle and after examination at the hospital, it was discovered he had a minor fracture.  The good news is that he has such a great attitude about having a cast and having to use crutches.  In Chapel he sat beside me and I watched this little boy, who was struggling with English in the beginning of this school year and was caught taking things that were not his, take his Bible and take notes as Mrs. Franck shared in Chapel.  The change in Hugo is dramatic and so exciting.  Please continue to pray for him!

Here is Hugo sitting next to me in Chapel on Friday.
He was watching me to see how I found a certain book
in the Bible.  Then he would go and find it in his Bible.

Here is my buddy, Hugo, getting ready to leave Chapel
on Friday.  Thank you for continuing to pray for him!

Some more good news!  I was concerned about losing our Elementary Secretary, Mrs. Baek, as she as gone on maternity leave.  However, her replacement, Ms. Jane Yoo, has done an outstanding job!  She is quite detailed and spends her spare time at YISS, as well as time at her home, looking at pictures of our students and teachers in the elementary school!  She told me she has most of the names and faces memorized now!  I am glad Ms. Yoo is with us at YISS!

Our new Elementary Secetary, Ms. Yoo, talking with a parent on the phone!

Two of the third grades had Market Days on Friday.  These are days where the students learn about supply and demand and economics as well as use "money" they have earned in the classroom for various things.  Each student brings items to sell - items that they have made or have made together with a parent.  It is so much fun to watch the kids negotiate to get a good deal!  It is fun to observe how they are beginning to learn economics and business at a young age in a fun way!

Here is Dev in 3C encouraging me to buy some of
the mid-eastern taste treats he and his mother made
for Market Day!

Gabe really knew that his chocolate cake would be in great demand!  His supply was gone very quickly!  The teacher of 3C, Ms. Everett, is in the center of the market area encouraging the buyers and sellers!

Two girls (one buying and one selling) completing a
transaction for some of these homemade toys!

Last Sunday evening my excellent friend and former SYME student, Yeongmin, and I were able to finally get a time to have our birthday celebration dinner!  We went to one of my favorite Chinese restaurants, Ho Lee Chow!  Yeongmin introduced me to a new dish, Shrimp Mayo, which was very very tasty!  We had a wonderful time together and continued to talk about many things including God and Christianity.  Thanks for continuing to pray for Yeongmin.

Yeongmin and GGG at Ho Lee Chow celebrating our birthdays!

Shrimp Mayo!!  Oh soooo good!  The
yummy shrimp, seasoned so well, is 
placed on top of a great salad!
This was the other dish we enjoyed; a 
beef noodle pasta dish with a little spicy
kick to it!  Very tasty as well!

Your prayers for the coming months are greatly appreciated.  During April there is at least one teacher out every day.  Please pray that no one gets sick.  The days in April that teachers are out are their Personal Days or Day of Rest, which they need to take by May 1.  We have one permanent elementary substitute.  When more than one is absent, then the principals need to go in and sub.  Although I love going into the classroom to sub, there are many responsibilities that we need to handle in April and May which makes subbing very difficult.  Concerts, musicals, dramatic productions, and field trips begin in full force this next week.  Some of the expansion construction is nearly complete and that means we will be starting to make some moves into these refurbished areas.  Thanks for your prayers.

Thank you so much for your love, support, encouragement, and prayers.  Please enjoy a great week!  Don't forget to file your income tax papers!! :-)

Love, Gregg

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