Sunday, April 7, 2013

Quarter Four Begins; Teacher Appreciation Day; Author Visit!

Quarter Four began with a flurry of events and some nice warm weather!  The cool weather returned with rain on Saturday causing my trip to the first Korean Major League Baseball game to be postponed. :-( I was hoping to go with some of my Korean friends to see my favorite Korean baseball team, the Doosan Bears, play!  Kangwook (Aidan), a former SYME student and good friend, said he would get tickets for another game soon.  I look forward to it.

YISS was quite busy as teachers completed comments and grades for Quarter Three and report cards were sent out to parents and students on Friday.  Quarter Four began with many delightful events at YISS and outside of YISS.

Tuesday was the Author Visit for children in grades Kindergarten through Grade 2!  We were privileged to have Darren Farrell, a new children's book author, visit our children on Tuesday.  I had met Darren back in January at a local bookstore and through his publisher we were able to secure him for a visit at YISS.  Darren is from North Carolina and when in the States, resides with his wife and son, Jonah, in Hoboken, NJ.  His wife is Korean and they are living in Seoul for about two years as he works on several more books.  His first book, Doug-Dennis and the Flyaway Fib, is about telling the truth.  Not only is Darren the author, he is also the illustrator of his books.  He read the book to the delight of our children.  Then he shared his second book with them.  It is called Thank You Octopus.  It just went to the publisher.  The kids loved seeing this book on a Power Point presentation, and were thrilled with Darren's reading of it.  He then did some interactive illustrations with the kids.  It was a great day with an up and coming children's author!

GGG with Darren Farrell!

Author Darren Farrell beginning his reading of his
book, Doug-Dennis and the Flyaway Fib!

Some of the first graders and kindergartners as they are getting involved with Darren!

The kids loved being able to interact with their ideas
for Doug-Dennis with Darren!

Darren Farrell reading his story to the kids!

More interaction from Darren as he gets the kids 
involved in creating an illustration!

Second graders enjoying the special moments with Darren Farrell!  It was a special day!

Wednesday was supposed to be my "Day of Rest" - a wonderful benefit that YISS gives each employee.  It is a day just to take and rejuvenate, rest, relax, etc.  Well, on Tuesday the headmaster asked if I could be at school on Wednesday for an interview with a prospective person for the Elementary Principal's position.  So I was at YISS on Wednesday and took my Day of Rest on Thursday.  The interview went well and the day on Thursday was an even better day since the weather was fantastic!  I was able to do some walking.  I love to walk and reflect and think about all that I enjoy through Jesus Christ.  I think about my family and friends and sing and pray out loud as I walk.  I am sure many think I am crazy, but that's OK. :-)  I enjoyed a "Puffy Omelet" at one of my favorite places - The Pancake Story!  I did some shopping for some birthday gifts.  I just relaxed and enjoyed the beautiful weather!  A very good day!  It was also the birthday of my wonderful friend, Yeongmin.  I was not able to celebrate with him that day because of his work at SK Telecom, but we are planning to get together on Sunday after church and choir.  Please continue to pray for this wonderful young man to come to know Jesus!

Wednesday evening was a special evening because I got to have a dinner with my delightful friend and former SYME student, Jungmin (Chris)!  Hadn't seen him for several months and it was so great to be with him and catch up.  I know he would value your prayers right now. He is a bit stressed and frustrated with decisions he needs to make.  Please pray as he decides what to do come September.  He is currently doing an internship in a Korean high school for his education certificate.  Jungmin has a passion to serve the people of Korea through some position in the government but has not been able to secure the necessary points to move on to the next level of study in the government field.  He is also looking at going to Law School to become a lawyer where he thinks he can help those in Korea who don't have the means to afford most lawyers.  Thank you for praying for my dear friend.

GGG with Jungmin at Los Amigos in Itaewon. Jungmin
wanted to try Mexican food!

Jungmin trying a Chicken Fajita for the 
first time at Los Amigos!  He seemed to
enjoy it. I had the Baja Burrito; both were 
quite yummy!

Friday was Teacher Appreciation Day at YISS!  The PTO at YISS is an amazing group of ladies and men who are so supportive of teachers and staff.  They are so excited about volunteering at YISS and helping teachers to invest in the lives of their children.  Friday they prepared a most amazing and most delicious luncheon for all of us!!  It was awesome!  After I finished eating, I went into the kitchen and did a low Korean bow for them.  I told them I might not be able to get up off the floor so they should be ready to help me up! They laughed and and then when I did the bow, they could not believe that I would do such a thing for them.  It was a very special time and it was the least I could do to show my appreciation for this great group of volunteers!  I am so grateful to be able to work with such a fantastic group of ladies and men.

The sign that greeted teachers and staff
on Friday at YISS!  What a great day!!

This is part of the awesome group of PTO volunteers who made the teacher Appreciation Day so special!!

Some of the teachers enjoying some of the
yummy food prepared by the PTO!!

The array of yummy desserts!!  

This was my first plate of tasty food!  I 
will not share how many plates I had! :-)
The PTO had a vase of roses at each table!

Since I could not attend the baseball game on Saturday, I met my great friend, Gunmo for brunch and then had a delightful dinner with another wonderful friend and former SYME student, Jae Hong (Dr. Fred)!!  I was so excited about meeting Jae Hong!  He was going to go with me to the baseball game.  I had not seen him or talked with him since he stated on Facebook that he wanted to be left alone and not talk about his Christian beliefs.  Please continue to pray for Jae Hong as you remember him as he seeks to strengthen his faith in Jesus Christ.  Pray also for Dr. Fred as he studies to take the TOEIC exam so that he can apply for pre-medical school at a university in Hungary.

Here is my excellent friend, Gunmo, at
Holly's Coffee on Saturday morning!  We
had a nice brunch and great conversation!
Gunmo acting a bid strange! :-)  He also 
was struggling with waking up!! :-)

Above is that joyful face of the pensive Jae Hong as he enjoys our Thai food at the Wang Thai restaurant and our wonderful conversation!

Jae Hong and GGG at Wang Thai eating some tasty
Thai food and getting caught up with each other!

Thanks so much for your faithful love, encouragement, prayers, and support!  Please enjoy a really great month of April!

Love, Gregg

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