Sunday, June 9, 2013

A Very Busy Final Week of the YISS 2012-13 School Year!

I am writing this in the Hong Kong Airport on Sunday night (Korean time).  I just finished a good GAFE - Hong Kong Summit!  GAFE is Google Apps For Educators!  Two days were filled with many workshops on the numerous Google programs that are continually being designed especially for those in the field of education.  Many of the presenters went way too fast for this non-techy old man, but I was able to gain some more knowledge and useful techniques that I hope I will be able to apply with our teachers at YISS.

Here I am in front of one of Hong Kong's famous
double decker tram/trolley announcing the Google
Hong Kong Summit!  (Actually it is a backdrop!)

Some of the audience at the first keynote address at the 
GAFE - Hong Kong Summit!

It was nice to be in Hong Kong.  I traveled to Hong Kong and mainland China back in September of 1983 with a group from Wheaton College who had joined President and Mrs. Hudson Armerding on a 3 week journey that was amazing!  The changes in Hong Kong in those 30 years have been simply fantastic!  However, I still do not like traveling by taxi up, down and around the hills and curves of Hong Kong.  I usually do not feel sick riding in a car unless I read a book, but I was getting very close to it on four taxi trips I had from the hotel to the Hong Kong International School and back for two days.

The trip did not allow for me to really enjoy the city but I was able to get some rest at night in the very nice room - actually upgraded to a suite at no extra charge - at L'Hotel at Causeway Bay.  I was on the 31st floor and had a really nice view of the harbor.  I did find a nice coffee shop near the hotel and made a new friend in Hong Kong.

An afternoon view from my suite on the 31st floor!

One of the many double decker buses + trolleys that seem to always be operating through the streets of Hong Kong!

A night view from the 31st floor suite I was privileged to enjoy!

My Caramel Latte and Oreo Cheese Cake at Pacific Coffee Company near the L'Hotel!

At Pacific Coffee Company there is a quote
on the chalkboard each day.  This was the quote
for Friday!

Before I left for the Google conference in Hong Kong, the week at YISS was an extremely busy and exhausting one - but exciting!  Teachers had to complete their Quarter Four Comments and final grades; then along with Dan Lazor and Bev Birmingham, I needed to review these and check to see that everything was in order.  It was a bit more hectic this time since our new elementary secretary had never gone through the end of the year routine before at YISS.  Mr. Lazor thought our former secretary had given her sufficient preparation but it turned out she was not prepared.  We all pitched in and everything was accomplished.

In addition, we were finishing the last two days of our three-day VBS activities.  I was involved each day with doing a skit with the other administrators and then teaching in the NICS VBS as well as helping the last day with the OASIS VBS.  Tuesday morning was also our Elementary Awards Assemblies.  Tuesday evening was Kindergarten graduation, which was a big hit, as usual, with the parents!  The kids were so cute!

Above is our Elementary Chaplain with me sharing
the recognition plaque that the Mountain Child 
organization presented to all of the elementary children
for their gift to provide water in the mountains of Nepal
during our Walk-A-Sock-A-Thon.

A dear first grader, Dylan, receiving the Guardian Award for Grade 1A.  The Guardian is the highest award an elementary student can receive!

Above are all three of the first grade Guardian Award
recipients with their teachers.

Above are the 4th and 5th grade Guardian winners and their teachers!

Kindergarten graduation!  They are a riot and so cute!

Here is my buddy Fabian with his brother Hugo - a third grader!

A special kindergarten cherub, Junwa, with several 
flower bouquets at graduation!

Above is a 5A student, Nina.  We learned that she and her family will be moving and probably will not return to YISS.  She is a special young lady and I would appreciate your prayers for her.  Nina doesn't want to leave and we don't want her to leave!

Wednesday was the final day - actually a half day - for students.  Lots of goodbyes to students and then our elementary end-of-year luncheon.  We said goodbye to only two elementary teachers this year.  Mrs. Fitzwater has been at YISS for 6 years (I think) and she will be going with her husband (a New Zealander) back to New Zealand to serve there.  Mrs. Zhang, one of our Mandarin teachers, needed to leave as well since she wanted full time and we could only give her part time.  During the luncheon, the other assistant principal, Mrs. Birmingham, presented a placard she had prepared for each teacher and administrator in the elementary school.  They were very cool!  She had placed words or phrases that she felt described each of us.  Now I have to try and live up to mine, and that can only be done through God working in me.


After two meetings with parents and teacher on Wednesday afternoon, I changed clothes quickly and headed to Jamsil Stadium via subway to join Jae Hong, Josh Cha, and Joonsoo for a baseball game between the Doosan Bears and the LG Twins.  Joonsoo wasn't able to make it for the game but joined us after the game.  Jae Hong is an LG Twins' fan and Joshy and I are Bears' fans.  It was a great game - although LG won 5-3 to the delight of Jae Hong.  It was so good to see all of these young men once again.  Jae Hong is doing much better and I know he would continue to value your prayers as he seeks to score high enough on the TOEIC exam in order to go to Hungary to study to be a medical doctor.  Please pray for Joshy and Joonsoo as well as they seek God's next step for them.

Jae Hong, GGG, and Joshy Cha at Jamsil where the
LG Twins (to the delight of Jae Hong) defeated the
Doosan Bears!  Great game and a great time with these
special young men!

After the game Joonsoo arrived and spent some time with
Jae Hong  and me.  It was so wonderful to see Joonsoo again!

I am going to stop for this week.  I am not sure when my next post will be.  I leave for the US on Friday, June 14 and get into Washington, DC about an hour after I leave Korea.  I love saying that! :-) Your continued prayers are greatly appreciated!  Thanks so much for being so faithful with your emails, encouraging notes, prayers, love, and support this past year.  Hope to see some of you on June 30 at 469 Pennsylvania Avenue in Chambersburg, PA!

Love, Gregg

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