Saturday, July 20, 2013

Safe Return to Rainy Seoul!!

Yes, I have returned to Seoul and all of its rainy weather!  I arrived safely on Tuesday evening, July 16 and was greeted by my dear friend and "son," JiSang!  After a very bumpy and sleepless flight, it was so refreshing to be greeted by this young man's always calming and relaxing smile!  JiSang drove me back to my apartment and stayed to help me unwind and then we enjoyed a yummy chicken dinner delivered to the apartment! I think I am almost recovered from the delightful jet lag!
JiSang at Incheon Airport making payment at the parking garage after we loaded his car with my luggage!

In my apartment with JiSang enjoying some yummy dead chicken and great fellowship!

Many of you know that I spent most of my time in the USA preparing my home in Bensalem to put on the market for sale.  I have discovered that I am not a long distance landlord; not even sure I would be a good short distance landlord. :-)  Thank you to so many who were praying and for the many who assisted me in the preparation of my home in SO MANY ways!!  I am so grateful to so many and especially thankful for my amazing siblings!  I was able to enjoy our annual Garman Family Reunion on July 6!  I thank the Lord every day for the beautiful family to which I belong!  When you think of it, would you please pray for the quick sale of my home in Bensalem OR whatever the Lord has in mind for this home? Thanks so much!

My amazing siblings with me at the Garman Family Reunion!  Gae and Julee in the front with my brother, Jared with me in the back!  I love them so much!

Right before I left for Seoul, I was able to visit with some friends I had not seen in a long time + enjoy one last visit to Bruster's for some of my favorite ice cream - Chocolate Lovers' Trash!!  Oh soooo good!

At Bruster's the day before heading to DC to get my
Korean Air flight to Seoul - enjoying some awesome
Chocolate Lovers' Trash!!!

Here I am with Dale Lehman after a dinner at Red Robin!  Dale was one of 39 sixth grade students I had in 1971-72 at Portico Elementary School - my first year of teaching!  he and his wife have had the privilege of hosting 7 foreign exchange students during the last 7 years!  What a joy it was to meet with him!

Dale rides a motor cycle and I couldn't resist at least
sitting upon this machine!  What do you think?  Maybe
I should get one for travel in Seoul?  I THINK NOT!! :-)

Another friend and student from that same 6th grade classroom at Portico Elementary School came to the Open House my sister, Julee, had on June 30.  Above on the far right is Leon Meyers with his wife Deana and 3 of their numerous grandchildren!  

While waiting at my sister's office in Reston, VA 
for my trip to Dulles Airport, I had a delightful surprise
visit from my Vietnamese friend, Paul Vinh.  I met 
Paul about 30 years ago when he had just arrived 
from escaping from South Vietnam.  What a story
he has about his entire family leaving South Vietnam
 and making it safely to Chambersburg, PA!  Yes, I 
was eating again at Panera Bread with Paul!

This past week I was able to get into YISS and get back into the groove! :-)  My friend and Elementary Principal, Dan Lazor, took me on a quick tour of the new education wing!  I have some pictures of the rooms as of July 17.  I will get some more once teachers have returned and set up their classrooms.  Still a lot of work to be accomplished before that first day for students on August 12th!  I know teachers would value your prayers as they prepare their rooms.  Pray for our new teachers as they begin arriving on July 25 with orientation for them to begin the next day!  I have the privilege of being one of the community tour guides for a new couple, Jeff and Barbara Thomas.  Jeff will be teaching High School English and Barb will be teaching one of our first grade sections.  This year we will have 3 sections of Kindergarten, 4 sections for grades 1 through 4, and 3 sections of grade 5!  Should be exciting!  Below are some picture of one of the new wings at YISS!  The rooms had almost everything in them, BUT now teachers need to rearrange and make ready for students! More pictures after rearrangements! :-)


This year we had some (about 12) large posters made with pictures of our elementary children demonstrating our three Core Values: Truth, Excellence, and Diversity.  These will be posted throughout the hallways.  We have also revised our Discipline policy and it is now called "The Guardian Way" or Guardian Honor Code.  I am excited about this as elementary teachers and administrators have been working over the last several years to make this Guardian Way something that our students will see is something that is a daily living out of biblical principles in the way we interact with others.  Thanks for praying for this!

One of the posters showing Truth!

This poster is one showing Excellence!

A poster representing our value of Diversity!

Our veteran teachers to YISS will return beginning at the end of July.  Please pray that they will have safe returns and be able to have everything ready for August 12.  I would value your prayers as I work through all of the logistics of the After School Activities for this year.  Lots to do yet! The YISS soccer field is being reconstructed.  This project began on May 19 and was scheduled to be completed in 3 months - if there was no rain during the rainy season in South Korea.  Well, it has been raining for several weeks in Seoul and it appears that the soccer field may not be ready for our Elementary After School Activities that begins on September 3.  So we have a few complications to work out so that we can conduct our soccer program for elementary students. Thanks for praying.

I just got back from choir and church at New Harvest Ministry.  It was great to be back with all of my choir friends and be part of this wonderful church!  Our regular pastor, Doug Park is leading a missions trip to Thailand so we had the founder of the English speaking ministry of Sarang Community Church share this morning.  He just had to speak on "Change!"  He gave an excellent word from the Word reminding us that our God never changes even though we are involved with change in our lives each day.

Thanks very much for your prayers, your love, your encouragement, and your support.  I trust you will enjoy a great summer.  More next week!

Love, Gregg

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