Saturday, July 27, 2013

The Sun Returns Just in Time to Welcome New Teachers to YISS!!

After several weeks of rain almost every day, the sun came shining forth on Thursday and Friday to welcome our group of new teachers to YISS!  This is always a favorite time of year for me - to welcome those who are joining our YISS family to teach over 930 students from K-12!  What an opportunity we have to put 2 Timothy 2:2 in practice!  I am excited about our new group of teachers and look forward to working with them as we invest in the lives of the YISS children and their families!  Please pray as we seek to live out our theme for this year.  It is from Galatians 5:6b: "Faith Expressed Through Love."  The NIV puts it this way: "The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love!"

New Teacher Orientation began on Friday and will continue throughout this next week.  Pray especially for our new staff as they go to the hospital on Monday to get through a required series of checkups and blood work before they can officially receive their Visa and Alien Card.  They will go to Immigration on Wednesday after passing the medical tests.

Some of us served as tour guides for the new staff on Friday.  It was so much fun to greet the new teachers Friday morning!  Many were still struggling with jet lag - but they were all pumped and ready to see their neighborhoods!

Some of the new teachers gathering in the foyer of
the Capital Hotel to meet their tour guides!

Another pic of some of the new teachers gathering with some of the tour guides!

Another picture of some of our new teachers awaiting
their neighborhood tour guide!

Here I am with the couple I took all day Friday throughout the neighborhood.  To my life is Jeff Thomas, who will be teaching 9th Grade English.  To his left is his wife, Barbara, who will be one of our Grade 1 teachers in the Elementary School!  We had a great time!  They loved their new apartment and enjoyed learning a little more about their neighborhood and some Korean culture.

I took them to Insadong, a famous area 
in Seoul where there are MANY shops
as well as many places to learn about 
some of Korea's food and special items
to purchase.  We stopped to watch this
young man and his coworkers making
Korean Dragon Beard candy!  He was so
funny and I never get tired of seeing the
process of making this unique candy!

As I mentioned, the sun was out and the afternoon was very hot!  I have never seen a line like this at any Starbucks, but this is part of the line waiting for a cold Starbucks drink in Insadong!

I have been to Insadong numerous times but this was
the first I saw this shop.  I think it is brand new.  The
things hanging are hollow rice cakes (I think).  The staff
take a hollow rice cake tube and fill the complete tube
with soft ice cream!  I, of course, had to try one!

Here is the ice cream man filling my rice cake tube!

The finished product!  I loved it.  The ice cream man
wanted to have his picture taken with me.  As Jeff, Barb,
and I walked through Insadong, I received many smiling 
looks from those passing us!  It was a nice hot day and 
I think the ice cream man sold many rice cake tubes of
ice cream!

As we left Insadong, we saw a group of high school students with signs in Korean.  I had to stop and begin a conversation with them and ask what they were doing.  In addition to these three students, there were about 6 others with signs promoting a meeting to tell about children in Kenya who are without shoes.  Their high school is raising funds to purchase shoes for these Kenyan children.

Some of you may have seen this past week that I received a new addition to my office at YISS. The Elementary Library has some new rugs, furniture, cool story telling platform areas, etc. so Ms. Creecy didn't need her World Rug any more.  It has found a home in my office.  I love it!

My new World Rug in my office!!  I love it!!

Here is another closer view of my new World Rug!

When the sun returned this past week, the "Building Washers" came out early in the morning to begin washing the building which houses our refurbished auditorium!  As I walked up the YISS hill I had a delightful time watching these building washers doing their job!

The six "Building Washers" scaling the outside of the refurbished YISS auditorium on Thursday morning!

Thank you for your prayers for the After School Activities program preparation for Quarter One. Things are progressing well and I am actually a little ahead of schedule.  That is a good thing since this next week will be very busy with new teacher orientation and meetings with Mr. Lazor and Birmingham as we prepare for all of the elementary staff orientation and complete all of the schedules (which have become more complicated with the increase in classrooms as well as children and teachers) necessary to begin school on August 12.  Please pray that all of our teachers will return to Seoul safely and be refreshed and ready for another wonderful year at YISS.

On Saturday morning I went to one of my favorite places for French Toast Brunch - Tartine's! However, I kept noticing the one menu item called "Bender's German Pancake Brunch."  I asked about it once and they said it would take 20 minutes to prepare.  On Saturday I had a book with me so I decided to order the German Pancake Brunch.  I enjoyed reading and drinking my coffee while I waited.  Below is a picture of my delicious "Bender's German Pancake Brunch!"  Very yummy, but way too much.  I will make sure I take someone along the next time to share Korean style!

Sunday morning at New Harvest Ministry the choir sang an arrangement entitled Be Still! It was just what I needed throughout the week as I practiced at home and then as we sang it Sunday morning.  In the busyness of my daily life, I need to BE STILL and know that He is God and in control!  I hope the words will encourage and challenge you today.

Be still my soul and know that God is with you.
Breathe peace from God that soothes and makes you whole.
Be still and know that nothing is beyond His hand.
He will provide, sustain your weary soul.

It is well with my soul! Be still when tears of loss  and loneliness ensnare you.
Know as a child of God you’re not alone when life brings storms of pain and deep despair.
God’s voice will calm rough waters, “Peace be still.”

It is well with my soul!  Be still! Be still! Be still! Be still and know that I am God!

I would ask you to continue to pray for the sale of my home in Bensalem.  As of this weekend, I have heard nothing from the realtor.  I am trusting the Lord to bring a buyer along soon or show me some other plan.  Pray also for my wonderful friend, JiSang.  He did finally get approval from Liberty University for credit for his internship here in Korea.  JiSang would like to find an additional job, perhaps teaching English at one of the Korean English academies.  I know he will appreciate your prayers.  Thanks so much for all of your encouragement, notes, prayers, love, and support.  I trust that God will encourage and bless you this week as He has encouraged me through you!

Love, Gregg

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