Saturday, September 14, 2013

Doughnuts, Pizza, After School Activities = Relationships!!

It was a busy week at YISS!  We had some very nice weather at the beginning of the week and then Thursday more rain came!  Busy times continue but the key in all of these "events" and "activities" is the building of relationships with students and parents!  To me, that is what this is all about!  Thank you for continuing to pray for the many happenings at YISS that help us continue to get to know our students and their families.  It seems like we add a few new students to the elementary school each week.  We have three more coming on September 24.  That is also our week of "Celebrate Korea Days."

This past week we continued our "New Student Lunches" beginning with our first graders.  They are so many new first grade students we have had to have several lunches for them.  It is exciting to see these after our pizza lunch with them.  When they see us now throughout the building, they get so excited and now have this new special relationship with the principals!  It is so cute to greet them and continue to get to know them.

In addition to the "New Student Lunch" this past week, we began our "Doughnuts with Dad" happenings on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.  We weren't sure how many Dad would come at 7:30 AM to spend time with their children, but we were pleasantly surprised!  There were 28 - 40 Dads who came and had a great time with their son/daughter for 20 minutes and then it was fun to see the children escort their Dads to their classrooms!  One little boy, Pranav, in second grade told his Dad, "Today you are not going to your office; you are coming to my office!"  So many Dads thanked us for having these special times with their children before they head off to work.  It was also a great time for the Dads to make new friends and build relationships with the other Dads who came.  We still have Grades 3, 4, and 5 to come for their "Doughnuts with Dad" the week after Chuseok (Korean Thanksgiving).

One of the posters that Mrs. Birmingham
prepared to place all around the school
to advertise for the "Doughnuts with Dad."

Mr. Lazor, our Principal, welcoming Dads and their children in our new Multi Purpose Room!

Some of the Dads and their kids enjoying one another!

Special moments with special children and their Dads!

Some more special Dad-Son moments last week!

I love this one!

Another special picture of a special moment!      

Dads and kids getting their doughnuts and orange juice!

                   So special!  I love this!

Some more very special moments!

One of the exciting things that the Dads were able to stop and see was our new Elementary Library.  It continues to take shape.  This past week we added new shelving units (they are not pictured in my pictures).  Ms. Creecy, our Elementary Librarian, is certainly enjoying the new Library...and so are the teachers, kids, and parents!  I have found that our Library has been a great place to build relationships with students and parents.  Many parents take advantage of our check out policy for parents and stop by after school or even during school hours.

The hallway leading into the new Elementary Library!
One of our Guardian Way framed creations will be going
on this wall, too.

An area inside the new Library!  Some new shelving
has been added to the left of this area.  Sorry, I didn't
get a picture yet.                       

Another area in the Library.  Behind the shelves on
the left you can see a little of the reading stage that
will be so exciting to use!

One more area inside the new Library!  The kids love
this little spot!  So fun to see them reading in this area!

After School Activities are in full swing!  The kids are having some great times in their activities. I love going around to each activity (there are between 25 and 30 activities from which children can choose) and watching the instructors and coaches getting involved with building relationships with the students.  I am already beginning to prepare Quarter Two activities.  It is a never ending process, but one that I enjoy.  I thought I would share some pictures from three of the classes this week.  In future blogs I will share more.

Some pictures of our Ceramics After School Activity!

And now some of our new class, Korean Painting!

And one more class this week - Arts and Crafts!


Three big events are coming up at YISS!  First the children, teachers, and staff will enjoy three days off on September 18, 19, and 20 in celebration of Chuseok.  Most Koreans say that this is the biggest holiday in Korea.  It is a harvest time festival and very family-oriented.  If you expect to travel in Korea during those days and don't already have your tickets, you will have a very difficult time getting any.  Traffic on the main highways is packed!!  I am hoping to spend some time with some of my former SYME Korean students during this break.  I will probably be working a little on the After School Activities program.  I know teachers are delighted to have this break.

Chuseok is immediately followed by our special week at YISS called "Celebrate Korea Days."  It is always a neat time where classes focus on the culture of Korea.  Many events happen that highlight the culture, the food, the clothing, the games, etc. of Korea.  The elementary school begins the week on September 23 with a special performance of "Nanta" - a very famous Korean non-verbal drama and dance production that is well known throughout Korea and even other countries now.  I have seen it and am looking forward to it once again.  We will have the entire performance auditorium to ourselves - almost 500 of us including teachers and chaperones!

Another big event that the children and staff in the elementary school are preparing for is our annual Walk-A-Sock-A-Thon.  This year we are sending our funds to the International Justice Mission to assist them in freeing children from child slavery in many countries throughout the world.  Children and staff are encouraged to collect 100 Won coins and put them in a sock.  The kids love doing this and for about 5 weeks prior to the actual event (October 4) our Elementary Chaplain shares the importance of these coins.  Last year we collected over $8,000 and that was only 100 Won coins!  I have two socks full of coins.  I have had the heaviest socks the last two years.  Last year Mrs. Franck finally told the children my secret.  I begin collecting 100 Won coins the day after the Walk-A-Sock-A-Thon for the next year.

That's it for now.  Thanks so much for your prayers, love, encouragement, and support.  This past week I had a coupe days fighting with my acute bronchitis.  Dr. Kim gave me some medications and I am almost back to normal (well, as normal as I can be). :-)  I would especially value your prayers for the sale of my home in Bensalem.  I had an Agreement of Sale, but this past Thursday night my realtor emailed me to inform me that it was withdrawn after the inspection reports. So it is back to the beginning.  The realtor said they had a few others interested so I am praying that one of these will want to buy it.  Thanks for listening and praying.  Please enjoy a great week!

Love,  Gregg

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