Saturday, September 28, 2013

A Week to Celebrate Korea!

Each year YISS sets aside a week within our school to celebrate Korea!  It usually happens around the time of Chuseok. Last week, September 23 - 27, was this year's "Celebrate Korea Days."  It was a very busy week, but everyone had a great time celebrating the history and culture of the beautiful country of Korea.  It was also time for Progress Reports to be prepared and emailed to parents. It was a very full week of learning and fun!

It is hard to believe that we are about to begin our third month of the 2013-14 school year! Someone has said, "The start of the school year is a sprint, then you gradually pick up the pace until the end!"  In the very hectic pace of "school stuff" I need to be careful to take time to be alone with the Lord and to really take time for WHO and WHAT is important in His eyes. As one of God's people, I must learn to live a life of purpose and intentionality, saying no to a life of busyness for the sake of being busy. I was challenged by an author, Eugene Peterson right in the middle of this last week.  Peterson has said, "I am busy because I am vain. I want to appear important. Significant.  What better way than to be busy?  The incredible hours, the crowded schedule, and the heavy demands on my time are proof to myself - and to all who will notice - that I am important."  OUCH!!  So true!  If I am not careful, it becomes all about me and my importance!  Peterson goes on to say, "Busyness is the enemy of spirituality.  It is essentially laziness. It is doing the easy thing instead of the hard thing.  It is filling our time with our own actions instead of paying attention to God's actions. It is taking charge." I needed to read this during this week!  Please pray that I will continue to make time to find out what God wants each day!

The rest of this post will be mainly pictures of the "Celebrate Korea Days" during this past week"

Monday: 505 Elementary students, teachers, parents, and principals traveled by buses to see the famous non-verbal performance of Nanta!  The entire theater was set aside just for us and the kids and adults enjoyed a very enjoyable performance by five talented actors!  It was quite an undertaking to get everyone on and off the buses and in their seats and then back to school, but we brought everyone back to YISS safely!

Here are some of the 505 students, teachers, and
parents lining up on the street after getting off the 
               buses to enter the theater.

The inside of the Nanta Theater with our students finding their seats.

I took this picture quickly since we weren't really
 supposed to take pictures during the performance.  Four
of our students are taking a bow with the Nanta actors
right after our kids had been selected to  participate in
part of the show!  They had so much fun!!      

Tuesday:  The main event of this day was the wonderful Taekwondo performance by a group of high school students from Korean public schools.  They did an amazing job to the delight of our elementary students.  A number of our elementary students get involved in the Taekwondo After School Activity at YISS.  It was fun to watch those students as they watched the performers!

One of the many Taekwondo feats performed by this
                group of high school students!

YISS students looking on as the Taekwondo performers did their show!

Another of the many delightful feats the Taekwondo
students performed for our students!           

The performers preparing to take their bow at the
close of the performance.  You can see a couple video
clips on line if you want to see some of the action!

Taking their bow!

Here are the performers with two of their teachers
as well as Mr. Lazor, Mrs. Birmingham and GGG.

Wednesday - Friday:  On Wednesday students and staff were encouraged to come to school in a Hanbok (traditional Korean clothing) or something that signified a Korean sports team.  Usually on this day we have almost 100 % of the students participating.  It is so much fun!  During this day and Thursday and Friday various classes had cooking demonstrations in their classrooms and/or parents coming in to teach the children traditional Korean games and/or making Korean crafts.  It is so exciting to go from class to class to see the various activities.

I wore my Doosan Bears baseball cap and jersey.  This
is one of the second grade boys with his white Doosan
                        jersey and cap!

Two beautiful ladies in the Elementary Office!  On the right is Mrs. Birmingham, Assistant Principal; on the left is Mrs. Yoo, our elementary secretary - both wearing their Hanboks.

I found out that Jay, one of the high school students who
is an office assistant for us, is a Doosan fan, too!  Jay is a 
great young man and we have been developing a wonderful 
relationship.  Pray as he decides what university he will attend.

Here I am with our gifted elementary secretary, Mrs. Yoo.

  Two elementary cherubs decked out in Hanboks!

Three of my buddies in 3rd and 5th grade modeling their Korean attire!

These Kindergarten angels were so cute!  They wanted
to have a "crazy" pose!  So here it is! :-)        

One of our second grade students making
a Korean flag while wearing her Hanbok!

On the right is a husband/wife team preparing
some yummy Korean food for Grade 2 students.
 Two Grade 2D students reading in their Korean outfits!

Grade 3 students making Korean masks.  They had
just eaten a lot of tasty Korean food!!

This is Victor and Pranav painting their masks!

I asked Victor to hold his up to his face!  Pranav's
look is very interesting as he looks at his friend, Victor!

More mask making!

        Another 3rd grade girl making her mask!

One of our recent additions to YISS, Alton, making his mask!

Yes, it was a busy week - but a very enjoyable one!  This past week I stopped by the Boys' Basketball After School Activity for boys in Grades 2 and 3.  I love to watch the instructor, Mr. T. K. Park interact with the boys.  They were enjoying some basketball drills and then a fun game.  They stopped to have their picture taken.  They are such a fun and crazy group! I love them!


Thanks so much for all of your prayers, love, encouragement, and support.  Happy October to you!  Where did September go?

Love, Gregg

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