Saturday, December 20, 2014

First Semester Festive FInish!!

Yes, it was a festive finish to the first semester at YISS! Festive: joyous, merry; from the Latin festivus - joyful!  Yeppers, more JOY!  :-)  Such a busy week and I know that teachers, students, and staff were full of joy when Friday 12 Noon arrived!  Many of our staff will be traveling to various destinations to rest, refresh, and relax with family and friends for Christmas!  I know they would value your prayers.  I will be staying near Seoul this Christmas.  I hope to take s few day trips around Korea and also do some preparation for Quarter Three After School Activities - when I have some quiet time to focus on the technology part of this program.  I actually find it JOYful these days as I learn more and more about technology.

I believe I will take a day at a time to express some of the JOYful events of this past week.  Even in the midst of very cold temperatures and indoor recesses because of the frigid cold, teachers and students enjoyed some great times!


After a wonderful church service on Sunday morning, I went to lunch with Yeongmin, my dear friend and former SYME student.  He took me to a Japanese restaurant in Ichon - a new restaurant for me.  We had a very tasty lunch and a great conversation.  We had not been able to get together for over four weeks because of both of our busy schedules.  It was great to see Yeongmin and catch up. Please continue to pray that he will become a believer.

Yeongmin and GGG at lunch last Sunday!

Yeongmin enjoyed this Salmon Sushi!  I tasted it and
                                 enjoyed it, too!

I selected this rice, egg and chicken dish!  Quite good as well!


Then the YISS staff gathered at the Dragon Hill banquet hall on the US Army Base in Yongsan for our annual Staff Christmas Dinner!  It was another festive evening with special dinner music provided by the YISS Music Club under the direction of Mrs. Lynelle Harding.  They always do a nice job!  There was so much good food and excellent fellowship and fun! It is always great to see see all of the families together in one setting.

        One section of the wonderful buffet meal!

The carver of turkey and ham!

     Salads! (Some of them.)                        

Some of the desserts!!

         Our table's server in his festive vest and JOYful smile!

Two of my plates!                       

Some of the YISS teachers and their families!  I couldn't capture all of them in one shot.


On Monday I received a text message from another of my former SYME students, Minseok (Jeff)! He had written on Sunday evening asking for prayer for his wife who was in the hospital getting ready to have a Caesarean section.  He was worried and wanted me to pray for the family.  Monday morning he texted to inform me that his wife gave birth to a beautiful little daughter!  Minseok was so excited about the birth of their first child.  I am so excited for him and his wife.  He still has not become a believer but I believe he is getting close.  Thanks for praying.  Here is a picture of his little cherub!  She is soooooo cute!!

Minseok's cute baby girl!!  He is such a proud and happy Daddy!


The day began with a yummy breakfast that was organized and prepared by our Elementary Principal, Bev Birmingham.  This was for our elementary teachers and everyone enjoyed the very delicious taste treats Bev had provided with assistance from Krista Roll, Assistant Elementary Principal.  I was chief server. It was a very JOYful way to begin a very busy day!

Mrs. Birmingham getting ready to serve the yummy breakfast to our teachers!

Tuesday evening was such a delightful happening!  Ms. Shauna Weir, our K-3 Music teacher, directed our 2nd and 3rd Grade cherubs in a Christmas musical, Christmas Hang-Ups!  This is a musical featuring ornaments from the Watsons' Christmas tree.  The actors and actresses did such an amazing job of performing and the rest of the students were awesome as they sang the various songs which so clearly presented the real meaning of Christmas.  I was sooooo impressed with the gifted soloists and actors as they presented the true meaning and JOY of Christmas.  I wanted to place a video of one of the songs from the concert, but all of the videos I took were too large to put in the blog. :-(  I am so sorry.  You can find all of the ones I took on facebook on my timeline if you wish to see them.

Grade 2 and 3 students with some of the main actors on stage singing!!

A close up shot of the main actors!                                                     


Wednesday was our monthly "Fun Day" in elementary!  Kids and staff came dressed in a "Christmasy" outfit.  Many of the classes had Christmas parties during the day; some had them on Thursday. It was just a great day of enJOYing Christmas.

Three teachers at lunch! Left to right: Ms. Greaves (4C), Ms. Weir
                          (Music), and Ms. Dean (4A)!

Grade 5C teacher, Ms. Moncada!

One of our Kinder students showing the  
front of her outfit.                

Here is the back of her outfit! :-)

    Three fourth grade cherubs dressed for Christmas!

Another 4th grade student!

These two fifth grade boys are my buddies.
They have become very close friends with 
each other.  I call them Mutt and Jeff!    

During the day I had a surprise visit from one of my YISS High School friends who graduated last May from YISS.  I was so happy to see Alwarith Alharthy, now a student at a university in Nebraska.  He is one of the sons of the Ambassador from Oman to South Korea.  Alwarith and I connected my first year at YISS and our relationship continues.  I am asking you to pray for me as I meet with Alwarith for dinner on Monday, December 22.  He is a Muslim young man and continues to ask me many questions about my belief in Jesus Christ.  On Friday he came back to school and I had an amazing conversation with Alwarith and Jinwoo.  Jinwoo is a junior from Colombia and has been one of the stars on our High School Soccer team.  Jinwoo and Alwarith invited me to join them in the cafeteria and began asking so many questions about life and important matters.  Jinwoo is Catholic and he asked questions about my beliefs on many issues.  I was thrilled that both young men were listening intently as I was able to share my faith in Jesus Christ with them and how this belief has shaped my life.  Thank you for remembering these two young men in prayer as I continue to build even stronger relationships with them.

Here I am on Wednesday with Alwarith!  Sorry I do not have a picture of Jinwoo yet.

Wednesday afternoon I was asked by Pierce, one of our third grade students, to his first public performance with his guitar.  Pierce has taken guitar lessons once a week for about 4-5 weeks with our Grade 1C teacher, Mr. Adams.  Pierce and Mr. Adams came to my office at 4:00 and played a duet. I was so proud of Pierce and the excellent job he did in just a few weeks!  Mr. Adams was thrilled with all that he has learned.  When Pierce finished and heard the compliments from Mr. Adams and me, this huge smile appeared on his face.

Here is Mr. Adams with his guitar student, Pierce, with me in my office following Pierce's first public performance!  Notice that smile of JOY that Pierce is displaying!


Another busy day with more class parties and completion of final transcripts for five of our elementary students who are withdrawing to return to their home countries during the Christmas Break.  It is always hard to let go of our students, but such is one of the things one must deal with at an international school.  Teachers are also working on final grades and comments for Quarter Two for all of the students.

I was also invited to attend the Kindergarten A's Highlight Video Premiere for Semester One.  Ms. Regnier, our KA teacher, always does a wonderful job of communicating special events and learning activities with parents.  Parents love coming to this annual premiere showing.  The red carpet is put out and the KA students enter to take their seats for the special showing.  They enjoy popcorn as they watch the movie.  I thought you would enjoy seeing this 15 minute premiere.  I even made several of the highlights!  At the very end each of the kids share what was their favorite event.  I love it!  Each time I watch it, I am filled with JOY! Hope you can take 15 minutes to view it.  Here is what you will need to do to view the highlight video: 1) go to this url link: ; 2) Use this password: yissguardians ; and 3) enjoy! Let me know if you are not able to view it.  I will help you.

KA cherubs ready to view the Premiere of the Semester 1 Highlights!

The other group of KA angels with their popcorn ready for the    
Premiere Showing!                                  

Our KB teacher, Ms. Han, shared a very moving experience she had in her KB class.  This year all three sections of our kindergarten students are so sensitive and caring and loving.  KB has had a substitute Teacher Aid during Quarter 2 because their regular aid left to have her baby.  The substitute aid, Ms. Chae, had her final day with KB on Friday.  The children asked Ms. Han if they could gather around Ms. Chae and lay hands on her and pray for her as she left.  Ms. Han said it was one of the most moving experiences she has had with a group of kinder students. Her heart and mine were full of JOY!

KB students laying on hands and praying for Ms. Chae as she prepares to leave YISS following her substitute appointment at YISS in Quarter Two.


This was an Early Release Day as it was out last day of Quarter Two and the last day before Christmas Break.  As usual we had our annual Elementary Christmas Assembly for our 450 elementary students.  It was a special time of sharing once again the real meaning of Christmas. Below are a couple highlights of the 45 minute assembly.  Again, I wanted to show a couple videos of the POP Dance After School Activity and their performance at the Christmas Assembly, but it is telling me that the file exceeds the limit I can put on here. :-(  They did such a great job and the kids loved their performance!

  Each quarter teachers select a student who has been representing
   "The Guardian Way" code of conduct throughout the quarter. 
 Above are the students selected for Quarter Two.  Each are given
  a Guardian bracelet and certificate and will take part in creating
  the large wall hanging Mrs. Franck does each year to encourage

                        our students to be a "Guardian."

The students were so excited to hear the final results of our       
Walk-A-Sock-A-Thon.  It takes a long time for the bank to transport
all of our 100 Won coins to the bak and sort them and count them.  
This year's total was almost $10,000!  This included the 10% added 
to the children's total of coins brought in their socks.  This will be  
divided among nine organizations that are led by our YISS high school
students to help organizations helping the widows, the hearing impaired,
as well as organizations fighting against child slavery, sex trafficking, etc.


I was finally able to meet an SYME student and a graduate of Moody Bible Institute, John Choi!  I met John briefly at the wedding of Namgyu and Victoria Cho last January.  We have talked via facebook and we have both wanted to get together.  John had time off from his Korean Military Service this weekend and we were able to enjoy a yummy lunch at Los Amigos on Saturday.  I was delighted to finally officially meet John and get to him.  I was delighted to hear how he came to know the Lord and what his desires are following his military service.  I know he would appreciate your prayers.

GGG and John Choi preparing to eat our yummy Mexican meal!

The Baja Burrito!!!  So tasty!!                   

I am so thankful for each of you who continue to love me and pray for me and support me.  You are such an encouragement to me.  Please enjoy a wonderful week as you prepare for Christmas on December 25!

Love, Gregg

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Christmas Joy and Love Continue!!!

The past week has been another full of joy and love!  I have been reflecting on this special time of year - a time that I have always loved - and God continues to remind me of the abundant joy, even in the middle of trials and setbacks, that He gives to me so generously.  And then thinking about His amazing and conditional love for someone as nasty as me.  I am so grateful that He sent His Son to give His life for me.  I enjoy seeing our young ones at YISS learning this early and watching them search for ways to show kindness and love and compassion to those who don't have as much as they do.

Last Sunday afternoon I met with my former SYME student and great friend, Nam Gyu (David) at a small coffee shop near Hongik University.  Nam Gyu wanted to meet because he and his wife, Victoria, received word that they would leave on Wednesday for the USA to begin raising support for their ministry with Word of Life in Korea!  We had a great time and it was so exciting to see the joy in Nam Gyu's face and heart as he shared how God has provided so many things to make this possible.  I know they would love for you to be prayer supporters for them as they travel a lot during the six months in America.  If you would like to learn how you can financially support this wonderful couple, please let me know.  I will get the information to you.

This was the sign at the entrance of "Thanks Nature Cafe!  They
love animals and there were many pictures of animals throughout 
                                             the cafe.

Here is Nam Gyu and GGG having coffee and a great time of sharing.  It has been a joy to be a discipler of this young man.  God has great things in store for Nam Gyu and Victoria!

Here are Ella and Anna, the two live creatures for this period at   
"Thanks Nature Cafe."  They were enjoying all of the people coming
to the Cafe.                                            

Sunday evening was a special time of joy and love as the administrators at YISS were invited to Barry and Bev Birmingham's home for a time of Christmas joy through fellowship, food, singing, and reading of the Christmas story from Luke.  What a great time we had together.  I want to also give you a prayer request.  Right after our time on Sunday evening, Barry left to go to the USA because his mother took a turn for the worse.  Then on Saturday, Bev informed me that his mother had passed away.  I know Barry would value your prayers at this time.

Here are the YISS administrators in the Birminghams' living room on Sunday evening! Front Row: Mrs. Kelly Bennett (MS Assistant Principal), and Mrs. Birmingham (Elementary Principal). Second Row: Mr. Brian Remsburg (MS Principal), Mrs. Mary Ann Remsburg, Mr. Aaron Bennett, Mr. Barry Birmingham (Human Resource Director), Mrs. Linda Johnson, and Mr. Ray Johnson (Headmaster).  Back Row:  GGG, Mr. Jeremy Roll, Mrs. Krista Roll (Elem. Assistant Principal), Mrs. Robin Parsons (Curriculum Director), Mr. Lee Parsons (HS Assistant Principal), Mr. Mike McCarthy (CFO) and Mrs. McCarthy, Mr. Dave Baniszewski  (HS Principal) and Mrs. Baniszewski.

     Some of the many tasty foods Bev Birmingham had prepared!

My first plate of goodies!                 

This past week was also the last class for almost all of our After School Activities.  It was so much fun to visit each one of them and see how much they have been enjoying their classes.  I was so full of joy each day as students came to the lobby after their classes with finished products proudly showing them to their parents and me.  There were awards in for jobs well done in many of the classes and I so much enjoy seeing the love our instructors demonstrate to these cherubs each week!  Here are a few more After School Activities' pictures for you to enjoy!

Above is a short video clip of the Kinder - Grade 2 cherubs in the Ballet After School Activities Program.  A new teacher at YISS is Mrs. Williamson.  She has been trained in Ballet and she took over the Ballet class in Quarter Two.  On Wednesday she invited parents to come and see the girls perform a short piece from The Nutcracker Suite!  The girls did a great job and the parents loved the performance!

Above is the 4th and 5th Grade Boys' Basketball  After School Activity in Quarter Two!

     This is the Ballet After School Activity for Kinder - Grade 2 
   students!  Mrs. Williamson took this activity over this quarter
            and has done an amazing job with these dear girls!

Two Arts & Crafts students with this past week's project!

Master Kim and his awesome young men in Taekwondo!  He expects good behavior and gets it.  These boys love Master Kim!  I wish you all could see them perform.  There are boys in Grades Kinder through 5 in the class.  We have had several girls in previous quarters and they love it, too!

Master Kim presented a trophy to the Best Taekwondo Student in the Quarter based on character and performance!  This quarter Henrich from Norway was sooooo thrilled to be selected!

This is the Sports After School Activity for boys and girls in Kinder
through Grade 3!  Mr. Hong and his assistant to a nice job with them!

Another After School Activity is the String Performance Ensemble.  This group is made up of mainly 2nd and 3rd grade students and directed by Ms. Han.  Prior to the 4th & 5th Grade Christmas Concert, this group performed a 5 minute prelude of three songs they have been working on.  Above is the video clip of one of their songs that evening!

Tuesday evening I was invited by the four teachers on our fourth grade team at YISS!  These four ladies are so much fun and full of joy and love!  As I enjoyed an evening of food and fellowship at "The Flying Pan Blue," I could see why the students in their classes love them so much!  Please continue to pray for these four ladies as they demonstrate Christ's love and joy each day - especially during this very busy season.  Below is a picture of them and their names.

Here I am with the wonderful Fourth Grade Team!  Left to Right:
Mrs. Lynch (4D), Ms. Dean (4A), GGG, Ms, Greaves (4C), and
            Ms. Sarmiento (4B)!  What a great time we had!

I tried their Meat Ball Sandwich with pesto sauce with
Butternut Squash Soup and salad! Yummy!!        

One of the things I love so much at Christmas time at YISS is all of the Christmas Concerts! Thursday evening was the 4th and 5th Grade concert.  Dr. Harding selected the mini-musical, Fact or Fiction: The Christmas Edition as this year's concert! It was so thrilling to see and hear about 175 students sing joyfully, in a setting of a TV game show, about the real meaning of Christmas!  They did a great job and parents loved it - some hearing the Christmas story for the first time.

   Above are three of the leads in the musical singing and dancing!
The young lady in the middle is Katie, daughter of the pastor where
      I am fellowshipping.  She is quite the Game Show Hostess!

Here are all of the 4th and 5th grade students singing one of the numbers from the musical!

At the end this group of Kindergarten cherubs came out to portray
the birth of Jesus as the students sang!  They were so cute and    
it was a great finish to a wonderful concert!                   

Saturday was a much anticipated day of joy and love!  One of my dear friends who serves in the YISS Business Office got married!!  It has been a real joy and delight for me to know Min Ah Jang since I arrived at YISS in 2010.  I have become closer with her because she is the person that I need to work with concerning payments of the After School Activities!  Min Ah has always been so helpful and has never lost her patience with me when I make some mistakes in the whole process. Min Ah got married to a wonderful young man, Syng Ryong Lee at 12 Noon on Saturday.  Syng Ryong told me I should just call him "Dragon." :-)  It was a beautiful ceremony and a delightful reception.  Two of our teachers in the elementary school, Kara Everett and Lynn Greaves sang a beautiful rendition of From This Moment during the ceremony. They have both known Min Ah for almost 10 years and Min Ah wanted them to sing at her wedding.  I posted that video on facebook. They did a beautiful job!  Enjoy a few pictures from this grand and joyful event of true love!

Here I am with the bride, Min Ah Jang and another coworker in the YISS Business Office.  We are able to get a picture taken with the bride prior to the wedding in Korea by coming early and going to the Photography Room!

Here are Syng Ryong and Min Ah right after being 
               pronounced husband and wife!

Main course at the reception!!  So tasty!

The Bride and Groom in their Hanboks with their parents going   
from table to table at the reception to greet each of the guests!    

Here is the group of YISS staff at the table where I was seated.  There were about five other tables of YISS staff.  I am standing next to Mr. Ray Johnson, YISS Headmaster.  What a joyful and loving wedding!!

Saturday was also the morning of our Elementary Compassion Club's "Bundle Up" project at Seoul Station.  I was so sad that I could not attend because of the wedding, but was full of joy to hear all about the special morning our students enjoyed as they gave packages of LOVE to many homeless persons in the very cold weather on Saturday!  I had seen the kids preparing these packages of love on Thursday and then to hear about their experiences fills me with joy.  These little ones are learning early on the meaning of true joy and kindness and love!  Thanks again, to my sister, Gae and my friends from MCA, Ken and Judy Kiesler, for the beautiful scarves and hats they knitted and sent for this wonderful project!

I wasn't able to attend this year, but Ms. Weir (former Compassion Club leader) took a few pictures and this is one posted on facebook.  At the top a homeless man is opening his love bag which included the scarf (from Judy Kiesler) he is pulling out.  At the bottom are four of the cherubs in Compassion Club with Ms. Weir - all full of smiles from their wonderful experience!

Once again this week I want to thank you for your continued encouragement, love, prayer, and support!  I trust that you will take time during this very busy season to celebrate and share the joy and love that came to us that first Christmas!

Love, Gregg