Saturday, December 6, 2014

Christmas Joy Begins!!!

December began so wonderfully in Seoul and particularly at YISS!  The JOY of the season actually began on the weekend and continued to spread throughout the week!  I trust you are experiencing the true JOY of this special season - Christmas.  It is one my favorite times of the year!  My friends at "Sweet East" began the joy on the weekend when I stopped by for a cup of Pumpkin Spice Latte and a small piece of cheese cake.

Here I am with my two new friends at "Sweet East" after my visit last weekend.  Paul and Terry love when I come in.  They know I love my coffee in a mug rather than a paper cup.  They went out and bought a mug just for me.  As soon as I came in the door, they said, "Guess what?  We have a mug for you now."  They keep it for me for each time I visit!  They bring me great JOY!

Before I continue, I wanted to share a picture with you that will show you Yongsan International School of Seoul from a higher position.  Just thought you might want to see the entire facility located on this little hill in Seoul.

This is actually an artist's drawing of the school, but I think it is quite good!  It shows the main street in Itaewon right in front of the school as well as the trails behind YISS that lead up to the Namsan Tower!  This is where our Elementary children walk on the Walk-A-Sock-A-Thon!

To begin the week of joy, we enjoyed our first delightful snow.  The kids loved it and so did I.  It didn't last too long, but then it got very cold for the remainder of the week!  It has been a week of cold and windy weather, but many events that caused great warmth in my heart!  Here is a little clip of our first snow in Seoul!!

Here is a short video clip of our first snow in Seoul this season!  Taken from the Elementary Office!

Monday was a Publishing Party in Kindergarten C!  These publishing parties always bring me such joy!  Attending the party in Ms. Wheat's class of kinder cherubs was no exception!  I loved seeing parents attend and sit with their child and let them read their books to them.  I always get great joy from sitting with some of these delightful children and hearing them read.  Here are a few pictures from that special time on Monday in KC.

Here I am with Mika and her brother.  Mika's book was about how to draw the number "8."  The day after the Publishing Party her Daddy, who is a teacher at YISS, saw me at lunch and told me that Mika loved reading her book to me.  He asked her what was so special about that time.  Mika responded, "Now Mr. Garman can draw an 8!!"  After finishing the reading, I followed the directions, pretending this was the first time I drew an "8", and placed my finished drawing of the "8" on a post it on her book!   :-)

A couple parents listening to children read their books!

George read me his book, "How to Do Love!"  I loved it.  Below is his book and I will translate for those who have trouble reading it. :-)

"How to Do Love" by George! 1- First you pick up   
grass on the ground because some have spikes.  2 -  
Then you hug people who are sad.  3 - When someone
is being patient, it is doing love!  (I think George has 
got it!)                                 

Throughout the week different groups were decorating the inside of YISS just in time for our Winter Book Fair!  We usually have a Fall Book Fair, but had to move the date to December.  One of the many things I enjoy about YISS students is that they have the JOY of reading!  They love their books!  It was fun to see them select books during our book fair!

     Grade 2C teacher, Ms. Stair, is helping a couple 
      children and a mother select appropriate books!

Here are some of the children reading their books and chatting about their selections while waiting for the rest of the students in their grade to finish at the Book Fair.  I LOVE how YISS children love to read!!

Two boys checking out a book for a possible selection!

One of the boys at the Book Fair stopped to have his picture taken with the YISS Christmas Tree in the main lobby!

Here he is with another of his buddies at the YISS
                           Christmas Tree!

Monday I received a text from a former SYME student and my delightful friend, Gunmo!  He invited me to have dinner with him on Monday evening.  He has been diligently working at GrapeSeed and continues to do an outstanding job there. He is also actively involved teaching a group of young boys at his church and building a relationship with his girlfriend!  I know he would continue to value your prayers.  It was so good to have dinner with him and enjoy a wonderful time together!

Gunmo and I at "My Thai" enjoying some great conversation and yummy food!

Tuesday lunch was one of the special days that YISS's food catering service held for students. Usually once a month they center in on a country and give a sample of some of the food from that country.  December they celebrated the food of Brazil.  I'm not sure how authentic the food was for Brazil, but the kids loved it and our Elementary Physical Education teacher, Mr. Resende (from Brazil) seemed to enjoy it and didn't get sick.

Two fourth grade young men with a J & J Catering Service food server enjoying Brazilian Food Day!

Thursday was a very special day of JOY!!  When I arrived at my office at 6:00 AM on Thursday, I decided to bring out one of the Hallmark sheep that I had brought from Chambersburg, PA to Seoul. I used to buy one of these sheep each Christmas for my mother.  When she went to heaven in December of 2010, I decided to bring one of her favorite ones back to Seoul.  Each Christmas it comes out on my desk to remind me of the joy she brought to the life of our family and how she and my Daddy shared what true JOY at Christmas is all about.  Everyone at school loves "Joy" (this is this sheep's name).  It was the first time our elementary secretary, Mrs. Yoo, saw Joy and she had to take a picture because she thought Joy was so cute.  Here are a couple pictures.

Mrs. Yoo took this picture at her desk!  She loved "Joy" and wanted a picture of Joy and me!

This is the little tag that is attached to "Joy" to explain her name and the real JOY brought to us through the birth of Jesus!

Once I placed "Joy" on my desk, I went to visit one of the classrooms and meet with the IT people about a little situation with which I am working with for the After School Activities.  When I came back I found "The Three Wise Men" on my desk!  Some JOYmaker had visited my office to surprise me with these three cans of yummy whipped cream.  Since almost everyone at YISS knows I LOVE whipped cream (eat it right out of the can), I had not idea who gave this special gift.  No one in the Elementary Office had any idea.  So I just thanked the Lord and was filled with great joy for such a special treat.  Oh, there was also a jar of Persimmon Jam dressed as an angel (maybe a sheep) with the wise men.

Here are either "The Three Wise Men" or perhaps three shepherds with a sheep!  Either way, I love them because they are really three cans of whipped cream!!  Such JOY!! :-)

Later in the afternoon on Thursday I had a surprise visit from Grade 2D!  Their teacher, Ms. Minor, brought them to my office to sing "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" and present me with an Oreo Christmas Tree made of each of the children's hands.  Ms. Minor is doing Christmas Random Acts of Kindness with her cherubs and today they decided to show some to me.  My heart was once again filled with great JOY!

This was the card that Adrienne from Grade 2D presented to me after the class sang their "Rudolph" song!  They brought me so much JOY!

Above is the video clip of Grade 2D's surprise visit to my office.  They are singing Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.

My day was still not complete!  There was more JOY to come after school.  The Elementary Compassion Club decided to take a traveling cart around the halls of YISS to distribute hot chocolate and pretzels to teachers and staff to show kindness and compassion.  The members of our YISS Facilities' staff were so filled with JOY when these little ones stopped by to give them some JOY and hot chocolate.  I was delighted in the Elementary Office when they stopped by there with a cup of hot chocolate for those of us in the office.

Four of the members of Elementary Compassion Club serving hot chocolate and pretzels to those of us in the Elementary Office. Other members took turns taking the hot chocolate cart to various locations throughout YISS that afternoon.  Such fun and we all enjoyed it because of the cold weather!

Also on Thursday I was given a notification that I had received a package!  I LOVE receiving regular mail from back in the States so I went quickly to pick up the package.  It was from my dear friends, the Duvalls in Greencastle, PA!!  Below is what was included in their Christmas CARE package!! Once again my heart was filled with JOY for this very special gift!

These are the goodies that were in my Christmas Care package from my wonderful friends, the Duvalls.  Thanks so much!!

On Thursday I traveled to the various locations of some of our After School Activities.  As I observed students involved in their activities, I was so JOYful to see them actively involved in their activities! Here are a few pictures of some of the activities that I observed!

  The K-3 Ceramics after school activity intent on designing their
                                     ceramic bowls.

Some of the ladies in the Cookie Decorating class making their Gingerbread Houses to bring JOY to their family members.

Mattia and Nicole working on their houses.  I love  
how Mattia is so helpful with all the members in the  
class.  He is always helping others with such a humble

A couple girls in the Puppet Ministry class practicing their puppet skits for Chapels and Assemblies!

Some more practicing by girls as well as the boys (at
             the back table) in Puppet Ministry!

Above is a short clip of a first grader, Jeffrey, practicing his moves with Master Kim in Taekwondo!

The JOY continued into the weekend! I stopped at Tartine's, one of my favorite places for Brunch, on Saturday.  I love their French Toast, but I am also enjoying a new selection on the menu: Eggs Benedict with salad!  Very tasty!  Below I am with the two ladies who are almost always there and know what I want as soon as I enter Tartine's.  Saturday they had their reindeer antlers on!  I think as we took pictures, everyone in the place was enJOYing the fun we were having!

Here is my yummy Eggs Benedict and Salad Brunch!

After my tasty Brunch, I posed with my two delightful servers    
for a photo.  They were delighted that I wanted a picture with them!
They always serve with great smiles!  Loved the reindeer headpieces!

Saturday evening I was also invited to "Pie Night" hosted by our Kindergarten C teacher, Ms. Wheat.  This is the 7th Annual Pie Night that Ms. Wheat and her roommate have hosted.  They set up three back to back four hour pie making sessions for friends from their church and some from YISS.  I was at the 4 - 8 PM shift.  It was so much fun and full of JOY!  My job was to cut the pumpkins into pieces (after cleaning out the seeds, etc.) so that they could be cooked before being made into pie filling.  I met some wonderful new friends and met Dyanne's special friend, Jason!  It was a very special evening!  (You can see more pictures on my facebook posting.)

 Ms. Wheat (Dyanne) greeted me at the 
 door and offered me this piece of warm 
  pumpkin pie topped with homemade 
 whipped cream!  She said usually one 
 must work before getting a piece, but 
 she made an exception for me.  After
eating it, I was put to work cutting the 

GGG enjoying his piece of pumpkin pie!!

       I had a couple of these yummy treats as well!

The hostess with her special friend, Jason!  I was so happy to meet him finally.  Jason is such a fine young man!

Two of the ladies who had spent time preparing this  
apple pie.  Here they are proudly displaying their pie 
after it was removed from the oven!  I had a piece of 
this, too...and it was very tasty!!               

This group posed for a photo near the Christmas Tree.  Kneeling are Dyanne Wheat (YISS KC teacher), Shauna Weir (YISS Music teacher for K-3), and Kelly Han (KB teacher).  In addition Lynn Greaves (4C teacher at YISS) was present but she had to leave before the picture was taken.  I am in the back with Jason.

Thank you for bringing JOY into my life as well.  You have been so faithful in praying for me, sending emails of encouraging JOY, loving me, and supporting me.  It really is such a JOY to know you!  Enjoy this JOYous season!

Love,  Gregg

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