Saturday, January 25, 2014

An Unexpected Snow Day Begins Another Busy Week!

On weekdays I wake up at 4:45 AM and head to YISS around 5:45 AM.  As I left my apartment, it was snowing.  It had been snowing since around Midnight, but I had received no message that school would be closed.  After getting off Bus 400, I began my walk up the hill to YISS.  I saw all of the facilities' crew out shoveling and sweeping snow.  The Director of Facilities, a Korean gentleman, saw me and said, "Snow Day!"  I asked him again and he repeated it.  I got to my office and there was an email and then my cell phone vibrated with the same message, "No school today because of snow!"  I decided to stay at school and get some work accomplished since it was so quiet.  I love to shovel snow, so I went out and tried three times to get a shovel from one of the Korean facilities' crew.  No success!  They refused as politely as they could.  They  probably would have been reprimanded or fired if they allowed the old man who is one of the Assistant Principals to shovel snow.  This age and position thing in Korea gets me all confused at times, but I returned to my office and continued working on the After School Activities and an upcoming Author Visit.  I could have had a one room school since there were four students (one elementary, two middle school and one high school) who were waiting where they normally would wait until classes began.  They were surprised that there was no school.  They had left early, like me, and didn't get the message in time.  They decided they would rather go back home and take the day off instead of having a one room school with Mr. Garman! :-)

A view from my apartment in Seobinggo in the afternoon of our Snow Day!

After the Snow Day respite, the week returned to a normal busy week with some of the After School Activities beginning, Spirit Week in the HS, MAP Testing in the elementary and middle schools, and finishing with some excellent Chapels and OASIS Assembly on Friday along with the Newcomers' Coffee sponsored by the YISS PTO.  I always enjoy sharing in Chapels and Assemblies and I was able to co-teach with Mr. Lazor in the OASIS Assembly on Friday on the character trait of respect and self-respect.

High School students enjoyed special dress down days all week and Friday I soon discovered was "Senior Citizen Day."  The student body President, Jae Eun, asked if he could have his picture taken with me.  Jae Eun and I have developed a great friendship.  He is such a great young man and is an excellent spiritual leader for the High School student body.  So I told him I would be delighted to have my picture taken with him.  After the picture was taken, he then said, "Today was Senior Citizen Day."  Then he gave me one of his little smiles.  I may have to punish him!

This is my friend, Jae Eun in his Senior Citizen's outfit with me in our little J&J Deli at YISS.

This week we began several of our After School Activities.  In Quarter Three we have expanded our Scratch Computer Programming class.  This is a computer programming class designed by M.I.T. for upper elementary and Middle School students.  Our 4th and 5th graders LOVE it and the parents are all excited about it.  We continue to expand it.  This quarter we have Scratch Computer 101 (for students in Grades 4 and 5 who have not at the basic Scratch Computer class) and Scratch Computer 202 (for students who have completed the basic Scratch class).  Both classes filled up very quickly during online registration and it was so exciting to go to Scratch 101 on Tuesday and Scratch 202 on Friday to witness the excitement and enthusiasm of the students as they are learning to program.  Scratch 202 students are using Leap Motion and robots now and programming the robots to do various activities!  Students and parents alike are thrilled with these expanded programs!

Above is our elementary Scratch Computer 202 class getting instruction in some of the new technology that will enable them to do some advanced computer programming.  One of the instructors, Mr. Kyu (Q), is teaching!

I want to leave you with two more special events this past week.  The first happened last Sunday evening when I was invited by Yeongmin to take advantage of special courtside seats at a Korean Basketball game.  As many of you know, Yeongmin works for SK Telecom.  he was able to secure VIP seats for the SK Knights Basketball Club for a basketball game between the SK Knights and the KCC Egis.  The seats were the best seats I have ever enjoyed at a basketball game.  They were comfortable seats in a section right behind the basketball net.  As we entered, there was a little basket on each of our chairs.  It had a can of juice and Caramel Popcorn in it. Then the hostess came and asked what kind of coffee we would like.  There was a Magnetic Dart game during the game.  Yeongmin hit the target to win a 10,000 Won (about 10 USD) gift certificate for food.  Then they brought us hot dogs!  And finally an autographed SK Knights basketball!  It was a great game.  SK came from behind in the 4th quarter to tie the game 70 - 70 at the buzzer.  After an overtime period, SK won 82 - 74!  It was a great evening and I also got to talk more with Yeongmin about what is happening in his life and where he is with God.  Keep praying for this wonderful young man.

Entrance to the SK Knights' Basketball stadium at the 
           Sports Complex at Jamsil Stadium!

Here I am with Yeongmin on my right and Yeongmin's Middle School friend on my left.

Tip off at the SK Knights - KCC Egis game!      

The second highlight was a text from David (Nam Gyu).  You may remember that I was asked to sing in David and Victoria's wedding on January 11.  David said they just got back form their honeymoon and wanted to meet with me for dinner.  So Tuesday evening David and Victoria, the newly weds, had dinner with me.  I gave them choices but they wanted American burgers.  So we had some very yummy burgers and great conversation at Smokey Saloon.  They have awesome burgers.  David and Victoria loved the names of the burgers, especially the one called "The Ambulance!" :-)  What a great time we had!  Please pray for David and Victoria as they plan to serve the Lord full time as missionaries.  They will be moving to Songtan, South Korea where they will seek His direction and begin working on working to earn some money and then raising support for the mission work.

Nam Gyu, Victoria, and I at Smokey Saloon enjoying our Burger Dinner!  So good!!

Next week one of Korea's big holidays will be celebrated.  It is called Seollal or Korean New Year.  It is a three-day holiday used by many to return to their hometowns to visit their parents and other relatives, where they perform an ancestral ritual called charye.  Tteokguk (soup with sliced rice cakes) is a traditional Korean food that is customarily eaten for the New Year.  Lots of travel will be done.  YISS will have off school on Thursday and Friday.  I am looking forward to spending some time with some of my Korean friends with their families on one or both of those days.

Thanks so much for continuing to pray, love, encourage, and support me.  You are very special to me.  Please enjoy a great week!

Love, Gregg

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Quarter Three Begins with Warmer Weather, 21 New Students, and ASA!!!

On the morning of January 13 we were happy to see the return of 404 elementary students + 21 new students as we began Quarter Three!  Teachers completed their comments and grades for Quarter Two as well as welcomed returning and new students to their classrooms!  It was a great week with some warmer weather and lots of activities.  I was very busy completing everything on the elementary school After School Activities website so that parents could peruse the site and work with their children on selecting from among the 25 activities those activities for their children.  Lots of phone calls and visits from parents with questions.  Finally at 8:00 AM on Thursday morning, I activated the online registration forms and the frantic rush began to sign up online before an activity closed.  It actually went very smoothly this time.  On Friday afternoon, after closing the registration, my work began at full pace as I began confirming registrations and submitting the proper documents to the Business Office so they could prepare the GIRO Payment Slips for distribution on Wednesday.  I still have lots to do by Wednesday and would appreciate your prayers.

My post this week will be a brief one as I still have much to do before heading back to the office on Monday.  I do want to share a few highlights of the week prior to getting back to work.

When I started as Elementary Assistant Principal at YISS in July 2010, I soon became acquainted with a feisty and full-of-life second grader, Ye-Joon.  I believe that Ye-Joon became so familiar with my office that he would have been able to tell you everything in my office as well as where everything was placed.  Ye-Joon was, and still is, a very bright boy!  He had a great sense of humor and was just packed full of energy.  His intelligence actually got him in trouble often as he had great difficulty with self control.  He was bigger than the other second graders.  He was constantly getting sent to my office because of fights and because of his mouth (lacking self control).  (The funny thing is that Ye-Joon and I are much alike.)  There came a point in the year during his second grade year that I looked at Ye-Joon in my office and said, "Ye-Joon, I really like you, but you cannot keep doing these things.  Do you want to remain at YISS?" He looked at me and said with his big eyes looking directly at me, "Yes!  I love it here."  I told him that I prayed for him every day and we talked a lot about how much alike we are and how I have had to learn some things the hard way.  I prayed with him and he went back to class.

This year Ye-Joon is in Grade 5 and tears of joy come to my eyes almost every time I see this young boy who is becoming a man.  The maturity both physically and spiritually in this young man have been amazing.  Last week I asked Ye-Joon, "Do you remember our first year together?" He looked at me and smiled his wonderful smile and said, "Oh, yes!"  I told him that I have never stopped praying for him and I am so proud of how he has grown and become such a good leader. It is so exciting to see him help other students and encourage them and be kind to them.  That would not have happened in Grade 2.  God has molded this young man and continues to mold him into a delightful young man.  I get so excited and emotional talking about him!  Would you continue to pray for Ye-Joon as he goes into Middle School and then High School.  Satan would delight in making him fall.

Ye-Joon and GGG in the YISS Cafeteria on Friday!

Right below my apartment in Green Park Apartments there is a small 7/11 store.  It is right next to the dry cleaners and I stop there for milk, cheese, bread, etc. often.  Since coming back to Seoul after Christmas break to the USA, I noticed that there have been new employees.  I stopped one time about two weeks ago after coming home from YISS.  There was a young clerk at the counter and I started talking with him.  He said that the store is under new ownership.  I left and the next day did not stop, but I did stop the next day.  When I walked in, the young man said, "Where were you yesterday?  I missed your smile and conversation."  So now, even if I do not have anything to purchase, I stop to talk to my new friend, Min Soon.  He is only 19 years old but I am so impressed with him.  We are developing a great friendship and he asks lots of questions. Please pray as we get to know each other that he will see Jesus coming through me.

This is my new 7/11 friend, Min Soon.  This is the 7/11 four floors directly below my apartment!

Would you also pray for Ho Jae?  Ho Jae was the accompanist of our church choir until last fall when he had to leave to work on preparations for attending a music conservatory in the USA. After he left, Ho Jae wrote to me and asked if I would be able to write a recommendation for him to several music conservatories.  I said I would be honored to do so.  Ho Jae is an amazing pianist and a superb accompanist. On Saturday I received an email from him that he has received positive answers for auditions at five music conservatories in the USA.  The five are: The Juilliard School, University of Michigan, University of Southern California, Manhattan School of Music, and the Peabody Institute of Music.  He wanted to let me know and thank me for writing on his behalf. He leaves in February to audition.  Would you please pray for Ho Jae as he prepares his auditions, travels, and then presents his audition before the music judges at each of the conservatories?

Ho Jae is the one in the center with all of the flowers.  This was right after his senior recital at Yonsei University.  I am excited to see how the Lord is going to use his musical gifts!

I almost forgot!  This past week I received a beautiful email from Mrs. Ratier, the mother of two boys, Hugo and Fabian, who had to leave YISS right before Christmas for their father's new assignment in Switzerland.  I want to copy part of her letter here and then the picture she sent of Hugo and Fabian.  Please keep praying for this dear family.  What encouraging words she wrote about the family's experience at YISS:

"We arrived in Swtizerland about 10 days ago, just before the end of the school vacation here. Fabian and Hugo are adjusting very well to their new school although they miss their teachers and classmates.

All their new teachers are very satisfied with their behavior and quality of work. We are very grateful to YISS for helping us to grow them up according to our beliefs and moral code. We are sure that Hugo and Fabian will never forget the time they spent in Seoul as it was such a rich time!

I have attached a picture of Hugo and Fabian taken on their first day of school in Switerland. As you can see, there is no snow. The kids are a bit disappointed as they are looking forward to skiing!

Have a great year in YISS. We wish we were still there...


Mrs. Ratier

Above are my buddies, Hugo and Fabian, Switzerland at their new school.  I miss them!!

OK, I need to stop and get back to work on a few After School Activities projects.  Thank you so much for your love, encouragement, prayers, and support.  I trust that you are enjoying a wonderful 2014.

Love, Gregg

Saturday, January 11, 2014

A Safe Return from the Bitter Cold to Cold Seoul (but not too bitter)!!

I had such a refreshing and enjoyable time (although too brief) in the USA over Christmas! Friday morning, January 3, my older sister, Gae, took me to her office in Reston, VA through some very cold weather and snow - hoping that my flight from Dulles Airport would not be delayed or canceled.  My wonderful Vietnamese friend, Binh (Paul) Vinh came to Gae's office and picked me up and took me to the airport.  Before going there to check in, Paul took me to a new restaurant (for me) called La Madeleine in Reston, VA.  We had a great time catching up and enjoying a very tasty breakfast.  Then off to the Airport - only 5 minutes from Reston.  My flight was on time but there were many canceled or delayed.  I was thankful I was heading west to Seoul!  Thank you to so many of you who were praying for me.  I arrived safely back in Seoul on January 4 to be picked up by my dear friend, JiSang.

Here I am with Paul enjoying our delicious breakfast
                   and excellent conversation!

We each enjoyed one of these French Eggs Benedict!!  

  Here is the entry way to La Madeleine's!           

One of the main reasons I had returned to the States over Christmas this year was to perform the wedding ceremony of my friend, Frances Park.  Francie and her sister, Ginger, are authors and we have had an author visit through Skype at YISS with them.  They also own Chocolate Chocolate, a very nice chocolate boutique in Washington, D.C.  On January 1 at 1:00 the wedding ceremony was conducted and then a beautiful reception was held at Ginger's home!  I have posted numerous photos on Facebook but will include a few here.  It was a delightful day and I was honored to be a part of this special event.

This was the sign posted on the front door
of Chocolate Chocolate New Year's Day!

Gabriel and Francie cutting the cake!

Above I am surrounded by the bride and groom.  On
groom's left are his parents; on Francie's right is her
mother - as a child escaped from North Korea to South
Korea.  The Park sisters wrote one of their books, My 
Freedom Trip, about their mother's escape!        

 The First Dance by the newly weds!!

Ginger's dog, Jefferson, even came decked
                 out in a tuxedo!!

Monday morning I headed into my office at YISS to begin final preparations for Quarter Three After School Activities plus assist with the New Student Orientation on Friday.  It was good to be back at YISS although I felt so lonely as very few staff were present.  Teachers didn't have to return until January 10 and many of the administrators were working from home.  I was able to get lots done because of that! :-)

Monday evening my wonderful friend, Gunmo, and I went out to eat and catch up.  We went to a new restaurant that has come to Itaewon - "On the Border!"  We had a very tasty dinner and as usual had some delightful (fun and serious) conversation.  Gunmo's nephew is doing much better. Please continue to pray for Gunmo's nephew as well as his next steps.  He has some excellent ideas and is so eager become a businary!!

     Gunmo enjoying his "On the Border" dinner!

The Manager brought this yummy piece of cheese
cake to our table and said it was a "service gift" - very
common in South Korea in many businesses!  Sooo good!

I spoke through Kakao Talk with my friend, Siwon on Wednesday.  Siwon graduated from YISS last May and is a freshman at Boston University.  I have really been impressed with his strong desire to follow the Lord each day at BU.  We were hoping to get together before he returned to BU.  However, he told me that he had to be at the airport on January 9 to be ready to fly "stand by" so our time together would have to wait.

On Thursday around Noon, I heard someone come in the Elementary Office and when I looked up, there was Siwon smiling at me!!  I was so excited since I did not think we would be seeing each other.  We shared a few minutes before he had to leave and he asked for prayer for his second semester at BU that he would continue to live out his faith each day.  Thank you for praying for this dear young man!

Siwon surprising me in my office on Thursday!!

Friday morning was our New Student Orientation where parents come with their children to get some orientation to YISS before the students begin their first day at YISS on Monday, January 13. We have about 20 or so new students coming in to the Elementary School!  Almost all were in attendance and we had a great time getting to know them and taking them to on a little tour to go over some of the routines.  Please pray as they begin with our returning students on Monday!

A shot of some of the parents and children at the
                  New Student Orientation!

And another shot of some in attendance on Friday morning!

I had been looking forward to Saturday, January 11 since before Thanksgiving.  It was the day for the wedding of Nam Gyu (David) and Victoria, two former students of SYME.  I never had Victoria as a student, but Nam Gyu was my first "boss" at SYME in Dorm 404!  He was the first R.A. I had in that dorm.  We have gotten to know each other very well over the last 5 years.  Nam Gyu is ready to go full time as a missionary - hoping to go with Word of Life.  Please pray for him and Victoria as they continue to prepare to serve Him!  Nam Gyu called me on Tuesday evening and asked if I would be willing to sing Amazing grace at their wedding.  I was honored and privileged and said I would be happy to do that for my dear friend.  What a grand day we had at the Incheon Airport Church as Nam Gyu and Victoria were united as one.  There were so many former SYME students in attendance and we had such a great time catching up.  I posted more pictures on Facebook but here are a few of this special day!

Here I am with Nam Gyu and Victoria
in the photography room prior to the 

My plate of yummy food at the reception.  At most Korean weddings, you can enjoy the meal before the ceremony or after the ceremony.  In fact some have big screens set up on the reception area so that you can enjoy the reception while watching the wedding ceremony!

Three former SYME students, Michal, Lydia and Adam!

The bride and groom with a photo of some of their friends!

Now here are some very "bad" boys! From
left to right: Jin Seok (Simon), Young Hyun
(Dick), GGG, Jae Hong (Fred), Hyun Cheon
(Daniel), Hye (Terry), Chang Yong (Chad),
and Mic Ky.

Here I am with Michal, Lydia and James!

OK, I better stop.  Monday will be here before I know it!  Thank you for praying for our teachers as they return to Seoul and prepare for Monday.  They also have Quarter Two Comments and Grades to finalize so that we can email report cards to parents this coming week.  You mean so much to me and I value your love and prayers and support more than you know.  Thank you so much!

I have a new mailing address!!  Please make note of it and use it effective immediately - if you choose to write to me through regular Postal mail:

Gregg Garman
Yongsan International School of Seoul
285 Itaewon-ro
Yongsan-gu, SEOUL  140-210
Republic of Korea

Love, Gregg