Saturday, January 18, 2014

Quarter Three Begins with Warmer Weather, 21 New Students, and ASA!!!

On the morning of January 13 we were happy to see the return of 404 elementary students + 21 new students as we began Quarter Three!  Teachers completed their comments and grades for Quarter Two as well as welcomed returning and new students to their classrooms!  It was a great week with some warmer weather and lots of activities.  I was very busy completing everything on the elementary school After School Activities website so that parents could peruse the site and work with their children on selecting from among the 25 activities those activities for their children.  Lots of phone calls and visits from parents with questions.  Finally at 8:00 AM on Thursday morning, I activated the online registration forms and the frantic rush began to sign up online before an activity closed.  It actually went very smoothly this time.  On Friday afternoon, after closing the registration, my work began at full pace as I began confirming registrations and submitting the proper documents to the Business Office so they could prepare the GIRO Payment Slips for distribution on Wednesday.  I still have lots to do by Wednesday and would appreciate your prayers.

My post this week will be a brief one as I still have much to do before heading back to the office on Monday.  I do want to share a few highlights of the week prior to getting back to work.

When I started as Elementary Assistant Principal at YISS in July 2010, I soon became acquainted with a feisty and full-of-life second grader, Ye-Joon.  I believe that Ye-Joon became so familiar with my office that he would have been able to tell you everything in my office as well as where everything was placed.  Ye-Joon was, and still is, a very bright boy!  He had a great sense of humor and was just packed full of energy.  His intelligence actually got him in trouble often as he had great difficulty with self control.  He was bigger than the other second graders.  He was constantly getting sent to my office because of fights and because of his mouth (lacking self control).  (The funny thing is that Ye-Joon and I are much alike.)  There came a point in the year during his second grade year that I looked at Ye-Joon in my office and said, "Ye-Joon, I really like you, but you cannot keep doing these things.  Do you want to remain at YISS?" He looked at me and said with his big eyes looking directly at me, "Yes!  I love it here."  I told him that I prayed for him every day and we talked a lot about how much alike we are and how I have had to learn some things the hard way.  I prayed with him and he went back to class.

This year Ye-Joon is in Grade 5 and tears of joy come to my eyes almost every time I see this young boy who is becoming a man.  The maturity both physically and spiritually in this young man have been amazing.  Last week I asked Ye-Joon, "Do you remember our first year together?" He looked at me and smiled his wonderful smile and said, "Oh, yes!"  I told him that I have never stopped praying for him and I am so proud of how he has grown and become such a good leader. It is so exciting to see him help other students and encourage them and be kind to them.  That would not have happened in Grade 2.  God has molded this young man and continues to mold him into a delightful young man.  I get so excited and emotional talking about him!  Would you continue to pray for Ye-Joon as he goes into Middle School and then High School.  Satan would delight in making him fall.

Ye-Joon and GGG in the YISS Cafeteria on Friday!

Right below my apartment in Green Park Apartments there is a small 7/11 store.  It is right next to the dry cleaners and I stop there for milk, cheese, bread, etc. often.  Since coming back to Seoul after Christmas break to the USA, I noticed that there have been new employees.  I stopped one time about two weeks ago after coming home from YISS.  There was a young clerk at the counter and I started talking with him.  He said that the store is under new ownership.  I left and the next day did not stop, but I did stop the next day.  When I walked in, the young man said, "Where were you yesterday?  I missed your smile and conversation."  So now, even if I do not have anything to purchase, I stop to talk to my new friend, Min Soon.  He is only 19 years old but I am so impressed with him.  We are developing a great friendship and he asks lots of questions. Please pray as we get to know each other that he will see Jesus coming through me.

This is my new 7/11 friend, Min Soon.  This is the 7/11 four floors directly below my apartment!

Would you also pray for Ho Jae?  Ho Jae was the accompanist of our church choir until last fall when he had to leave to work on preparations for attending a music conservatory in the USA. After he left, Ho Jae wrote to me and asked if I would be able to write a recommendation for him to several music conservatories.  I said I would be honored to do so.  Ho Jae is an amazing pianist and a superb accompanist. On Saturday I received an email from him that he has received positive answers for auditions at five music conservatories in the USA.  The five are: The Juilliard School, University of Michigan, University of Southern California, Manhattan School of Music, and the Peabody Institute of Music.  He wanted to let me know and thank me for writing on his behalf. He leaves in February to audition.  Would you please pray for Ho Jae as he prepares his auditions, travels, and then presents his audition before the music judges at each of the conservatories?

Ho Jae is the one in the center with all of the flowers.  This was right after his senior recital at Yonsei University.  I am excited to see how the Lord is going to use his musical gifts!

I almost forgot!  This past week I received a beautiful email from Mrs. Ratier, the mother of two boys, Hugo and Fabian, who had to leave YISS right before Christmas for their father's new assignment in Switzerland.  I want to copy part of her letter here and then the picture she sent of Hugo and Fabian.  Please keep praying for this dear family.  What encouraging words she wrote about the family's experience at YISS:

"We arrived in Swtizerland about 10 days ago, just before the end of the school vacation here. Fabian and Hugo are adjusting very well to their new school although they miss their teachers and classmates.

All their new teachers are very satisfied with their behavior and quality of work. We are very grateful to YISS for helping us to grow them up according to our beliefs and moral code. We are sure that Hugo and Fabian will never forget the time they spent in Seoul as it was such a rich time!

I have attached a picture of Hugo and Fabian taken on their first day of school in Switerland. As you can see, there is no snow. The kids are a bit disappointed as they are looking forward to skiing!

Have a great year in YISS. We wish we were still there...


Mrs. Ratier

Above are my buddies, Hugo and Fabian, Switzerland at their new school.  I miss them!!

OK, I need to stop and get back to work on a few After School Activities projects.  Thank you so much for your love, encouragement, prayers, and support.  I trust that you are enjoying a wonderful 2014.

Love, Gregg

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