Saturday, January 11, 2014

A Safe Return from the Bitter Cold to Cold Seoul (but not too bitter)!!

I had such a refreshing and enjoyable time (although too brief) in the USA over Christmas! Friday morning, January 3, my older sister, Gae, took me to her office in Reston, VA through some very cold weather and snow - hoping that my flight from Dulles Airport would not be delayed or canceled.  My wonderful Vietnamese friend, Binh (Paul) Vinh came to Gae's office and picked me up and took me to the airport.  Before going there to check in, Paul took me to a new restaurant (for me) called La Madeleine in Reston, VA.  We had a great time catching up and enjoying a very tasty breakfast.  Then off to the Airport - only 5 minutes from Reston.  My flight was on time but there were many canceled or delayed.  I was thankful I was heading west to Seoul!  Thank you to so many of you who were praying for me.  I arrived safely back in Seoul on January 4 to be picked up by my dear friend, JiSang.

Here I am with Paul enjoying our delicious breakfast
                   and excellent conversation!

We each enjoyed one of these French Eggs Benedict!!  

  Here is the entry way to La Madeleine's!           

One of the main reasons I had returned to the States over Christmas this year was to perform the wedding ceremony of my friend, Frances Park.  Francie and her sister, Ginger, are authors and we have had an author visit through Skype at YISS with them.  They also own Chocolate Chocolate, a very nice chocolate boutique in Washington, D.C.  On January 1 at 1:00 the wedding ceremony was conducted and then a beautiful reception was held at Ginger's home!  I have posted numerous photos on Facebook but will include a few here.  It was a delightful day and I was honored to be a part of this special event.

This was the sign posted on the front door
of Chocolate Chocolate New Year's Day!

Gabriel and Francie cutting the cake!

Above I am surrounded by the bride and groom.  On
groom's left are his parents; on Francie's right is her
mother - as a child escaped from North Korea to South
Korea.  The Park sisters wrote one of their books, My 
Freedom Trip, about their mother's escape!        

 The First Dance by the newly weds!!

Ginger's dog, Jefferson, even came decked
                 out in a tuxedo!!

Monday morning I headed into my office at YISS to begin final preparations for Quarter Three After School Activities plus assist with the New Student Orientation on Friday.  It was good to be back at YISS although I felt so lonely as very few staff were present.  Teachers didn't have to return until January 10 and many of the administrators were working from home.  I was able to get lots done because of that! :-)

Monday evening my wonderful friend, Gunmo, and I went out to eat and catch up.  We went to a new restaurant that has come to Itaewon - "On the Border!"  We had a very tasty dinner and as usual had some delightful (fun and serious) conversation.  Gunmo's nephew is doing much better. Please continue to pray for Gunmo's nephew as well as his next steps.  He has some excellent ideas and is so eager become a businary!!

     Gunmo enjoying his "On the Border" dinner!

The Manager brought this yummy piece of cheese
cake to our table and said it was a "service gift" - very
common in South Korea in many businesses!  Sooo good!

I spoke through Kakao Talk with my friend, Siwon on Wednesday.  Siwon graduated from YISS last May and is a freshman at Boston University.  I have really been impressed with his strong desire to follow the Lord each day at BU.  We were hoping to get together before he returned to BU.  However, he told me that he had to be at the airport on January 9 to be ready to fly "stand by" so our time together would have to wait.

On Thursday around Noon, I heard someone come in the Elementary Office and when I looked up, there was Siwon smiling at me!!  I was so excited since I did not think we would be seeing each other.  We shared a few minutes before he had to leave and he asked for prayer for his second semester at BU that he would continue to live out his faith each day.  Thank you for praying for this dear young man!

Siwon surprising me in my office on Thursday!!

Friday morning was our New Student Orientation where parents come with their children to get some orientation to YISS before the students begin their first day at YISS on Monday, January 13. We have about 20 or so new students coming in to the Elementary School!  Almost all were in attendance and we had a great time getting to know them and taking them to on a little tour to go over some of the routines.  Please pray as they begin with our returning students on Monday!

A shot of some of the parents and children at the
                  New Student Orientation!

And another shot of some in attendance on Friday morning!

I had been looking forward to Saturday, January 11 since before Thanksgiving.  It was the day for the wedding of Nam Gyu (David) and Victoria, two former students of SYME.  I never had Victoria as a student, but Nam Gyu was my first "boss" at SYME in Dorm 404!  He was the first R.A. I had in that dorm.  We have gotten to know each other very well over the last 5 years.  Nam Gyu is ready to go full time as a missionary - hoping to go with Word of Life.  Please pray for him and Victoria as they continue to prepare to serve Him!  Nam Gyu called me on Tuesday evening and asked if I would be willing to sing Amazing grace at their wedding.  I was honored and privileged and said I would be happy to do that for my dear friend.  What a grand day we had at the Incheon Airport Church as Nam Gyu and Victoria were united as one.  There were so many former SYME students in attendance and we had such a great time catching up.  I posted more pictures on Facebook but here are a few of this special day!

Here I am with Nam Gyu and Victoria
in the photography room prior to the 

My plate of yummy food at the reception.  At most Korean weddings, you can enjoy the meal before the ceremony or after the ceremony.  In fact some have big screens set up on the reception area so that you can enjoy the reception while watching the wedding ceremony!

Three former SYME students, Michal, Lydia and Adam!

The bride and groom with a photo of some of their friends!

Now here are some very "bad" boys! From
left to right: Jin Seok (Simon), Young Hyun
(Dick), GGG, Jae Hong (Fred), Hyun Cheon
(Daniel), Hye (Terry), Chang Yong (Chad),
and Mic Ky.

Here I am with Michal, Lydia and James!

OK, I better stop.  Monday will be here before I know it!  Thank you for praying for our teachers as they return to Seoul and prepare for Monday.  They also have Quarter Two Comments and Grades to finalize so that we can email report cards to parents this coming week.  You mean so much to me and I value your love and prayers and support more than you know.  Thank you so much!

I have a new mailing address!!  Please make note of it and use it effective immediately - if you choose to write to me through regular Postal mail:

Gregg Garman
Yongsan International School of Seoul
285 Itaewon-ro
Yongsan-gu, SEOUL  140-210
Republic of Korea

Love, Gregg

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