Saturday, March 8, 2014

Cold Returns for a Busy Week: Muffins, Minutes, Math, and Much More!

Two weeks remain in Quarter Three!  It is so hard to believe! Quarter Three After School Activities are winding down and Quarter Three Comments and Grades are being prepared!

This past week we began our "Muffins with Moms"; similar to our "Donuts with Dads" in the first semester!  The Moms loved being able to come before school with their child in various grades and enjoy a time of conversation with other mothers and have a yummy muffin and juice at the same time.  The kids loved being able to spend time before school with their Moms!  Tuesday was Kindergarten children; Wednesday was for Grade 1 students; and Thursday we entertained children and Moms from Grade 2.  Next week Grades 3, 4 and 5 will have their Muffins with Mom.


This past week was the official ending of our Read-A-Thon!  The kids have been so excited about reading, not only to have Mr. Lazor and I shave our hair again, but just to enjoy reading.  The PTO also offers some awesome prizes for the top readers.  There are various levels and everyone wins something.  The bulletin board display below had the Reading Minutes count early in the week, but after the official tally was added up, the kids had read 701,241 minutes during the three weeks.  The goal was 555,555 minutes!  So on March 12 around 2:30 PM (Korean time)  Mr. Lazor and I will once again be shaved!  There have been rumors that the kids are wanting designs etched in our heads!  We shall see! :-)

The bulletin board with total minutes posted earlier in the week - 695,442!  But the final count was even higher!

Our full time elementary substitute teacher, Mrs. Palmer, has been subbing for Mr. Bennett, our Grade 2B teacher. for nearly 2 weeks and still has another week remaining.  Mr. and Mrs. Bennett and their three sons have been in China making the final arrangements to bring their adopted daughter, Zoey, home to Seoul!  Everyone is excited for them!

In addition, we continue to have some teachers out sick as well as taking personal days.  That means that usually Mr. Lazor, Mrs. Birmingham and I need to sub in addition to our regular duties.  This past week I had the joy of being in 5C to teach Math and then have 4th and 5th grade lunch recess duty!  I had a great time!

Our Quarter Three basketball After School Activities were in full swing as we come to a close of activities in Quarter Three.  Our 4th and 5th grade Boys' Basketball Club and 4th and 5th grade Girls' Basketball Club has been practicing for a Basketball Jamboree at Dulwich College International School in Seoul.  That was held on Saturday and our kids did a great job.  We had two girls' teams and two boys' teams.  I am including some pictures for you to enjoy.  One of the things our coaches did on Friday was to have the boys wear a nice shirt and tie to school.  They looked so nice!  At first, they kept their outer coats on until they saw how everyone responded...then they enjoyed showing off their ties and shirts!  Enjoy the pictures:

The 4th Grade Boys in their outfits on Friday at lunch!

The 5th Grade Boys in their dapper outfits on Friday at lunch!!

The two Boys' teams that represented YISS Elementary
at the Dulwich Basketball Jamboree on Saturday!    

The two Girls' teams that represented YISS at the Dulwich Jamboree!

The boys stretching before the many games at the 
              Dulwich Basketball Jamboree!

Mr. Resende (our P. E. teacher in Elementary) giving last minute instructions to his girls' team at the Jamboree!

Mr. Lazor, coach of the other Girls' team giving his
words of advice to his girls before one of their games
at the Jamboree!                          

Mr. Murphy, Grade 5A teacher, talking to the Boys' Basketball team before one of the games!

The lineup to congratulate the other team after playing
a game at the Jamboree.  YISS boys are on the left.

Parents of the Girls' Basketball team who quickly flocked to the one corner of the Dulwich gym when they saw several of us taking pictures of both Girls' teams following their last game at Dulwich.  I wish I had it on video! :-)

And here they are with their coaches!  This is the  
picture the parents wanted to capture!           

I am also including a picture of our 2nd and 3rd grade Basketball After School Club.  They are having a great time and look forward to being in 4th and 5th grade.

The boys in the Grade 2-3 Boys' Basketball After School Activity!

I have been quite busy getting everything organized for Quarter Four After School Activities, but had to put things on hold on Wednesday when I had to spend 2 hours in the morning and 2 hours in the afternoon with the other elementary administrators and the headmaster with a group of parents in a Focus Group to reflect on the parent's questionnaire and some of the areas that parents feel are really effective at YISS and those they would like to see enrichment.  It is always interesting to hear parents' perspectives of what is going on at school.

Two of my wonderful friends from SYME days, Jin Seok and Gunmo, have recently accepted positions and I know they would value your prayers.  Jin Seok began his internship last Monday for the Korea National Tax Service as a translator.  He is hoping that this 2-month internship will lead to a full time position.  Thank you for praying for him.  I had the delight of meeting him last Sunday for dinner when he traveled to Seoul from Busan to begin his internship in Seoul.  It is all new to him and I know he would really appreciate your prayers.

Jin Seok at Seoul Station preparing to
eat his Short Rib Soup and usual sides!

Here I am across from Jin Seok ready to
eat my egg and rice omelet with chicken
balls + the usual sides!              

Gunmo called me this past week to talk about a possible position for a company called Grape Seed.  They offered him a position where he would do some English teaching, but he needs to learn a lot about the company first.  Many have been praying, and Gunmo told me on Tuesday that he accepted the position.  He will need to move and find an apartment and car.  Please pray for him as well.

Thanks so much for all of your love, prayers, encouragement and support.  Enjoy a great week! Your prayers for me this week as I strive to meet deadlines for the After School Activities for Quarter Four will be appreciated!

Love, Gregg

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