Saturday, March 15, 2014

The RAT Razor Returns Once Again!!

It continues to bring great joy to me when I can enjoy children being happy and excited!  Once again this year, the PTO set a goal of 555,555 minutes of reading for the YISS elementary children to read during the three-week Read-A-Thon (RAT).  The reward for reaching that goal was also, once again, to have Mr. Lazor and Mr. Garman lose their hair to the razor!  The children far exceeded their goal with a total amount of minutes just over 701,000 minutes!  So Wednesday was a great day for the children.  Mr. Lazor chose to have his hair styled in a Mohawk, which the children loved.  When Mr. Simmons was shaving my hair, he kept asking the children if they liked the various styles (which were quite nasty and would have been much more embarrassing for me) he was shaving on my head.  They started a chant, "Shave him bald!"  It was amazing how very quickly this chant caught on.  So once again, I am naked on my head! The kids were thrilled and they keep asking if they can touch my head!  They get so excited by just feeling my shaved head! I love so much that our YISS kids continue to want to read and keep reading!  Here are some pictures from the RAT Shaving Wednesday.  More are posted on Facebook - including a video clip!

This is what greeted students and teachers as they
entered the auditorium for the RAT Wrap Up Assembly
and the Hair Shaving!  Sort of looks like one is going
                      to the Electric Chair!

The shaving begins!

More shaving!                       

Final result!!  I have been told that I look like a prison convict in this picture!

Mr. Lazor with his Mohawk, Mr. Simmons (RAT Chair),
and GGG after the shaving.  Mr. Simmons always 
              has the "Shaved head" look! :-)

This past week we also concluded our two weeks of "Muffins with Moms" for our elementary Moms and their children.  Mrs. Birmingham, the other Assistant Elementary Principal initiated this, along with "Donuts with Dads" in the first semester.  I love these special mornings as Moms come with their son and /or daughter and enjoy a muffin and orange juice at the beginning of the school day.  It is so special to see them take time to enjoy their children as well as make some new friends with the other Moms who come.

     Mother and son at the muffin and juice table!

Mom and daughter enjoying a special time!

Moms and their Grade 5 sons enjoying some time!

Another group of Moms with their son or daughter!

Two more special events for me this week were subbing in Grade 5A on Friday morning plus being the special guest reader at Grade 1D's belated birthday party for Dr. Seuss on Friday afternoon.  Friday was very busy as we also practiced our first Civil Defense Drill with the entire school.  The Korean government conducts these regularly throughout Korea, but have never required international schools to participate until this month.  It was a good experience for our kids and it went well for our first drill.  Our kids did a super job!

I was delighted to be able to read a Seuss' book to the cherubs in 1D on Friday!  They spent all week reading many of his books and then on Friday celebrated with a party and special reading to end their week.  I love reading to children of all ages and this group was such a responsive group. I wanted to read so many books by Dr. Seuss but settled on Green Eggs and Ham to the delight of the first graders.  Dr. Seuss (Theodor Seuss Geisel) would have been 110 years old on March 2! It was a special way to end the week!

Here I am reading to Grade 1D students, some parents
and their teacher at the belated birthday party for Dr.

Here I am in a sill pose with the "Things" from Grade
1D at the birthday party.  Mrs. Thomas, their teacher, is
in the back row on the left!                

It is hard to believe that we are half way through March!  This coming week we have a Professional Development Day on Monday.  The kids are off school that day so that we can participate in seminars with Dr. Carol Commodore (Leadership Learning and Assessment) and work on various planning activities. I will be working on last minute things before opening the Elementary After School Activities web site for our parents on Tuesday morning for online registration for Quarter Four Activities.  I would value your prayers that all will run smoothly.  Registration will continue through Wednesday and then I will have a lot to complete before the students return from Spring Break on March 31.  I will have the week of March 24th to work on things without distractions - I hope! :-)

Two fifth grade boys are on my heart this week!  I have built special relationships with these two boys ever since they were in third grade.  I so want them to come to know Jesus.  Dor is a Jewish boy who came to YISS when he was in third grade.  His English was very poor and he came heavily medicated for his ADHD.  He would hardly say a word and had a huge temper.  He never smiled and looked miserable most of the time.  In talking with Dor's parents we were able to get him off the medication and he has progressed in English so well.  He is a much happier boy!  He now feels very comfortable coming to me and talking about various issues.  He still is working on the temper.  I love how he has improved.  This past week was not a great week for Dor with his temper and the fact that he is not understood all the time.  I have spent much time with him and through the tears (his and mine), conversations and prayers (mine), he is growing in to a nice young man.  As you think of Dor, I would value your prayers for his salvation and continued growth.

I took this picture of Dor during Lunch Recess Duty several weeks ago when we had some snow and I had recess duty.  He was making a snowman with one of his friends in Grade 5.

The other fifth grade boy on my heart is Ian.  Ian and I have a very special relationship and he continues to grow (physically and mentally).  I have seen such great growth in him since I met him in Grade 2.  He is learning self-control and he is learning to be such a kind young man.  I love watching him help younger students who seem lost.  He has a great sense of humor and we have enjoyed getting to know each other.  Ian is such a kind and considerate young man and I want him so much to come to experience a personal relationship with Jesus.  Please pray for me as I continue to develop our relationship.  Pray that Ian will see Jesus in his teachers and me and want to know Him personally.  Thank you!

This is a picture of one of the Grade 4/5 Boys' Basketball teams.  Ian is in the second row on the far left - the tallest boy on the team!

I wanted to leave you with a picture of two brothers who are such a joy to know!  Noah is in Kindergarten and is such a cutie.  He loves my new hair style and he is quite the talker with me, too.  His brother, Oliver, comes with his mother each day to pick up Noah.  Oliver loves to play with me and is always smiling when he sees me.  Here is a picture of the brothers greeting me after school on Friday!  I love them!

I was about ready to post this blog and received a phone call from my wonderful friend, Gunmo. As you read last week, he has a new job and is in need of housing.  He is a bit discouraged as the housing costs in the area he needs to locate an apartment is VERY high.  It would cost at least $500 a month just to have a two-room apartment with a bath.  I know Gunmo would value your prayers as he seeks a suitable and affordable apartment.  The adjustment to his new job is going well.

Once again, I want to thank you for your continued love, encouragement, prayers and support. Please enjoy a wonderful week.

Love, Gregg

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