Saturday, April 5, 2014

Warm, Cold, and Busy Beginning to Quarter Four!!

Children and teachers returned to YISS on Monday, March 31st!  Many middle school and high school students and YISS teachers were sharing experiences from their G.W.A.M. trips to various countries!  So many were impacted by their participation on these trips!  Everyone returned to some very gorgeous warm weather and then suddenly on Thursday afternoon, temperatures dropped and brought some rain to cause us to cancel our first Soccer After School Activity. The cooler weather caused many to return to wearing their warmer coats.  In addition to the sudden change in temperatures, teachers were very busy preparing their comments and grades for Quarter Three.  There was also a number of teachers who got sick throughout the week.  Our full time elementary substitute teacher, Mrs. Palmer, had to take off on Thursday because of sickness. On Thursday there were three other elementary teachers out sick or at a conference.  That meant it was a very hectic Thursday and Friday as Mr. Lazor, Mrs. Birmingham, and I had to step in and do some substitute teaching.  Throughout this past week I had the joy of teaching Music to Grade 1 cherubs and teaching in Grades 4A and 4C!  I enjoyed being in the classroom but it was a crazy schedule and it was a tiring week for me.

In Music class with Grade 1A, I was teaching Mi and So.  I sang some patterns of So and Mi for the children to repeat after me.  I then had some volunteers have some fun repeating various patterns with me.  One little guy, Conner, sang very loudly but was not close to singing on pitch! :-)  He reminded me of several students (usually boys) I have had over the years who could sing but one or two notes (the same notes no matter what note they were to be singing).  As we continued practicing, Conner continued to sing loudly.  For some reason, I asked students what is the word that describes what most singers have that aids in their singing.  I said some persons have more of it than others.  I told them I had more of it and then gave an example of me singing loudly in a very operatic voice.  The kids laughed and one little girl raised her hand and said, "That is vibration."  I was excited that a first grader would know that word.  I said that is about right.  In music we call it vibrato.  Then I said I was going to sing Mi and So again with vibrato and have them repeat.  I did this with a great dramatic flair. When I asked them to repeat, Conner sang exactly like me (same dramatic gestures) and was right on pitch!  It was amazing!  I shouted, "That's right!  That's it, Conner!! Sing it again!"  And he did - right on pitch!  I danced around the room to the delight of the children!  They all clapped for Conner and he had this huge smile on his face!  I told him to sing that way every time, and he did!  Right on pitch each time!  I wish I had a video of the experience!

OK, enough of that! As I mentioned, it was a busy week.  On Tuesday morning, the entire school (over 970 students) created a "Lip Dub" as a thank you to the amazing PTO we have at YISS. The hallways on all three floors were lined with students and teachers as the filming was done.  High school students are now editing and creating the final version that will be presented to the PTO.  I can't wait to see the final version!  It was such a fun idea and the kids loved it!  Here are some pictures with some of our elementary students holding signs they created for the PTO volunteers who do so much for all of us!

Some of our Middle School students with our YISS mascot, the Guardian, posing for the Lip Dub!

Wednesday was a "Dress in Blue" day for all of the elementary students and teachers who are on the Blue House Team.  Each quarter the house team with the highest point total of the year-long competition gets to have a dress down day where they wear their team's color.  I, of course, was excited since I am a member of the Blue House Team!!

One of our Mandarin teachers, Ms. Zhang, with two
of our first grade cherubs on Blue House team Day!!

Three third grade girls in their Blue outfits!!

Here I am with Ms. Regnier (KA teacher) and two    
second grade boys in our blue colors for the Blue Team!

On April 11 and 12, the Drama Department will present the musical, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.  One of the high school seniors I have gotten to know over the last 4 years is my friend, James Bae.  He is an outstanding student who loves the Lord and displays such great character in all that he does.  He is one of our varsity basketball stars, a great academic student, and an excellent actor and singer.  He will be playing the part of Joseph in the show.  I met with him on Wednesday afternoon when he came to give me a sweatshirt I had purchased. He asked me to pray for him as he has much work to do plus rehearsals for the show.  I have a picture below of James to help you remember to pray for this fine young man.  He also came to tell me that he had just received his acceptance to Stanford University!  He was all excited!

Above James is acting crazy by bowing and giving
me the sweatshirt I had purchased from one of the
                      High School clubs.

The final presentation of the sweatshirt by James! He
then came into my office to share his news about Stanford
and ask for prayer for the upcoming musical.        

Friday was a busy and fun day!  Each year the PTO has a Teacher Appreciation Day where they go all out to make teachers and staff feel so important.  The YISS PTO is an amazing group of volunteers and Friday they had an amazing appreciation luncheon for us and gave each staff member a gift bag of goodies.  In the elementary school PTO room parents had prepared events in the classrooms for the teachers and students.  Students were encouraged to show their appreciation to their classroom teachers. It was such a great day!  I am so thankful for this wonderful group of volunteers who serve at YISS!

Some of the wonderful volunteers of the YISS PTO who served us our special luncheon!!

Ms. Corbett and Mr. Lazor getting some 
of the yummy food on the amazing buffet!

Some more of the delicious treats on the buffet!!

    Some of the very yummy deserts!!              

Roast Lamb, Spare Ribs, Pulled Pork, and Beef on the buffet!!

         More tasty treats on the dessert line!! :-)

Some of the chocolate candy taste treats!!

Would you please pray for a little girl in Grade 3C?  Her name is Jenica.  About one week before Christmas break her father was out running and fell over with a heart attack and died.  Jenica is such a sweet and caring young girl.  She and her family are from India.  This first week back after Spring Break has been a tough one for Jenica.  She has been crying at school in the mornings and wants to call home to her mother.  She fears that she is going to die and leave her.  Mrs. Franck, our Elementary Chaplain, has been meeting with her and talking with her mother.  Thank you for praying for Jenica.

Saturday afternoon and evening I was delighted to celebrate the birthday of my dear friend and former SYME student, Yeongmin!  We enjoyed a delightful late afternoon time of conversation with a new very yummy eating experience, and then a movie!  The weather was a little warmer than Friday and we enjoyed a wonderful time together.  Please continue to pray that Yeongmin will come to accept Jesus.

Yeongmin and GGG enjoying a birthday dinner near iPark Mall in Yongsan.

The beginning of Seafood Galbi Jjim!!

Our server mixing the ingredients at our table on the little stove!

After eating the main dish, then you add 
seaweed (kim) and rice and burn it in the 
remaining sauce!  Sooooo yummy!!    

Thank you for your continued prayers, love, encouragement, and support.  I would really value your prayers during April as we have many teachers taking their personal days and attending conferences.  We only have one full time substitute teachers so if there are any who can sick in addition to the conference and personal days, this causes quite a scheduling problem.  Thanks for praying.  Have a great April!

Love, Gregg

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