Saturday, April 26, 2014

Spring Brings Flowers, Books, Field Trips, New Food Taste Treats, Reflection, and more!!

Yes, it was an interesting week at YISS!  The weather was really nice and the flowers leading up the walkway and driveway to YISS were in full bloom!  It was a great week to enjoy our annual Spring Book Fair at YISS!  In the middle of this very busy week, the catering company (J & J) what provides lunch service for our students and staff had "Australian Food Day," which met with approval from most students and staff.  Spring Field Trips began with Kinder and Grade 2 taking some wonderful learning and fun trips.  It was also a week where I was able to help celebrate some birthdays - Mr. Craig Mooi, our 4D teacher and also my great friend and "son" JiSang! It was also a week where we paused to reflect on the Sewol Ferry disaster and remember those families who have lost loved ones in this tragedy.  I will try to keep my words to a minimum and share the week through pictures.

It is hard to believe that after this weekend, YISS has only 26 days remaining in this 2013-14 school year!  SOOO much to do in those 26 days.  Thanks for your continued prayers as we seek to finish strong and stay healthy.  Last week was another week when the other principals and I had some subbing to do.  I enjoyed my time in Grade 1A.  They are such a delightful and energetic group!

This is what greets me each morning as I walk up the hill to YISS, and then as I go down that same hill at the close of a busy day!  So beautiful and gives me additional time to reflect on the beauty God has created for us to enjoy and thank Him for.  It was also very fitting for the week of our Spring Book Fair!

One reason I love walking to and from work as often as possible
                                   in the Spring!

Another view of the walkway leading up to YISS!!!         

One of the posters that announced the Spring Book Fair!  Wish you could have come to enjoy this special event!  So many books!!

Some First Graders enjoying the books while holding
      on to their envelopes with their book money!

Middle School students browsing at the Book Fair!

Some third grade angels checking out some books.
Yes, there is a parent there, too.  She is not in 3rd grade!

Fifth grade teacher, Ms. Bandy with some of her girls checking out some possible books!

  Olivia is enjoying sharing this LEGO 
              book with her friends!

This is one of my Discipleship boys, Joshua, from last year.  When he comes to the Book Fair, it is quite difficult to distract him.  Joshua LOVES to read and you will see him standing and reading book after book very intently!  He does buy some, too! :-)

We also enjoyed some new lunch items in our YISS cafeteria this week.  J & J Catering had an Australian Food Day, which met with most everyone's approval.  They introduce new foods from various countries so that our students can enjoy the diversity of yummy food from all over the world.

The Korean Aussie Kangaroo greeting YISS elementary students as they go through the lunch line on Australian Food Day!  Many went back for seconds and thirds!

YISS provides funds for numerous field trips for each of our elementary classes.  Spring is a great time for some of our classes to enjoy some great learning experiences and this past week students from Kindergarten and Grade 2 went to two of my favorite places!

Above are the Kindergarten cherubs, chaperones, and teachers at the Seoul Grand Park Zoo!  It is an awesome zoo and our kids come back so excited every time they go!

Here are some of the angels checking out the Zoo!

One of the neat things about the zoo is the environment
in which it is situated.  I love this picture of this little 
guy pausing to think about something.  Don't you wish
you could know what he is thinking? Such a beautiful

Second grade students usually take a trip to the Jubilee Chocolate Factory near Paju.  It is a beautiful ride and then when they get there they are shown how the chocolate is made!

   Then they get to make some special
             creations of their own!

I love this picture of the chocolate maker observing one of our cherubs mixing his chocolate!

On Wednesday morning, the entire student body of about 970 students (K - 12) plus faculty and staff paused as our Campus Life Director, Ben Horne, shared some of the events surrounding the Sewol Ferry disaster off the coast of South Korea.  Most of those who have lost their lives in this tragedy were high school students from a Korean school.  They were on a class trip to Jeju Do (Jeju Island).  According to various sources the Vice Principal of the High School, who was on the trip, survived but later took his life because he could not face the fact of all of the students left to die.  The South Korean government is finally taking some action to regulate these types of sea travel.  The YISS students were encouraged to spend time in personal reflection and prayer.  It was very encouraging to hear silence throughout the building as many were praying for the families and loved ones of those impacted by this tragedy.  Mrs. Franck, the Elementary Chaplain then closed this time with a very beautiful prayer.

On Thursday, the PTO at YISS announced that they were canceling our annual International Bazaar on May 10.  It was a difficult decision, but one that needed to be made at this time.  In the letter announcing the cancellation, Dr. Beeson, Headmaster and Mrs. Jinhee Bae, PTO President, wrote, "As time passes, the mood and the sentiment seems to be getting worse rather than better.  Many Korean schools and universities are canceling events and festivals until the end of May.  Due to the national sentiment and potential prolonged state of mourning as the tedious rescue mission continues, we feel that we cannot, in clear conscience, host this event."

In addition, our High School Compassion Club joined with a group of Korean university students to launch a "yellow ribbon campaign" to offer a symbol of hope for families affected by the Sewol Ferry accident.  Faculty, administration, staff, students and parents were encouraged to pick up one of the yellow ribbons  to express sympathy for the victims and to remind us to pray for the Danwon High School Community in Ansan.

The above display is in the Elementary Office, Middle School Office, High School Office, and the YISS Reception Area for students, staff, and parents to read about the "Yellow Ribbon Campaign" and then take part should they choose to do so.

This is my little buddy, Oliver.  He and his mother come many days to pick up his brother, Noah in Kindergarten after Noah competes his After School Activities.  Oliver sees me and begins calling out "Mr. Garman" until I stop and pay attention to him.  I love him.  This past week he let me hold him.  I am wearing one of the yellow ribbons that our staff and students are wearing in memory of those impacted by the Sewol Ferry tragedy.

Jack Jang, one of the WOL Korea full time workers shared a couple special moments that have been discovered during this tragic time in South Korea.  All of the high school student victims in the Sewol Ferry sinking are from the same city where Jack grew up. Many of his neighbors have lost sons and daughters in this disaster.  He has asked for prayer for the families and has also shared the following two stories:

1 - "Before the Korean Ferry, Sewol, began sinking last week, Chanwoong Jung, a 16 year old Christian boy, took off his life vest and gave it to his non-christian friend before his ultimate sacrifice. His friend survived. We know why he was willing to do this."

2 - Onyou Yang whose name means 'meekness', a 16 year old Christian girl, used to live with her family in a guest room in her church since they didn't have a place to go and stay. She dreamed of one day being a Christian counselor to help lead her neighbors to Christ. She was standing on the deck in a safer zone when a helicopter was about to rescue her in a minute. At that moment, she heard her friends cry out 'help me' from the inside a cabin. She did not hesitate to go back to the rooms to help save them."

This week I was also able to help celebrate the birthdays of a couple of my friends.  On Wednesday evening I was able to take our Grade 4D teacher, Craig Mooi, out for one of his favorite meals at a favorite restaurant of his.  I now have another restaurant that I really like. :-)

GGG with colleague and friend, Craig Mooi, at a
new restaurant for me - Pier 39!  What a great time
   of fellowship and eating we enjoyed on Craig's 

This is what Craig wanted to eat - Lasagna!!  I had 
one, too, and it was soooooo yummy!!        

On Saturday evening it was my joy to take my "son," former SYME student, and great friend, JiSang out to celebrate his birthday!  JiSang selected a restaurant in Itaewon that I just learned about and have been looking for ever since coming to YISS.  It is a Budae Jjigae restaurant and I have missed Budae Jjigae so much!  What was ever more special is that JiSang chose this even though he knew there would be cheese in it.  (JiSang dislikes cheese and does not eat it - especially cheddar.)  It was a great evening at the restaurant and then for dessert at Starbucks. JiSang and I had not met for about 2 months so he had missed my birthday.  We exchanged gifts and just had a great time talking and laughing and enjoying Budae Jjigae.  He actually liked it with the cheese melted throughout.  JiSang is enjoying his work, but you can continue to pray for his as he adjusts to his workload and his team of six coworkers.

Here we are preparing to enjoy our yummy Budae

Here is our pot of Budae Jjigae.  You can see the pieces of cheese which bothered JiSang.  Then when he stirred it throughout the Jjigae and tasted it, he liked it!! :-)

Here is my first bowl of Budae Jjigae with rice and
all of the Korean side dishes!!  Sooo delicious!    

Thanks so much for all you continue to do to encourage and support me in the ministry here in South Korea!  You mean so much to me.

Love, Gregg

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