Saturday, July 19, 2014

Refreshment in the USA; Return to the Heat and Humidity of Seoul!

I have returned to the heat and humidity of Seoul!  Really no different than being in Chambersburg - just a bit more rain at times.  Good to be back in Seoul although I enjoyed a wonderful time for relaxation and refreshment with family and friends.  I only wish I could have seen more of my friends, but time and money were limited.  Thanks to so many who made my time of refreshment so enjoyable.  It is always great to return and see my wonderful family at our annual Garman Family Reunion!  Had an excellent time with almost all of the family on July 12th!  If you wish to see pictures of my travels in the USA this summer, you can check them out on facebook.

I arrived safely back in Seoul on Tuesday evening, July 15th - right on time and with all of my luggage accounted for.  It seems they push me through customs and immigration much more quickly and smoothly these days.  Took the Airport Bus to the Hotel Capital and then loaded all my stuff in a taxi for the short ride in the rain to my very hot apartment in Seobinggo!  Turned on the air and began unpacking.  On Wednesday afternoon I went into YISS to get my office in order after the outside waxing people had moved many of the items.  Went in a bit longer on Thursday and by Friday I was there the entire day working on items for new staff orientation, elementary field trips, emergency sub folders, and After School Activities.  It was great to see most of the Korean staff who do such an outstanding job for us at YISS.

This next week will be busy with meetings with our Elementary Admin Team (Bev Birmingham, Principal; Krista Roll, Assistant Elementary Principal; and GGG, the other AEP.  We will also have a number of meetings with the new Head of School, Ray Johnson.  I am enjoying getting to know him during the last few days as the only other administrator at YISS right now is the new High School Principal. (I will give you his name later, because it is a hard one to spell and I don't have it in front of me.)  New Staff arrive on July 23rd and they begin their orientation on the 24th. Returning staff are to be in country by August 1 and then we begin All Staff Orientation on August 4th.  The first day for students will be on Monday, August 11th!  Thanks for praying for these busy weeks of preparation and transition.  In addition to the transition of leadership in all schools, the elementary school will be moving Grades 4 and 5 (7 sections) to the 3rd floor of the new wing (added last year).  I know teachers are going to be VERY busy preparing their rooms, but those who are moving rooms will be especially busy.  Thanks for praying.

One of the first things I noticed on my walk up the hill to YISS on Wednesday afternoon were these beautiful flowers.  This flower is the national flower of Korea.  In Korea they are called Mukunghwa; in English you may know this flower as Hibiscus or some call it the Rose of Sharon. I think they are really beautiful.

I hope you enjoy these beautiful flowers.

After taking care of a little problem with the Korean phone I use, I was able to reconnect with some of my wonderful Korean friends: Gunmo, JiSang, Jin Seok, and Yeongmin.  So great to connect with them again.  I was able to meet with Yeongmin on Friday evening for dinner but forgot to take pictures.  All four of these young men are very busy with their full time jobs and seem to be doing very well.  Thanks for praying for them.  Each of them are eager to find a beautiful wife! :-)

Friday I had several delightful meetings!  For a quick breakfast I met with my new friend from New Harvest Ministry, Kyunghoon Rhee.  He had just finished his final exams at medical school in Korea but wanted to meet with me before he left with his Mom and Dad to go to Nebraska to visit his sister and observe her at work in a hospital in Nebraska.  I am excited about what God has in store for this delightful young man. We seem to have hit if off and time goes by so quickly when we are together.  I know Kyunghoon would value your prayers.

Kyunghoon and I at church right before I left to come to the States.

Then I met Heidi Corbett, one of our excellent third grade teachers for lunch at The Flying Pan Blue.  This restaurant serves breakfast all day (I love that) so we had more of a breakfast than a lunch.  Heidi has been teaching in Korea for almost 12 years and she continues to do a great job - especially in getting her cherubs to think.  She also is so good at building lasting relationships with her students.  Heidi leaves Sunday with a group from her church in Seoul to travel to Cambodia to do some mission work.  I know she would value your prayers.

Heidi Corbett and I at The Flying Pan Blue eating our very yummy breakfasts!!  Great conversation!

I had a special surprise on Friday evening while I was waiting at the Itaewon subway station for Yeongmin.  I saw this family walking by and I noticed one of my little dancing buddies from Grade 2.  I called out, "Thiago!"  Immediately he looked up and ran over to me giving me a huge hug and calling out to his mother, brother, and a friend of his mother's, "Look Mom, it's Mr. Garman!!"  He had the huge "Thiago smile" that I love so much.  He was just coming from a Taekwondo lesson.  We chatted for a bit and he told me he was so excited about going into Grade 3 at YISS.

Above is Thiago with some of his friends in Grade 2.  He had just done the "Thiago Happy Dance" for me to the delight of his friends and me!!  He makes me smile so much!

Well, I think I better stop for now.  Once again it is a pleasure for me to write to you.  I really love your encouragement, prayers, love, and support.  You have been so faithful and I really appreciate that!  I am praying for you as well.

Love, Gregg

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