Sunday, June 8, 2014

A Bitter-Sweet Finish to 2013-14!!

What I continue to learn:

1 - As I get older, it seems that the years go by so much more rapidly!
2 - Saying good-byes, or rather "Hasta La Vistas" does NOT get any easier as I get older - especially to those I have come to love!
3 - Change is difficult, and I still do not like it, BUT...
4 - God is still in control and He is bringing some new and wonderful people to YISS!
5 - I am excited to see what God has in store for YISS for 2014-15!

This past week was a week that brought forth many emotions in all of us at YISS.

*  VBS Ends the Year for Elementary Students!!

Our three days of Vacation Bible School/Values Based School centered on the love of God and Mrs. Franck, our Elementary Chaplain did a great job putting this massive undertaking together and using our auditorium stage right in the middle of High School Graduation, Kindergarten Graduation, Elementary Awards Assembly, and Grade 5's Advancement Assembly.

Ms. McGinnis, Ms. Greaves, Ms. Corbett, and some
         fifth grade students leading VBS songs!

GGG, Mrs. Birmingham, and Mr. Lazor performed an opening skit each day of the VBS!  Such fun!

More music by the VBS worship team!          

*  Kindergarten Graduation and Grade 5 Advancement!!

Tuesday evening was our little graduation ceremony for Kindergarten students!  It is always a highlight and our three Kinder teachers do an amazing job of putting together a wonderful celebration that once again shares the love of God with our kinder cherubs and their parents.  I have posted just a few pictures here.  You can check out my facebook page to see some really cute videos of their songs!

Then on Wednesday morning we had our Awards Assembly and Grade 5 Advancement Assembly. It was so encouraging to see our students receiving well-deserved awards, but difficult to know that for some of these special students, it would be their final time at YISS.  Please pray for those students who will moving to another country.  This is one thing that is so difficult at international schools.  Children have moved frequently and often seem to be in transition constantly.  I am amazed at the number of students in elementary school who have already lived in 4 - 6 countries. We call these children...TCKs (Third Culture Kids).  You might want to take a few minutes to Google that and check it out.  Please pray for all of our kids, but especially for those who will move on to Middle School or those moving to another culture.

Here are the Kindergarten cherubs following their processional to the stage!  They were so cute and did a great job!

Above I am with my little buddy, Preston, who is in
KA, along with his Dad.  We discovered that we all
have the same Itaewon tailor, Dayton's Tailor!  Rather
cool!  We are showing our labels.  I thought it was so 
         cool that Preston had a custom made suit!

Here I am with the entire Kuykendoll family at Kinder Graduation!  I love this family!

Here I am with another great family at YISS.  Noah is
Kinder graduate in front of me.  He had just given me
a bouquet of roses!  A bouquet of flowers is a traditional
gift to give graduates in Korea, so I was surprised that
Noah gave me a bouquet!  Mother is holding Oliver
Noah's little brother, who always comes to find after  
school when they come to pick up Noah.           

Mrs. Franck and Mr. Lazor unveiling the Guardian Art Work for 2013-14.  Each year Mrs. Franck creates a piece of art that represents our theme for the year as well as the Guardian Way code of honor. Each quarter students who have earned "Guardian of the Quarter" from each grade come to Mrs. Franck's workroom to create this masterpiece.  Above is this year's masterpiece made up of little squares, each one designed by one of the Quarter Guardians!  This year's theme was "Faith Expressing Itself Through Love."

Grade 5 Boy and Girl winners of the Citizenship Award
                        for the entire year!

Mr. Lazor with Ms. Bandy, Ms. Hughes, and Mr. Murphy with the Guardian of the Year winners in Grade 5.  This is the highest award and honor an elementary student can earn.  I am so proud of these three girls!

Grade Five students preparing to sing at the Advancement Assembly.  They are wearing their special shirts that were made for this special event as well as their celebration trip last week to Everland, an awesome amusement park in Seoul!    

Above is my friend from the YISS High School.  His name is Patrick Han.  Patrick and I have developed a wonderful relationship over the last 3 years.  Last week he came to my office with a gift (a very handsome Korean necktie) with a special handwritten card.  I knew he was leaving to go to New England in the States to a boarding school, but was not expecting a good bye and a gift.  Please pray for Patrick.  He has that smile almost always. I am going to miss him!

*  YISS Staff Final Gathering of 2013-14

Thursday and Friday were work days for YISS staff.  Students had their last day on Wednesday. Teachers were cleaning and organizing their classrooms, preparing for the waxing of floors during the summer.  Then there were a number of teachers who had to get things packed to take with them since they are moving from YISS to another avenue of service.  In the Elementary School at YISS we usually do not have more than 2 or 3 who leave each year.  This year we have eight staff people leaving - most having served at YISS for at least 4 years.  Friday at 10:30 AM we had a special gathering in the auditorium to acknowledge those who would be leaving from each of the schools. Our current headmaster, Dr. Joe Beeson, presented a beautiful gift to each teacher and administrator leaving, thanking them for their excellent ministry and service.  Then he divided those departing into four groups (administrators, Elementary teachers, Middle School teachers, and High School teachers).  Then the remaining staff were divided into 4 groups and we rotated through each group praying for those leaving and blessing them.  This was followed by some worship music. Finally we had a Papa John's pizza lunch!  During this time there were many tears of sadness mixed with joy as we said our "Hasta La Vistas" to these special people.  Please pray for our Elementary staff who are leaving as well as those who have been selected to replace them.  Those in Elementary who are moving to another teaching ministry are: Nancy McGinnis (KB teacher), Liz Ku (1A teacher), Sun Moon (2D teacher), Melanie Herman (3A teacher), Jim Murphy (5A teacher), Aimee Hughes (5B teacher), Shannon Bandy (5C teacher), and Dan Lazor (Elementary Principal).  Dan is still looking for a position.  He is so grateful for many of you reading this who have sent possible positions for him to consider.  I am going to miss each one of these very talented and gifted educators!

A few of the MANY boxes of Papa John's pizza we
             enjoyed at the YISS Gathering!

Faculty and staff enjoying pizza and fellowship!

Some decided to enjoy the sun and sit on the ground!

My wonderful friends, Ron and Sheretta King.  They were with me at the NICS Prefield Orientation back in 2010.  We came to YISS together.  Their two children, Janet and Caleb, were born during their stay in Korea.  They are moving back to the States.  I will miss them so much!

Here is my little lady, Janet.  She wouldn't look at me
for most of the pictures but I finally got her to look at
                   me by barking like a dog. :-)

The Murphys!!  They also came to YISS the same time as the Kings and GGG.  Jim has been teaching 5A and has been such a godly example to many students - especially the boys!  Pray for them as they head to Texas for a teaching position.  They are also looking to adopt another child!

Here I am with our headmaster, Joe Beeson, and his wife.
They are leaving after four years to return to Ohio where 
Joe will be Head of a school in Ohio.            

My dear friends, the Lazors!  Dan has been my boss and a great friend ever since I arrived at YISS.  He and his family were in Seoul at the ICS NICS school prior to the beginning of YISS.  I believe it has been 9 years for them!  Here they are with me at the YISS gathering with their six children.  I don't think they are finished either!! :-)  I certainly will miss this delightful and gifted family!  Isabelle on the left is almost as tall as her Daddy! She is an avid reader!  We share books!

I want to leave you with a few more highlights from the week!

*  Special Gift From my Korean Staff Friends in the YISS Business Office!

On Thursday I bought Starbucks drinks for all of my Korean friends in the YISS Business Office and the Receptionist Desk.  They are so wonderful and do so much for me.  Later in the day I was called to the Business Office to receive a little thank you note as well as this beautiful cell phone charm (handmade by one of the Business Office ladies).  I was so touched.  It is on my cell phone and a constant reminder to thank the Lord for these wonderful people and pray for them.

*  Early Birthday Dinner with my Dear Friend, Gunmo!

On Monday evening I was so happy to be able to celebrate an early birthday for my dear friend, Gunmo Kim.  Gunmo's birthday is actually on June 20, but I will not be here so we went to Holee Chow and had a delightful dinner together celebrating his birthday.  He continues to enjoy his new work and ministry at GrapeSeed!  This weekend he is helping lead the unity camp for his church. He will be teaching the children as well as leading in other areas.  Please continue to pray for this man of God who desires to serve Him so faithfully and passionately!

Gunmo with his trademark "Gunmo Smile"
   enjoying his birthday gifts from me at
                      Holee Chow!

GGG and Gunmo enjoying some Chicken Fried Rice and Shanghai Noodles at his birthday dinner!

Birthday Dessert!!!  Yummy!!              

*  Saturday Lunch with my Dear Friend, JiSang and Dinner with Another Dear Friend, Yeongmin!

I was able to get together on Saturday for lunch with me dear friend and "son", JiSang!  He is also enjoying his work AND is almost officially a "morning person" now!! :-)  He continues to lose weight!  So we went to Smokey Saloon for a big burger and he almost ate all of his "Ambulance" burger. :-)  He continues to do lots of thinking about his future and I know he would appreciate your prayers as he seeks to follow the Lord.

JiSang is having trouble believing the size
of his Ambulance Burger!  I was proud of
him as he ate almost every bite + one onion
                          ring! :-)

GGG and JiSang preparing to eat their yummy   
burgers and onion rings!  I enjoyed the "Cowboy"
burger which included an extra slice of cheese since
JiSang gave me his; he doesn't like cheese!! :-)   

Later on Saturday I had a dinner with Yeongmin.  I am trying to meet up with so many of my Korean university friends as well as some students at YISS before heading back to the States on June 11 for about 4 weeks.  Yeongmin decided to go to a Japanese restaurant in Ichon for our dinner.  We had a great time of conversation and enjoying some delicious food.  Keep praying for my dear friend to come to know Jesus.

Above is my choice which included pork cutlet, shrimp,
     fish and all of the usual side dishes!  Very tasty!

Yeongmin enjoyed a soup with lots of shellfish and
mushrooms and veggies in it + some raw seafood on
the side.  Yeongmin didn't want me to take his picture
because he had just gotten a haircut and was not pleased
with the amount that was cut off. :-)  I thought he looked
just fine!                                

*  Sunday Breakfast and Lunch with Some New Special Friends!

Sunday morning before going to church I met my new church friend, Kyunghoon, at Starbucks. We had some coffee and sandwiches and more importantly, had a most delightful time of getting to know each other better.  Kyunghoon is a fine young man who is studying at a graduate medical school in South Korea.  His desire is to be a doctor.  It was exciting to hear how he came to know the Lord through the Discipleship Training School of Y.W.A.M.  Although Kyunghoon was brought up in a Christian home in Korea, he never personally accepted Jesus as his own until after finishing the Y.W.A.M. training.  He is so eager to serve the Lord as a medical doctor and I know he would appreciate your prayers as he seeks to determine what medical field he should specialize in.

After a Starbucks breakfast and great conversation we went to church.  Here we are at New Harvest Ministry prior to the 10 AM service.

After church, I met Jae Eun, another new friend from YISS.  Jae Eun and I started to get to know each other this year at YISS, but today we really had a great time of sharing with each other about the spiritual condition of YISS and the transition with the new leadership + numerous other fascinating topics!  Jae Eun just graduated and he is currently tutoring some students in English writing before he leaves for Colgate University in August.  Jae Eun is a wonderful young man eager to be a doctor and serve the Lord in some capacity - perhaps as a missionary doctor.  Please pray for Jae Eun as he tutors and as he prepares to go to university.

Jae Eun took me to a new restaurant in Ichon.  We enjoyed Shabu Shabu, a Japanese dish featuring thinly sliced beef with various veggies in boiling water!  Above we are about ready to eat this tasty food!  

Well, that's it for now.  I am not sure when my next post will be as I will be in the States from June 11 - July 14.  Thank you for your prayers as I travel and then as I will have lots to do both at home in the States and back at YISS as soon as I return.  Lots of transitions and lots to do.  Thank you for all of your prayers, encouragement, emails, love, and support.  I really appreciate all you do!

Love, Gregg

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