Sunday, July 26, 2015

Back at YISS; Many New Events and New People!!

That is correct!  I am back at YISS for the 2015-16 school year!  At international schools there are always new people and many new events and changes!  Change is a constant at most international schools including YISS.  Someone once said, "The only ones who like change are babies!" :-)  Well, change is something that one needs to become friendly with at international schools.

I left Baltimore's BWI Airport on Friday, July 17, to return to Seoul.  My flight from BWI to Detroit was late.  That is nothing new!  I arrived in Detroit with 10 minutes to get from Gate 21 to Gate 38 for my flight to Incheon Airport in Seoul.  I believe I was the last person to board the plane.  I was all sweaty and finally got my carry on bags situated and my seat belt fastened.  Then something new happened! Something that I had never experienced in my years of flying since my first trip to La Paz. Bolivia in the summer of 1967.  I have traveled to 39 countries and never experienced what I did in Detroit.

While we waited for the doors to close and the pilot to head out to the runway for take-off, some police and Homeland Security personnel boarded the plane going up and down the aisles.  They left and we waited some more.  They returned and escorted a lady off the plane.  After sitting on the plane for 45 minutes, the pilot announced that a security threat was evident and that all passengers would need to deplane and take all of their belongings with them so that Homeland Security could check the plane.  As I left the plane, I saw Homeland Security SUVs and airport police gathered outside the plane and then once we were all inside the airport in an area that had already been yellow-taped off to keep us from leaving the area, we sat or stood and waited.  Delta quickly brought everyone snacks and water and kept us informed.  It was a little unnerving, but after 2 hours we were cleared to board the plane and we took off for Korea!  I was very thankful for those who had been praying and especially grateful when we landed safely at the Incheon Airport.

As soon as I cleared Customs and Immigration, I went through the double doors and was welcomed by the smiling face of my dear friend, JiSang.  JiSang had come to pick me up and it was so good to see a familiar face.  We had a nice ride back to my apartment where I soon fell asleep.

JiSang and I right after I came through the Customs and Immigration door at Incheon Airport!

On Monday morning bright and early I arrived at YISS to see my new office for the first time.  The elementary office and high school office were in the same complex until this year.  The elementary office has now moved across the hall and we have separate office areas.  The offices are much smaller and it almost looks like you are in an aquarium! :-)  I spent most of the day unpacking and trying to find space for everything.  After some excellent assistance from Mrs. Yoo, the Elementary Administrative Assistant, things were all in place with the exception of my world rug. :-(  However, I have found a nice home for it.  We have a new position in the elementary school this year - Elementary School Counselor.  Mrs. Lauren Hooper will be in this position and her office is in the elementary office complex.  Lauren immediately fell in love with my world rug and wants it for her office!  I am excited!!

Here I am in my new office.  I think I will call it "The Aquarium!"

Another picture taken from outside the open door.

New YISS teachers starting arriving on July 22 and began their orientation on July 23.  On Friday morning, July 25, I arrived at YISS and saw many of the new staff waiting in the YISS lobby area. As soon as I saw the looks on their faces, I knew two things: 1) most were suffering from jet lag and 2) most looked very hungry!  They looked hungry because they had to begin their fast on Thursday evening for their dreaded medical checks and blood work at the local hospital.  They were waiting for the bus to take them to the hospital and since I have experienced the medical check, I knew they would not be able to eat until probably Noon. :-)  I was able to meet many of the new staff and encourage them before they left for their fun at the hospital.

Top picture shows our Human Resource Director, Sean Garrick, guiding new teachers through the paper work for a Korean bank account and preparations for the dreaded medical check up!

Bottom photo shows some of the new teachers looking a bit anxious and hungry as they wait for the bus to take them to the hospital for their medical check up!

The elementary school at YISS has a new Elementary Principal this year.  We welcomed Sara Willetts as our new educational leader in the elementary school.  Her husband, Julian will also be involved in our technology department.  They have a beautiful daughter, Aubrey.  I know they would value your prayers as they begin their ministry at YISS.  They are coming from an international school in China and are excited about being at YISS.  Saturday morning Sara invited Krista Roll and me to a planning session at a local Starbucks.  Krista is the other elementary assistant principal and we enjoyed a productive time of planning as we prepare for more new teacher orientation meetings this coming week and then All Staff Orientation beginning on August 3.

Early Saturday morning planning session for our New Teacher Orientation at YISS!  Here I am with our new Elementary Principal, Mrs. Sara Willetts and the other Assistant Elementary Principal, Mrs. Krista Roll!

In the middle of all these "new" happenings, it has been great to be back and reuniting with many of my Korean friends by phone.  I have also been able to reunite with many of the owners and employees of some of my favorite eating establishments.  I also was delighted to be able to reunite with a former YISS teacher and her husband.  Beth Trieber Abdillah and her husband, Robbi, met with Jeremy and Krista Roll and me on Tuesday morning fro brunch at a favorite restaurant, The Flying Pan Blue.  Beth had been one of our YISS teachers in our Student Learning Center and is now heading to Indonesia where she will be teaching and Robbi will be working with Young Life.  I know they would appreciate your prayers.

Left to right:  GGG, Beth Trieber Abdillah, Robbi Abdillah, Jeremy Roll, and Krista Roll!  Enjoying some delicious brunch goodies at The Flying Pan Blue!

Brioche French Toast with Grilled Banana at The Flying Pan Blue.  One of my favorites!!!

This is the Itaewon Breakfast - also another favorite
      at this restaurant!  Robbi enjoyed this one!!

On Saturday afternoon I also had the opportunity to meet a YISS alum, Siwon.  What a wonderful young man.  He is studying in Qatar as well as Georgetown University.  We had a great conversation at Ho Lee Chow in Itaewon!  It was so great to catch up with Siwon and hear what he has been thinking.  He has some stress at the moment as he is making application for a possible study in Germany + he needs to make a decision in the next few months about Korean Military Service.  I was really impressed with Siwon's growth and how he is seeking to follow God.  I know he would value your prayers.

Here I am with Siwon at Ho Lee Chow!  I always enjoy my great conversations with Siwon.  Today we shared some Lemon Chicken and Fried Rice!  So good!  I always love my stimulating conversations with Siwon!

As you may remember, I moved into a new apartment right before I left to come back to the USA for a little break on June 13.  I am enjoying my new place and things are all coming together.  Look who my neighbor is!

That's right!  The Embassy of the Republic of Fiji!  I have discovered that the ambassador's daughter is in the High School at YISS and plays on the YISS Volleyball team.  

Sunday after church at New Harvest Ministry I met my new friend, Eric Min.  I met Eric on the recent flight from Detroit to Incheon.  When the passengers were asked to deplane, Eric and I connected almost immediately to assist in handing out water and snacks that Delta provided.  Eric is back in Korea for a summer break from his studies at Wake Forest University.  He invited me to lunch on Sunday at a beautiful Korean restaurant in Maebong.  It is called Kyung Bok Gung and the food was soooo delicious.  We had a fantastic conversation and the time went by so quickly.  We are planning to meet up again before he returns to the USA.  Here are some pictures from our Sunday dinner together.  I am sorry for the blurry food pictures.  There were many dishes of food, but most of the pictures turned out even more blurry than these.  The food and fellowship were excellent!

Eric and I preparing to enjoy a fabulous Korean feast today at Kyung Bok Gung restaurant in Maebong!

The three pictures above are some of the MANY dishes of Korean food we enjoyed during our excellent time of getting to know each other today!

As always, thank you so much for your love, encouragement, prayers, care, notes, and support. Thank you for praying especially for all of us at YISS as we begin another new year.  Lots to do yet before students arrive on August 10!

Love, Gregg

1 comment:

  1. I am sure the Korean restaurant industry is quite relieved that their six-week economic downturn is over now....:-) David Avella
